Learning 1. Use locational skills to gather information from primary and Code: 1) EN10SS-
Competency/ies: secondary sources of information. Iva-1.5
2. Compare and contrast the contents of the materials viewed with 2)EN10VC-Iva-15
outside sources of information in terms of accessibility and
Key Understandings The leaner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve
to be developed as instruments to resolve social conflicts, also how to use the language of research,
campaigns and advocacies.
Knowledge Identify the diverse culture of the Philippines
Skills Classify whether the materials is a primary source or a secondary source of information
Attitudes Decide which is a better source in getting information
Values Appreciate the diverse culture of the Philippines.
2.Content/Topic Primary Source and Secondary Source
3.Learning Learner’s Material, pp. 408-409
Resources/Materials Teacher’s Guide pp. 361-363
4.1 ACTIVITY 1. Show a video about “It’s More Fun in The Philippines”
2. Let the students complete the concept map by supplying it with information that ca
be taken from the video clip. Write the key concepts about the topic on the circles
and the details about these key concepts on the rectangle.
3. It is very important to closely watch the video.
(Source: It’s More Fun in the Philipines/ DOT Official AVP. Retrieved on June 20,
2014, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADNgEHFDYzo)
Concept Map:
1. After watching the video and answering the concept map, process the activity by
asking the following questions.
* After watching the video, did you see how diverse our country really is?
* What new information did you gather from the video?
* Did you notice anything that is very creative in terms of how Filipinos use language,
specifically the English language?
3. Do you think that the social media, particularly youtube, is more effective in
promoting a campaign than other forms of communication, like print media?
4. Can we say that it is really fun in the Philippines?
5. If you are given a chance to travel for free, which destination will you visit first?
4.2 ABSTRACTION * Discuss about Primary Source and Secondary Source.
(See attached powerpoint presentation)
4.4 APPLICATION * Let the students differentiate primary source and secondary source of information.
* Classify and tell whether the materials listed is a primary source or a secondary source o
information. Write P if the material is Primary or S if the material is secondary.
_______1. Letters and diaries _______6. Encyclopedia
_______2. History textbook _______7. Newspaper
_______3. Government documents _______8. Journals
_______4.Manuscripts _______9.Magazine
_______5. Video tapes _______10.Artifact
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