Final 13
Final 13
Final 13
Final Exam
− Answer all five questions.
− The exam is open book and open notes. Wireless devices are not allowed.
− Students are bound by the Stanford honor code.
− You have two hours and thirty minutes.
a. Let p be a large prime and g ∈ Z∗p of order p − 1. Is the function f (x) = g x in Zp whose
domain is {1, . . . , p − 1} a trapdoor one-way function? Justify your answer.
b. Briefly explain the main idea for building an authenticated key exchange protocol (secure
against man in the middle attacks) from the basic Diffie-Hellman protocol.
c. Let (N, e) be an RSA public key. Recall that to sign messages using RSA-FDH we use
a hash function H : {0, 1}n → ZN and compute the signature on a message m as
σ ← H(m)d in ZN . Suppose the adversary can find two messages m1 , m2 such that
H(m1 ) = H(m2 ) · 2e in ZN . Does this let the adversary break RSA-FDH? That is, can
the adversary create an existential forgery using a chosen message attack?
d. Same question as part (c) except that the adversary can find two messages m1 , m2 such
that H(m1 ) = H(m2 ) + 1 in ZN . Briefly justify your answer.
e. When storing hashed and salted passwords in a password file, what is the purpose of using
a slow hash function?
a. One problem with CBC encryption is that messages need to be padded to a multiple of
the block length and sometimes a dummy block needs to be added. The following figure
describes a variant of CBC that eliminates the need to pad:
The method pads the last block with zeros if needed (a dummy block is never added),
but the output ciphertext contains only the shaded parts of C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 . Note that,
ignoring the IV, the ciphertext is the same length as the plaintext. This technique is
called ciphertext stealing. (1) Explain how decryption works. (2) Can this method be
used if the plaintext contains only one block?
b. Another problem with CBC encryption is that it cannot be sped up by parallel processing.
The following figure shows a variant of CBC that supports 2-way parallelism. It can be
sped up by a factor of two using two processors.
Here E is the encryption algorithm of a secure PRP such as AES. Suppose one chooses
IV0 at random and sets IV1 = IV0 ⊕ B for some fixed public constant B (e.g. B = 1n
where n is the block size of E). Is the resulting system CPA-secure? If yes, briefly explain
why (it’s fine to rely on theorems presented in class). If not, describe an attacker that
wins the CPA security game.
c. Suppose one chooses IV0 at random and sets IV1 = k 0 where k 0 is part of the secret
key. That is, the secret key is (k, k 0 ) and this secret key is used to encrypt multiple
plaintexts. Is the resulting system CPA-secure? If yes, briefly explain why (it’s fine to
rely on theorems presented in class). If not, describe an attacker that wins the CPA
security game.
d. Suppose one chooses IV0 and IV1 independently at random and includes both in the
ciphertext. Is the resulting system CPA-secure? If yes, briefly explain why (it’s fine to
rely on theorems presented in class). If not, describe an attacker that wins the CPA
security game.
Problem 3. Let (E, D) be an encryption system that provides authenticated encryption. Here E
does not take a nonce as input and therefore must be a randomized encryption algorithm.
Which of the following systems provide authenticated encryption? For those that do briefly
explain why. For those that do not, present an attack that either breaks CPA security or
ciphertext integrity.
a. E1 (k, m) = c ← E(k, m), output (c, c) and D1 (k, (c1 , c2 ) ) = D(k, c1 )
D(k, c1 ) if c1 = c2
b. E2 (k, m) = c ← E(k, m), output (c, c) and D2 (k, (c1 , c2 ) ) =
fail otherwise
D(k, c1 ) if D(k, c1 ) = D(k, c2 )
c. E3 (k, m) = E(k, m), E(k, m) and D3 (k, (c1 , c2 ) ) =
fail otherwise
To clarify: E(k, m) is randomized so that running it twice on the same input will result
in different outputs with high probability.
D(k, c1 ) if H(D(k, c1 )) = c2
d. E4 (k, m) = E(k, m), H(m) and D4 (k, (c1 , c2 ) ) =
fail otherwise
where H is a collision resistant hash function.
Problem 4. Two-time secure encryption. Recall that the one-time-pad is a one-time encryption
system that is secure against infinitely powerful adversaries. Our goal in this question is to
design a 2-time secure encryption against infinitely powerful adversaries. If the encryptor
can be stateful then the problem is trivial — simply use two one-time pads. Here, we de-
sign a stateless 2-time secure system: every encryption is done independently of the other
a. Give a precise definition for what it means for a symmetric encryption system to be
semantically secure when a secret key is used to encrypt at most two messages. Make
sure to define two experiments EXP(0) and EXP(1) as in the definitions of semantic
security and CPA security. Keep in mind that the adversary can be adaptive: its choice
for a second message to encrypt may depend on the first ciphertext it receives.
b. Show that the one time pad is insecure under your definition from part (a). Can any
deterministic encryption system (without a nonce) be secure under your definition?
c. Let p be a 128-bit prime and consider the following encryption system: the secret key is a
random pair (x, y) ∈ (Zp )2 and to encrypt a message m ∈ Zp do:
choose a random r ← Zp and output the ciphertext (r, xr + y + m) ∈ Z2p .
Explain how to decrypt a given ciphertext (c1 , c2 ) using the secret key (x, y).
d. Show that this system is 2-time secure (using your definition from part a.) against infinitely
powerful adversaries.
d.1. Let S be the set of all 4-tuples (x, y, r0 , r1 ) in Z4p such that r0 6= r1 . First argue
that if the tuple (x, y, r0 , r1 ) is uniform in S then the tuple (xr0 + y, xr1 + y, r0 , r1 )
is also uniform in S. To do so, show that the following mapping from S to S is
(x, y, r0 , r1 ) → (xr0 + y, xr1 + y, r0 , r1 )
All you need to do is show that this mapping is invertible.
d.2. Use (d.1) to argue 2-time security. In particular, show that the adversary’s advan-
tage is at most 1/p in distinguishing EXP(0) from EXP(1).
Hint: There are two cases:
• First argue that if the the nonces r0 , r1 in the two ciphertexts given to the adver-
sary are distinct then the adversary has advantage 0 in distinguishing EXP(0)
from EXP(1). To show this observe that the property from (d.1) implies that
when encrypting two messages m0 and m1 in Zp with distinct nonces r0 6= r1 the
resulting ciphertexts (r0 , xr0 + y + m0 ) and (r1 , xr1 + y + m1 ) are distributed as
(r0 , s0 ) and (r1 , s1 ) where s0 , s0 are uniform random variables in Zp independent
of m0 and m1 (i.e. (s0 , s1 ) are distributed the same for all (m0 , m1 )).
• if the nonces r0 , r1 in the two ciphertexts given to the adversary are the same
then the adversary can distinguish EXP(0) from EXP(1). However, observe that
r0 = r1 happens only with probability 1/p.
e. Show that the system from part (c) is not 3-time secure. That is, show that the adversary
distinguish EXP(0) from EXP(1) after making three chosen plaintext queries.
Problem 5. Encryption-based challenge-response identification. In class we discussed MAC-based
and signature-based challenge-response identification. Recall that the purpose of challenge-
response identification is to defeat attackers capable of mounting an active attack on the
identification system. In this question we consider a variant of challenge-response identifica-
tion based on an encryption scheme rather than a MAC.
Let (E, D) be a symmetric encryption system defined over (K, M, C). The identification
system works as follows:
• setup: generate a random key k ∈ K and set sk ← k and vk ← k. The same key k will
be used for all runs of the identification protocol.
• identification: the verifier generates a random message m ∈ M and sends c ← E(k, m)
to the prover. The prover responds with m0 ← D(k, c). The verifier accepts if m = m0
and rejects otherwise.
a. For each of the following encryption schemes determine if this identification method is
secure. If it is secure explain why. If not, present an attack.
a.1. (E, D) is the one-time pad with K = M = C = {0, 1}128 .
a.2. (E, D) is AES-based CBC encryption with a random IV where the message space
M is {0, 1}128 .
a.3. (E, D) is AES-based GCM encryption where the message space M is {0, 1}128 .
b. Suppose the key k is derived from the user’s password (i.e. k is computed via a public
deterministic function applied to the password). Can an eavesdropper who obtains the
transcript of a successful identification carry out a dictionary attack to expose k? If so
explain why. If not, explain why not.
c. As is, the protocol assumes that vk is kept secret on the server. Can you propose a
modification to the protocol so that making vk public would not affect security?