Problem Set IAugust 20
Problem Set IAugust 20
Problem Set IAugust 20
Virendra Sule
August 26, 2020
2. A substitution cipher is defined by substituting alphabets uniquely to
other alphabets. A transposition cipher is defined by permuting the po-
sitions of alphabets in the plaintext. How will you recognise whether a
ciphertext is created by substitution or transposition?
Hint: Distinguish between monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic transfor-
mation of the plaintext due to either substituition or permutation. The
frequencies of letters will be unaltered in mono and permutations.
3. If a plaintext stream is given as input to the three rotor cipher and ci-
phertext collected from other two rotors alternatively, how will you break
this cipher to find plaintext from ciphertext?
Hint: Consider two letter frequencies.
4. Develop computational tests to measure the relative OWF and TOWF
properties. You can assume that X, Y and K are finite sets defined by
strings of bits or finite fields of integers modulo a prime number. Given
F (x) or F (k, x) construct computational conditions to define and how to
test, computing y given x is easy and computing x given y is difficult.
Similarly for the conditions of the TOWF.
Hint: You can check the randomness of y as a value of F (x) by either
variation in x, small bit change should lead to large bits change. Also
check whether probability of a linear expression being satisfied by relations
y = F (x) is close to 1/2. Think of more such expaeriments.
5. Think of ways in which you can exchange the key k securely. Banks still
exchange the initial (random) PIN numbers of your account login or card
securely by creating the sealed double paper slip in a machine. You dont
accept an unsealed slip.
Hint: Practical issue.
8. Construct the TOWF as in the above problem for using E defined by
TWOFs of examples in problem 1.
Hint: Just use the TOWF of problem 1.
9. Fibbonacci sequences modulo a number. A sequence of numbers an for
n = 1, 2, . . . generated by the recurrence an = an−1 + an−2 and initial
condition a1 = a2 = 1 is called a Fibonacci sequence. The sequence
grows very fast to large numbers hence we can define Fibonacci sequences
modulo a number N . Construct Fibonacci sequences modulo primes N =
3, 5, 7, 19, 31, 43 defined by recurrence
plaintexts P , ciphertexts C, keys k, modes of operations indicated in
the table below find the missing items.
p P C k Mode IV ,X0
37 (10)(2)(4)(11) ? 15 CBC 2
11 ? (10)(9)(8)(7) 3 CBC 3
31 (21)(7)(9)(11) ? 7 CTR 2
57 ? (2)(11)(3)(3) 3 CTR 2
12. Consider the stream cipher of problem 8(b). Assume the key K = (1, 0, 1, 1)
as the initial state of L1 and IV = (1, 1, 0, 1) the initial state of L2. Let
the key stream be chosen from k0 = 8. Encryption is as ci = pi ⊕ kk0 +i
for i = 0, 1, 2, . . .. Decrypt the sequence 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1.