English: Quarter 4 - Module 1: Using Appropriate Grammatical Signals or Expressions To Each Pattern of Idea Development
English: Quarter 4 - Module 1: Using Appropriate Grammatical Signals or Expressions To Each Pattern of Idea Development
English: Quarter 4 - Module 1: Using Appropriate Grammatical Signals or Expressions To Each Pattern of Idea Development
Quarter 4 – Module 1:
Using Appropriate Grammatical
Signals or Expressions to Each
Pattern of Idea Development
NAME: ________________________________________________________________
DATE: _______________________________________________________
Assessment 1: Group Them Up!
Directions: Below is a list of grammatical signals that are commonly used by writers. Classify these grammatical signals
according to their category of idea development.
because order to one hand
one of a kind
consequently first however on the other
that is why hand
solution also admittedly for example
join now
one way as a result
leads to
I urge specifically
some people say
amazing it is come along, on as a solution,
recommended, in for instance, such as
Paragraph Writing Rubric
Pattern of 5 – The paragraph clearly follows appropriate structure of the pattern of idea development.
Idea 4- The paragraph follows appropriate structure of the pattern of idea development.
Development 3- The paragraph fairly follows appropriate structure of the pattern of idea development.
1-5 points 2- The paragraph poorly follows appropriate structure of the pattern of idea development.
1- The paragraph fails to follow appropriate structure of the pattern of idea development.
Grammatical 5- All grammatical signals used are appropriate to the pattern of idea development.
Signals 4- Most grammatical signals used are appropriate to the pattern of idea development.
1-5 points 3- Several grammatical signals used are appropriate to the pattern of idea development.
2- Some grammatical signals used are inappropriate to the pattern of idea development.
1-Most grammatical signals used are inappropriate to the pattern of idea development.
Grammar 5- The paragraph is free from any grammatical and language mechanic errors (punctuation, spelling,
and and capitalization).
Mechanics 4- The paragraph has few grammatical and language mechanic errors (punctuation, spelling, and
3- The paragraph has several grammatical and language mechanic errors (punctuation, spelling, and
2- The paragraph has many grammatical and language mechanic errors (punctuation, spelling, and
1-5 points capitalization).
1-The paragraph is full of grammatical and language mechanic errors (punctuation, spelling, and