Atvus PRV
Atvus PRV
Atvus PRV
The T3 series Pressure Relief Devices are
recommended for use in OLTC tanks and Clean surface of mounting pad on tank
transformers from 250KVA to 5 MVA. and place the flange with gasket. Use
bolts with a combination of plain thick
The T6 series Pressure Relief Devices are washer and spring washer for
recommended to be used on all larger tightening. Ensure that the gasket is
transformers. placed in the groove provided in the
flange. Please refer specific model
operating instructions for more details
Both T3 and T6 have varieties with
The Pressure Relief Device consists of direction covers, that direct exhaust oil into MAINTENANCE
pressure die cast Aluminium flange (1) with a a pipe (that usually leads to a tank) and do
gasket (2) for mounting on transformer. The not release the onto the transformer. The Pressure Relief Valve device has a
diaphragm (3) is loaded with two reverse rugged construction and does not
wound calibrated springs (4) and seals the PRDs are much more effective, durable require any maintenance. The operating
port against the top and side gasket (5 & 6). and safe for the transformer than explosion pressure is factory preset and cannot be
The cover (7) retains and compresses the vent. changed at site. It is strongly
recommended that the compression
spring and is held in place by screws (8).
screws on the cover be never removed
without use of extreme caution. The
The cover and the operating disc have MOUNTING operation of the switch may be
specially designed retainers to prevent the The Pressure Relief Valve, should be periodically tested by manually lifting the
dislocation of springs during repeated preferably mounted in the horizontal operating ro and should be reset before
operations. position, top side up. However, it can be putting the instrument in service.
mounted on its side, in vertical plane also.
There is also usually an flag to indicate NUMBER PER INSTALLATION
Any pressure head due to side mounting
operation of the PRD (9). A switch provides
or conservator tanks, should be taken No precise formula is available to
connections to contacts that change into consideration (approximately 0.5 determine the number of pressure relief
connection when PRD operation is triggered. psi/foot) when determining operating valves to be used. However, it is
pressure. recommended to use one T6 device for
WORKING each 35000 litres of cooling liquid
When pressure in the tank rises above the safe capacity on large power transformers.
limit, the operating disc moves slightly
upwards from top gasket. This exposes the AT A GLANCE
transformer pressure to a greater area
Liquid in Tank Transformer Oil (Models for FR3, Ester Oils
corresponding to the diameter of side gasket, and natural oils available on demand)
resulting in sudden increase of force. The disk Standard operating pressures 0.35, 0,42, 0.49, 0.56, 0.70, 1.4
lifts instantaneously and vents gases, vapour (Kg/cm2)
and liquid till the pressure falls to allowable Operating tolerances Operating pressure Tolerance
values. Upto0.90 Kg/cm2 ±0.07Kg/cm2
Above 0.90 &
upto 1.4 Kg/cm2 ±0.14 Kg/cm2
Valve operation Instantaneous
Valve resetting Automatic
Switch resetting Manual
Number of switches Depends on model. In general 1NO 1NC and
2NO 2NC models available
Contact rating As per individual drawings
Cable terminal Terminal box or plug and socket type
Enclosure protection IP 67 / IP X7
l Single integrated body with no exposed switch and trigger mechanism
l Patent pending design with quick acting switch trigger
l Large terminal box with entries from two directions for extremely easy wiring
l Identical mounting and installation to outgoing model requires no change in
transformer design
l Springs treated and coated to prevent rust and corrosion due to harsh environment.
l Inner and outer springs reverse wound and paired for consistent operating
l Outgoing legacy model with external switch
l Limit switch installed on top of body
Limit switch exposed on top of PRD Micro switches integrated inside cover of PRD
Switch trigger mechanism in open and potentially Switch trigger mechanism completely protected and
susceptible to damage invisible
Wiring to be done inside limit switch with single direction Spacious terminal box with cable entry from two sides for
entry easy, accessible wiring
Instantaneous operation of PRD (release of oil) Instantaneous operation of PRD (release of oil)
Rotary switch trigger mechanism requires 80 degree rotation Direct plunger switch trigger provides much faster
of flag for switch operation operation of switch
Standard 126 mm PCD mounting with slot Identical mounting dimensions.
l Direction cover (shroud) with 150mm exhaust provides significantly higher exhaust
flow under practical conditions
l Shroud can be rotated and fixed in any position
l Flange type exhaust allows easy installation
l Switch is placed below shroud and is not exposed to the elements
l Switch trigger mechanism is also placed below shroud and is protected from the
l Much better water ingress protection by design than competition
l Teflon coated stainless steel operating disc with deep drawn spring locator.
l Springs specially treated and coated to prevent rust and corrosion due to harsh
l Inner and outer springs reverse wound and paired for consistent operating
l Plug and socket variants for PGCIL 420/765 KV
l The 150mm exhaust allows 150mm pipe to be used. The larger exhaust opening
and pipe reduce the backpressure on the PRD disk during PRD operation, especially
for long exhaust pipes with multiple bends.
l This reduces the chances that backpressure on the disk may close the disk causing
the PRD the open and close several times
l Hence under practical conditions, the XL 150 exhaust PRD enables better
protection of transformer
Due to our policy of continuous product improvement, dimensions and designs are subject to change.