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Teamcenter: Simplifying PLM

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Siemens PLM Software

Simplifying PLM
Manage complexity with
simplified PLM
It can take thousands – perhaps Product lifecycle management (PLM) can
millions – of decisions to create a great bring together all the product information and
product. Not just the big milestone decisions, processes you need in one centralized system.
but all the small decisions that lead up to You can take a systems-driven approach to
them. Anyone in your extended enterprise product development to unify your product
can make a decision at any time that makes a lifecycle. With PLM, you can weave a digital
difference in a product’s success or failure. thread through ideation, realization and
Add to this the complexity of your products.
As technology becomes more sophisticated, Teamcenter® software from Siemens PLM
electronic and software components are just Software is all about PLM, simplified.
as essential as mechanical parts. Yet, the
interfaces between components are all too
often overlooked until late in the develop-
ment process.

You may need to factor in best practices

and formulas, and no matter what business
you’re in, you must also consider regulatory
requirements, environmental impact, cost and
quality as you take a new product to market.

Deliver increasingly complex products

while maximizing productivity and
streamlining operations.

Grow your PLM maturity
with Teamcenter

Teamcenter simplifies PLM by taking Extend the value. Next, take a look at Build on a solid PLM platform.
the guesswork out of the deployment related domains and processes. Manage The Teamcenter platform is a solid
process. We deliver a flexible portfolio requirements. Include suppliers, both foundation for every Teamcenter appli-
of focused applications organized to those that use Teamcenter and those cation, with powerful core capabilities.
allow you to strategically grow your that do not. Connect engineering with You can choose from flexible deploy-
PLM maturity in a way that makes manufacturing and service. Extend the ment options (on-premise, cloud, and
sense for you. value of PLM across the product Teamcenter Rapid Start), and leverage
lifecycle. an intuitive PLM user experience with
Start with PLM. For most of our cus- Active Workspace.
tomers, the first step on the PLM path is Transform your business. PLM can
to take control of your product data and help you take your business to the next
processes. Manage and share mechani- level. Apply transformational solutions
cal, electronics, software and simulation to your product lifecycle for a profound
data, as well as documents and bills of business impact. Drive your product
materials (BOMs) in a single environ- cost, quality and sustainability initia-
ment. Use standardized workflows and tives. Establish a systems-driven
change processes to streamline your approach to product development.

The Teamcenter platform is a

solid foundation for every
Teamcenter application, with
powerful core capabilities.

Start with PLM

Manage mechanical, electronics, Manage product documents and

software and simulation data in a technical publications
single environment Teamcenter provides easy-to-use document
• Do these challenges sound familiar? management and technical authoring and
• Keep global design teams in synch publishing tools to optimize documentation.
• Understand how mechanical, electrical and Using the familiar Microsoft Office suite, you
software designs work together can create and manage documents in accor-
• Find the right design information dance with product development processes
• Duplicate designs with too little re-use and your data control protocols. This helps
• Enable design collaboration, managing you establish a single source of product
dependencies and relationships development knowledge for creating and
• Validate products and analysis quickly and managing documents.
Document management includes version/
revision control, workflow, data links to
Teamcenter can help you take control of your
product data, printing controls for watermarks
multi-CAD and multi-domain design pro-
and stamping, and change management.
cesses, including mechanical, electronics,
Advanced authoring and publishing with XML
software and simulation data and manage
simplifies the creation of structured docu-
that data from a single secure source. You can
ments, such as parts catalogs and service
access, assemble and re-use your company’s
manuals, within the product development
valuable intellectual property and validate the
quality and completeness of design data
before release to manufacturing.

You can manage text, illustrations and With Teamcenter, you can extend BOM Leverage project management and
translations, to support multi-media/ management across the lifecycle. workflow capabilities to effectively
channel publication and document Support up-front planning and master manage change. You can synchronize
variants with product development product definition, through product and integrate change processes across
change management. configuration, design, manufacturing, all product domains to implement
service and more. You can integrate change quickly, accurately and
Manage the BOM and its BOM information across other enter- comprehensively.
configuration prise systems to eliminate costly errors
Teamcenter provides a single, accurate associated with standalone BOM
product definition for all who interact sources.
with the BOM. With a complete,
up-to-date source of information, you Manage PLM processes
eliminate the need for standalone With Teamcenter, you can reduce the
spreadsheets and systems. This flexible manual effort and cost of managing any
BOM definition helps you manage PLM process, regardless of how simple
configurations and quickly refresh or complex it is. Build in your business
product lines to meet customer logic and use standard templates to
demands. give everyone exactly what they need
to complete their task at the right time.
In many enterprise BOM approaches,
you waste time digging through Teamcenter includes project and pro-
out-of-scope information. With gram management solutions
Teamcenter, each user has secure that connect planning to the actual
access to a tailored BOM view that’s execution of tasks. Timelines are auto-
relevant to their role and tasks. matically updated, deliverables are
linked and tracked, and project status is
Today, you might be relying on costly
clearly understood. Connect projects to
prototypes, or virtual tests of only a
integrated portfolio planning to ensure
few valid product configurations.
you have the time, people, and money
Teamcenter ties your virtual and physi-
to meet your targets.
cal product definitions together to
digitally validate your products, ensur-
ing that what has been designed can
actually be built.

Take control of your

data and processes.

Connect engineering,
requirements, manufacturing,
service and suppliers.

Extend the value of PLM
Incorporate the voice of the customer With Teamcenter, you can manage business processes, from
into your products the early stages of design to the actual production launch
Giving your customers what they want is a requirement for and beyond. Teamcenter enables a truly concurrent engineer-
success, yet it can be a challenge if customer requirements ing environment that allows you to leverage product designs
are captured only in standalone documents that are hard to while simultaneously optimizing and synchronizing manufac-
find and out of date. Customer/contractual compliance may turing deliverables. This helps you better manage lifecycle
not be fully implemented in the products you bring to costs, be more productive across multiple domains and
market. maintain product quality targets.
With the aid of Teamcenter, you can:
Collaborate with suppliers
• Reduce time and effort with a single source for generating
around the world
and managing requirement documents
Corporate mergers and acquisitions often leave in their wake
• Improve quality by linking requirements to functional,
disconnected global teams of partners and suppliers. Yet,
logical and physical implementation so you can verify
great products are increasingly designed and validated digi-
and validate requirements are met
tally with the aid of a globally distributed supply chain. While
• Ensure compliance by defining, managing and tracing
suppliers can play different roles in your product lifecycles,
customer requirements across the entire product lifecycle
they often must deal with multi-CAD environments and
multiple processes that vary from customer to customer.
Improve service operations
Suppliers need an easy-to-use collaboration solution to
The lack of a common, accurate asset/product knowledge
participate in PLM processes that spans multiple use cases,
base inhibits efficient service lifecycle management. This can
while OEMs need a platform to extend their PLM processes
lead to ordering the wrong parts due to lack of asset configu-
and data to the right suppliers in a secure and efficient man-
ration, status and history; lowering first-time fix rates and
ner. Teamcenter enables suppliers and OEMs to work
repeat service events.
collaboratively using accurate, up-to-date information. This
Using Teamcenter, you can establish a single knowledge base brings more visibility to supplier performance while reducing
to support service and product engineering while improving administrative labor costs spent dealing with data exchange
service operations. issues.
This capability includes meticulous product and asset service
planning that enables you to create and manage detailed,
accurate service plans and documentation. It also enables
lean service operations, which help you define and schedule
service work, deliver service tasks with all necessary informa-
tion at the point of service and capture event results.
Teamcenter also makes it easy for you to generate documen-
tation such as service manuals and parts catalogs.

Connect engineering with manufacturing

Shifting market demand, increasing competitive pressures
and resource constraints require you to continuously improve
manufacturing processes. You need new strategies to help
you streamline operations, boost productivity and maintain

Transform your business

Improve product quality Teamcenter helps you increase quality by

PLM can help you take your business to the collecting issues from sales and marketing
next level. When you successfully apply trans- through design engineering to production.
formational solutions to your product This enables smarter decisions across the
lifecycle, quality, safety and reliability improve global enterprise.
dramatically. PLM helps you meet require-
ments from customers as well as regulators. Align cost management with
product development
Quality products require smarter decisions,
Profit margins suffer if you don’t have visibility
including trade-offs between cost, time-to-
into what drives costs. Teamcenter provides
market and meeting design intent. Many of
you with a complete set of tools for managing
the quality solutions today are segregated
costing throughout the development and
applications which require additional expense.
manufacturing processes.
This can impact quality while increasing the
risk of repeat issues. These holistic cost modeling tools enable
parametric, predictive and detailed cost calcu-
lation on a program-by-program basis.

Accurate, detailed cost calculations are
based on common information, such as
cost of materials, labor and manufactur-
ing processes, providing clear visibility
into how decisions impact cost.
Teamcenter helps support your cost
model across all corporate functions.
Engineering can anticipate the cost
impact of change. Purchasing and sales
can have open and clear fact-based
negotiations and should-cost analysis.
Finance can estimate the profitability of
a program.

Create sustainable products and

comply with regulations
“Going green” is no longer a choice for
manufacturers. Environmental compli-
ance is required by law and the volume
and complexity of regulations continues
to grow. Manufacturers must report on
the quantity and concentration levels of
every material and substance used in Drive product cost,
their products. Failure to comply with
regulations is costly. You can be fined quality, sustainability and
and banned from markets. The damage
to your brand can be devastating.
systems engineering.
Teamcenter enables you to implement
forward-looking strategies such as
Design for the Environment to pro-
actively assess the impact material
choices will have on downstream pro- Using the Teamcenter architecture
cesses. You can minimize errors and modeler, you can construct a systems-
re-work by automating the supplier level behavioral, functional and logical
material and substance declaration definition to help ensure products
request process and reduce the risk of perform as intended. You can capture,
noncompliance by enabling compliance model, simulate and analyze system
grading and reporting. performance targets, as well as subsys-
tem interactions before generating
Ensure product performance with physical prototypes. You can also
systems engineering combine systems engineering with
Teamcenter can help you mitigate integrated product definition,
unforeseen costs and manufacturing cross-domain design management,
issues, system failures due to subsys- manufacturing processes, assembly
tems integration issues, interface plants and service planning.
discrepancies, lack of product data
re-use, the inability to assess the impact
of design or requirement changes and
being forced to make substantial com-
promises late in the process.

Build on a powerful PLM platform
Streamlined and intuitive PLM
user experience
Teamcenter provides a streamlined and
intuitive PLM user experience to accom-
modate a wide range of users.
For power users, such as engineers and
designers who need access to advanced
PLM capabilities, Teamcenter provides a
high performance client that makes
it easy to complete complex and demand-
ing tasks.
For extended enterprise users, such as
your executives or sales and marketing
team members who need easy access to
Teamcenter anytime, anywhere, Active
Workspace provides browser-based
access to Teamcenter on any modern
computing device without the need to
install any clients or plugins. Active
Workspace increases your productivity by
allowing you to find what you need
faster, enabling you to see the big picture
so you can make smarter decisions and
providing you with seamless access to
PLM when and where you need it.

Proven platform capabilities you

can rely on
The Teamcenter proven platform capabili-
ties provide you with a strong PLM
foundation. Powerful visualization capa-
bilities enable you to communicate
clearly in 3D using the JT™ data format.

Best-in-class security, including support Take Teamcenter to the cloud
for rigorous export control initiatives such as Teamcenter supports cloud deployment so
International Traffic in Arms Regulations you can deploy some or all of your PLM
(ITAR), ensures that your intellectual property computing infrastructure on a third-party
is always protected. Other critical capabilities cloud service provider. This approach enables
such as integrated material management, fast and flexible Teamcenter deployment
classification, collaboration, reporting and without heavy upfront hardware investments.
analytics, complete a robust and future-proof Then you can dynamically scale your cloud
PLM foundation. infrastructure as needed.

Flexible deployment options

Teamcenter can be deployed in a single
location or on a global scale with suppliers
and partners. The Teamcenter open and
extensible platform will grow with you as
your needs change over time.

Deploy PDM quickly with a growth

path to PLM
If you want to get up and running with basic
product data management (PDM) quickly,
Teamcenter Rapid Start includes preconfig-
ured capabilities that take the guesswork out
of your deployment process. Once you’re up
and running with PDM, you can add on any
PLM capabilities as your needs grow.
Teamcenter Rapid Start’s multi-CAD
data management capabilities enable you to
manage, control and share CAD data across
your entire design and supply chain.
Teamcenter can be deployed in a
Regardless of the MCAD or ECAD tools you single location or on a global scale
use, your cross-functional teams can quickly
find, share and re-use product data. You can with suppliers and partners.
also manage everyday tasks with preconfig-
ured workflows for engineering change and
product release.

Industry solutions
Teamcenter delivers solutions Aerospace and defense Automotive and transportation
across industries The aerospace and defense industry Automakers and their suppliers are
Every company feels the pressure to faces difficult challenges. Aircraft answering consumer demands for
develop the right products, closely production and orders for new aircraft improved performance, infotainment,
manage costs and improve time-to- are near record highs. Private compa- comfort, connectivity and safety, as
market. Yet, there are differences in nies are launching vehicles into space. well as responding to government
the challenges facing your company Yet, declining defense expenditures regulations for fuel economy and sus-
because of the industry you are in. mean fiercer competition for fewer tainability. Operating on a global scale
Teamcenter addresses the needs of programs. requires automakers to build cars that
companies across industries, delight consumers throughout the
Teamcenter enables aerospace and
including yours. world, while also taking into account
defense manufacturers to dramatically
local market conditions. Balancing all of
improve technical performance, costs
these often-conflicting factors is a
and schedules. You can execute to the
staggering challenge.
plan; virtually verify technical, produc-
tion and in-service performance; and Using Teamcenter, you can manage
seamlessly and securely share knowl- vehicle and product complexity with a
edge and best practices. PLM process that combines systems
engineering with an integrated product
definition. You can define, develop and
deliver the right products for the right
market opportunities.

Consumer products and retail Energy and utilities Oil, gas and refineries
Increasing regulatory control economic Sustaining the per capita level of The oil and gas industry is tapping
uncertainty, and global expansion has energy consumption and supporting energy from deep water, tar sands,
challenged consumer products manu- emerging markets requires new ways of shale gas fields and other sources. The
facturers and retailers. Your company generating power more safely and industry faces a tough regulatory envi-
must maintain and develop brand value economically, while reducing waste and ronment and must reduce pollution and
while meeting demand, growing profit- building a more reliable electric grid. produce cleaner energy.
ably, and ensuring environmental
Teamcenter helps establish a long term Teamcenter helps you manage asset
information management platform that lifecycle information with solutions
Teamcenter helps you capture and can be used to optimize new plant for project execution including the
control product requirements and initiatives and upgrades; design equip- management of design models and
information in a centralized, trusted ment and manage supply chains; test documents; engineering and
record. You have the right information ensure compliance with regulatory, project change histories with digital
you need to make the right decisions contracting and licensing requirements; signatures and keep a lifetime’s worth
and build brand value. commission and maintain assets in of specifications, requirements, equip-
operation; and provide support for ment maintenance and procurement
decommissioning at end of life. records.

Electronics and semiconductor Medical devices and pharmaceuticals
Ever-shortening product lifecycles and razor-thin margins are Medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturers are con-
among the challenges facing the electronics and semiconduc- tinuously innovating to bring new and better products to the
tor industry. Electronics companies must continuously deliver healthcare market, and to improve the length and quality of
new products to meet the challenges of rapid obsolescence, life for aging and growing populations. Manufacturers are
increasing competition and growing product complexity. challenged by increased regulation, limited resources, rising
Semiconductor device manufacturers are developing system- costs and global competition – which all hurt profitability and
on-a-chip (SoC) and integrated circuit (IC) devices in an time-to-market. Managing the product lifecycle processes is
environment of increased feature content and reduced not enough. Control and predictability are necessary to be
prices. successful.
Teamcenter helps you optimize innovation throughout the Teamcenter helps you control your product lifecycle pro-
product lifecycle; maximize the re-use of proven intellectual cesses, with better visibility for program execution, assessing
property for device and product designs; and build a secure requirements, and managing risk so you can increase the
and scalable collaboration platform. utilization of resources, enable more collaboration, and
reduce the time and cost for regulatory submissions and
production ramp up.

Teamcenter helps you optimize

innovation throughout the
product lifecycle.

Industrial machinery Marine
Reduced capital spending has led companies to postpone Modern commercial and naval ships as well as offshore
purchases of new equipment. Instead they have chosen to platforms and deep-water drilling rigs must operate reliability
refurbish and service current machinery. To meet demand, over decades of service in some of the most demanding
industrial machinery manufacturers must manage design environments. Shipbuilders have become designers, develop-
complexity; integrate product design, development, and ers and large scale integrators that use intricate supply chains
production processes and enable complete product informa- to produce components for their products.
tion visibility while providing rapid, closed loop, service
Teamcenter helps shipbuilders speed up new program
lifecycle management.
launches with embedded PLM templates that accelerate ship
Teamcenter enables greater certainty in the development of delivery, boost team productivity and facilitate the use of
new machinery, improving productivity and shortening best practices to eliminate program delays. Shipyards can
commissioning times. You can solve current problems while seamlessly track the “DNA” of a ship from concept develop-
building an innovation platform that reduces cost and creates ment through production and across the entire operating
value. With constant visibility into product and production lifecycle.
information, you can make smarter decisions across machine
design, manufacturing process planning, and commissioning.

About Siemens PLM Software
Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Digital
Factory Division, is a leading global provider of software
solutions to drive the digital transformation of industry,
creating new opportunities for manufacturers to realize
innovation. With headquarters in Plano, Texas, and over
140,000 customers worldwide, Siemens PLM Software works
with companies of all sizes to transform the way ideas come
to life, the way products are realized, and the way products
and assets in operation are used and understood. For more
information on Siemens PLM Software products and services,
visit www.siemens.com/plm.

Headquarters: +1 972 987 3000

Americas: +1 314 264 8499
Europe: +44 (0) 1276 413200
Asia-Pacific: +852 2230 3308

© 2017 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc.

Siemens, the Siemens logo and SIMATIC IT are registered trade-
marks of Siemens AG. Camstar, D-Cubed, Femap, Fibersim,
Geolus, GO PLM, I-deas, JT, NX, Omneo, Parasolid, Solid Edge,
Syncrofit, Teamcenter and Tecnomatix are trademarks or regis-
tered trademarks of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management
Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in
other countries. All other trademarks, registered trademarks or
service marks belong to their respective holders.

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