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Lesson Plan On Reading (Skimming & Scanning) : Submitted To

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Lesson Plan on Reading

(Skimming & Scanning)

Submitted to
Ahmed Bashir
Associate Professor
Department of English
University of Dhaka

Submitted by
Fariha Sharmin
M.A. (Applied Linguistics & ELT)
Batch 7, Class Roll-KM-1768
Department of English
University of Dhaka

Date of Submission: November 26, 2017

Date : 26/11/2017

Duration : 30 minutes

Medium of instruction: English

Physical condition of the class: This is a class of 30-40 students. Students usually sit on
movable single chairs which ensure the feasibility for group work. Lectures can be given through
microphone if needed. Whiteboard, worksheets and multimedia are used for presentation.

Learner Background:
Class: Honors first year
Age: 18-20
Language Proficiency Level: Intermediate level
Cultural and Language Background: Students are Bangladeshi and they have
experiences of learning English for twelve years. They have urban, sub-urban and rural
Purpose of Learning English: Academic purpose

Lesson Plan:

Topic: Reading
Aims: To develop and improve skimming and scanning in English.
Intended learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to
a) have a general idea of the text
b) think critically
c) dig up a specific information from the big chunk of texts technically
d) read faster

Rationale:. Skimming and scanning are reading techniques. Skimming is reading a text to get
the gist, the basic overall idea, rather than concentrating on absorbing all the details. For
instance, many people skim a newspaper article just to get a quick overview, or a text could be
skimmed to see whether it's worth reading in detail.
On the other hand, scanning is reading rapidly for a specific information. For example, many
people look up a word in a dictionary or index or find an address or a phone number in a
directory. Students will be able to skim and scan any kind of text after having this lesson.

Methodology: To teach skimming and scanning strategy of reading, Communicative Language

Teaching (CLT) will be used initially as there will be some interactive sessions where students
talk to each other and teachers to learn how to skim and scan.

Teaching aids/ Resources/ Materials/ Equipment: PowerPoint, work-sheets, pictures,

whiteboard and whiteboard marker.
Anticipated difficulties: Electricity failure, absence of peer
Back-up activities: Printed copies of slides
Motivational factors: The text will motivate students to read carefully with skimming strategy
and scanning strategy and do the activities, interesting pictures will be used, competitive
question and answer session or matching the information will be there and chocolates will be
given as tokens of appreciation.

Evaluation: Assessment will be on how students are performing in the activities.

Homework: Students will be asked to write a summary of the text in a paragraph which is read
in the class. The length of the summary will be within 50 words.

References of Materials



Stage, duration, Type of Teacher activities Student activities Objectives Materials


Warm up activity 1 The teacher will show Students will try to It will help the students to Multimedia
a video on skimming understand the get an idea about the topic. projector
(2 minutes)
and scanning content of the video
(Showing a video)
Warm up activity 2 The teacher will share Students will also It will create connection Personal
personal opinion share their personal among themselves and the anecdote
(1 minute)
relevant to the topic. views about the topic which will make the
(Sharing personal topic. lesson more interesting.

Pre- reading activity- 1 The teacher will show Students will guess It will activate students’ Poster
a picture on the poster to identify the schematic knowledge
(1 minute)
and ask students to image
(Identifying image)
identify the image

While-reading activity- 1 The teacher will Students will read It will help them to The given
(3 minutes) provide the text and silently concentrate on reading and text
(reading the text) ask students to read know the major theme

While-reading activity- 2 The teacher will ask Students will have a It will help to enable to sum Pen and
(2 minutes) students make groups general idea of the up the text collaboratively worksheet
(summarizing by making and make some key text
points) points from the text

Post-reading activity-1 The teacher will ask Students will have It will help to create an Poster
(5 minutes) one student from each to write the key amenable atmosphere to
group to write at least points with correct participate in classroom
one or two points on words or phrases. activities.
the poster.
Post-reading activity-2 The teacher will show Students will be It will help to check Multimedia
(4 minutes) some sentences with more specific by students’ scanning ability projector
(Finding out specific blanks and ask finding out the
information) students to fill in the information from
blanks with the the text
correct words or
phrases from the text
Post-reading activity-3 The teacher will give Students will be It will support students’ Worksheet
(5 minutes) some statements from more attentive reading comprehension
(Answering True/False ) the text and ask towards the text to
students to answer answer true or false
true or false the given correctly

Homework The teacher will give Students will write It will engage students for Notebooks
(2 minutes) home tasks for next down their home further study or copies
class tasks
3. Methods

3.4.3 Post-reading The teacher will It will help to check students’ Multimedia
activity ask students to response on the topic. projector
(4 minutes) share their
(sharing ideas and answers with the
views) whole class.

3.5.1 Closing The teacher will Students will It will help to reinforce the Video clip
(showing 4 minutes show a video watch the video topic.
video clip) based on the for pleasure.
topic which will
help to review
the topic.

3.5.2 Closing The teacher will Students will It will ensure students’ Notebooks or
(2 minutes) ask any of the write down the understanding about the topic. copies
(providing feedback, students to summary or any
checking summarize the of them will
understanding etc) main points of orally
the topic as well summarize.
as provide
feedback on their
overall response.

3.6 Homework The teacher will Students will It will engage students for Notebooks or
(2 minutes) give home tasks write down their further study. copies
for next class. home tasks.

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