Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Did you know that ____________?
A. Sit Back, Relax, and Relish the Music
There are a lot of songs that take you somewhere back to your past. It
may be a past experience from your life or a past experience from a story
you have seen in a film or you have read from a book. Songs may even
bring you back from the stories told to you by a family member or a close
Listen to the song and you should:
1. Take down words that caught your attention;
2. Draw images which you could associate with the song;
3. Write big words which may represent the emotion caught by the song;
4. Enumerate as many feelings that the song may draw out from you; and,
5. Write your responses in your notebook.
Link: (
listen to a song for pleasure. We listen in different ways based on our
purpose. Having a purpose helps us listen more effectively.
Whether you're having a conversation in real life or listening to a
passage or any listening activities, determining the worth of ideas is a must.
_____ 3. The persona is aware of how things will go in the end.
_____ 4. The persona and the beloved have grown by letting go.
_____ 5. The persona is ready to love again.
Lines from the song What do those lines mean to you?
For additional knowledge about determining the worth of ideas, you can
access the following links:
A. On the Point!
Direction: Revisit the lyrics of the song. Internalize and determine the
worth of ideas by choosing only one activity below:
A. Choose a line from the song that strikes you the most and create a
short poem that discusses its worth.
B. Draw a series of scenes/pictures that describes the worth of the song.
C. Create a song that depicts the meaning of the song.
B. On the Other Side!
Direction: Have you ever thought of a reply to the song? Have you ever
wondered what could be in the mind of the other person who is also
saying goodbye? Create a reply telling what you felt about the song,
the worth of the ideas to you and its impact to you as a listener. Write
your reply in your notebook.
I Watch You Go
By Susanah Thompson © 1996 from
The tether is cut, and you are How much we loved and trusted
free to fly and shared
and I lose an anchor, and my Victories, losses, adventures
cheeks burn, from the icy wind and just the passage of time.
and the few tears that sneak Look back no more
past the wall Eyes to the future
That I am leaning on so that I And I will just stand here and
can stand watch you go.
Almonte, Liza R., Flandez, Lerma L., Lagustan, Nedia, et. Al, A
Journey Through Anglo-American Literature (First Edition), Vibal
Group, Inc., 1253 G. Araneta Avenue, Quezon City, 2014
Bureau of Curriculum Development, Bureau of Learning Resources,
English 7 Learning Material (Frist Edition), FEP Printing Corp., 2017
Online Resources
A. Sit Back, Relax, and Relish the Music!
Answers may vary.
Exercise 1: Agree or Disagree!
1. T 4. T
2. T 5. T
3. T
Exercise 2: Complete the Idea!
1. alone 14. fight
2. understand 15. learned
3. dream 16. grow
4. holding 17. things
5. passion’s 18. too
6. start 19. whole
7. hard 20. enough
8. crazy 21. trusting
9. heart 22. somebody
10. fall 23. love
11. heroes 24. maybe
12. inside 25. apart
13. behind
Activity 1: Say That Again!
Answers may vary.
Post Assessment
A. On the Point!
Answers may vary.
B. On the Other Side!
Answers may vary!