Influence of Recycled Aggregate On Slump and Bleeding of Fresh Concrete
Influence of Recycled Aggregate On Slump and Bleeding of Fresh Concrete
Influence of Recycled Aggregate On Slump and Bleeding of Fresh Concrete
DOI 10.1617/s11527-006-9192-y
Received: 10 November 2005 / Accepted: 21 June 2006 / Published online: 17 October 2006
Ó RILEM 2006
Abstract The recycling of construction and Résumé Le recyclage des déchets de construc-
demolition (C&D) waste as a source of aggre- tion et de démolition (C&D) en tant que source de
gates for the production of new concrete has at- granulats pour la production de béton, a attiré des
tracted increasing interests from the construction intérêts croissants de l’industrie du bâtiment. Bien
industry. While the environmental benefits of que les avantages environnementaux de l’emploi
using recycled aggregates are well accepted, some des granulats recyclés soient reconnus, quelques
unsolved problems prevent this type of material problèmes irrésolus empêchent une plus large
from wide application in structural concrete. One application de ce type de matériau en tant que
of the major problems with the use of recycled béton structurel. Un des problèmes majeurs de
aggregates in structural concrete is their high l’utilisation des granulats recyclés dans le béton
water absorption capacity which leads to diffi- structurel, est leur fort pouvoir absorbant menant à
culties in controlling the properties of fresh con- des difficultés de control des propriétés du béton
crete and consequently influences the strength frais et par conséquent, influençant la résistance et
and durability of hardened concrete. This paper la pérennité du béton durci. Cet article présente
presents an experimental study on the properties une étude expérimentale sur les propriétés du bé-
of fresh concrete prepared with recycled aggre- ton frais préparé avec des granulats recyclés. Des
gates. Concrete mixes with a target compressive systèmes de dosage, ayant pour cible une résistance
strength of 35 MPa are prepared with the use of à la compression de 35 MPa, sont préparés à base
recycled aggregates at the levels from 0 to 100% de granulats recyclés avec différents dosages du
of the total coarse aggregate. The influence of total de granulat grossier de 0 à 100%. L’influence
recycled aggregate on the slump and bleeding are des granulats recyclés sur l’affaissement et le res-
investigated. The effect of delaying the starting suage est étudiée. L’effet du retardement du déc-
time of bleeding tests and the effect of using fly lenchement des tests de ressuage, ainsi que l’effet
ash on the bleeding of concrete are explored. de l’emploi de cendres volantes sur l’affaissement
du béton sont explorés.
from unwashed construction and demolition recycled aggregates were used at the levels of 0%,
(C&D) wastes, which had been processed by 20%, 50%, 80% and 100% of the total mass of the
mechanized crushing and sieving at the a local coarse aggregates, respectively. In Series I mixes,
C&D waste recycling plant to produce fine only the Portland cement was used as the cemen-
aggregate and coarse aggregate according to the titious material but in Series II mixes, 25% of the
particle size requirements of British Standard BS cement was replaced by the same weight of fly ash.
812 [13]. Only coarse recycled aggregates with the The proportions of the concrete mixes were de-
maximum nominal sizes of 10 mm and 20 mm signed using the absolute volume method. The mix
were used in this study. The fine aggregate used in proportions for aggregates at the saturated surface-
this study was natural river sand with a fineness dried (SSD) condition are shown in Tables 3 and 4.
modulus of 2.11. The physical and mechanical The actual proportions of the mixes at mixing were
properties of aggregates are shown in Table 2, adjusted according to the moisture contents of the
where the porosity of the aggregates was deter- aggregates which are given in Table 2.
mined using mercury intrusion porosimetry
(MIP) and the strength of the aggregates was 2.4 Tests
measured as the force (in kN) required to pro-
duce 10% of fine materials according to BS 882 The slump of the fresh concrete prepared was
part 111 [14]. In the concrete mixtures, the 10 mm measured using the standard slump test appara-
and 20 mm coarse aggregates were used in a tus. A portion of about 20 liters (3 times the
proportion of 1:2. A river sand was used as the quantity required for the slump test) of fresh
fine aggregate in this study, the terms ‘‘natural concrete was taken for the slump test. Slump
aggregate’’ and ‘‘recycled aggregate’’ refer to values were regularly measured at 15 min inter-
only the coarse aggregates used hereafter in this vals, with the first value measured immediately
paper for simplicity. after mixing and the last value measured at 180th
minute. After each test, the concrete samples
2.3 Concrete mixtures were poured into a steel container and then
plastic film was used to cover the samples during
Two series of concrete mixes were prepared at a the intervals between tests.
water-to-cementitious materials ratio (W/CM) of ASTM C232 standard test method [15] was
0.55. Each series contained five mixes, where the used to measure the bleeding of the concrete
mixture. Fresh concrete was filled into a container where the slump values are averages of two
in two layers and was vibrated for 10 s for each measurements. It can be seen from this figure
layer on a vibrating table. The conical container that the initial slump increased with an increase
had diameters of 290 mm and 285 mm at the top in the percentage of recycled aggregate. The
and the bottom respectively, and a height of mix prepared with 100% recycled aggregate
285 mm. The container was then placed on a level showed the greatest slump of 195 mm. This is
platform free from vibration and covered with a due to the higher initial free water content in
lip to prevent the evaporation of water. A pipette the concrete mixture. This higher initial free
was used to draw off the bleed water at 10 min water content for concrete prepared with recy-
intervals during the first 70 min and at 30 min cled aggregates was due to the higher water
intervals thereafter until cessation of bleeding. absorption of the recycled aggregate. The recy-
The ASTM standard [15] specified that the cled aggregate was used at the air-dried condi-
bleeding test has to be conducted immediately tion with the initial moisture content of the
after mixing. In this study, tests started at 30, 60, aggregate at mixing much lower than its
120 min after mixing were also conducted. For absorption capacity. Additional amounts of
these additional tests, the concrete in the mixer water were added to maintain the mix propor-
was remixed at the above intervals. The proce- tions (designed at the saturated surface-dried
dures described above were followed to measure state) as given in Tables 3 and 4. Detailed dis-
the amount of bleed water. The effect of the cussion on this aspect has been presented in a
starting time of amount of bleeding was measured recent paper of the authors [3]. It is also shown
because, in practice, the casting of concrete is in Fig. 1 that the rate of slump loss was quicker
likely to be any time between 0 and 2 h after within the first hour after mixing, but was
mixing [10]. slower afterward. The mix without recycled
Twelve standard cubes of 100 mm in dimensions aggregate took about 130 min to decrease to the
were cast for each concrete mix and cured in water
at 27°C. Compression tests were conducted on the 240
cubes at the ages of 3, 7, 28 and 90 days to deter-
mine the compressive strength of the concrete. R0
All the tests were conducted in the laboratory R20
environment at the room temperature of about 150
Slump (mm)
3.1 Initial slump and slump loss 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Time (min)
Figure 1 shows the changes of concrete slump
with time for Series I mixes without fly ash, Fig. 1 Changes of slump of concrete mixes without fly ash
Materials and Structures (2007) 40:981–988 985
zero slump, while the mix with 100% recycled recycled aggregate. The rate of slump loss with
aggregates took over 3 h. time was also lower for the mixes with fly ash. As
Figure 2 shows the changes of concrete slump a result, these mixes took longer to reach the zero
with time for the Series II mixes with 25% fly ash, slump than the mixes without fly ash.
where averages of two measurements are also
used. All the mixes showed higher initial slumps 3.2 Bleeding of concrete
when compared with the corresponding mixes
without fly ash. The highest initial slump of The results of the bleeding tests are summarized
210 mm was recorded for the mix with 100% in Table 5 for mixes without fly ash and in
Table 6 for mixes with 25% fly ash. The bleeding
240 rate is defined as the volume of water in ml col-
lected per cm2 per second during the first 60 min
R0F25 of the test. The bleeding capacity is defined as the
180 R20F25
total volume of bleeding water collected during
Slump (mm)
R80F25 the entire course of the test, expressed as the
120 R100F25 fraction of the initial volume of the concrete. The
90 cumulative bleeding curves are shown in Figs. 3
60 and 4 for Series I and Series II mixes respectively,
30 where the accumulated volume of bleeding water
0 is plotted against time (minutes after mixing).
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 A recent study at the Hong Kong Polytechnic
Time (min)
University [3] suggested that the use of recycled
Fig. 2 Changes of slump of concrete mixes with 25% fly ash aggregates that was over-wetted should be
140 R0
120 R20
100 R50
R0 100
80 R20 80
60 R50 60
40 R80 40
20 R100 20
0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
Time (min) Time (min)
(b) 200
Cumulative bleed water (ml)
Fig. 3 Cumulative bleed curves of Series I mixes without fly ash (a) Tests started immediately after mixing; (b) Tests started
at 30 min after mixing; (c) Tests started at 60 min after mixing; (d) Test started at 120 min after mixing
avoided to reduce the bleeding which has nega- bleeding rate and bleeding capacity might be
tive effects on the properties of hardened con- attributed to the initial hydration of cement
crete. The results of the present study as shown which reduced the content of free water in the
in Table 5 indicated that the use of recycled system. It should be noted the delays slightly
aggregates, even at an air-dried state, resulted in prolonged the process of bleeding. When the
higher bleeding rates and bleeding capacities. tests were started immediately after mixing, it
The use of 100% recycled aggregates increased took about 220 min for the bleeding to stop.
the bleeding rate and bleeding capacity by 26% However, when the starting time of tests was
and 22%, respectively. Delaying the starting time delayed by 30 and 60 min, the same process took
of bleeding tests resulted in significant reductions about 300 min. The effect of recycled aggregate
in both the bleeding rate and bleeding capacity content and the starting time of the bleeding test
for all the concrete mixes. For example, for the can also be seen from Fig. 3.
mix with 100% recycled aggregates, a 30-min It is clear by comparing the results in Tables 5
delay of the starting time of the bleeding test and 6, that the replacement of cement by 25% fly
reduced the bleeding rate by 63% and the ash reduced the bleeding rate and bleeding
bleeding capacity by 26%. This result is similar capacity for all the mixes when the bleeding tests
to the results reported by Wainwrigt et al. [10] were conducted immediately after mixing. For the
on the bleeding of concrete containing ground mix with 100% recycled coarse aggregates, the fly
granulated blast furnace slag. The reduction in ash reduced the bleeding rate and bleeding
Materials and Structures (2007) 40:981–988 987
160 160
140 140 R20F25
120 120 R50F25
100 100 R80F25
80 80 R100F25
60 R100F25 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
Time (min) Time (min)
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420
Time (min) Time (min)
Fig. 4 Cumulative bleeding curves of Series II mixes with 25% fly ash (a) Tests started immediately after mixing; (b) Tests
started at 30 min after mixing; (c) Tests started at 60 min after mixing; (d) Tests started at 120 min after mixing
Table 7 Compressive
Series Notation Recycled aggregate (%) Fly ash (%) Compressive strength (MPa)
strength of Series I and II
concrete mixes 3 days 7 days 28 days 90 days
capacity by 9% and 13%, respectively, when effect of using fly ash on the bleeding of concrete
compared with the mix without fly ash. Further might be due to its lower density and higher
reductions in the bleeding rate and bleeding specific area as compared to cement, which held
capacity were observed when the starting time of more free water and blocked the paths of bleed
the bleeding tests was delayed. The beneficial water channels.
988 Materials and Structures (2007) 40:981–988
3.3 Compressive strength Civil Engineering Department of the Hong Kong SAR
Government is thanked for providing the recycled
aggregate samples.
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cubes are shown in Table 7, where each value is the
average of three measurements. It can be seen References
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Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge concrete. ASTM Standards 4.02:139–42
the Environment and Conservation Fund and the Hong
Kong Polytechnic University for funding support. The