Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
91. Which of the following statements about 96. Suitable analgesic techniques for day-case
patients with chronic renal failure are correct? inguinal herniotomy in children include:
(a) Bacterial endocarditis is rare in patients on haemodialysis. (a) Local anaesthetic infiltration by the surgeon.
(b) Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death. (b) Caudal epidural blockade.
92. The coagulopathy associated with CRF: 97. Pre-operative assessment of children for day-
(a) Is due to a relative decrease in plasma fibrinogen. case surgery should include:
(b) Is caused by defective vascular endothelial activity. (a) Full blood count for all children having adenotonsillectomy.
(c) Is caused by reduced platelet aggregation. (b) Completion of a screening questionnaire.
(d) Can be corrected rapidly by DDAVP administration. (c) Examination by an anaesthetist before booking a date for
(e) Can be improved by platelet transfusion. surgery.
(d) Cardiological referral if a heart murmur is found in a child
93. With respect to drug handling in CRF:
<1 year old.
(a) Loading doses of water soluble drugs should be reduced by
(e) An ECG if the child has Fallot’s tetralogy.
(b) Induction doses of propofol should be reduced by 30–50%. 98. Which of the following would contra-indicate
(c) In the presence of hyperkalaemia, doses of succinylcholine should discharge after paediatric day surgery?
be reduced to 0.5 mg kg–1. (a) Pain unrelieved by oral analgesia.
(d) Fentanyl excretion is unchanged. (b) Failure to pass urine after grommet insertion.
(e) The seizure threshold to local anaesthetics is reduced. (c) Refusal to drink after inguinal herniotomy.
(d) Lower limb weakness in a 2 year old after caudal block.
94. Which of the following statements about
(e) Proposed escort home to be 14-year-old brother.
calcium homeostasis in CRF are correct?
(a) Patients rarely develop symptoms with hypocalcaemia. 99. Concerning percutaneous dilational tracheostomy:
(b) Hypocalcaemia is independent of phosphate excretion. (a) The patient is positioned as for oral intubation.
(c) Hyperphosphataemia causes reduced intestinal calcium (b) It should be performed between the cricoid cartilage and the
absorption. first tracheal ring.
(d) Calcium carbonate is used to reduce intestinal phosphate (c) It is mostly performed in anaesthetised, ventilated and
absorption. paralysed patients.
(e) Calcium chloride can be used to correct the clotting (d) Bronchoscopic guidance can make the procedure safer.
abnormality in CRF. (e) It was introduced by Ciaglia in 1995.
DOI 10.1093/bjacepd/mkg157 British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 3 Number 5 2003
© The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia 2003 157
Multiple choice questions