W4: Reflect 2 On Self-Perception: Camilo, Gielyn Mae Y. Bsmt-2C
W4: Reflect 2 On Self-Perception: Camilo, Gielyn Mae Y. Bsmt-2C
W4: Reflect 2 On Self-Perception: Camilo, Gielyn Mae Y. Bsmt-2C
1. What are the three things you have discovered about your social self?
2. How are you going to apply your insights in understanding your social self.
My Reflection:
Social self is helpful in understanding how a person views himself or herself as he or she
interacts with the social environment that includes family, school, peer groups, and mass media. It
can also be termed as an “I self” and “Me self”. Furthermore, Social self is the aspect of one's
identity or self-concept that are important to or influenced by interpersonal relationships and the
reactions of other people.
The three things that I have discovered about my social self, is that (1) I am very inquisitive
or curious about the people that I have encountered or the things that is introduced to me, I just
love the idea of gaining new knowledge. (2) Secondly, I discovered that I can easily get-along with
people who has the same cup-of-tea or vibe as I do. And lastly, (3) aside from being a fun-to-be-
with, go with the flow and a crazy friend you can have, I can also be serious and listen whole-
heartedly incase my friend has a problem, and in addition to that, I am also a good adviser,
comforter and your One-Call-Away friend always.
As the famous saying goes or states “No man is an island” means that no one is truly self-
sufficient, everyone must rely on the company and comfort of others in order to thrive. In short,
we need to work hand-in-hand or together. Moreover, I clearly understand that each person has his
or her own perception of social self, and they have unique ways to socialize with others. And I
believe, if each individual just know how to respect each other’s differences, and learn how to act
accordingly for the good many, then we can easily achieve a peaceful society.