2016 Wang Tsai
2016 Wang Tsai
2016 Wang Tsai
h i g h l i g h t s
The increased L/S dilutes the concentration of the alkali agent, which effects the engineering properties.
A higher amount of alkali agent yielded greater engineering properties.
Curing in saturated limewater promotes the polymerization reaction.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Geopolymers, a new form of aluminosilicates, are environmentally friendly materials. These materials are
Received 11 May 2016 produced from industrial wastes. This study, based on the industrial waste, Ladle furnace slag (LFS),
Received in revised form 28 June 2016 employed an alkali-activated technology to activate LFS. The fixed alkali modulus ratio (SiO2/Na2O)
Accepted 15 July 2016
was 1. LFS Geopolymer was prepared at different liquid/solid ratios (L/S) of 0.35, 0.40 and 0.45 and with
different alkali agents of 4%, 6% and 8%. The LFS Geopolymer was cured under various conditions (air and
saturated limewater) to evaluate the mixture and engineering properties of LFS Geopolymer at different
ages. The results show that the workability of the LFS geopolymer increased with an increasing L/S and
Ladle furnace slag
alkali agent. Moreover, the compressive strength and ultrasonic velocity increased with an increase in the
Curing condition alkali agent and a decrease in L/S, but the weight loss was reduced. Therefore, the appropriate use of
Alkali-activated paste alkali-activated technology can activate LFS, thereby enhancing its engineering properties. Curing in sat-
urated limewater can greatly improve the engineering properties of the geopolymer compared to air cur-
ing. Specifically, the compressive strength of LFS increases by 5.4–58.9%, and the ultrasonic velocity of LFS
increases by 0.84–22.9%. The thermal conductivity increases by 0.166–0.443 W/mK, and the overall
shrinkage of LFS cured in the saturated limewater ranges between 0.0017% and 0.0342%, which is far
lower than samples cured in air, thus indicating that curing in saturated limewater can effectively pre-
vent LFS shrinkage.
Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
0950-0618/Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
W.-C. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 123 (2016) 800–805 801
cementaceous material that has the cementing properties of First, NaOH, sodium silicate and water were mixed well prior to use. The LFS
was poured into a mixer for dry mixing and mixed again with the alkaline solution.
cement and a pozzolanic reaction, thus rendering the entire system
After completing the mixing, the paste was poured into a cubic specimens of
more compact [6]. Therefore, using LFS resources as a cementing 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm and a long specimens of 25 mm 25 mm 285 mm.
material can convert this industrial waste into a reusable resource The molds were removed after 1 day. The samples were placed in air (25 ± 5 °C)
and attain the goal of carbon reduction. and saturated limewater curing grooves for curing. Mechanical properties tested
Geopolymers are three-dimensional aluminum silicate inor- were at 3, 7 and 28 days. The shrinkage of the LFS was tested at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21
and 28 days, and anti-sulfate attacks were tested at 28 days.
ganic polymers composed of [AlO4] and [SiO4] tetrahedral that
are typically prepared from aluminum silicates or industrial wastes
and mixed with an alkali silicate solution under highly alkaline 2.3. Experimental methods
conditions [7,8]. Unlike cement, which is bonded by hydration,
geopolymers utilize chemical bonding [9]. The production of The slump flow was measured according to ASTM C230 [18]. The ultrasonic
alkali-activated cements allows the use of a wide range of materi- velocity was tested in according to ASTM C597 [19]. The compressive strength
was tested in according to ASTM C109 [20]. The thermal conductivity was measured
als (both minerals and byproducts) with compositions within the
with a portable heat transfer meter, and the thermal conductivity of the tested
systems of SiO2-Al2O3 or SiO2-Al2O3-CaO, such as blast furnace slag alkali-activated cementing materials was measured using a probe. Shrinking was
[10]. carried out according to ASTM C157 [21]. Anti-sulfate attack was conducted accord-
The reaction mechanism and strength development of the ing to ASTM C1012 [22]. Drying and soaking cycles in sulfate were performed, and a
geopolymer are influenced by the type and concentration of the total of 5 cycles were conducted after 28 days to observe weight loss.
This study used LFS provided by Walsin Lihwa. The NaOH used in this study was Silicate solution SiO2 Na2O Fe Water SiO2/Na2O
in the form of a white sheet and was used to prepare a 10 M activator solution with insoluble
laboratory deionized water. The solution was packaged and stored in acid and alkali matter
bucket. Sodium silicate was sticky, colorless and tasteless liquid.
28–30 9–10 0.02 0.2 2.8–3.3
Table 2
Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure of LFS.
Unit: mg/L
Metal extraction Cr Cu Cd Pb Ba As Hg Se
LSF 0.005114 N.D 0.000838 0.024897 0.80421 0.004524 0.0041 N.D
Regulatory limits 1.0 5.0 1.0 5.0 100.0 5.0 0.2 1.0
D Alkali agent 4% 6% 8%
Compressive Strength (kgf/cm 2)
120 L/S 0.35 L/S 0.40 L/S 0.45
100 140
80 120
60 100
40 80
4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 40
Alkai agent (%) 20
Fig. 2 shows that when the LFS geopolymer was cured in satu-
and thus lowering the compressive strength. However, the com-
rated limewater, its compressive strength increased with increas-
pressive strength of the sample increased by 5.4–58.9% in the sat-
ing age. The compressive strength dropped by 8.81–38.33% when
urated limewater curing compared to that of air curing.
the L/S increased from 0.35 to 0.40. When the L/S increased from
0.40 to 0.45, the compressive strength decreased by 6.29–49.35%,
which is mainly because the increase in the L/S diluted the alkaline 3.4. Ultrasonic velocity
agent and thereby reduced the compressive strength. When the
alkali agent increased by 4–6%, the compressive strength Figs. 5 and 6 shows that a decrease in the L/S or an increase in
decreased by 37.23–49.91%, and when the alkali agent increased the alkali agent effectively enhanced the ultrasonic velocity.
from 6% to 8%, the compressive strength increased by 24.11– Specifically, when the L/S increased from 0.35 to 0.45, the ultra-
44.92%. The principal reason is that an increase in the alkali agent sonic velocity declined by 2.66–10.38%. When the alkali agent
causes an increase in the pH of the alkaline agent, more quickly increased from 4% to 8%, the ultrasonic velocity increased by
destroying the structure of LFS and generating more S–A–O col- 5.22–17.21%. It is possible that the increase in alkaline solution
loids, thereby enhancing the compressive strength. accelerated the polymerization reaction such that the sample
Figs. 3 and 4 shows the compressive strength of the LFS quickly removed excessive moisture and solidified more rapidly.
geopolymer cured in air when the compressive strength of the As a result, the more compact internal structure increases the
sample decreased at 28 days. This is mainly because the sample ultrasonic velocity. However, the ultrasonic velocity of the sample
suffers from shrinkage and weathering due to quick dehydration increased by 0.84–22.9% in the saturated limewater curing com-
in air curing that destroys the sample structure, causing cracks pared to that of air curing.
W.-C. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 123 (2016) 800–805 803
2300 1.8
2000 1.6
1900 1.5
1800 1.4
1500 1.2
1400 1.1
1300 1.0
3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28
Age (days) Age (days)
Fig. 5. Ultrasonic velocity of LFS geopolymer cured in saturated limewater. Fig. 7. Thermal conductivity of LFS geopolymer cured in saturated limewater.
2300 1.8
2200 1.7
2100 1.6
2000 1.5
1900 1.4
1800 1.3
1700 1.2
1600 1.1
1500 1.0
1400 0.9
1300 0.8
3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28
Age (days) Age (days)
Fig. 6. Ultrasonic velocity of LFS geopolymer cured in air. Fig. 8. Thermal conductivity of LFS geopolymer cured in air.
Figs. 7 and 8 shows that the thermal conductivity increased Fig. 9 shows that after curing in saturated limewater, the
with the increase in alkali agent. This is probably because the shrinkage of LFS geopolymer increased slightly with age and that
increase in the alkali agent accelerated the polycondensation and the overall shrinkage ranged from 0.0017% to 0.0342%. The shrink-
solidification of colloid, thus making the internal structure more age increased with increasing alkali agent, with the shrinkage
compact. Therefore, reducing the alkali agent can ensure a lower ranging from 0.0017% to 0.0141%. When the alkali agent was 8%,
thermal conductivity. With respect to the L/S, the changes in the the shrinkage had the maximum value (0.0083–0.0342%). It was
thermal conductivity were insignificant. The thermal conductivity assumed that the increase in alkali agent helps dissolve more Si
of the sample increased (0.166–0.443 W/m K) in the saturated and Al ions that participate in the inorganic polymerization reac-
limewater curing compared to that of air curing. The reason was tions, thus contributing to the sustained increase in shrinkage.
that the samples were subject to quicker dehydration in air curing, When the L/S increased, the shrinkage decreased (1.28–26.8%).
which caused internal holes in the samples. Cracks on the surface The reason was that the concentrated alkaline agent was diluted,
of the samples affected the mechanical properties. which led to the insufficient dissolution of the Si and Al ions and
804 W.-C. Wang et al. / Construction and Building Materials 123 (2016) 800–805
-0.012 14
-0.016 10
-0.020 6
-0.024 4
-0.028 0
-0.032 -4
L/S 0.35 L/S 0.40 L/S 0.45 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 3 7 14 21 28 1 3 7 14 21 28 1 3 7 14 21 28 Cycles of test
Age (days) Fig. 11. Weight loss of LFS geopolymer.
4. Conclusions
Shrinkage (%)
-0.6 1. When the L/S and alkali agent increase, the LFS geopolymer has
excellent workability.
2. The increased L/S dilutes the concentration of the alkali agent,
-1.0 which affects the colloidal structure of aluminum and generat-
-1.2 ing tiny holes and thereby reducing the compressive strength
and ultrasonic velocity while increasing the weight loss. How-
-1.4 L/S 0.35 L/S 0.40 L/S 0.45
ever, because the changes in the shrinkage of the sample are
1 3 7 14 21 28 1 3 7 14 21 28 1 3 7 14 21 28 slight, the changes in the thermal conductivity are insignificant.
Age (days) 3. Increasing the alkali agent increases the pH of the alkaline
agent, destroying the LFS structure more quickly and making
Fig. 10. Changes in shrinkage of LFS geopolymer cured in air. the colloidal structure more compact, thus increasing the com-
pressive strength and ultrasonic velocity. Weight loss decreases
with increasing alkali agent. However, as the alkali agent
the failure of the continuous polymerization reactions. Therefore,
increases, the shrinkage and thermal conductivity of the sample
the shrinkage was relatively minor.
increase accordingly.
Fig. 10 shows the shrinkage behavior of air-cured LFS geopoly-
4. Curing in saturated limewater promotes the polymerization
mer. The increase in the alkali agent caused a significant increase
reaction due to the incorporation of additional alkali; thus,
in shrinkage. Different L/S also affected the drying shrinkage of
the engineering properties of LFS cured in saturated limewater
the samples. The overall shrinkage was approximately 0.0085–
outperform those of LFS cured in air and shrinkage was effec-
1.42%. When the alkali agent was 6% and 8%, excessive shrinkage
tively prevented.
or cracks in the samples caused the samples to break, exceeding
the measurement range.
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