NSTP Module 3 Drug Education Part 1
NSTP Module 3 Drug Education Part 1
NSTP Module 3 Drug Education Part 1
Activity 1
Explain in your point of view the different information of each item
1. Injection marks of an addict
- An addict usually has trace marks with discolored skin around it, as it is the marks where
they usually get injected with drugs in forms of liquid
2. Unusual effort made to cover arms to hide needle marks
- Addicts wouldn’t go around making it obvious for people to know that they are a drug
addict, so they hide their arms to cover the marks in order to avoid questions from other
3. Stealing items which can be readily sold for cash to support a drug habit - Drug addicts are
usually desperate, and they would do anything to support their usual drug habits. So they
steal and do anything in order to buy the drugs that they use. 4. Changes in mood –
depending on the drug taken, example: depressed or becoming elated and euphoric
- Drugs not only affect the physical aspects of a human, but also the emotions of a person.
The desperation and the exhaustion they feel while taking drugs are side effects of their
5. Association with known drug abusers
- Drug addicts usually associate with fellow drug users because they are in contact with
each other when buying drugs.
6. Change from normal capabilities (work habits, efficiency, etc.)
- Because of addiction, they tend to drive away from their usual habits. 7.
Change in attendance at work or school
- Drug addicts usually tend to forget their responsibilities because they are already not
aware of what else is happening around them when they are high.
8. Wearing sunglasses constantly at inappropriate times.
- Some drugs cause the pupils to dilate, and this is a give away that someone uses drugs.
People who use drugs do not want to be caught which is why they constantly wear
9. Poor physical appearance including inattention to dress and personal
- Because of addiction, they do not care about their personal appearance or hygiene.
Activity 2
The song, Bawal na Gamot by Willie Garte tells the negative effects of drug abuse, this
was considered as the memorable song of many drug rehabilitation program and give the
infectious hook of ingredients for an individual who underwent treatment.
4. Write your personal prayer for victim of prohibited drugs.
- Dear God, You are in charge of all the lives of everyone on Earth. May You guide those
who have lost their way, and be the light to bring them back to the right path. May you
forgive them, and help them overcome their struggles with addiction. Amen.
5. As a student, create an activity to campaign, Drug Awareness Among Youth. Discuss how
to be conducted in your own community.
- I would ask help from those in charge of the community to create an event or meeting in
the community called ‘#IWAS’, where we provide information on drug abuse, and help
those who are in need of help regarding their addiction.
Activity 3
Write your creative talent, how would you describe the national drug situation, if you were to be
asked to perform any of the following: (Select two only)
1. Newspaper Correspondent (Prepare a write-up)
- The Bilibid Prison currently has over 90,000 people that are jailed for drug use and drug
pushing. According to sources, these prisoners are part of an illegal drug trafficking
group that makes millions of pesos monthly. PDEA is now questioning companies who
are on the watchlist for illegal drug trafficking.
3. TV Reporter (Make an annotation of a news)
- Five years after the death of Kian delos Santos, protesters march outside in trying to find
justice for his death. Kian delos Santos is one of the many victims of former president
Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs, wherein Kian was accused of pushing drugs. It seems
that after five years, Kian delos Santos and his family has still yet to find justice, and
fears that these situations might continue in the current administration.
Activity 4
What other misconception do you have in relation to drug abuse and drug prevention? In the
chart, identify on the first column the myths and on the second column, provide facts to
correct the wrong beliefs.
Myths Facts
Drug addiction is irreversible. Drug addiction is reversible with the help of professionals
and proper support of family or
Drug abuse can stop anytime. Drug addicts usually have withdrawals, which is their desire
for drugs at all times. This
makes it hard for drug addicts to stop.
Drug addicts are bad people. Not all drug addicts are bad people, some have just simply lost
their way and resorted to
drugs to forget their problems, which is the
wrong way to overcome problems. Most drug
addicts are in need of help.
4. Reflection - As a student, write your reflection about our topic, Drug and Substances
Abuse, Prevention, and Control.
- Drug abuse is a popular issue in our country, and most victims tend to be ages 12-18. It’s a
given that drug abuse is bad, and it should not be done by anyone. However, our country
and our society has alienated drug addicts so much that they are painted as bad people
rather than victims of their situation. In the previous administration where ‘War on Drugs’
was implemented, most victims were poor because they were painted to be the ‘easy
users’ of drugs, mainly inhalants. Our country doesn’t make much progress in trying to
fix the drug situation, mainly because the true culprits of drug abuse in the
Philippines are protected by those in power. We cannot change the drug situation and
control drug abuse if the higher-ups don't want to do anything for their benefit.
5. Generalization - State the some frequently asked questions about the nature of drug and
commonly abused drugs.
Q: How would I know if I were an alcoholic or addicted to a drug?
A. Addiction counselors and other mental health professionals generally look for a pattern of the
• Negative consequences of alcohol/drug use
• An inability to quit or control alcohol/drug use
• A pattern of increased amounts and/or frequency of use
Q: What is the best way to approach a loved one about their alcohol or drug use? A: It is
important to approach someone whom you think may have a problem in a way that is