Material Standard: 21 KV Heavy Duty Distribution Class, Polymer, Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters
Material Standard: 21 KV Heavy Duty Distribution Class, Polymer, Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters
Material Standard: 21 KV Heavy Duty Distribution Class, Polymer, Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters
Seattle City Light Superseding: November 7, 2018
Effective Date: November 4, 2019
1. Scope
This standard applies to 21 kV duty-cycle rating, heavy-duty distribution class,
polymer-housed, metal-oxide surge arresters.
2. Application
Heavy-duty distribution class surge arresters are intended for use on
26400GrdY/15240 V power systems in areas where the nominal fault duty is less than
20 kA rms symmetrical. Arresters are installed on riser poles to protect underground
cable and equipment.
In areas where the fault duty is between 20 kA and 40 kA rms symmetrical, refer to
Seattle City Light (SCL) 6801.60, “21 kV Intermediate Class, Polymer, Metal-Oxide
Surge Arresters.”
This standard applies to SCL Stock No. 680115.
3. Industry Standards
Surge arresters shall meet the applicable requirements of the following national standard:
IEEE C62.11-1999, Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV)
4. Electrical Requirements
Class (recognized by IEEE C62.11) Heavy-duty
Subclass (recognized by industry) Riser pole
Type Metal-oxide
Duty-Cycle Rating 21.0 kV rms
Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV) 17.0 kV rms
Maximum Front-of-Wave Voltage Cresting in 0.5 Microseconds for 10 kA Wave 64.8 kV crest
Maximum Discharge Voltage for 8 X 20 Microsecond 5 kA Wave 46.3 kV crest
Maximum Discharge Voltage for 8 X 20 Microsecond 20 kA Wave 57.9 kV crest
Minimum Symmetrical RMS Fault-Current Withstand Rating 20 kA rms
Minimum Temporary Overvoltage Capability for Three Seconds at 60 Degrees 1.78 per unit
Centigrade Ambient and No Prior Energy Absorption (Overvoltage/MCOV)
5. Construction
Housing Material: Silicon rubber
Housing Material/ Hanger Bracket Color: Gray
Ground Lead Isolator Required
Terminals 3/8-16 stainless steel stud with Penn Union STS-4,
Burndy KF-23, or Dossert DGG-6 connector
(Stock No. 668872), or approved equivalent
Top Bottom
Nameplate Required per IEEE C62.11-1999, Section 10.1
Identification data
Standard Number: 6801.40
Seattle City Light Superseding: November 7, 2018
21 kV Heavy-Duty Class, Polymer, Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters Page: 3 of 3
7. Issuance
Stock Unit: EA
8. Approved Manufacturer
Approved Manufacturer Catalog No.
Cooper Power Systems URT2109-0M1X-1A1A
9. Sources
Shetab, Muneer; SCL Standards Engineer and subject matter expert for 6801.40
Shipek, John; SCL Standards Engineer and subject matter expert for 6801.40
Cooper Power Systems 235-99; UltraSIL Polymer-Housed Evolution (10 kA) Surge
Arresters (Electrical Apparatus); September 2008