Construction and Building Materials: J.G. Jang, H.K. Lee
Construction and Building Materials: J.G. Jang, H.K. Lee
Construction and Building Materials: J.G. Jang, H.K. Lee
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper investigates the effect of fly ash characteristics on the strength development of fly ash-based
Received 4 May 2015 geopolymer, and reports an observation of delayed high-strength development of geopolymer. Physical
Received in revised form 7 October 2015 and chemical characteristics of fly ashes were determined by XRF, XRD and particle size analyzer.
Accepted 28 October 2015
Multi-technical characterizations using MIP, FT-IR and SEM & EDS were applied to give in-depth under-
Available online 4 November 2015
standing of the relationship between reaction products, microstructure and strength development
according to the maturity of geopolymer. Test results provided an insight into the delayed strength devel-
opment of geopolymer which mainly occurs due to the transformation of aluminosilicate gel from Al-rich
Fly ash
gel to Si-rich gel, rather than densification of pore structures. As particle size of fly ash increased, the
Compressive strength strength development of geopolymer was delayed. The delayed high-strength development was more
Aluminosilicate gel evident as the vitreous phase content and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of fly ash increased. Furthermore, the effect
Microstructure of crystal growth on the strength development was discussed.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction origin of the fly ash [1,2]. While Portland cement possesses
hydraulic properties due to the large amounts of reactive CaO
Fly ash, which is an industrial by-product generated from coal and SiO2, most fly ash itself is not hydraulic at room temperature.
combustion power plants, is a spherical powder with a specific However, alkali-materials can activate the reactivity of fly ash [3].
gravity range of 2.1–3.0 [1]. Its use in the cement and concrete Davidovits introduced a reaction between metakaolin and alkali-
fields has been thoroughly studied. When it is used as an admix- activator at high temperature to form aluminosilicate gel, which
ture for Portland cement concrete it can be expected to increase is a compound called geopolymer in recent years and is extensively
workability, reduce hydration heat, enhance long-term strength being studied due to its wide range of potential applications [4–8].
and durability (resistance against chloride penetration, alkali- Although the chemical composition of geopolymer is known to be
silica reactions and sulfate attack), and contribute a light-weight similar to zeolite, its main component is amorphous aluminosili-
effect [2]. Extensive studies focused on the reduction of CO2 emis- cate. The general formula of typical geopolymer composition is
sions and the practical use of wastes has evaluated fly ash as a con- expressed as M n ½ðSi O2 Þz Al On wH2 O where M is an alkali
struction material. metal, z is 1, 2, or 3, and n is the degree of polymerization [9]. Many
The chemical composition of fly ash mainly consists of SiO2, studies have reported that geopolymer is highly resistive against
Al2O3 and Fe2O3, but it may contain some CaO depending on the acid, high temperature and alkali-silica reactions, and can exhibit
high strength at an early age when it is cured at high temperature
[7,10]. Moreover, utilizing fly ash as the source material for
⇑ Corresponding author. geopolymer is an attractive strategy for making environmentally
E-mail address: (H.K. Lee).
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.G. Jang, H.K. Lee / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 260–269 261
friendly concrete, since the amount of CO2 released during the pro- obtained from thermal power plants in South Korea and used as
duction of geopolymer is less than that of Portland cement paste source materials to synthesize geopolymers. This allowed a
[3–5]. For those reasons, many studies focusing on reaction kinet- comparison of the effect of the different fly ash properties on the
ics, mechanical strength and durability have been conducted to compressive strength, phase and microstructure developments.
develop new alternatives to Portland cements. An alkali-activator was made by mixing 9 M NaOH solution and
To synthesize geopolymer, fly ash (alternatively, metakaolin) sodium silicate (Korean Industrial Standards KS Grade-3;
and an alkali activator such as sodium silicate, sodium hydroxide, SiO2 = 29 wt%, Na2O = 10 wt%, H2O = 61 wt%, specific grav-
potassium hydroxide, or calcium hydroxide, etc. are generally used ity = 1.38) with mass ratio of 1:1. The alkali-activator was cooled
[7]. It is a known fact that the physical and chemical natures of the at room temperature a day before casting. Geopolymer samples
fly ash and the alkali-activator have a significant impact on reac- were fabricated by mixing fly ash and alkali-activator at a constant
tion process. However, it should be emphasized that the chemical fly ash/activator mass ratio of 2. The fly ash and alkali-activator
composition of the fly ash changes dramatically depending on the were mixed for five minutes at room temperature, and then the
origin of the coal fuel and type of combustion system, and has a mixtures were cast into a cubic mold with a size of 5 5 5 cm.
greater effect overall than the quality of the alkali-activator [1]. The samples were sealed to prevent water evaporation, and cured
Previous studies dealing with the strength development of at 60 °C for 24 h in an oven. After initial curing, all samples were
geopolymer, have mainly focused on the effect of the type, compo- kept in a chamber with a relative humidity of 65% at 20 °C until
sition and concentration of the alkali-activator, and ionic additives, the planned test date. The labels ‘GP1’, ‘GP2’ and ‘GP3’ in this paper
curing conditions and calcium-rich admixture [6,11–16], while represent the geopolymer samples made from three types of fly
only a few studies have addressed the effect of the characteristics ashes, ‘FA1’, ‘FA2’ and ‘FA3’, respectively.
of fly ash on the strength development of geopolymer [17,18].
The curing temperature of geopolymer usually takes place at
2.2. Testing and characterization
40–95 °C and is slightly higher compared with that of Portland
cement which generally requires room temperature for curing
For chemical characterization of the raw fly ashes, chemical
[6,13,19,20]. High temperature curing of geopolymer promotes
composition was determined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spec-
the activation of fly ash, production of aluminosilicate gel and early
trometer. The Minipal 2 from PANanalytical was used for the XRF
gain in high strength [21]. This latter phenomenon was confirmed
analysis. The mineral composition of the raw fly ashes was
by the observation in previous studies that the ultimate strength of
analyzed by high resolution X-ray diffractometer (HR-XRD) with
geopolymer was achieved at a significantly early age. A previous
Rietveld refinement method. The Empyrean from PANanalytical
study regarding the role of Al2O3 and SiO2 in geopolymerization
with CuKa radiation was used for the XRD analysis. The XRD was
conducted by Silva et al. revealed that the strength of a geopolymer
operated at 40 kV and 30 mA with a scan range of 5–90° and a step
cured at a temperature of 60 °C showed no significant change
size of 0.02°. The physical characterization of the raw fly ashes
between 1 and 24 h of curing time [19]. It was also reported by
included a determination of the particle size distribution by parti-
Khale and Cuaudhary that 70% of the ultimate compressive
cle size analyzer. The Helos from Sympatech was used for this test.
strength was gained within the initial 3–4 h [6]. It is especially
The compressive strength of hardened geopolymer samples was
worth noting that geopolymer undergoes a contrasting strength
tested at 1, 3, 4, 28, 56, 91 days using a 3000 kN universal testing
gaining process, as Portland cement paste gains strength and a
machine in accordance with ASTM C109 [25]. The loading speed
hydration reaction continues proportional to the age of the cement
was set to 0.01 mm/s. The strengths were the average of three sep-
paste [6]. Similarly, the high compressive strength gain within a
arate tests. The microstructural characteristics of the hardened
few hours or days has been observed in a number of previous stud-
geopolymer samples were evaluated by means of mercury intru-
ies [3,13,17,22,23]. Consequently, the prediction of geopolymer
sion porosimetry (MIP) using an Autopore VI machine by
strength is often based on strength measurement at an early age,
Micromeritics Corp. The pressure range from 30 to 60,000 psia
while the characteristics of geopolymer strength as they develop
was selected to detect a pore diameter in the range of 3 nm to
over time, in a similar manner to Portland cement, are hardly
6 lm. Despite the fact that the use of MIP for determining the pore
focused on. Predicting and understanding the strength develop-
structure of a cementitious material has limitations [26], this
ment of geopolymer at later ages is important from both economic
method is still useful to estimate pore size distribution of cemen-
and technical points of view. Moreover, geopolymer has a wide
titious materials, if used with a proper care during sample prepara-
range of applications, as a construction material itself, and as a bin-
tion. The pore size distribution curve and pore structure obtained
der for concrete and ground reinforcement, and so the effect of
by MIP can provide a better understanding of the effect of fly ash
characteristics of fly ash on the behavior of strength development
characteristics on the connectivity of pore structure and porosity
should be understood.
of geopolymer [27,28].
In the present study, the effect of fly ash characteristics on the
The Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the raw fly
strength development of fly ash-based geopolymer was investi-
ashes and powdered geopolymer samples were obtained using
gated. A representative group of Korean class F fly ashes was used
FT-IR spectroscopy (Model FT-IR 4100, Jasco, Japan). Spectra were
for geopolymer synthesis with 9 M NaOH solution and sodium sil-
collected from 400 to 4000 cm1 at a resolution of 0.9642 cm1.
icate. Physical and chemical characteristics of the fly ashes were
The microstructure and phase of geopolymers were analyzed by
determined, and the relationships between the reaction product,
field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron
microstructure, and strength development of geopolymer with dif-
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The Magellan400 from FEI
ferent maturities were discussed on the basis of multi-technical
company was used for the test.
2.1. Materials and sample preparation 3.1. Characterization of raw fly ash
Three types of Class F fly ash as defined in ASTM C618 [24], The chemical composition of the fly ashes as determined by XRF
which had different chemical and mineral compositions, were is given in Table 1. Pozzolanic compounds of fly ashes in Table 1
262 J.G. Jang, H.K. Lee / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 260–269
Table 1 Q
Chemical composition of the fly ashes as determined by XRF.
are calculated in accordance with ASTM C618 [24]. The most abun-
dant oxides in the fly ashes are SiO2 and Al2O3 followed by Fe2O3, Table 2
CaO, MgO, TiO2 and K2O. The pozzolanic compound content was Mineral composition of fly ashes as determined by XRD Rietveld refinement method.
the highest in FA1 with 86.0 wt%, followed by FA3 (84.3 wt%) and
Mullite Quartz Hematite Magnetite Vitreous phase
FA2 (82.4 wt%). The CaO content in FA2 and FA3 was 5.2 and
FA1 13.2 7.9 0.4 0.3 78.2
5.3 wt% respectively, indicating no significant difference, whereas
FA2 9.3 7.7 – 0.5 82.4
it was 2.9 wt% in FA1. SiO2/Al2O3 which is a dominant factor on FA3 7.8 7.6 – 0.7 84.0
the fresh and hardened properties of geopolymer [17,19,29,30]
was the highest in FA3 (2.34), followed by FA2 (2.26) and FA1
(1.83). The unburned content of material, which can affect the 100
reactivity of fly ash, was evaluated by measuring the amount of
Cummulative distribution (%)
90 (a) FA1
loss on ignition. The measured values of loss on ignition were all 80
less than 5%, implying that the fly ashes were suitable to be a 70
source material for geopolymer synthesis [17]. 60 FA3
XRD patterns of the fly ashes are shown in Fig. 1. The XRD anal- 50
ysis aims to quantify unreactive crystals such as mullite, quartz, 40
hematite and magnetite, and reactive vitreous phase for geopoly- 30
merization. Duxson et al. revealed that quartz and mullite particles 20
incorporated in fly ash behave as a micro-aggregate during the 10
geopolymerization process, and glassy materials (i.e., vitreous 0
phases) become a source material for the formation of aluminosil- 0.1 1 10 100 1000
icate gel [29]. Thus, the Rietveld refinement method was adopted Particle size ( m)
to quantitatively analyze the mineral composition of each material.
The vitreous phase was derived from a halo pattern observed at 2
0.7 (b)
Density distribution (%)
60 Table 3
GP3 Additional details of geopolymers from previous studies referenced in this study.
GP2 Refs. Selected Specimen Materials used Curing condition
Compressive strength (MPa)
100 [17]
90 [20]
Relative compressive strength (%)
0.01 0.1 1 3 7 10 14 28 56 100 180 1000
Time (d)
Fig. 4. The relative development of compressive strength of the geopolymers tested in this study and previous studies [3,17,19,20,22,23,30,36,37].
264 J.G. Jang, H.K. Lee / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 260–269
91 d (a) GP1
0.2 0.4 Sample code Age (d) Cumulative pore Median pore Porosity (%)
ΔV/ΔlogD (mL/g)
91 d
area (m2/g) diameter (nm)
0.15 3d 0.3 GP1 3 25.9 15.5 30.5
91 22.1 28.6 29.4
0.1 0.2 GP2 3 32.9 12.2 29.8
91 28.2 20.0 33.3
0.05 0.1 GP3 3 41.3 12.4 29.1
91 34.9 19.2 31.4
0 0
1 10 100 1000
Pore diameter, D (nm)
shown in Fig. 5, the threshold pore diameter decreased signifi-
0.25 0.5 cantly in GP1 with age, while it was not significantly changed in
Cumulative intrusion (mL/g)
(b) GP2 GP2 and GP3. From the result of the threshold pore diameter, it
0.2 91 d 0.4 can be said that the microstructural change of geopolymer over
ΔV/ΔlogD (mL/g)
3d time is not significant, since the porosity obtained in this study
91 d
0.15 0.3 may contain errors originated from the MIP method.
0.1 0.2
3.4. Phase development of geopolymer
0.05 0.1
The FT-IR spectra of raw fly ashes and geopolymer samples at 3
and 91 days are presented in Fig. 6. In addition, the major IR vibra-
0 0
1 10 100 1000
Pore diameter, D (nm)
0.25 0.5
(a) GP1
Cumulative inrtusion (mL/g)
0.2 0.4 50
91 d 91 d Geopolymer-3 d
ΔV/ΔlogD (mL/g)
3d 40
Geopolymer-91 d
0.15 0.3
0.1 0.2 20
0.05 0.1 10
0 0 4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400
1 10 100 1000 Wavenumber (cm-1)
Pore diameter, D (nm)
Fig. 5. Pore size distribution of geopolymer samples measured at 3 days and (b) GP2
91 days. 60
Raw fly ash
Absorbance (%)
that geopolymerization continued and reaction products were pro- Geopolymer-3 d
duced even after 3 days. In contrast, the median pore diameter of 40
Geopolymer-91 d
all geopolymer samples increased with age. Furthermore, it was 30
shown that the porosity of GP2 and GP3 was significantly increased
with age, while that of GP1 was slightly decreased with age. It is 20
GP1 – 3 d GP1 – 91 d
GP2 – 3 d GP2 – 91 d
GP3 – 3 d GP3 – 91 d
Table 6
GP3 – 3 d Elemental compositions of the needle-shaped crystal and the polyhedral crystal
observed in GP3 at 91 days.
70 55 55
30 GP1
40 40
35 35
0 30 30
5 10 15 20 1 2 3 70 75 80 85 90
Mean particle size of fly ash ( m) SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of fly ash Vitreous phase of fly ash (%)
Fig. 10. The effect of physicochemical characteristics of fly ash on strength development of geopolymer.
[Q4(3Al) + Q4(2Al)]/Q4(4Al) ratios) contributed toward the early shown in an SEM micrograph of GP3 at 3 days in Fig. 9. This could
age strength development, the transformation into Si-rich alumi- degrade the dissolution of fly ash into liquid and furthermore,
nosilicate gel (i.e., high [Q4(3Al) + Q4(2Al)]/Q4(4Al) ratios) had a could interfere with the strength development at early stages
more critical influence on the further increase in the compressive [23]. Meanwhile, an SEM micrography of GP3 at 91 days shows
strength at later age [55]. Generally, the bond strength of Si–O–Si the growth of a new needle-shaped crystal with high Al and Si con-
bonds is higher than that of Al–O–Al and Si–O–Al bonds [29]. Sim- tent further progressed. This crystal growth can be thought to have
ilarly, the strength of the tetrahedral network in an aluminosilicate a positive effect in the strength development at later age, similar to
gel depends on and increases with the Si content [29]. Thus, the the case of ettringite formation in Portland cement based materi-
delayed high-strength development exhibited by GP3 at later age als. In the case of Portland cement, the delayed ettringite formation
was driven by the gel transformation into Si-rich aluminosilicate may induce cracks, leading to the degradation of the cementitious
gel, rather than a change in porosity due to the additional produc- material (known as sulfate attack), but it is occasionally accepted
tion of reactants. that the ettringite formation could contribute to enhancement in
the strength [58]. Calcium sulfoaluminate cement is an example
4.2. Effect of fly ash characteristics on strength development where the ettringite formation was utilized to develop a high
strength cementitious material.
It is obvious that the fly ashes used in this study had different For similar reason, the needle-shaped crystal growth at later
physicochemical characteristics and thus resulted in different reac- age as observed in this study might have affected the increase in
tion mechanisms at early and later ages. The effect of physico- compressive strength of the geopolymer to some extent. However,
chemical characteristics of fly ash on strength development of the effect of the crystallinity of the geopolymerization reactants on
geopolymer is shown in Fig. 10. It can be concluded from the the strength development has not been quantitatively revealed.
experimental results that the strength development of geopolymer Previous studies noted that a thorough consideration is required
was delayed as the particle size of the fly ash increased, i.e., the to identify the effect of nanometer-scale crystallinity on the
surface area decreased. In particular, the delayed high-strength strength of the geopolymer, since its size is too small to act as an
development was more evident as the vitreous phase content aggregate within the matrix [59,60]. Thus, the findings of this
and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of the fly ash increased. FA1 had the finest par- study in this respect remain as a probable hypothesis which needs
ticle, the lowest SiO2/Al2O3 ratio and the lowest vitreous phase further investigation.
content, whereas FA3 had the coarsest particle, the highest SiO2/
Al2O3 ratio and the highest vitreous phase content. Since particle 5. Concluding remarks
size is one of the factors which contribute to the granular reaction
rate [32], it may have been responsible for the high reactivity This study investigated the effect of fly ash characteristics on
exhibited by FA1 and the rather low reactivity exhibited by FA3 the strength development of fly ash-based geopolymer. Three
at early age. It is known that a compound between silicates in an types of class F fly ash activated with 9 M NaOH solution and
alkaline aluminosilicate solution takes longer to form than one sodium silicate were used for experiments, and multi-technical
between aluminate and silicate does [56,57], thus a compound characterizations using MIP, FT-IR spectroscopy and SEM & EDS
might have been formed between a silicate and aluminate at high were applied to obtain in-depth understanding of the relationship
reaction degree at early age in GP1. Although GP3, which was made between the reaction products, microstructure, and strength
with coarse FA3, showed rather slower production of Al-rich alu- development with the maturity of the geopolymer. The main con-
minosilicate gel compared to GP1 and GP2, its high SiO2/Al2O3 ratio clusions extracted from this work are as follows.
and vitreous phase content may have been responsible for the
transformation into Si-rich aluminosilicate gel at later age. Further (1) The characteristics of the fly ash can significantly affect the
information about the release rate and reaction kinetics of alumi- properties of geopolymer.
nate and silicate can be found in [19,29,30,37]. (2) The delayed strength development of geopolymer occurred
mainly due to the transformation of aluminosilicate gel into
4.3. Effect of crystal growth on strength development the Si-rich aluminosilicate gel, rather than the densification
of pore structures.
The effect of crystal growth on the strength development can be (3) The particle size of fly ash had a crucial influence on the
discussed from the results of SEM (see Figs. 8 and 9). New crys- strength development. As the particle size of fly ash
talline products were observed surrounding fly ash particles, as increased, i.e., as the surface area decreased, the strength
268 J.G. Jang, H.K. Lee / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 260–269
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