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Final 14

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CS255: Cryptography and Computer Security Winter 2014

Final Exam

− Answer all five questions.
− The exam is open book and open notes. Wireless devices are not allowed.
− Students are bound by the Stanford honor code.
− You have two and a half hours.
Problem 1. Questions from all over.
a. PRPs vs. PRFs. Let Π : K × X → X be a secure PRP. Explain how an adversary can win
the PRF security game against Π with advantage 1/2 using O(|X |1/2 ) queries.

b. Is the following function collision resistant: f (k, x0 , x1 ) = AES k, AES(k, x0 ) ⊕ x1 ?
If so explain why, if not explain how to find collisions.
c. For nonce-based encrypt-then-MAC mode to provide authenticated encryption the same
nonce must never be reused with a single key. What can go wrong if a nonce is reused? Is
encrypt-then-MAC no longer CPA secure or does it no longer provide ciphertext integrity
(or both)? Explain briefly.
d. When using RSA-FDH to sign messages, how many valid signatures are there for a given
message m for a fixed verification key? (the hash function used in RSA-FDH is fixed)
Same question for Lamport one-time signatures built from a one-way permutation: how
many valid signatures are there for a given message m?
e. Is it the case that for all many-time existentially unforgeable signature schemes there
must only be one valid signature for every message? If so explain why. If not, give a
f. Let H : M → {0, 1}128 be a collision resistant hash function known to the adversary.
Does the function f (k, m) = H(m) ⊕ k give a secure MAC? If so explain why. If not,
describe an attack.

Problem 2. Recall that in the homework you constructed a secure PRF that becomes insecure
if an attacker learns a single bit of the key. Here your goal is to build a PRF that remains
secure even if the attacker learns any single bit of the key.

a. Let F : K × X → Y be a secure PRF where K = {0, 1}128 . Construct a new PRF

F2 : K 2 × X → Y that remains secure if the attacker learns any single bit of the key.
Your function F2 may only call F once. Briefly explain why your PRF remains secure if
any single bit of the key is leaked.
b. Is your PRF from part (a) secure if the attacker learns two bits of her choice from the
key? If so explain why, if not give an example secure F for which F2 becomes insecure
when the attacker learns some two bits of the key.

Problem 3. One way functions.

a. Let p be a prime where 3 does not divide p − 1. Is the following function f : Zp → Zp

defined by f (x) = x3 in Zp a one-way function? Justify your answer.
b. Recall that the RSA function is defined as RSA(x) = xe mod N , where N is a product
of two large primes. For each of the following explain if RSA is a secure trapdoor
permutation on ZN . If so explain why, if not explain why not.
b1. e = 2 b2. e = 1 b3. e = −1
c. Suppose f : X → X is a one-way permutation. Prove that g(x) = f (f (x)) is also a one-
way permutation. As usual, please prove the contra-positive statement. (this question
comes up in the security analysis of the S/key authentication system)
d. Our goal next is to show that part (c) may not hold for one-way functions. Suppose
f : X → X is a one-way function and define h : X 2 → X 2 as
(0, 0) if y = 0
h(x, y) =
(f (x), 0) otherwise

d1. Show that h(x, y) is a one-way function.

d2. Show that h(h(x, y)) is not a one-way function.
This means that for some one-way functions S/key may be insecure.

Problem 4. Ciphertext expansion vs. security. Let (E, D) be a symmetric encryption scheme
encrypting bit strings.

a. Suppose that for all keys and all messages m, the encryption of m is the exact same length
as m. Show that (E, D) cannot be CPA-secure.
b. Suppose that for all keys and all messages m, the encryption of m is exactly ` bits longer
than the length of m. Show an attacker that can win the CPA security game using 2`/2
queries and non-negligible advantage (in fact, advantage close to 1/2). Consequently the
cipher becomes insecure if a key is used to encrypt 2`/2 messages.
Hint: for simplicity you may assume that every message m can be mapped to exactly 2`
ciphertexts. Note that a similar statement can be shown to hold without this assumption.
You may also assume that the message space contains more than 2` messages.

Problem 5 Let N = pq be an RSA modulus. Let g ∈ [0, N 2 ] be an integer satisfying g = 1 mod N .
Consider the following encryption scheme. The public key is (N, g). To encrypt a message
m ∈ ZN do: (1) choose a random h in ZN 2 , and (2) compute c := g m · hN in ZN 2 . Our goal
is to develop a decryption algorithm.

a. Show that the discrete log problem base g is easy. That is, show that given g and g x
in ZN 2 there is an efficient algorithm to compute x. Recall that g = aN + 1 for some
integer a and you may assume that a is in Z∗N .
Hint: use the binomial theorem.
b. Show that given g and the factorization of N , decrypting c = g m · hN in ZN 2 can be done
Hint: consider cϕ(N ) in ZN 2 . Use the fact that by Euler’s theorem xϕ(N ) = 1 mod N 2
for all x ∈ Z∗N 2 . Recall that ϕ(N 2 ) = N ϕ(N ). You may assume that ϕ(N ) is relatively
prime to N .
c. Show that this system is additively homomorphic. That is, show that given E(pk, m0 )
and E(pk, m1 ) it is easy to construct E(pk, m0 + m1 ).

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