ANESTHESIA (AIIMS & NEET - Recall Questions) Anesthesia T&D
ANESTHESIA (AIIMS & NEET - Recall Questions) Anesthesia T&D
ANESTHESIA (AIIMS & NEET - Recall Questions) Anesthesia T&D 1
(AIIMS & NEET - Memory Based Questions) ANESTHESIA “QUESTIONS”
12. Not true about CPR? 21. Which of the following is used to measure the
A. Chest compressions at 100/min depth of anesthesia -
B. Ratio 30:2 A. Bispectral index
C. Chest compression> 6 inches B. Immobility of patient
D. Breathing rate 8-10 breaths/min C. MAC of anesthetic drug
D. None
13. Appropriate post operative urine output is?
A. 1 ml/kg/hr B. 2 ml/kg/hr 22. Complications of stellate ganglion block are all
C. 3 ml/kg/hr D. 4 ml/kg/hr except?
A. Cardiac arrest B. Pneumothorax
14. Shifting patient from assisted ventilation to C. Hematoma D. Hoarseness of voice
voluntary ventilation which of the following
shows failure? 23. Use of soda lime in anesthesia is?
A. O2 saturation <80% A. As a hardener B. As an absorbent
B. PEEP <5cms C. As a softener D. As an indicator
C. RR <35 mins
D. Tidal volume >5 ml/kg 24. Most common complication of central venous
line insertion is?
15. Ideal inhalational inducing agent of choice is? A. Lung apex injury
A. Halothane B. Desflurane B. Infection at catheter site
C. Sevoflurane D. Isoflurane C. Cardiac tamponade
D. Pneumothorax
16. Which anesthetic agent is safe to use in
porphyria? 25. Fastest acting inhalational anesthetic agent is?
A. Etomidate B. Ketamine A. Sevoflurane B. Isoflurane
C. Thiopentone D. Propofol C. Ether D. Halothane
17. Positive end-expiratory pressure causes 26. True about capnography is?
increase in which respiratory parameter - A. It cannot detect esophageal intubation
A. Lung compliance B. It cannot detect mechanical ventilation failure
B. FRC C. It is used to detect correct intubation in patients
C. Tidal volume D. It cannot detect saddle embolism
D. All of the above
27. What is not true about preoperative
18. Brain dead patient comes under which modification of drugs?
category in ASA classification? A. Lithium should be stopped 2-3 days before
A. ASA 1 B. ASA 3 B. Low dose aspirin should be stopped 7 days
C. ASA4 D. ASA6 before
C. TCAs can be continued till the date of operation
19. Which of the following mixture of anesthetics D. Oral anticoagulants are stopped 4 days before
is applied on skin?
A. Lidocaine and prilocaine 28. During laparoscopy routine monitoring
B. Bupivacaine and prilocaine includes?
C. Lidocaine and bupivacaine A. ECG
D. Lidocaine and procaine B. Invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring
C. Capnography
20. Inhalational anesthetic of choice in children D. Neuro muscular junction monitoring
A. Sevoflurane B. Halothane 29. Fluid of choice in shock is?
C. Desflurane D. Isoflurane A. Albumin B. Ringer lactate
C. Hydroxyethyl starch D. Dextran 2
(AIIMS & NEET - Memory Based Questions) ANESTHESIA “QUESTIONS”
35. A snap just before entering epidural space, 41. All of the following act on neuromuscular
during epidural anaesthesia, is due to piercing junction except
of which ligament? A. Piper curium
A. Supraspinous ligament B. Dantrolene sodium
B. Posterior longitudinal ligament C. Succinyl choline
C. Ligamentum flavum D. Mivacurium
D. Interspinous ligament
42. In sepsis, management of fluid involves
36. Ideal site for internal temperature recording administration of?
during anaesthesia is? A. Colloids B. Crystalloids
A. Pulmonary artery C. Hydroxyethyl starch D. None 3
(AIIMS & NEET - Memory Based Questions) ANESTHESIA “QUESTIONS”
43. Complication of massive blood transfusion? 51. Which side effect is associated with
A. Hypercalcemia halothane?
B. Hypermagnesemia A. Hypertension
C. Hyperkalemia B. Malignant hyperthermia
D. Hyperthermia C. Tachycardia
D. Uterine contraction
44. Reason of difficult intubation in an obese
patient is? 52. The preferred mask induction drug is?
A. Difficult visualization A. Halothane
B. Decreased safe apnea time B. Sevoflurane
C. Lower tidal volume C. Desflurane
D. All of the above D. Ether
45. Preferred mask induction drug is? 53. ASA grading is to assess?
A. Halothane A. Cardiac status
B. Sevoflurane B. Respiratory status
C. Desflurane C. Risk factors
D. Ether D. Mental status
46. Cylinder with black body &white shoulder is 54. MRP 2 associated with which of the following?
used for which of the following gases? A. Rotor syndrome
A. Air B. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
B. Co2 C. Crigler-Najjar syndrome
C. Oxygen D. Gilbert syndrome
D. Nitrogen
55. Which of the following is the most common
47. Transdermal patch for chronic pain contains method used to know depth of anaesthesia?
which of the following opioid? A. BIS
A. Fentanyl B. Oesophageal contractility
B. Morphine C. Depressed responses
C. Pentazocine D. Hypotension
D. Alfentanyl
56. Which of the following is not cardio
48. ASA grading is anesthesia is done for? depressive?
A. Mental status A. Propofol
B. Physical status B. Thiopentone
C. Respiratory status C. Ketamine
D. Socio-economic status D. Etomidate 4