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Ana-Holistic Scoring Rubrics For Performance Assesment 411130 Listening and Speaking I

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411130 Listening and Speaking I

Topic: Individual Speaking

Activity: Short Speech

Description of the task:

Each student will pick a card that contains a topic which s/he will make a
short speech on. They will present their speech to the class on an
assigned schedule (about 1 week after students have picked the topics).
The presentation should last for approximately 7 minutes (3-5 minutes
speech and 2 minutes for question and answer). Each presentation should
be accompanied by appropriate visual supports such as PowerPoint,
realia, posters, pictures, etc.


• Topic cards
• Visual supports for the presentation


This activity enables students to:

• Talk about a certain topic in an organized manner

• Demonstrate ability to use transition words appropriately when
delivering a speech
• Create a well planned and organized speech following a given set of
• Show confidence in talking in front of people using a foreign
Evaluation Criteria

Content/Preparation (25%)
Were enough time and effort put into preparing the presentation as regards to
topic choice, imagination, visual support, and personal experience?

Organization (25%)
Do you have good introduction, body, and conclusion? Are the topics presented
in a clear and easy to follow manner? Is the time managed according to the
parameters assigned?

Vocabulary/Expression (25%)
Do you use appropriate language for introductory comments, transitions, and
concluding remarks?

Delivery (25%)
Are volume, pace, and fluency appropriate? Is eye contact and non-verbal behavior suitable
and natural? Do you elicit and respond to questions well?
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Rating
Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvements
Content/ Satisfies all of the ff: Satisfies only most of the ff: Satisfies only some of the ff: Did not satisfy any of the ff:
• Provides visual supports • Provides visual supports • Provides visual supports • Provides visual supports
and evidence such as and evidence such as and evidence such as and evidence such as
25% PowerPoint, pictures, posters, or PowerPoint, pictures, posters, PowerPoint, pictures, posters, or
PowerPoint, pictures, posters,
or realia. realia. or realia. realia.
• Covers the topics and • Covers the topics and • Covers the topics and • Covers the topics and
subtopics given on the topic subtopics given on the topic subtopics given on the topic subtopics given on the topic
card. card. card. card.
Organizatio Satisfies all of the ff: Satisfies only some of the ff: Did not satisfy any of the ff:
n Satisfies only most of the ff:
• The speech is divided into • The speech is divided into • The speech is divided into
• The speech is divided into
introduction, body, and introduction, body, and introduction, body, and
25% introduction, body, and
conclusion. conclusion. conclusion.
• Provides clear supporting • Provides clear supporting • Provides clear supporting
• Provides clear supporting
details and examples to the details and examples to the details and examples to the
details and examples to the
main topics. main topics. main topics.
main topics.
• The speech is delivered no • The speech is delivered no • The speech is delivered no
• The speech is delivered no
more nor less than the time more nor less than the time more nor less than the time
more nor less than the time
required. required. required.
Vocabulary/ • Signal words, transition • Signal words, transition • Signal words, transition • Signal words, transition
Expression words, and connecting words words, and connecting words words, and connecting words words, and connecting words
are used appropriately about are used appropriately about are used appropriately about are used appropriately less than
25% 90% – 100% of the time. 75% – 89% of the time. 50% – 74% of the time. 50% of the time.
Delivery Satisfies all of the ff: Satisfies only most of the ff: Satisfies only some of the ff: Did not satisfy any of the ff:
• Stands straight and does • Stands straight and does • Stands straight and does • Stands straight and does
not fidget nor make not fidget nor make not fidget nor make not fidget nor make
unnecessary movements. unnecessary movements. unnecessary movements. unnecessary movements.
• Does not lean on the table • Does not lean on the table • Does not lean on the table • Does not lean on the table
nor cover his/her face with nor cover his/her face with nor cover his/her face with nor cover his/her face with
his/her notes. his/her notes. his/her notes. his/her notes.
• Volume, pace, and fluency • Volume, pace, and fluency • Volume, pace, and fluency • Volume, pace, and fluency
help emphasize key points and help emphasize key points and help emphasize key points and help emphasize key points and
maintain audience interest. maintain audience interest. maintain audience interest. maintain audience interest.
• Eye contact and gestures • Eye contact and gestures • Eye contact and gestures • Eye contact and gestures
establish rapport with the establish rapport with the establish rapport with the establish rapport with the
audience. audience. audience. audience.
• Gives answers to the • Gives answers to the • Gives answers to the • Gives answers to the
audience’s questions without audience’s questions without audience’s questions without audience’s questions without
significant pause and significant pause and significant pause and significant pause and
hesitations. hesitations. hesitations. hesitations.
Scoring Procedure:

• Rate each student’s speech according to how they satisfy the given
• Calculate the score for each criterion (Raw Score / 4 X 25). Add all the
scores to get the over-all rating.

Interpretation of the scores:

85 – 100 (A) You excellently satisfy the

requirements for this activity.
75 – 84 (B) Your presentation is very good.
65 – 74 (C) Your presentation is generally good.
There are some areas that you need to
improve on.
55 – 64 (D) Your presentation barely passes the
requirement. You need improvement
on all areas of your speech.
54 – below (F) You failed to meet the requirements to
pass this activity.

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