11 New Questions
11 New Questions
11 New Questions
Subject: Chemistry
Full Marks: 75
Pass Marks: 30
Group-A [11* 1=11]
Define law of mass action and equilibrium constant. What is the relation between KP
and Kc for following reactions? [1+1+1]
5. Write any two name and formula of ores of each which are applied for: [2+3]
i) a. froth floatation b. Leaching
ii) What do you mean by leaching? Give reactions involved during leaching of
silver ore.
6. Write balanced chemical reactions for the laboratory method of preparation of:
a. Hydrogen sulphide b. sulphur dioxide
What happens when a moist red flower is introduced into a gas jar containing SO2
gas? Give reactions for each to show:
Also mention any two uses of bleaching powder and Epsom salt.
Group-C [ 3*8=24]
9. Derive an ideal equation PV=nRT where symbol have their usual meaning. How did
Charle’s law give the concept of absolute scale temperature? Plot temperature-
volume relationship indicating absolute zero. [3+1+1]
The rate of diffusion of a saturated hydrocarbon (CnH2n+2) gas is 1.206 times that of
SO2 gas under identical conditions. Find the molecular mass and the molecular
formula of this gas. [3]
10. One of the main raw materials for the preparation of nitrogen fertilizers, dyes and
drugs is nitric acid, which is obtained by Ostwald’s process.
a. Write the principle, process and draw a flow sheet diagram for the manufacture
of nitric acid by Ostwald’s process. [3+2]
b. Give a one examples of nitrogen fertilizers and how can we prepared it from
nitric acid? [1]
c. Write the action of aquaregia on gold.[1]
d. Why conc.HNO3 is stored in dark brown bottle? [1]
11. a) What do you mean by foreign element? How would detect nitrogen and halogen
in the given organic compound?[1+2+1]
b) Write the IUPAC name of following compound:[2]
a. (CH3)2C(Br)-CH(NH2)-COOH
b. CH3-C(CH3)2-C(OCH3)(OH)-CO-CH3
c) Write the structure of following organic compounds:[1]
a. 4-hydroxypentanal
b. 2-chloro-2,3-dimethylpentane
Also define octane number and cetane number [1]