Overview of HBO
Overview of HBO
Overview of HBO
For instance, common sense dictates that person What constitutes right and wrong behavior in
working in hot and humid places cannot perform well. organization is determined by:
Common sense, However, cannot easily provide
1. the public
information on the exact temperature that will make them
work at optimum, levels. In those types of concerns, 2. interest group
knowledge of OB may be very useful.
3. organizations
Ethics and Organizational Behavior
4. the individual's personal morals and values
Many organizations use whatever means, fair or foul,
Ethical Issues
to achieve its objectives. Is it alright for a firm to ask its
employee to obtain confidential information through There are important ethical issues that confront
espionage regarding the operations of a competitor? Is it organizations. They consist of the following:
right for a business firm to adapt a policy of hiring only
1. conflict of interest
those who are members of a certain religious sect? Is it
right for organization to allow executives to play favorites 2. fairness and honesty
3. communication