MANTUANO, Donita Marie B. Bsac-1A
MANTUANO, Donita Marie B. Bsac-1A
MANTUANO, Donita Marie B. Bsac-1A
The relevance of the circumnavigation of the earth was that this event
showed that it was possible to sail around the world, and left a record about it.
It brought our country, Philippines firmly into the orbit of Western
knowledge.This immensely enhanced and developed the geographical
knowledge of each mankind especially here in the Philippines because it is
where most of the important events like the first mass happened and also
proved that once and for all, the earth is round which is very important to
know to satisfy the curiosity of the people living in any part of the country.
Ferdinand Magellan’s discovery of the Philippines brought the archipelago
into the awareness about its surroundings. From the point of view of us,
Filipinos, Magellan’s expedition was significant because it paved the way for
contacts between the Philippines and Western civilization.