Brand Development and Activation: (Pick The Date)
Brand Development and Activation: (Pick The Date)
Brand Development and Activation: (Pick The Date)
Submitted to Submitted by
Liton Baul Group: Stupendous
Course Instructor Batch: 21st
Letter of Transmittal
September 19, 2014
Liton Baul
Course Instructor
Strategic Brand Management
Institute of Business Administration,
Jahangirnagar University,
Savar, Dhaka -1342.
Subject: Submission of the marketing plan of “Cerealite: Your Pocket Size Meal”.
It is our pleasure to submit our brand development and activation plan of “Cerealite: Your
Pocket Size Meal”, a completely new type of product in Bangladesh. The paper is submitted
as the partial fulfilment of the Strategic Brand Management Course of BBA program.
Here, we have explained our innovative product concept as well as showed the branding plan
of this product which can be followed. We have incorporated several types of analysis, i.e.
brand key vision analysis, segmentation analysis etc. in preparing this paper. Later on, based
on the analysis & findings we’ve tried to formulate the branding plans & strategies.
Thank you in advance for providing the opportunity to submit this brand development
and activation plan. It’s been a real education and useful experience and we hope that
our work will please you. For further information, please feel free to contact us & we’d be
glad to have the privilege to give answer to your queries.
Sincerely yours,
Group Name: “Stupendous”
Members: Tasfia Zinnat Sweety (1524)
Mir Basit Hossain (1559)
Md. Nahid Alam (2368)
Antara Islam (2795)
Shoumik Mahmud (2829)
Batch: 21st
IBA, Jahangirnagar University.
pg. 5
Executive summary
The following market plan has the potential to be the basis of a new product which can
contribute to a healthier eating behaviour in the country. This product, Cerealite, is a cereal
bar which will fill the need of compact healthy meal. Several analyses have shown that the
Cerealite have potential to become successful in Bangladesh. For instance, nowadays, a real
health trend is prevailing in our country. More and more Bangladeshi people are obsessed
with their external appearance. Eating healthy contributes to this need. The new health trend
also continues in the Bangladesh snack market since the nutritional/snack segment (to
which Cerealite comes under) has been increased sharply since previous years. Preferences
of living healthier and product innovations, like ‘functional foods’, have played an essential
role in this growth.
The Cerealite focuses of target audience are on young adults between the ages of 16-40 years
with an average annual income of 20.000 - 30.000. Since the Bangladesh life is becoming
faster than few years ago, people have less time to eat and proper meals are hard to catch on
the go. The consumer segment targeted is in a phase of their life in which they have a busy
and complicated life style, e.g. because of their study, family life, job and such like.
Therefore, this segment has a high potential as well. Both the market segment as well as the
customer segment is worthwhile to invest in.
In Bangladesh, Cerealite should be positioned on the basis of its physical and psychosocial
consequences. Cerealite should be seen as a healthy, tasty and convenient meal that can be
eaten anytime and for whatever occasion. By emphasizing the uniqueness of the three
physical and psychological characteristics (health, taste, convenience) Cerealite would
differentiate from competition and appeal to the target group and potential buyers.
Cerealite’s unique selling proposition would be Cerealite is a cereal bar expert that gives
consumers a healthier option for snacking. This message will dominate in the promotion
campaign, supported by mentioning Cerealite’s unique characteristics and advantages.
Cerealite’s business objective is to be consumers preferred supplier of cereal bars in
Bangladesh’s nutritional meal segment within 36 months. By combining the marketing and
the communication objectives the following marketing communication objective has been
formulated: to increase the brand preference of Cerealite among the Bangladesh youth of 16-
40 years old (target group) by 60%, 24 months after the promotion campaign has been
pg. 6
Cerealite is Bangladesh’s first Cereal Bar brand. It is a new product which can contribute to a
healthier eating behaviour in the country. This product, Cerealite, is a cereal bar which will
fill the need of compact healthy meal. Several analyses have shown that the Cerealite have
potential to become successful in Bangladesh. From students to corporates, people are
getting busier day by day, fighting with newer challenges, daily hassles. And this gradually
lead them toward seeking for more convenient food which save time & help them focus on
other things. But in the race of having convenience food, people are making compromises
with proper balanced diet which in turn is worrying them regarding overweight, cholesterol
problem etc. However,More and more Bangladeshi people are getting obsessed with their
fitness, external appearance nowadays. Eating healthy contributes to this need. Preferences
of living healthier and product innovations, like ‘functional foods’, have played an essential
role in this growth.
Product Offerings
BDT 40 per cereal bar
Product Types
Cerealite Chocolate and Coconut: Coconut, oats, rice and whole wheat flakes -
combined and then dipped and drizzled with a milk chocolate coating.
Cerealite Fruit and Nut with Chocolate: Cerealite Fruit & Nut with Chocolate is a
moist and chewy bar containing a combination of crispy rice and wheat flakes with
juicy raisins, chopped peanuts and almonds, all dipped and drizzled in smooth milk
Cerealite Strawberry and Yogurt: Cerealite Strawberry & Yogurt bar is a delicious
combination of crispy rice and wheat flakes, topped with pieces of real succulent
strawberries, which have been freeze-dried at their best, then dipped and drizzled
with a creamy yogurt flavored coating.
pg. 1
pg. 2
Figure 1: Product Offerings
pg. 3
Cerealite brand. The following suggestions are not spontaneously chosen but linked to each
other in causality relationship.
For example, root strengths define most critical benefits Cerealite has to provide. On the
other hand, competitive environment helps marketer select primary root strengths so that
Cerealite is relevant in frame of preference.
The application of the Brand Key Vision model for building Cerealite brand is shown in the
next Figure.
pg. 4
Convenient Fresh & natural
Healthy goodness of agro based
ingredients. Also
recommended by
“Properly balanced,
healthy meal within my
Cerealite gives me
freedom from
Emotional: worrying for
healthy meal.
“Reduce my meal
worries, make me
feel confident, so I
can focus on
enjoying life”
Any ready to eat product which our People who are too busy to sit for a
target consumers might choose proper meal but don’t take their
when they want something to eat health for granted
8. Discriminator
Cerealite gives me freedom from worrying for healthy meal.
9. Essence
Healthy Pocket Size Meal
pg. 6
Putting all together
Insight Discriminator Essence
Threat of
Among Bargaining
Power of
existing Power of
Brand Identity Competitor
Threat of
pg. 7
Analysing Industry Competitiveness using
Porter’s Five forces Model
1. Low Rivalry / Near to zero rivalry
2. High substitutes
3. Moderate threat of new entrants
4. High buyer power
Welcoming Emphasizes on
Consistent On-the-Go food
Multi-segmentation Variables
Based on Age
Social status
Middle class
Upper class
Outgoing people
passing average 8-
14 hours out of
home & are too
busy to have
proper meal
Pay attention to
the quality of life
Willing to pay
more for good
Fitness & external
appearance driven
Personal type
• Actualizers
• Fullers
• Experiencers
pg. 9
Health Security
Sense of fulfilment
pg. 10
Points-of-parity (POP)
Points-of-difference (POD)/ unique selling proposition (USP)
Cerealite is a cereal bar that gives consumers a healthier option for meal
Activation Campaign
Cerealite’s Brand Essence is “Healthy Pocket size meal” where “Healthy” (the POD of
Cerealite) stands for the food value Cerealite is providing and “Pocket size meal” stands
for the convenience (the POP of Cerealite) Cerealite offers.
Engaging the consumer through trial sampling allows brands the ability to make an impact
connection with the consumer
leading to a higher likelihood
of purchasing (Whitley,
2008). So we have designed
our BTL campaign based on
the POD and sampling
because at workplace people
prefer convenient food.
“Know your Food
Cerealite team will go to
different office
building/university premise
and set a food stall for a day
during lunch. It will sell
regular fast food or
convenient food as well as
Cerealite. Working people
will be given option of buying
fast food or Cerealite. If a
person wants to buy fast food
he/she will be given the food
value count of that meal as
pg. 11
well as the alternative Cerealite’s. If Cerealite’s food value beats the food value of fast
food that person will be given a free Cerealite bar.
pg. 12
Above the Line
TV Media
Cerealite will telecast Television commercials and pop up ads during the programs usually
watched by the working people and University students. Also our secondary target the health
conscious homemakers will be targeted through health related programs.
TVC Idea
Scene 1:
A bulky corporate guy is driving a car and eating burger. Suddenly the traffic stand still and
he had to break hard. Sauce and cheese comes out from the burger and makes his shirt dirty.
Scene 2:
At that time he looks out of the window and saw another fit corporate guy takes a Cerealite
out from his chest pocket and eat that at ease.
Scene 3:
The green signal shows up the fit smart guy drives away while the bulky guy cleans his shirt.
Scene 4:
The background vocal will say “Hurry up and switch to Cerealite – “Your pocket size meal””
pg. 13
Print Media
We will place the print ads at the daily newspapers business, sports and lifestyle pages.
Print ad idea 1:
Figure 7: Print ad 1
At morning we often miss meal to catch up an early class or office. Specially the female out
goers doesn’t like heavy bags after carrying breakfast or lunch. A single Cerealite bar can be
the best alternate for a meal box but it can easily fit on a bag’s pocket or can be purchased
pg. 14
Print ad idea 2:
Figure 8: Print ad 2
Sometimes the working people or university students are late for work or classes for taking
lunch far from the workplace or university place. The unpleasant situation of being late can
be omitted by having Cerealite bar.
pg. 15
Bill board
We will place the billboard at the working and university areas such as Banani, Gulshan,
Baridhara, Uttara, Dhanmondi areas.
pg. 16
Point of Purchase
Customized POP Displays will be used in
retail environment to increase the sales of
Cerealite. The idea is to hold Cerealite
Bars in pockets. Those pockets will be key
elements of our Point of Purchase as
Cerealite Stands for ‘Pocket Size Meal’.
Those stands will not only attract
customers but also carry the image that our
brand stands for.
pg. 17
Through the Line
Spread documentaries on our campaign in Youtube and incorporate our outdoor campaign with
Facebook through Know your food App where the app will show the food value with the input of the
amount and type of food.
pg. 18
Trade Marketing
Mr. Fit
pg. 19