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Gujarat Technological University: Bachelor of Engineering Syllabus Subject Code: Subject Name

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Subject Code : 3174208
Subject Name : Reinforcement Learning

WEF Academic Year : 2023-24

Semester : 7
Category of the Course : Professional Elective - VI

Prerequisite: Linear algebra, probability, statistics, machine learning

Rationale : In this course, we will investigate the process of learning through an agent's mistakes. This is
very dissimilar to supervised machine learning and more closely resembles how people learn via
experience. The focus of Reinforcement Learning (RL) is on issues that call for a series of decisions to be
made in order. The fundamentals of reinforcement learning are the focus of this course.

Course Scheme :
Teaching Scheme Assessment Pattern and Marks
Credits Total
Theory Practical Marks
ESE (E) PA(M) ESE (V) PA (I)
3 0 2 4 70 30 30 20 150

Course Content :
Sr. No. of % of
Course Content
No. Hours Weightage
Course logistics and overview. Origin and history of Reinforcement
1 6 15
Learning research. Its connections with other related fields and with
different branches of machine learning.
Probability Primer
Brush up of Probability concepts - Axioms of probability, concepts of
2 random variables, PMF, PDFs, CDFs, Expectation. Concepts of joint and 6 15
multiple random variables, joint, conditional and marginal distributions.
Correlation and independence.
Markov Decision Process
Introduction to RL terminology, Markov property, Markov chains,
3 Markov reward process (MRP). Introduction to and proof of Bellman 8 20
equations for MRPs along with proof of existence of solution to Bellman
equations in MRP. Introduction to Markov decision process (MDP), state

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Subject Code : 3174208
Subject Name : Reinforcement Learning

and action value functions, Bellman expectation equations, optimality of

value functions and policies, Bellman optimality equations.
Prediction and Control by Dynamic Programing
Overiew of dynamic programing for MDP, definition and formulation of
planning in MDPs, principle of optimality, iterative policy evaluation,
4 policy iteration, value iteration, Banach fixed point theorem, proof of 8 20
contraction mapping property of Bellman expectation and optimality
operators, proof of convergence of policy evalutation and value iteration
algorithms, DP extensions.
Monte Carlo Methods for Model Free Prediction and Control
Overiew of Monte Carlo methods for model free RL, First visit and every
5 6 15
visit Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo control, On policy and off policy learning,
Importance sampling.
TD Methods
Incremental Monte Carlo Methods for Model Free Prediction, Overview
6 TD(0), TD(1) and TD(λ), k-step estimators, unified view of DP, MC and 6 15
TD evaluation methods, TD Control methods - SARSA, Q-Learning and
their variants.

Reference Book:
 “Reinforcement Learning”, Sutton and Barto, MIT Press, 2018
 “An Introduction to Internet of Things: Connecting Devices, Edge Gateway, and Cloud with
Applications”, Rahul Dubey, Cengage India Publication
 "Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Algorithms" Alekh Agarwal, Nan Jiang, Sham
Kakade, and John Langford
 Machine Learning: A Reinforcement Approach" by Satinder Singh and Sanjay Lal
 "Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning in Python: Complete guide to artificial
intelligence and machine learning", Lazy Programmer, Kindle Edition

Course Outcome:
After Completion of the Course, Student will able to:
No Course Outcomes RBT Level*
01 Learn how to define RL tasks and the core principals behind the RL, RM
02 Understand the basics of probability and distribution functions UN
03 Understand and work with tabular methods to solve classical control problems UN
04 Apply approximate methods to solve problems AP

https://syllabus.gtu.ac.in/ Page 2
Subject Code : 3174208
Subject Name : Reinforcement Learning

*RM: Remember, UN: Understand, AP: Apply, AN: Analyze, EL: Evaluate, CR: Create

Suggested Course Practical List :

Implement 10 practical which are covering basics of course.

List of Laboratory/Learning Resources Required :



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