Product Lifecycle Management
Product Lifecycle Management
Product Lifecycle Management
services in a cost effective manner using our unique Global Delivery Model set
All other skills mentioned in Custom development
Knowledge reuse & collaboration is one of the Key factors determining the BOM redlining brings streamlined change management during product
success of a PLM investment. Knowledge in the form of Documents are development and lifecycle processes as an add-on to the existing
produced and typically managed in disparate systems across the Product functionality enhancing the existing SAP PLM features.
Life Cycle.
Infosys BOM Redlining Add-on enables SAP PLM users to efficiently
Infosys Document Creation and Distribution solution for SAP PLM helps manage complex iterative changes across all phases of the products
organizations to re-use the knowledge in a single integrated platform. Using lifecycle. Changes to the BOM can be visualized through a rich user-
a guided procedure approach to create a document in SAP PLM DMS, the friendly interface. All BOM changes and iterations along with the impact
Document Creator selects the files from backend systems to upload to SAP of such changes, and their assessment by relevant parties involved, can be
PLM and enters the required information details. The packaged composite efficiently tracked, managed and streamlined. Key benefits include 1.
application has been developed using guided procedures following SAP Pictorial tracking of BOM changes and iterations and impact of changes.
Composite Application Framework. It can be easily customized to suit 2. No miscommunication between the parties involved while dealing with
specific business requirements. Change management and its proposals. 3. Can be configured to switch the
feature-on / off
With top-notch domain expertise, technical skills, and favorable cost models, offshore PLM service providers are growing strong despite
todays tepid economy. In particular, larger players such as Infosys have been successful in co-developing specialized frameworks and
template solutions with the leading vendors. Forrester (Oct 2009)
Key Engagements
PLM Process Harmonization as is process study, to
-be system and business process flow definition
European Aero Replacement of Legacy Solution
transitioning the legacy systems with new tools
Major Solution Deployment
CompleteTraining Services and On-the-Shoulder Support
Key Services
PLM Consulting Package Value-Added Services Maintenance &
Implementation Support
Roadmap Definition Integration
Production Support
Diagnostics Implementation Extended Enterprise
Existing Application
Strategy & Framework End-to-End PLM-Legacy Applications
Creation Specific Stages Integration
Follow the sun Support
Process Study
Customization Performance Tuning Migration
Process Definition
Product Customization Data Migration
Gap Analysis
Product Enhancements Version Upgrade
Package Evaluation Deployment & Roll-out
Product Evaluation Training