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Hazard Identification TABLE

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Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control Summary

Risk after
(Behavioural, Current Assessment control
Biological, Chemical,
(1-5 scale with 5 as highest) Recommendations/ Control applied
(scheduled re-visit)
Hazard/Risk ID and Electrical, Location/ Risk (Hierarchy of controls: Elimination,
Hazard/Risk Effect

RatingResidual Risk
Risk Rating
description Activity Assessment Substitution, Engineering Control,



Physical) Category Administrative Control, PPE)

HR#1: Unprofiled Behavioural Center  Difficulty in 4 5 20 High Unacceptable Elimination:

Food/ Services Gate tracing in the (Stop activity and  Log book (name, contact
make immediate
Delivery Personnel event of a improvements) number & company)
and Construction COVID-19  Check for IDs (no ID, no
Workers incident or entry).
contamination.  Check temperature, footbath
and hand sanitation (wash/
 Opportunity to alcohol).
commit petty  Identify drop-off points near
crimes like the entrance of the building.
vandalism, car- Engineering Control:
jacking, etc.  Put signage at the center gate
and at the drop off areas inside
the campus:
 Signage: no construction
worker is allowed to enter the
premise of the school.

Administrative Control:
 Safety Message/Memo from
the Responsible Officer of the
area (Dean of College)
regulating entry of non-BukSU
HR#2: Going out of Behavioural Center  Administrative 5 4 20 High Unacceptable Administrative Control:
the campus during Gate liabilities in the (Stop activity and  Implement the use of the
make immediate
office hours without event of a road improvements) Tracking Form
using the tracking accidents
form (resulting
serious injuries
or death)
involving an
coming from the
BukSU Casisang
HR#3: Presence of Behavioural COE  Assault (rape/ 3 5 15 Medium Tolerable Administrative Control:
unprofiled non-BukSU Building robbery) of  WFH arrangement for extra
workers inside the employees who load replacements.
Casisang Annex stay after regular  Weekend entry of BukSU
office hours, employee must be monitored
5:00 PM, and on by the guard on duty. Length
weekends alone of time must be asked and
in their offices/ monitored throughout the
work places. duration of the stay.
 Buddy system is encouraged
when working beyond 5:00 PM
and during weekends.
HR#4: Toxic & Chemical  Immediate 5 5 25 Extremely Unacceptable Elimination:
Hazardous Chemicals or/and short- High (Stop activity and  Relocate to a suitable and safe
make immediate
BukSU Toxic Chemical term health improvements) facility. Chemicals must be
Storage/Hazardous problems transported by a registered
Vault was located just a caused by HW Transporter to a registered
few meters away from intoxication, TSD Facility. If relocation is
the constructed Senior poisoning and/or impossible at the moment,
HS Building in Annex prolonged repaired the enclosed
Campus A and right just exposure to protection and remind
besides the road. hazardous contractors on the proper use
chemicals like of the facility.
Currently, the enclosed paralysis,
protection of the chemical burns, Substitution:
Hazardous Vault is not respiratory  Remind the contractor to
in good condition problems or provide an appropriate
because people can death. sleeping quarters for the
access it inside. It was construction workers and not
even made as a use the chemical storage site
bunkhouse of some for bunk space.
construction workers
Engineering Control:
 Put-up signage (Warning
HR#5: Absence of fire Physical COE  None to poor 3 5 15 Medium Tolerable Elimination:
extinguisher and first building emergency (Look to improve  Provision of adequate number
within specific
aid kits response plan timescale) of Fire Extinguishers and First
which may result Aid Kits per floor/room/office
to loss of life or
damage to
HR#6: Railings or Physical COE  Accident 4 5 20 High Unacceptable Elimination:
Canopy Building: resulting to injury (Stop activity and  Removal of the non-solid
make immediate
(made out of soft/non- 2nd, 3rd & or loss of life: improvements) canopy of railing
sturdy materials. It 4th floors) falling
provides false idea that Engineering Control:
a person may step on it  Put up signage (DO NOT
in peculiar situations) STEP on the CANOPY).
 Put up early warning

HR#7: Open manhole Physical walkway  Accident 4 5 20 High Unacceptable Elimination:

resulting to injury (Stop activity and  Put cover on the open
make immediate
or loss of life: improvements) manhole
falling Engineering Control:
 Put warning signage
 Barricade

HR#8: Power house Physical Beside  Accident 4 5 20 High Unacceptable Elimination:

location the main resulting to injury (Stop activity and  Transfer location of the power
make immediate
The power house is entrance or loss of life: improvements) house to a more strategic
very close to the gate electrocution location.
perimeter fence (near and burns
sidewalk and the waiting  Noise pollution: Engineering Control:
shed). in the future,  Install barriers for people not to
classes/offices go near the power house.
will be disturbed  Put up signage (early warning)
by the noise that
is produced by
the power
HR#9: Darkness Physical Center  Security breach 4 4 16 Medium Tolerable Engineering Control:
Absence of Proper Gate at night. (Look to improve  Install temporary lights enough
within specific
Lighting at the Gate. timescale) to illuminate the front and the
Only one tube light is back of the guard house at the
working. main gate.
 Provision of portable search
(Lights at the main gate are
working as of March 29, 2021)

Administrative Control:
 Supplement number of
security guards-on-duty during
the evening.
HR#10: Roof walk or Physical Main  Vehicular 5 5 25 High Unacceptable Elimination:
canopy outside the entrance accident (Stop activity and  Repair (trim the canopy)
make immediate
campus gate near (incident improvements)
the occurred in Engineering Control:
waiting January 2021 -  Early warning signage in the
shed and A truck bump area)
at the into the edge of
opposite the canopy. The
side. canopy (roof of
the waiting
shed/side walk
encroached on
the space for the
HR#11: Parking space Physical East-side  Eye sore to the 1 1 1 Low Acceptable Engineering control:
Congestion and road near aesthetics of the  Put up signage for 4 wheels
accident (falling the COE Casisang Annex and motorcycle parking areas
branches) building campus.
 (In the future, Administrative Control:
the presence of  A traffic management plan
more vehicles may be considered during the
and more implementation of the limited
pedestrians may face-to-face class.
result to an  Identify temporary parking
accident. spaces

HR#13: Design and Physical 2nd, 3rd  Falling 3 4 12 Medium Tolerable Elimination:
material issues: soft and 4th Rain water pass (Look to improve  Replacement with sturdy
within specific
stainless-steel bars Floors through the timescale) material.
(2nd, 3rd & 4th floors) decorative bars, it
makes the floor Engineering control:
slippery, when a  Install mechanism to prevent
person slips and rain water to enter the
slides towards the building.
soft stainless bars,  Put up warning signage in
the stainless bars the area.
cannot support
human adult
weight, this will
result to a falling
HR#14: Design issue: Physical 2nd, 3rd  Falling 3 4 12 Medium Tolerable Elimination:
steel railings (or and 4th The spaces in (Look to improve  Cover the wide gaps
within specific
balusters) (2nd, 3rd & 4th Floors between the steel timescale) between steel railings (done
railings are too already. Temporarily covered
wide. The with monoblock chairs.)
likelihood of a
slipping incident Engineering control:
may result to  Add blocking mechanisms
falling, thus serious (additional railings, glass
injuries or death. cover, decorative screen,
 Put up warning signage in
the area.
HR#15: Drainage Environment Mini-  Air pollution – 4 3 12 Medium Tolerable Engineering:
System al quadrangle odor eventually (Look to improve  Cover canal
within specific
(Stagnant/Water does in front of becomes foul. timescale)
not flow) the COE  Pest Infestation
building – mosquito
breeding area.
HR#16: Trash Environment Collected  Sanitation 5 4 20 Medium Tolerable Engineering Control:
Absence of a Material al trash are issues/problems (Look to improve  Put up signage.
within specific
Recycling Facility and place by like air pollution, timescale)
temporary trash pick-up the main pest infestation Administrative Control:
points entrance and sore eye to  Create and implement a solid
gate while the main waste management plan
waiting for entrance of the (segregation, collection
collection. campus. schedule and drop stations)
 Identify a focal person to
facilitate and monitor the solid
waste management plan of the
Casisang annex campus
 Identify a recycling facility/area
 Provision of trash bins and
garbage bags
HR#17: Inadequate Electrical COE  Accident 5 5 25 High Unacceptable Elimination:
safety barriers Physical building resulting to injury (Stop activity and  Finish the construction
COE make immediate
(unfinished or loss of life: improvements)  Do repair
construction work and Annex
East gate
damaged parts of the electrocution Engineering Control:
COE building) and other freak  Install safety and warning
 elevator shafts accidents. signage
 Electrical wiring  Cover or put barriers
 Open junction boxes, Administrative Control
switches & outlets  Memo/safety message on no
 Gate post bringing of children
 Door/barrier for the

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