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Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras Applied Programming Lab Jan 2020 Session

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Final Exam (60 Marks) July 28, 2020

Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras

Applied Programming Lab Jan 2020 session

 Time duration of exam is 6 hours. You are expected to time yourself and submit
within that time. You may take breaks, but keep track of the time spent on the exam
(including looking online, at your assignment submissons etc) and keep your time
within 6 hours.

 The exam is out of 60 marks but will be scaled to 20 marks for the final grade.

 pseudocode should be readable and neatly formatted.

 Do not copy. Do not share your code. If I find two codes that are copied from each
other, Both will be reported. There is no excuse for either copying, or showing your

 vector operations are a must.

 Label all plots. Add legends. Make the plots professional looking.

 Comments are not optional. They are required.

 The report should be a pdf that should be professional in appearance, and I will give
marks for it. It should include the code listing, and the output in the form of plots,

 PDF file should be named your-roll-number.pdf

 Python code should be named your-roll-number.py

 Python code should run!!

1. A rectangular tank (Lx = 10 cm and Ly = 20 cm) is partially filled with a fluid of
dielectric constant εr = 2. (the dielectric constant of air may be taken to be εr = 1.
The height of the filled portion is h. The walls of the tank are ideal conductors.


ε0 εr


The sides and bottom of the tank are grounded while the top of the tank is connected
to the sides via a series RLC circuit (the tank is the C) and an AC source. As h changes,
the capacitance seen by the circuit changes and the resonant frequency shifts.
The potential can be solved by numerically solving Laplace’s Equation as done in the
lab assignment. However, note that ε is not constant and you need to deal with the
boundary at the surface of the fluid. For this, mesh the tank so that there is a row of
nodes at h. Then using a M × N grid with the surface at yk ,

φm−1,n + φm+1,n + φm,n−1 + φm,n+1

φm,n = m 6= k, 0 < m < M, 0 < n < N
εr φk−1,n + φk+1,n
φk,n = m = k, 0 < n < N
(1 + εr )

where the surface of the fluid is at yk . The second equation above is to handle conti-
nuity of Dn at the surface.

(a) The report together with properly labelled figures and code listing . . . 10 marks
(b) Develop your algorithm to determine h from the observed resonant frequency
and present it. You can give references to parts of the lab assignments, and
derive what else you plan to do. Everything in the rest of the parts must be
explained here. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 marks
(c) How will you parallelize the computation? The m = k row has to be handled
differently. Explain why your algorithm is efficient. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 marks
(d) Create a python function that solves Laplace’s Equation and obtains φmn on the
grid. The function accepts as arguments:
M, the number of nodes along x, including the boundary nodes.
N, the number of nodes along y, including the boundary nodes.
∆, the distance between nodes (assumed same along x and along y)
k, the height given as the index k corresponding to h.
δ, The desired accuracy δ.
N0 the maximum number of iterations to complete.
The top boundary is assumed to be at 1 volt. It should return
phi[M,N] The array of solved potential values correct to δ
N, Number of iterations actually carried out
err[N], The vector of errors
Note that the error in phi should be extrapolated to ∞. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 marks

(e) Run the code for h/Ly = 0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9 and obtain Qtop vs h and Q f luid vs h where
Qtop is the charge on the top plate held at 1 volt, and Q f luid is the charge on the
portion of the wall touching the dielectric fluid. Plot the same. Is it linear?
Should it be? Explain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 marks
(f) For h = 0.5, compute Ex and Ey on the at (m + 0.5, n + 0.5), i.e., at the centre of
mesh cells. Show that Dn is continuous at m = k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 marks
(g) Obtain the change in angle of the Electric field at m = k. Does this agree with
Snell’s Law? Should it? Explain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 marks
Useful Python Commands (use “?” to get help on these from
from pylab import *
import system-function as name
Note: lstsq is found as scipy.linalg.lstsq

Python Commands (continued)

where(condition & condition)
where(condition | condition)
lstsq(A,b) to fit A*x=b
A.max() to find max value of numpy array (similalry min)
A.astype(type) to convert a numpy array to another type (eg int)
trunc(A) to truncate values of A to integer.
def func(args):
return List
matrix=c_[vector,vector,...] to create a matrix from vectors
w=0.54+0.46*cos(2*pi*n/(N-1)) to generate a window of N points, where n=linspace(-N/
fftshift(v) to shift a vector from -max to +max to lie on unit circle.
Python commands (contd)
figure(n) to switch to, or start a new figure labelled n
quiver(X,Y,U,V) # X,Y,U,V all matrices
xticks(size=) # to change size of xaxis numbers
legend(List) to create a list of strings in plot
annotate(str,pos,lblpos,...) to create annotation in plot

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