The document outlines the technical requirements and guarantees for 33/11.55kV 10/14 MVA power transformers. It specifies 22 key specifications including:
1) Manufacturer, address, and standards;
2) Rated power, voltage, frequency, and insulation levels;
3) Overload capability, vector diagram type, cooling type, and on-load tap changer details;
4) Temperature rise, impedance, and short circuit withstand capabilities.
The document outlines the technical requirements and guarantees for 33/11.55kV 10/14 MVA power transformers. It specifies 22 key specifications including:
1) Manufacturer, address, and standards;
2) Rated power, voltage, frequency, and insulation levels;
3) Overload capability, vector diagram type, cooling type, and on-load tap changer details;
4) Temperature rise, impedance, and short circuit withstand capabilities.
The document outlines the technical requirements and guarantees for 33/11.55kV 10/14 MVA power transformers. It specifies 22 key specifications including:
1) Manufacturer, address, and standards;
2) Rated power, voltage, frequency, and insulation levels;
3) Overload capability, vector diagram type, cooling type, and on-load tap changer details;
4) Temperature rise, impedance, and short circuit withstand capabilities.
The document outlines the technical requirements and guarantees for 33/11.55kV 10/14 MVA power transformers. It specifies 22 key specifications including:
1) Manufacturer, address, and standards;
2) Rated power, voltage, frequency, and insulation levels;
3) Overload capability, vector diagram type, cooling type, and on-load tap changer details;
4) Temperature rise, impedance, and short circuit withstand capabilities.
Date: 01.04.2019 sDescription Unit REB Requirement Bidders Guaranteed Values 1. Manufacturer’s Name Required Danish Private Limited 2. Manufacturer’s Address Required Jaipur, India 3. Applied Standard Required IEC 60076 4. Type Outdoor Oil immersed Outdoor Oil immersed (a) Rated power MVA ONAN/ONAF 10/14 ONAN/ONAF 10/14 MVA MVA three phase three phase 5. Overload capability In Accordance with IEC As per IEC 60354 603564 6. Number of Phase Three Three 7. Rated Voltage, Phase to phase Required 33/11.55 KV High Voltage Winding KV 33 33 Low voltage Winding KV 11.55 11.55 8. Rated Frequency Hz 50 50 9. Rated Insulation level Required In accordance with IEC 60076 a. Impulse withstand, full wave High voltage Winding KV 170 170 Low Voltage Winding KV 75 75 Neutral side Full Insulation Full Insulation b. (b) AC withstand Voltage High voltage Winding KV 70 70 Low Voltage Winding KV 28 28 10. Vector diagram (IEC-76-4) Dyn1 Required Dyn1
11. Type Of Cooling ONAN/ Required ONAN/ONAF
ONA F 12. On Load tap Changer MR Required On Load tap Changer MR Germany/ABB Sweden with vacuum Germany/ABB Sweden Switches with Oil switch type Type Required Oil Switch type Rated Capacity In Amps Required 200 A Rated Tap KV 33 33 Tap range % -18 to +6 -18 to +6 Numbers of Tap Taps 17 17 Tap Step % 1.5 1.5 Location of tap Primary Side Primary Side Rated Short time current KA Required 4 kA/3sec. Oil volume Liter Required 125 Ltr. Approx. Duration of one step change Sec Required 5.4 Sec Approx.
F-679, 680, G-694Sitapura Industrial Area, JAIPUR, 302022 INDIA
Tel.# 91-141-5164500 Fax # 91-141-5164501 Email: Web: Page 1 of 5 Motor rating KW Required 0.75 KW 13. Impedance voltage at 75º C and at 8% (with nominal ratio and 100% rated power tolerance Required 8% (with tolerance of at principal tap (with Tolerance of of +10%) +10%) +10%) 14. Temperature Rise at rated power Required (max. ambient temperature: 40º C) Oil by thermometer Deg C. 55 55 Winding by resistance measurement Deg C. 60 60 Winding hot spot temperature on Deg C. 140 140 emergence overload Maximum hotspot temperature when Deg C. 118 118 loaded in 15. System symmetrical fault level as KA terminal of 33 KV KA 31.5 31.5 11KV 31.5 31.5 Duration of symmetrical short sec 2 2 circuit current for which the transformer is to be designed 16. Transformer core: Type of core, max. flux density At nominal Tesla ≤ 1.6 ≤ 1.6 voltage 17. Transformer Bushings (a) H.V. Bushing Voltage Class Required 36 KV Cantilever Strength Required As per IEC 60137, vertical mounting Transformer Bushing HV CT Required Yes Current Ratio A 400/5 400/5 Rated Burden VA 20 20 Accuracy 5P20 5P20 (b) a. L.V Bushing Voltage b. class Required 12 KV Cantilever c. Strength Required As per IEC 60137, vertical Mounting Transformer d. bushing LV CT Required Yes (c) e. Neutral Bushing Voltage f. glass Required 12 KV Cantilever g. strength Required As per IEC 60137, vertical Mounting 18. Conservator Required Yes, conservator type 19. Auxiliary circuit voltage for fan, etc, V 415/240 AC 415/240 AC 3pahse – 4 wire 20. Control voltage V 110 DC 110 DC 21. Sound Level (IEC 60551) ONAN (0.3m) dB Required ≤ 75
F-679, 680, G-694Sitapura Industrial Area, JAIPUR, 302022 INDIA
Tel.# 91-141-5164500 Fax # 91-141-5164501 Email: Web: Page 2 of 5 ONAF (2 m) dB <80 ≤ 80 22. Transformer Bushing CT HV Side On phase “a, b & c” (Differential) - Current Ratio A 400/5 400/5 - Rated Burden VA 20 20 - Accuracy 5p20 5P20 - Short Time current Required 25kA/3sec. LV Side On phase “a, b & c” - Current Ratio A 1200/5 1200/5 - Rated Burden VA 20 20 - Accuracy 5p20 5P20 - Short Time current Required 25kA/3sec. On Phase “a” (OLTC) - Current Ratio A 1200/5 1200/5 - Rated Burden VA 20 20 - Accuracy 5P20 5P20 - Short Time current kA Required 25kA/3sec. On Phase “b” (WTI) - Current Ratio A 1200/5 1200/2 - Rated Burden VA 20 20 - Accuracy Class 5P20 Class 5P20 - Short Time current kA Required 25kA/3sec Neutral Bushing CT for REF: - Current Ratio A 1200/5 1200/5 - Rated Burden VA 20 20 - Accuracy Class 5p20 5P20 Neutral Bushing CT for stand by earth fault - Current Ratio A 1200/5 1200/5 - Rated Burden VA 20 20 - Accuracy Class 5P20 5P20 - Short Time current KA Required 25kA/3sec 23. Number of cooling fan Nos. Required 8 No. (6 Nos. running + 2 Nos. stand by) 24. Rating Fan motors kW Required 0.25 KW 25. Cooling fan losses at full ONAF kW Required+2 1.5 kW approx. capacity operation 26. Core loss at rated frequency and kW Required 5.95 kW rated voltage at nominal tap 27. Copper Loss at full load, at rated Required frequency and at 75 º C (i) At ONAN (a) At Maximum Tap kW Required 43.25 kW
F-679, 680, G-694Sitapura Industrial Area, JAIPUR, 302022 INDIA
Tel.# 91-141-5164500 Fax # 91-141-5164501 Email: Web: Page 3 of 5 (b) At Nominal tap kW Required 43.30 kW (b) At minimum Tap kW Required 57.00 kW (ii) a. At ONAF (a)At b. Maximum Tap Required 86.5KW (b)At c. Nominal Tap Required 95KW (c)At d. Minimum Tap Required 114KW 28. Exciting current at nominal Tap and A Required 7.87 at 10 MVA rated voltage 29. Dimensions and Weight Required Maximum size for transport (L X W mm Required 4260 x 2000 x 3365 mm X H) approx. Heaviest weight for transport Kg Required 19500 Kgs approx. Overall height mm Required 3365mm approx Oil volume Liter Required 6400 Ltrs approx. Weight of Oil Kg Required 5120 Kgs approx. Weight of core Kg Required 6880 Kgs approx. Total weight Kg Required 23725 Kgs approx. 30. Oil level indicator Type and model Required Maier/ABB/MR 31. Pressure relief device Type and model Required Maier/ABB/MR 32. Buchholz relay Type and model Required MR/ABB Float type Petcock is provided for testing by Yes Yes injecting air Pipe arrangement for gas release Yes Yes and oil collection from ground level. Oil surge protection Yes Yes Oil drain screw provided Yes Yes 33. Oil and winding temperature Indicator Type and model Required ABB comenitaly / ABB Elmek Turkey / Maier 34. Efficiency at 75Deg C & Unity power factor a) At 14MVA Load % Shall be Provided 99.33% (Normal Tap) b) At 10MVA Load % Shall be Provided 99.51% (Normal Tap) 35. Transformer Tank Shall be Shall be high tensile steel Yes Provided plate 36. Pressure release device for both Shall be Provided Ye main and OLTC Tank 37. Winding shall be electrolytic copper Shall be electrolytic Yes copper 38. Pressure release device, temperature Shall be Shall be from MR Yes
F-679, 680, G-694Sitapura Industrial Area, JAIPUR, 302022 INDIA
Tel.# 91-141-5164500 Fax # 91-141-5164501 Email: Web: Page 4 of 5 indicating device and bucholz relay provided Germany or Equivalent shall be from MR Germany and Europe origin Equivalent Europe origin 39. Manual Shall be Provided Yes, provided
F-679, 680, G-694Sitapura Industrial Area, JAIPUR, 302022 INDIA