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SMV 10-16B Kessler GB 6196.053 - 1115

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Model range forklift trucks

SMV 10-600 B – SMV 16-1200 B

SMV 10-1200 B SMV 12-1200 B

SMV 13,6-600 B

SMV 15-1200 B

SMV 16-1200 B

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 1
Your SMV truck

This user manual provides you with the information you If any repairs are needed, use only Konecranes Lifttrucks
need to know about starting, driving, servicing and main- original spares. This is necessary in order for your truck
taining your SMV forklift truck. manufactured by Konecranes Lifttrucks to retain its original
technical standard.
Using and attending to the truck properly will preserve its
qualities for a long and profitable working life, and will When ordering spares, it is important to indicate the item
make full use of its applications. number found in the spares list as well as the following
The expressions ”front”, ”back”, ”right” and ”left” indicate
the position in which the relevant component is installed in Truck’s model denomination:
the truck as seen from the driving compartment. Serial number/year of manufacture:
Delivery date:
Follow all instructions in the manual on using the fork-lift
truck and carry out maintenance and inspection as described When ordering spares for the following units, you must
in the maintenance table on a regular basis and at the correct indicate their individual manufacturing numbers:
time, using the specified lubricant. Engine no.:
Maintenance must be carried out only by qualified staff. Mast no.:
The lift height of the mast:
Above all, we would like to emphasise the importance of fol-
Hydraulic pump no.:
lowing both the general traffic regulations and the guidelines
Transmission no.:
in force for the use of trucks and the prevention of accidents
Drive shaft no.:
at work.
When the fork-lift truck is delivered, the details on the type
The regulations in force for normal and regular use of com-
plate should be written in this user manual.
mercial trucks must be strictly adhered to by management,
commercial operators and service staff.
The user, not Konecranes Lifttrucks, is responsible for any Delivery inspection
dangers that may arise when the truck is being used for
Every Konecranes Lifttrucks fork-lift truck is carefully
applications not approved by the manufacturer.
inspected before it leaves the factory to ensure that it is fully
Trucks manufactured by Konecranes Lifttrucks are designed in order and is fully equipped in accordance with the order.
for the transport and lifting of loads indicated on the load- Authorised Konecranes Lifttrucks dealers are then required
bearing capacity plate. to re-inspect the truck before it is delivered to the customer.
No alterations and, above all, no additions or conversions In order to avoid later complaints and problems, the custo-
may be made to the fork-lift truck without the permission of mer should also check that the truck is in full working order
the manufacturer. and is fully equipped when it is delivered, with a receipt of
The user instructions for additional parts issued by the ma- the acceptance/handover of the truck from the dealer.
nufacturer apply to those additional parts. Always perform Lubrication, Checking, Maintenance and
Daily Maintenance according to the instructions in this
Technical remarks
Prior to start-up of the truck the check points according to
the Warranty/Delivery report are to be checked.
Konecranes Lifttrucks is constantly developing both the
design and manufacture of its products. Illustrations and The Warranty/Delivery report must be filled in and returned
technical details concerning the design, parts and perfor- to Konecranes Lifttrucks within one week after start-up thus
mance of the truck are subject to alteration as a result of this to be considered as first day of Warranty.
technological development. If the Warranty/Delivery report is not returned witin one
Konecranes Lifttrucks therefore assumes no responsibility on week from start-up, delivery date will count as first warranty
the basis of those specifications, illustrations and descriptions date.
found in the user manual. The following technical manuals accompany every truck:
If you have any questions concerning trucks manufactured 1 Spares catalogue for the truck
by Konecranes trucks and ordering spares, contact your nea- 1 User manual for the truck
rest authorised dealer. Take care to supply the correct address
1 Machine card
for delivery.
When contacting your authorised dealer, always indicate:
1. Truck designation
2. Truck serial number
3. Year of manufacture.

2 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02

Your SMV lift truck.......................................................2 Deflatin, inflating the tyres.............................................. 49

Demounting, mounting drivewheels............................... 50
Safety regulations...........................................................4
Demounting, mounting steering wheel........................... 51
Technical description.....................................................7
Tightening of bolted joints
Outline picture of the forklift truck..............................8
Tightening torque, tightening wheel nuts........................ 52
ID-plates and serial numbers.........................................9 tightening torque table, universal drive shaft,
differential bolts.............................................................. 53
Cab controls and indicators.......................................... 10 Engine and gearbox mounting......................................... 54
Warning lights and gauges............................................ 11 Drive axle suspension, hydraulic pumps.......................... 54
Cab suspension, counterweights, steer axle...................... 55
Before operating
Mast suspension............................................................. 56
Daily maintenance and service before start, checking
washing fluid level,checking the coolant level.................. 12 Lubrication overview
Checking the engine oil level, checking the oil level Lubrication/maintenance points...................................... 58
in the gearbox, checking the air filter indicator ............... 13 General lubrication regulations........................................ 60
Checking the hydraulic oil level, Lubrication
topping up the hydraulic oil............................................ 14 Lubricating steer axle, forks............................................. 60
Checking the fuel level, filling fuel, Lubricating mast, door hinges......................................... 61
checking main cicuit switch............................................. 15

Checking the condition of the tyres and the tyre Changing oil and filters
pressure, adjustment of steering wheel and panel............. 16 Changing the engine oil, changing the oil filter,
Adjusting the driver’s seat ............................................... 17 topping up engine oil, .................................................... 62
Description of the IQAN........................................... 18-23 Changing gearbox oil, changing the gearbox oil filter,
filling up gearbox oil........................................................ 63
Driving Changing gearbox breathing filter, checking oil in
Starting the engine.......................................................... 24 the drive axle, changing the oil in the drive axle............... 64
Warning lights and gauges............................................... 25 Changing the hydraulic return filter and oil,
Stopping the engine........................................................ 27 changing the breathing filter............................................ 65
Driving forward.............................................................. 29 Start of hydraulic pumps................................................. 66
Stopping the truck. Driving backward............................. 30 Changing the fuel filter, bleeding the fuel system............. 68

Steering and braking Cleaning and changing the air filter,

Steering, declutch and parking brake............................... 31 Air filters safety cartridge................................................. 69
Emergency stop............................................................... 32 Checking and other maintenance
Ventilation and cab filter................................................. 33 Checking the intake system, battery and
Cab tilting windscreen wipers........................................................... 70
Cab tilting....................................................................... 34 Checking the cooling and heating system,
changing cooling fluid..................................................... 71
Manoeuvring the lifting equipment
Checking the exhaust system, valve clearence and
Manoeuvring the mast and fork carriage.......................... 35
fuel injectors.................................................................... 72
Lifting loads Checking the fuel system and tank, Checking/
Before lifting loads, capacity plates.................................. 36 adjustment of V-belts...................................................... 73
Emergency lowering........................................................ 37 Checking mast, carriage and forks................................... 74
Lifting and driving with loads Checking the hoist chains and weld constructions........... 75
Lifting loads, Driving with loads, Checking/adjusting steer axle bearing,
Transport and unloading............................................ 38-40 wheel bearing, spindle bearing.................................... 76-77
Unloading....................................................................... 40 Parking brake.................................................................. 78

Service and Maintenance Checking and maintenance schedule

General information........................................................ 41 Daily maintenance and service before start-up................. 80
Service points after the first 150 hours......................... 80
Transport/towing of the truck Regularly service.............................................................. 81
Lifting the truck............................................................ 43 Engine service schedule................................................... 82
Towing............................................................................ 45 Inspection and maintenance data.................................... 83
Cleaning Fuel and oil recommendations
Cleaning the truck, Cleaning the radiator...................... 40 Quality of the engine oil.................................................. 84
Changing a wheel.................................................47-51 Recommended fuels and hydraulic oils............................ 85
Hydraulic pressure release................................................ 47 Electrical system............................................................ 86

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 3
Safety regulations


* Follow national safety regulations * Lifting a person or persons is forbidden unless the
truck is equipped with an approved lift age for this
* The truck must only be driven by those trained to purpose.
do so and who have the permission of the manage-
ment * Never exceed the lifting capacity of the truck - see
type plate and load diagram
* Remember: The national and state laws on driving
licences and driving regulations always apply! * The load should always be transported in a
lowered position
* Before starting up, ensure that no person(s) or
other obstacles are in the way of the truck or its * Always report damage and wear and tear affecting
equipment. the safety/function and life of the truck

* Do not block doors and/or emergency exits. * The hydraulics of the truck are equipped with a
high-pressure hydraulic accumulator. Take great
* The truck must not be used if it has faulty brakes, care when working with the hydraulic system.
steering, lifting or other important functions Only service staff with knowledge of the hydraulics
may intervene here.
* Passengers are not allowed
* Use protective equipment –­ helmet, gloves, eye-
and ear protection when working on the reach-

4 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Safety regulations


In the instruction book there are three types of warning Important information is indicated by the indicator word
texts. These are divided into different levels of hazardous NOTE. The information is not necessarily safety related; it
situations. Warning texts are preceded by a warning symbol. can also touch on issues that will facilitate handling, or clarify
This symbol indicates a potential personal
injury hazard. Whenever you see this NOTE
symbol, take care to read the following Used to draw attention to important information that facili-
instructions: tates work processes or handling.

Read the instruction book carefully before

you start using the truck.
Incorrect handling may cause serious
Indicates an immediately hazardous situa-
injury or damage to persons, products, or
tion which, if not avoided, will result in
death or serious injury.
The instruction book contains important
information on handling and safety and should always be

available in the truck. Never use a truck that does not have
an instruction book.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in minor
or moderate injury.

Always read the instructions that follow the safety alert

symbol or the signal word.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 5
Safety regulations


Persons responsible, particularly truck- drivers and service 1. Driving the lift truck
staff, must be instructed on the regulations for normal and Exhaust emissions, noise, leakage (oil, fuel, fluids) are
safe use of commercial trucks which accompany this manual. influenced negatively by incorrect driving and handling of
Follow the guidelines and safety regulations applicable to: the truck.
- use of commercial trucks
- roads and work places 2. Remainings fromservicing
- drivers (rights, obligations and regulations for implemen- Oil, fuel, filters and filter deposit, cleaning fluids have to
tation) be disposed of or recovered according to local legislation.
- any extra equipment
- different types of vehicle 3. Remainings from repairs
- service (maintenance and inspection) Metall, batteries, electronics, rubber (tires, hoses, seals),
- annual inspection for the prevention of accidents. solutions, chemicals have to be disposed of or recovered
according to local legislation.
The driver (/owner) or other persons in positions of respon-
sibility must ensure that the above guidelines and safety
regulations are adhered to. Norms
When a trained driver is about to operate the truck, instruct This machine is built regarding the following norms accor-
him on: ding to
- special functions of the truck from Konecranes Lifttrucks
- extra equipment Health and safety 2006/42/EC
- special operating applications. EN 1726 (SMV 10 1200 B)
EN 1551 (SMV 12-16 1200 B)
Driving, manoeuvring and steering should be practised until Noise 2005/88/EC
the driver is fully acquainted with all these operations. Vibrations EN 13059
Emissions 2004/26/EC
Only after that stage can training in stacking manoeuvres EMC 2004/108/EC
The stability of the truck in the working area can only be
guaranteed if the correct procedures are followed. Should the
truck start to roll due to unapproved manoeuvres or incor-
rect driving, the full instructions supplied must be followed.

Prevention of accidents
In some countries, trucks must be inspected once a year by
trained staff in accordance with the prevention of accidents
regulations. Authorised Konecranes Lifttrucks dealers can
supply information on these.

We reserve the right to modify our design and material specifications

without prior notice.

6 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Technical description


Specification SMV 10-16 1200 B means: The steering is fully servo-assisted. If the engine should stall,
SMV = Product name it is still possible to steer the truck without servo assistance,
16 = 16 tonnes lifting capacity although it is heavy going.
1200 = 1.200 mm load centre
B = series designation Two control valves, mounted on the chassis, are controlled
from the cab by servo-assisted control levers on the right of
the driver. These regulates the functions for lifting, tilting,
The engine is a water-cooled, turbo-charged 6-cylinder diesel sideshifting, spreading the forks, and any extra functions.
engine. The engine drives a three speed transmission using a
torque converter. The gear selector is electrical with three gears The mast consists of an outer and an inner upright, a lifting
for driving front/back. The torque converter is equipped with carriage, two lifting cylinders and two tilt cylinders. The
an oil cooler which lies underneath the radiator. The gearbox inner upright section moves along the outer upright with
has a disengaging valve controlled by the brake pedal in the support wheels and support backing rollers. The mast is
cab. This valve disengages the gearbox so that the operator mounted on two axles in the chassis.
can control the brakes whilst maintaining a high engine speed
during stacking manoeuvres. The forks are of a rolling type with sideshift movement and
fork positioning. The forks roll on the lifting carriage.
The front axle is driven by the gearbox via an universally join-
ted drive shaft. The axle is of the heavy duty double reduction The driver’s cab fulfils international safety standards, and
type. The primary reduction is through the hypoid crown is rubbermounted to protect the driver from vibrations.
wheel and pinion gear set, the differential gears are carried Entrance to the cab is on the left side via the steps on the
within the centre of the crown wheel. The secondary reduction truck. When the driver’s seat is rotated through 90°, it is also
is achieved by a planetary gear set within the wheel hub. The possible to exit the cab from the right side.
wheel hubs are carried on taper roller bearings, thus relieving
the half shaft of any loading other than driving torque. All hydraulic controls for the lifting functions are grouped
on the console to the right of the driver’s seat.
The steer axle is mounted in ”spherelastic” bushes which allow The parking brake and the switch for selecting additional
sufficient wheel movements for stability on uneven ground. electrical equipment instruments, gauges and warning lights
The parallel tie-rods are between the steering cylinder and the together with the switches for the direction indicators and
wheel axles. windscreen wipers are located on the front mounted instru-
ment panel.
The brakes are operated by an oil-cooled wet disc-braking The gear control lever, switches for front screen wipers and
system. The foot brakes are controlled by the foot brake valve directionals are mounted on the steer shaft.
which activates the drive axle.
The parking brake is controlled electrically and activates a The electrical system is 24 V and has two serial-connected
hydraulic cylinder on the drive shaft. 88 Ah heavy duty batteries.

The hydraulic pump in combination with a gear pump is

mounted directly on the gearbox. The gear pump pressurizes
the accumulators for the service and parking brake. The piston-
pump brings pressure to the steering system and the different
lifting functions. The system is load sensitive.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 7
Outline picture of the forklift truck


1. Mast 5. Lift cylinders 8. Steer axle

2. Fork carriage 6. Drive axle 9. Counterweight
3. Forks 7. Engine casing 10. Driver’s cab
4. Tilt cylinders

10 8

8 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
ID-plates and serial numbers

1. Mast number 4. Drive axle number 7. Engine number

2. Load capacity plate 5. Chassi number 8. Steer axle number
3. Fork carriage number 6. Transmission number



Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 9
Controls and indicators in the cab

19 20 2 3 4
5 6



13 12 11 10


1. Steering wheel 11. Disengaging switch

2. Wiper front screen 12. Cooler (AC)
3. High/low beam 13. Recirculation
4. Horn 14. Heater
5. Directional switch 15. Fan
6. Front screen washer 16. Instrument panel and gauges
7. Steering wheel adjustment 17. Ignition switch
8. Hydraulic controls 18. Emergency stop
9. Accelerator 19. Display for EMC / Gauges
10. Brake pedal 20. Direction and gear selector

Position of controls may vary from truck to truck depending on customer order.

10 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Warning lights and gauges

31 18 19 30


29 22

13 25
14 12
26 9


15. Red indication engine diagnostics, Volvo, Scania,
32 Cummins
2 3 16. Indication accumulator pressure (brake pressure)
H1850 17. Indication, brake, temp.
18. Indication, parking brake
1. Parking brake 19. Indication, battery charge
2. Working lights, mast 20. Indication, high beam
3. Working lights, roof 21. Indication, direction R/L
4 Working lights, extra 22. CAN-COCKPIT-display
5. Road lights 23. Emergency stop
6. Screen washer, roof/rear 24. Ignition switch
7. Intermittent wiper, rear (optional) 25. Activation engine diagnostics
8. Intermittent wiper, roof (optional) 26. Indication, engine preheater
9. Hazard 27. Indication joystick steering
10. Rotating beacon 28. Warning light
11. Joy stick steering (optional) 29. Fuel level
12. Central lubrication (optional) 30. Temp. gearbox
13. Central lubrication (optional) 31. Rev. counter
14. Yellow diagnostics indication: Scania engine 32. Buzzer (internal)
coordinator and Cummins engine

Position of controls may vary from truck to truck depending on customer order.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 11
Before driving


Points to check:

- Main circuit switch

- Water level of the radiator
- Washer level
- The fuel level
- The level of the engine oil
- The air filter indicator (the engine’s air filter)
- The gear box oil level
- The oil level of the hydraulic system
- Tyre pressure, condition and wheel nuts
- Function of brake system
- Function of steering system
- Function of hydraulic system
- Lighting/horn

Check the washer level

The washer tank (1) is placed on the right side of the truck, under
the bonnet. Fill when necessary.

Coolant level

The system is pressurised.

- Open the cap of the expansion tank (1).

First a 1/4 of a turn to ensure that the system is not under
- The level should be up to the MAX-indication of the expan-
sion tank.

12 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Before driving

Check the engine oil

- Lift the engine casing.

- The dip stick (1) is on the right-hand side of the engine.
- Remove the dip stick (1) completely and dry it off with a
clean cloth.
- Dip the stick back in fully and remove again.
- The oil level should be between the minimum and maximum
level indicators.
- If necessary, remove the filler cap (2) and top up the oil.
1 - Fill with oil to the maximum level indicator on the dip stick.

See Maintenace Data for volume.

Check the oil level in the gearbox

- Start the engine and run until the oil has reached operating
1 2 temperature.
- Remove the dip stick (1) and dry it off with a clean cloth.
- Dip the stick back in fully and remove again.
- The oil level should be between the minimum and maxi
mum level indicators.
- If necessary, remove the filler cap (2) and top up the oil.
- Fill with oil to the maximum level indicator on the dip stick.
- Turn off the engine.

See Maintenance Data for volume.

Air filter indicator

- Check the indicator (1).

- If the indicator shows RED, reset the indicator by pressing
the knob (2) under the unit.
- Start the engine. If the indicator still shows red, stop the
engine and clean or replace the air filter.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 13
Before driving


Checking the hydraulic oil level

- Check that the oil level is between the MIN and MAX -
marks on the indicator at the side of the hydraulic oil tank
(the lifting frame should be lowered).

Topping up the hydraulic oil

Hot hydraulic oil can emerge from the filling
1 hole. Serious risk of injury!
Do not open the filling plug whilst the engine is
in running.

- Unscrew the filling plug (1).

- Fill with hydraulic oil up to the upper mark on the indicator.
- Screw the filling plug back on.

14 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Before driving

Checking the fuel level

- Turn the ignition key to position 1.

- Wait until the fuel indicator on the dashboard (2) has
- If necessary, fill.
- Turn off the ignition key.
- Fill up according to instructions below.

To avoid air being sucked into the fuel injection
system, the fuel tank should never be run com-
pletely empty. If air enters the fuel system, the
engine will stop and the system must be deaired.

Filling with fuel

- Open the cap located on the left-hand side of the truck and
fill with the recommended fuel.
- Screw on the cap.
- To avoid that air is sucked into the fuel system, the fuel tank
should never be entirely emptied.

See Maintenance data for volume.

Main circuit switch

The main disconnect does not cut the power to
the alternator. Always disconnect the ground
(minus) cable at the battery when working near
or on the alternator.
To reduce the risks of electrical shock and personal injury
always remove jewelry and conductive material prior to
working on the electrical system.
Unless in an emergency situation, do not turn off the main
cicuit switch while the engine is running.
Beware of short-circuiting the battery, which may cause fire or
Risk for serious injury or death.
The battery contains corrosive acid. Always use the necessary
protective equipment.
Batteries generate explosive hydrogen when charged. Ensure
1 that there is good ventilation and avoid sparking.

- The circuit switch (1) is located on the right-hand side of the

- Turn the cut-out switch clockwise to turn it on.
- Turn the switch anti-clockwise to turn it off and remove
the key.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 15
Before driving

Checking the condition and pressure of the tyres

- Check that the tyres have not been damaged or become

too worn
- Remove any foreign objects from the tread
- Check that the tyres have the correct pressure according to the
manufacturers recommendations.
- Pump the tyres according to the relevant regulations.

When changing tyres, only use tyres which are
approved by the manufacturer

Adjustment lever of steering wheel and panel

When positioning the steering wheel and the panel:

- Pull lever (1) downward to adjust the tilt
- Pull lever (1) upward to adjust the height

16 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Before driving

Adjusting the driver’s seat

- To elevate the seat, turn the hand wheel (3) clockwise.

Weight adjustment is automatic.
- Adjust tilting of the seat cushion, by the hand wheel (2).
- Adjust tilting of the backrest with hand wheel (1).

- Lift the clamp (4), to adjust the seat forward/backwards.

- Adjust the armrest support with hand wheel (5).
- Rotate the seat by pressing pedal (6) Option.

- Adjust the height stroke limiter with handle (7).

Lever to the right - full stroke.
Lever one step to left - stroke limited partially.
Lever to the left - stroke fully limited.
- Adjust the armrest with the hand wheel (8).
- To remove seat press pedal (9) Option.

Never operate a machine without having faste-
ned the seat belt properly.
Risk of serious injury or death.
The safety belt should always be used when

Never drive the truck unless the seat is locked in
Risk of serious injury or death.
A seat that is not locked in position may cause
the driver to make uncontrolled movements,
which may cause the machine to be handled

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 17
Before driving


The drive monitor’s purpose is to efficiently control the reach stacker’s hydraulic system and drive line by utilising both analog
and digital information from various sensors. This will give the driver a complete overview of the truck’s activities during opera-


3 5 6


15 13 10
16 14 12 11

Description of the keys

1. Gear position 10. Previous menu The scroller knob

2. Warning, low fuel level 11. Information main menu
3. Alternator 12. Attachment main menu By turning the scroller knob you
4. Oil pressure, engine 13. Fuel level can step up/down in the menu. The
5. Parking brake 14. Hydraulics main menu selected function is presented in black
6. Low brake pressure 15. Transmision main menu marking. By pressing the scroller
7. Engine temperature 16. Engine main menu knob the selected function will be
8. Measure and adjustment menus 17. Engine RPM activated.
9. Scroller and selector

18 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Before driving

Engine main menu

- Press button F1 on the main menu.

The menu displays:

- current engine RPM
- current engine temperature
- battery voltage
- engine oil pressure
- transmission required engine RPM
- required engine RPM in percent of E-gas max.value
- engine operating hours
- engine diagnostics, warning and indicator lamp
(warning and indicator lamp is used in combination
with Scania-eng ines only).
Stop the engine by pressing button F4 (not used on
Error codes are displayed when pressing button F5, used
in combination with Scania-engines only.
Button takes you to the Adjust & measure menu.
- Press button F1 to return to the Start-up menu.

Transmission main menu

- Press button F2 on the Start-up menu.

The transmission main menu displays:

- driving speed
- transmission (gear box) temperature
- accelerator position (angle)
- input transmission RPM
- brake temperature, drive axle
- currently selected gear, 0-4th
- driving direction F/R
- transmission diagnostics, warning and error code ”0”
or error code missing = no error detected
Button C activates manual gear shifting. Default: auto-
matic gear shifting.
- Press button D for start in 1st gear. Default: 2nd gear.
Button takes you to the Adjust & measure menu.
- Press button F1 to return to the Start-up menu.

Hydraulics main menu

- Press F3 in Start-up menu.

These symbols are always displayed. Values are added if

the truck is supplied with this option. The Hydraulics
main menu displays:
- Tilt angle
- Pressure (bar) piston rod side

Button takes you to the Adjust & measure menu.

- Press button F1 to return to the Start-up menu.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 19
Before driving

Information main menu

- Press button F5 in the start-up menu.

The Information main menu displays:

- Machine specifications
- Operating hour main counter. Can not be zeroed.
- Operating hours sub-counter. Press the F4-button to

Button takes you to the Adjust & measure menu.

- Press button F1 to return to the Start-up menu.

Adjust & measure main menu

- Press button in start-up menu.

- Press button F1 to go to sub-menu Adjust

- Press button F2 to go to sub-menu Measure
- Press button F3 to go to sub-menu Settings
- Press button F4 to go to sub-menu Info

- Press button to return to the Start-up menu.

Adjust Measure Settings Info


20 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Before driving

Submenu Adjust

- Step up/down by turning the scroller knob.

The selected function is marked black. Activate by
pressing the scroller knob.

- Press the button to return to the previous menu.

- Press button F1 to go to sub-menu Adjust

- Press button to return to the Start-up menu.

Third menu ”Engine Diagnostics” (example)

The menu displays:

- rotation
- temperature
- rotation out
- operation hours
- oil pressure

- Press the to return to the previous menu.

- Press button F1 to return to Adjust & measure main
- Press button to return to the Start-up menu.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 21
Before driving

Sub-menu Settings

- Press button F3 in the main menu Adjust & mea-


- Press button A to set Date/time.

- Press button B to select Display settings.
- Press button C to select Language.

- Press the to return to the previous menu.

- Press button F1 to return to Adjust & measure main
- Press button to return to the Start-up menu.


Third menu Date/time

- Press button A to set date.
- Press button B to set time.

- Select the required value by turning the scroller knob.

- Save the value by pressing the scroller knob.

- Press the to return to the previous menu.

- Press button F1 to return to Adjust & measure main
- Press button to return to the Start-up menu.


Third menu Display

- Select settings by pressing buttons A-D.

- Change settings by turning the scroller knob.
Display - Save settings by pressing the scroller knob.

- Press the to return to the previous menu.

- Press button F1 to return to Adjust & measure main
- Press button to return to the Start-up menu.


22 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Before driving

Third menu Language

- Select a language by turning the scroller knob.

- Save settings by pressing the scroller knob.

- Press the to return to the previous menu.

- Press button F1 to return to Adjust & measure main
- Press button to return to the Start-up menu.


Error message display

This message is displayed if an input value, that is not

within the preset limits, is registered.

The message will inform you about the digital input,

error code and pin number. ”Input high” or ”Input low”
is also displayed.

- Press F2 to acknowledge the message.

The message will disappear from the display, but the
fault remains on the truck.

- Press F3 to display more than one error code.

Button takes you to the Adjust & measure menu.


Alarm and message display

The alarm message, due to anything abnormal, informs

you about
- cause of alarm
- digital input causing the alarm
- pin number.

- Press F2 to acknowledge the message.

The message will disappear from the display, but the
fault remains on the truck.

- Press F3 to display more than one error code.

Button takes you to the Adjust & measure menu.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 23
Before driving

Starting the engine

1 Exhaust fumes are harmful. Never run the engine
2 in unventilated places.
Risk of serious injury or death.
Use fume extraction.

Before starting up the engine, the driving direction control

on the left-hand side of the instrument panel must be in neutral.

- Position yourself in the driver’s seat.

- Insert the ignition key into the ignition lock, position (0).
- Turn the key into position (I). The electrical system is
now turned on.

- Check that the generator charging lamp (3) is lit.

3 - Check that the engine diagnostics indication (5) is lit and
then goes out.
- Check that the indication (4) for coordinator diagnostics
(Scania) alternatively engine diagnostics (Cummins) and
then goes out. The indication lamp is intended for use
only in combination with Scania or Cummins engines.

- Turn the key into position (III). Release the key as soon as
the engine has ignited.


24 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Before driving

Warning indicators
1 2 3 4
- Indicator light (1) is lit when the brake temperature is too high.
Max temp is 120 ˚C (248.00 ˚F).
- Indicator light (2) is lit when the accumulator pressure (brake
pressure) is too low.
- Indicator light (3) is lit when the parking brake switch is
8 activated.
6 - Charging light (4) goes out after start. If the light is lit during
operation the generator does not charge.
5 - Gauge (5) displays fuel level. The gauge’s warning light goes on
7 when there is 12% fuel left in the fuel tank.
- Gauge (6) diplays engine temperature. The gauge’s warning light
goes on at too high temperature.
N - Warning light (7) is lit when there is alert for
- Engine oil pressure too low
9 - Engine temperature too high
H2108 - Transmission temperature too high
- Low fuel level

If any of the following warninglights come on,
or an indicator shows an abnormal reading
2 during operation, the fault must be remedied
immediately. Do not use the machine, in case the
brake pressure light illumunates as brakes may
not work.
- The display (8) shows six different pages. Step through the pages
by means of pressbutton (9).

The first page displays the selected gear (10) and two different
hour meters (11).
Gears forward are indicated as 1-2-3. Neutral position is indicated
as N. Gears reverted are indicated as R1-R2-R3.

One of the hour meters can be zeroed.

- Press the button (9) and keep it so for 3 sec in order to zero the

The second page displays rotation speed (rpm).

The third page displays fuel quantity in percent (%).

- If the value blinks the fuel level is too low.

The fourth page displays the engine temperature.

- If the value blinks during operation the engine temperature is
too high.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 25
Before driving

The fifth page displays the temperature of the gear box

- If the value blinks during operation the temperature of the
gear box oil is too high.

The sixth page displays the engine’s oil pressure.

- If the value blinks during operation the oil pressure is too

Gear box alert

If a fault produces from the gear box (transmission), a gear

box (transmission) symbol blinks on the display. This is
purely a fault indication, for more information read off the
error codes on APC200.

Engine diagnostics

The red diagnostics light (10) is used to diagnose engines

Volvo, Scania and Cummins.
The yellow diagnostics light is used to diagnose the coordi-
nator for Scania or Cummins engines.
The diagnostics lights are lit when the ignition is switched
on and go out after a few sec.

10 If the lights go on during operation, the engine’s control

system has discovered a engine fault. The system will reduce
engine power in order to prevent serious damage to the

- Press the engine diagnostics switch (12). The diagnostics

light start blinking out fault codes.

11 12

- CODE 001 (service message) is displayed every 500 ope-

ration hours.

26 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02

Stopping the engine

- Release the accelerator (1).

4 - Apply the brakes in a controlled manner (2).
3 - Engage the parking brake (3).
- Put the driving direction control (4) into neutral.

Allow the engine to idle for a few minutes if it has constantly
been run hard this to avoid any turbo dameges or overhea-
The current must not be interrupted before the engine has

- Turn the ignition key to position (P).

- Remove the key from the ignition switch when leaving
2 the truck.
- Turn the electricity off as well at the main circuit switch if
the truck is being left unsupervised.

Use the emergency stop only in an emergency situation.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 27


Driving on uneven terrain may cause damage to
the machine.
Driving on surfaces with not enough support
may cause the machine to roll or sink.
Risk of serious injury and damage to vehicle.
The truck is not intended for off-road driving. The truck is
not equipped with wheel suspension and should therefore only
be driven on level ground intended for the total weight and
surface pressure of the truck.

Risk of the brakes not stopping the machine.
Risk of the machine rolling.
Risk of serious injury and damage to vehicle.
Driving on slopes steeper than 15% is not permitted as a rule
because of the minimum regulations for braking and the
stabilising capabilities of the truck. If the truck has to be
driven along steeper slopes, you should contact your SMV
dealer. The hill-climbing capacity of the truck indicated in the
data sheet is based on the pulling power of the truck, and
applies only to driving over obstacles and minor irregularities
in ground level.

Always adjust your method of driving to the
condition of the road (undulations, etc.), to
hazards within the working area and the load.
Risk of serious injury and damage to vehicle.

- Start the engine

- Tilt the lifting frame backwards a little
- Hold the steering wheel steady. Always use the whole of
your hand to hold the wheel knob.

The working range of the machine is large and
visibility from the driver’s cab is limited.
Risk of serious injury and damage to vehicle.
Before you start to move the truck, check that
the road ahead is free and that you have a clear

Avoid driving on slopes or uneven ground when
transporting a container. Never cross or turn on a

28 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02

Driving forwards
- Press brake pedal (4).
- Push the gear selector (1) forward.


Always start in first or second gear to avoid damage and prevent the
2 gearbox from overheating.

- Push the driving direction control (1) forward

- Release the parking brake (2)
- Release the breake pedal (4).
- Depress the accelerator (3) slowly so that the truck starts off

When starting up a hill, hold the machine still using the brake
3 pedal (4) until you have sufficient pulling power.


Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 29

Stopping the truck

- Take your foot off the accelerator (3).

1 - Press the brake pedal (4) and stop the truck in a gentle,
2 controlled manner.

Sudden braking and acceleration may cause the
machine to roll or tip.
Risk of serious injury and damage to vehicle.
Avoid violent acceleration and braking.

Do not use the gearbox as a brake.
- When the truck has stopped completely, engage the parking
brake (2) before releasing the brake pedal.
- Put the driving direction control (1) into neutral.

Driving backwards

Changing the direction of driving

The truck must be completely stopped before
changing the direction of driving.

- Pull the driving direction control (1) backwards.


- Release the parking brake (2).

- Depress the accelerator (3) slowly so that the truck starts
When starting uphill, hold the machine stationary with
brakepedal (4) until you have obtained sufficient pulling

4 3


30 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Steering and braking


Very little effort is needed to turn the steering wheel thanks to

the servo-assisted steering system.

To minimise unnecessary wear and tear to the tyres, the ste-

ering wheel should, if possible, be turned only when the truck
is moving.



- Release the accelerator (1).

- Activate the clutch using the disengaging switch (2).
- If the parking brake switch is pressed at the same time as the
brake (3) pedal, the brakes are applied.
- When braking, using only the brake pedal (3), the disengaging
function is activated only after the brakes have been applied.

3 2 1

Parking brake
- The parking brake (2) is to the left of the steering wheel.
- The parking brake should not be used to bring the truck to a
halt unless in an emergency.
2 - When the parking brake is applied, the warning light (1) is il-
- If the driver is leaving the seat with parking brake not activated,
a audio signal is sounding.


Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 31
Emergency switch

Emergency stop
- When using the emergency stop (press button (1) down
wards), all functions are cut out, the parking brake is activated
and the engine stops.

There is a risk of tipping over if the emergency
stop is used when the truck is moving.
Risk of serious injury and damage to the vehicle.


32 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Ventilation and cab filter

1 Ventilation
A = Heating; B = AC; C = ACC;
- (1) heating - (1) heating - (1) heating
- (2) fan - (2) fan - (2) fan (variable)
- (3) recirkulation - (3) recirkulation
- (4) cooling - (4) cooling

1 2 Settings for different wheather conditions

Hot wheather and normal atmospheric humidity
- Open the fresh air intake.
- Turn off the heating.
- Turn on the cooling system and set the cooling thermostat
at desired temperature.

Very hot wheather and high atmospheric humidity

3 4 3 4 - Close the fresh air intake.
- Turn off the heating.
- Turn on the cooling system and set the cooling thermostat
at desired temperature.

Fall or early winter and high atmospheric humidity

caused by rain and sleet; steamy windows
- Turn on the cooling system.
- Open the fresh air intake.
- Open a window to provide air ciculation.
Decrease heat if necessary.

Cold wheather during winter time

- Open the fresh air intake, turn off the cooling system.
- Set the temperature as desired.

Very cold wheather and low atmospheric humidity

- Close the fresh air intake.
- Turn off the cooling system.
- Adjust the temperature.

Cold and dry periods during winter time and

little usage
- Turn on the cooling system, operate the compressor for a few
2 minutes, so that couplings, gaskets etc are lubricated.

1 1
Cab filter
A filter for cab air intake is located on the right hand dashboard.

- loosen the screws (1)

- disassamble the cover (2)
- pull up the filter cassette (3) gentle to avoid dust in the climate
unit and cabin.

Replace the filter insert, Part No. 2050000143.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 33
Cab tilting

Cab tilting

All standard machines are equipped with a manually operated

hydraulic cab tilting device. (Electro-hydraulic tilting can be fitted
as optional equipment.)

Loose objects might fall out of the cab and the
doors can fall off the hinges.
Risk of serious injury and damage to vehicle.
Before the cab is tilted, both doors must be shut.
Loose objects inside the cab should be removed.
The mast must be in vertical and the carriage in
lowered position.

Open the hatch (using the special tool) on the right of the
fuel tank, located on the vehicle’s left side. This compartment
contains the tilt pump and the pump handle.

When tilting upwards, the valve is rotated clockwise and

for tilting downwards it is rotated anti-clockwise, using the pump
handle’s lower end. Insert the pump handle into the attachment
and start pumping.

When the vehicle is on the move, the cab shall always be in the
fully lowered position.

Always tilt the cab to its end position.
Risk of serious injury.
Do not allow anyone to stand or walk under or
near-by a tilted cab.

A simple graphic sign is attached to the pump.

A tilted cab allows only limited operations.
Risk of serious injury.
The machine must never be driven if the cab is
partly or fully tilted.

Locking open door

The cab door can be locked in open position.

- Open the door until it locks in position.

- Turn the knob clockwise to unlock.


34 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Manouvering the lifting equipment


Manoeuvring levers

Use the frame and its attachments only for
approved applications.
Risk of serious injury and damage to vehicle.
The use of the machine beyond its designed
purposes may cause capacity and stability to be
The driver must be trained to handle the
truck and its equipment.

Always operate the control gently and slowly.

The speed of the hydraulic functions is determined by the
control lever´s position.
The control automatically slips into its initial position when relea-
1 2 3 4 5
All hydraulic controls sit on the console to the right of the
driver’s seat.

Observe the operating symbols and directional arrows.

Raising the fork carriage.

- Pull lever control (1) backwards.

Lowering the fork carriage.

- Push lever control (1) forwards.

Tilting the fork carriage backwards.

- Pull lever control (2) backwards.

Tilting the fork carriage forwards.

- Push lever control (2) forwards.

- Push lever control (3) forwards to move the forks to the left.
- Pull lever control (3) backwards to move the forks to the

Manoeuvring the fork positioning

- Push lever control (4) forwards to increase the distance between
the forks.
- Pull lever control (4) backwards to decrease the distance
between the forks.
- Extra function (5) is optional.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 35
Lifting loads

Before lifting loads

Capacity plate
Before lifting a load, read the lifting capacity plate on
the left side of the cab.
If an accessory has been fitted, read the capacity plate
for this.
The values indicated on the capacity plate are valid for
SMV 10-600 B compact and regular loads, and if they are exceeded,
SMV 10-600 B there is a risk to the stability of the truck and the tensile
strength of the forks/lifting frame.
SMV 10-600 B Maximum capacity depends on the height of the lift
and the distance to the centre of the load, ”LC”. ”LC”
SMV 10-600 B is the distance between the front face of the vertical fork
arm and the gravity center of the load.
SMV 10-600 B
Read the capacity plate according to the following
SMV 10-600 B example;

10 000 4000 600 Main lifting capacity

Lifting capacity of 10 000 kg at lifting height 4000 mm
and center of load 600 mm (related to model).
7800 4000 900
5800 4000 1200
Alternative lifting capacities
4800 4000 1500
Worked sample

Lifting capacity is decreased by prolonged”LC” or

lifting height according to the following examples;
Lifting capacity of 7800 kg at lifting height 4000 mm
and center of load 900 mm.
Lifting capacity of 5800 kg at lifting height 4000 mm
and center of load 1200 mm.
Lifting capacity of 4800 kg at lifting height 4000 mm
and center of load 1500 mm.

36 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Emergency lowering

Emergency lowering
The truck is equipped with a hydraulic servo (option electro/hy-
draulic servo). If the engine or the hydraulic system should failure,
it is impossible to lower the load by means of the hydraulic con-
The directional valve is euipped with a mechanical lever, that ma-
1 kes emergency lowering possible.

Make sure that the carriage and the mast can be
lowered without obstruction.
Make sure that no person or object is below or
nearby the load.
Risk of serious injury and damage to vehicle.

- Tilt the cab.

- Push the lever (1) forward.

When the mast has been lowered it is not
possible to rise it until the engine and hydraulics
operate properly.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 37
Lifting and driving with loads

Lifting of loads

Load and attachment may drop down.
Risk of serious injury or death.
Do not allow anyone to stand or walk
under the elevated portion of the truck
whether it empty or loaded.

Load ant attachment may drop down.
Risk of serious injury or death.
Never park and leave the truck unattended
with the load lifted.

Driving with loads

- Do not drive with the load in a non central position

(e.g. sideshifting) .
- Transport the load as close as possible to the ground.

Avoid driving on slopes or uneven ground
when driving with load.
Always drive with the load up-hill when
driving up or down a slope. Never drive or
turn across aslope.
Never drive with forks or load in raised

- Work with a guide, if your view is obscured.

- Drive the truck backwards if the transported load is
stacked so high that it obscures the front view.

38 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Lifting and driving with loads

Lifting loads

- Drive forward towards the load which must be lifted as

carefully and as precisely as possible.

- Move the frame into a vertical position.

- Raise or lower the fork carriage to the correct height.

- Carefully push the forks underneath the load until the forks
touch the load.

- Ensure that the point of balance of the load is between the


- Raise the mast until the loads rests on the forks, but only as
much as needed to ensure clearance from the stack;
’A’ = 20-40 cm.
- Tilt the mast slightly.

- Reverse the truck only as much as needed to to ensure

clearance from front of the stack; ’B’ = 20-40 cm.
- Tilt the frame backwards.
- Lower the load to the transit position.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 39
Lifting and driving with loads

Unloading loads

- Drive forwards as carefully and precisely as possible to the

stack or arrangement where you are to deposit the load.

- Raise the fork carriage to the correct height.

- Place the frame in a vertical position.

- Drive carefully in towards the stack.
- Lower the load.

- Reverse slowly from the stack. Make sure there is clearance

between the stack and the forks.

- Lower the forks into transport position. Tilt the mast slightly

Never drive with forks or load in raised

40 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Service and maintenance

General information

The truck contains several chemical substances,
which may cause skin irritation and allergies.
Risk of personal injury when in prolonged con-
tact with skin!
When handling chemical substances such as oils, hydraulic oils,
fuel, greases, etc avoid direct contact with the skin. Use protec-
tive gloves. Immediately wash skin that comes in contact with
chemical substances.

Preventive maintenance and maintenance must be carried out

regularly and in accordance with the regulations supplied in the
inspection table so that the truck will work as well as possible.
Maintenance must only be carried out by trained staff or an aut-
horised Konecranes Lifttrucks- dealer in accordance with a service
agreement. If you wish to service the machine yourself, we recom-
mend that you carry out the first three customer service checks in
the presence of Konecranes Lifttrucks’ authorised staff who can
check that you are following the maintenance instructions.
Before any service work, check that:
- the machine is parked on firm, level ground.
- the machine is blocked so that it cannot roll.
- the engine is turned off and the ignition key removed.
- the accumulator pressure is released.
- the fork carriage and the mast have been secured if they are
in raised position
- the machine is firmly chocked if work is to be carried out under-
neath when the machine is lifted up.
After every service, carry out a test drive and an operational test on
the truck.
If the machine is used in extremely warm, cold or dusty
environments or in other unfavourable conditions, the service
should be carried out more frequent compared to the inspection
Clean the area around each component before lubricating, chang-
ing filters or repairing the hydraulic system. Use only clean contai-
ners when topping up lubricants.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 41
Service and maintenance

Electric welding
It is important to follow these instructions
when electric-welding on the machine.
Risk of serious damage to the machine.
Battery cabling and all control units must
be disconnected.

1. Remove the battery leads and the leads to the alternator.

2. Important! Disconnect all control units in and on the


3. Connect the weld clamp to the component to be welded

and close to the welding point, never to the engine or in
such a manner that the current can pass over to a bearing.

When you have finished welding, connect the leads to the

alternator and control unit before connecting the batteries.


It is forbidden to jump-start the machine
by means of a quick-charger, a booster, a
power-pack or similar. It can cause current-
rushing and serious damage to the control
1. Connect the first cable from the + contact of the auxiliary
battery to the + contact of the starter motor.

2. Then connect the second cable from the contact of the

fully charged battery to the chassis, e.g. the starter motor
fixing bolt, or a nearby side-member.

3. When the engine starts, remove the cables in the reverse


Running in/servicing after the first 150 hours of

The machine may be driven at full speed right from the
start. However, prolonged maximum loading of the hydrau-
lic system and transmission should be avoided during the
first 50 hours of operation.

After the first 150 hours, carry out first service according to
Maintenance Table.

42 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Transport and towing

Lifting the truck

3 4
Use only lifting equipment and cranes which have
2 sufficient lifting capacity. See the manufacturer’s
type plate for the weight of the truck.

Attach lift chains to the four points shown:

- Attach two lift slings to the lifting eyes placed on each side of the
rear counterweight (1).
- Attach two lift slings to the lifting eyes on the top mast yoke (2).
1 - Attach the lift slings to the lift hook of the crane (3).


After attaching the lift slings to the lift hook, the
5 safety lock (4) must be closed. When the truck
is lifted, the lift slings must not rub against any
part of the truck. Use a protective cushion(5).

Lifting the truck without the mast

When the mast is dismantled it is possible to use the mast suspen-

sion ears as lifting devices.

Attach soft lift slings (6) to the mast suspension
ears when the mast is dismounted. Shackles will
damage the suspension ears and the bushings.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 43
Transport and towing

Do not exceed the the load limits of the transporting vehicle.
See the manufacturer’s type plate for the weight of the truck.

Check the total clearance heigt of the truck
and the transport vehicle. There can be low
overpasses along the transportation route.

Secure the rear end

- Engage the parking brake.

- Place blocks before and behind each wheel to prevent
movements in forward/backward direction.
- Hold the truck in place with 2 straps that are attached
with shackles to the eyes (1) beneath the counter weight.

Secure the front end

- Lower and secure the mast and fork carriage.
- Attach 2 lifting hooks (2) to the fork carriage in order to
hold the truck in place.

Secure the front end without mast

- Attach 2 shackles to the front lifting eyes (3) positioned on
the chassi.

44 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Transport and towing


As the truck is equipped with a hydraulic bra-
king system, servo-assisted steering and a
hydraulic gearbox, the engine must be idling
when being towed.

If this is not possible, the hydraulic parking brake (1) must be

released, see page 76.

Remove the drive shaft, when towing longer distance.

The truck will now have no brakes and must
only be towed by a vehicle which has sufficient
braking capacity to stop both vehicles.

- Use the rear towing pin to attach a steady towbar to the truck
- Attach the other end of the bar to the towing vehicle
- Place large blocks by the wheels
- Release the parking brake by tightening the bolt (1)
- The universal drive shaft must be disconnected before
towing can begin
- Tow the truck very carefully at no more than 3 - 5 km/h
- The truck can still be steered, even if the steering is heavier with
the loss of servo-assisted steering
- After being repaired, the brake function should be checked and
the parking brake adjusted
- Reposition the universal drive shaft and tighten it.


Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 45

Cleaning the truck

The length of time between cleaning sessions depends on the type

of work carried out by the truck. If it is used in extremely
aggressive environments where it is exposed to elements like salt
water, fertilisers, chemicals, cement, etc., it should be thoroughly
cleaned when the work is finished.

Hot steam or aggressive degreasing agents should
be used with great care. Protective clothing and
eye protection must be worn.

- Protect all electrical components and the air intake filter from
steam, water, etc., during cleaning.
- Clean particularly the areas around the oil top-up and
lubrication places before servicing.
H1870 - If a degreasing agent is used in cleaning, allow sufficient
time for it to penetrate and then rinse with a powerful jet
of water.
- After cleaning the engine, it should be run warm so that it
dries and to check that no water that has penetrated has
caused any faults.
- All materials used in cleaning should be disposed in an
environmentally-friendly manner.
- Always lubricate the truck after steam cleaning.

Cleaning the cooler

The cooler must only be cleaned when the engine
has been turned off and cooled down.
Do not use high pressure steam cleaner as it may
damage the radiator fins.

- Loosen the four screws and lift the grating to clean the cooler
from the outside.
- The most suitable way of cleaning the cooler is with dry
compressed air.
- Blow against the direction of the fan.
- The cooler must not be cleaned with high-pressure water.
- In extreme cases, solvents or a jet of steam can also be used
with great care.
- Allow the solvent time to penetrate. Rinse off with water.
- Run the engine warm so that surplus water evaporates and
does not cause rusting.

46 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Changing a wheel


2 Always release the brake pressure before mainta-
ning or servicing the hydraulics of the truck.
Never loosen any hydraulic hoses without ensur-
ing that the brake pressure is released.

- Loosen the locknut using a 11/16” ring spanner (1).

- Loosen the drain screw using a 3/16” Allen-key (2).


Observe the following regulations before lifting
the truck. Use only a jack that has sufficient
lifting capacity. See technical data sheet for axle
- To lift the truck drive axle, position the jack underneath the
1 drive axle (1) and block the steer axle wheels.
- To lift the steer axle of the truck, position the jack under-
neath the main plate of the steer axle (2) and block the drive
axle wheels.
- When working underneath the truck, support the underside
of the chassis with suitable material. Do NOT simply rely on
the jack.

Changing a wheel is a two-man operation.

- An ancillary truck fitted with an attachment for the wheel (1)
facilitates the work.
- Position the truck on even ground.
- Lift the side of the truck and support the underside of the
chassis in accordance with recommendations.

Specifications for drive axle and steer shaft tyres

See machine card

Specifications for rims

Use only rims that are approved by the truck manufacturer.

Other type of tyres

The truck is designed to use pneumatic tyres. Solid/cushion tyres
are used only in consultation with the truck manufacturer.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 47
Changing a wheel

High-pressure tyres!
Risk for serious injury or death.
To avoid accidents - always follow these in-
structions when deflating or inflating tyres.

High-pressure tyres!
Keep the face and body as far away from
the inflation process as possible.

High-pressure tyres!
Forbidden area when deflating or inflating

48 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Changing a wheel


The valve can get damaged or plugged with
ice when deflating the tyre. If air cannot be
deflated through the valve or if there is any
doubt on valve function a hole has to be
drilled into the tread.
High-pressure tyres
Keep the face and body as far away from
the deflation process as possible.
Deflate as follows
- use protective eye glasses
- unscrew the valve cap
H2203 - unscrew the valve cone. Ensure that no part of the body is
in the possible trajectory of the valve mechanism.


High-pressure tyres
­ Keep the face and body as far away from
the inflation process as possible.
­- Never hit a tyre or rim which is fully or partly inflated.
­ The tyre must not be inflated until all parts are assem-
-­ Rim components must never be assembled by means of
hammer blows during inflating
­- Disassemble the tyre and check the rim for damage if
the tyre was deflated.
­- It is important that all rim components are certified.
­- Check that all components are in place when bead
seating pressure is achieved.
­- Final inflation adjustment to service pressure is perfor-
med with the wheel mounted to the truck or in a safety
­- The maximum inflation pressures specified by the
tyre manufacturer must never be exceeded. If another
rim or tyre than recommended is used, other pressure
values might be valid. Get in contact with Konecranes
Lifttrucks for advice.
Inflate the tyre as follows:
- Use a filter and dehumidifier (or dryer) on the compressed
air line in order to prevent the entry of humidity which
will lead to corrosion.
- Check that locking rings and split rim fittings are in place
before stating inflation.
- Connect the compressed air line to the tyre air nipple.
- Keep the face and body as far away from the inflation
process as possible.
- Check that all components are in place when bead seating
pressure is achieved.
- Mount the tyre to the truck according to instructions.
- Inflate the tyre to the he maximum pressures specified by
the tyre manufacturer.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 49
Changing a wheel


2 Outer drive wheels

Release the air from both tyres.
Risk of serious injury and death.
Deflate both tyres. If you do not, the conical
ring and locking heads may release and shoot off when
the pressure changes.


- Remove all but two of the nuts (2).

- Use the ancillary truck to support the weight of the outer
wheel on its forks.
- Remove the two remaining nuts (2).
- Remove the conical joint.
- Lean the outer wheel against the ancillary truck’s wheel
support and secure it with a restraining chain (8).
- Reverse the ancillary truck carefully and unload the outer
wheel (5).

Inner drive wheel

- Remove the outer drive wheel.
- Remove the spacer (6).
- Use the forks of the ancillary truck to support the weight of
the inner wheel (7).
- Lean the inner wheel (7) against the wheel support (1) and
secure it with a retstaining chain (8).
- Carefully reverse the ancillary truck and unload the inner
wheel (7).


7 The inner drive wheels

- Load the inner wheel (7) onto the ancillary truck and fasten
it to the support.
- Clean the application surfaces.
- Carefully drive the ancillary truck to the required position and
place the inner wheel (7) over the drive axle and the hub.
- Remove the fastening device from the wheel support (1)
and the inner wheel (7) and straighten the wheel (7).
- Lower the forks of the ancillary truck until the inner wheel (7) is
6 resting on the hub.
- Carefully reverse the ancillary truck.
- Mount the spacer (6).

50 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Changing a wheel

Outer drive wheel

- Load the outer wheel (5) onto the ancillary truck and secure it
5 to the wheel support. Carefully drive the ancillary truck into
position and place the outer wheel (5) over the hub.
- Remove the fastening device from the wheel support (1) and the
outer wheel (5) and straighten the wheel (5).
- Secure the conical joint and hold it in place with two nuts (2)
placed diagonally to each other.
- Carefully reverse the ancillary truck.
- Fasten the remaining nuts (2) and tighten the wheel nuts cross-
wise using the torque according to section ’Tightening torque’.
- Pump the tyres according to manufacturers recommendations.

Disassembling the steer wheels

5 Tires with high air pressure.
Risk of serious injury or death.
Never stand square with the wheel when empty-
ing and pumping air.
Release the air from the tires. If you do not, the conical
ring and locking heads may release and shoot off when
the pressure changes.
Note that the valves may be damaged or that a valve may be-
come plugged with ice when the air is released. If the air can-
not be released through the valve it may be necessary to drill a
hole in the tread.

10 - Remove all but two of the wheel nuts (9).

- Use the ancillary truck forks to support the weight of the steer
wheel (10).
- Remove the remaining nuts.
- Lean the steer wheel (9) against the wheel support (1) and
fasten it with a restraining chain (8).
- Carefully reverse the ancillary truck and unload the steer
wheel (10).

Assembling the steering wheels

- Load the steer wheel (10) onto the ancillary truck and fasten it
onto the support.
- Clean the surfaces of the machine.
- Carefully drive the ancillary truck into position and place the
steer wheel (10) against the hub.
- Use the forks of the ancillary truck to support the weight of the
steer wheel.
- Fix and tighten two of the nuts (9) diagonal to each other.
- Remove the fork support.
- Fasten the remaining nuts (9) and tighten the wheel nuts cross-
wise using the torque according to section ’Tightening torque’.-
H2112 Carefully reverse the ancillary truck.
- Pump the tyres according to manufacturers recommendations.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 51
Tightening bolted joints

Tightening torque

Information on friction ratio is needed in order to select the

exact tightening torque.

It is important that the torque of the bolted joints
is checked regularly. It is especially important in
connection with the ”first servicing”.

The wheel nuts torque must be checked daily for
14 days or, until the rim, clamps and nuts have
settled in and there is no more tightening
obtained. This must be done:
- After a new delivery of machine.
- After the truck has been taken into use.
- After a wheel has been removed or replaced.

The following pages describe how bolted joints should be

tightened using a torque key.

Tightening the wheel nuts

The wheel nuts torque must be checked daily for
14 days or, until the rim, clamps and nuts have
settled in and there is no more tightening
obtained. This must be done:
- After a new delivery of machine.
- After the truck has been taken into use.
- After a wheel has been removed or replaced.

Tighten the nuts crosswise according to the table below.

Wheel nuts, drive axle

- Drive shaft M22 x 1.5 10.9 650 Nm

Wheel nuts, steer axle

- Steer axle M22 x 1,5 8.8 400 Nm

52 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Tightening bolted joints
The tables below specify the torque for ”lightly greased” bolts.
Millimeter screws Inch screws
Tensile strength class Tensile strength class
Thread Thread
8.8 10.9 12.9 8.8 10.9 12.9
Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm
6 9,8 14 17 1/4” 11 15 19
8 24 33 40 5/16” 22 31 38
10 47 65 79 3/8” 38 54 68
12 81 114 136 7/16” 61 87 108
14 128 181 217 1/2” 93 131 163
16 197 277 333 9/16” 133 187 234
18 275 386 463 5/8” 183 259 323
20 385 541 649 3/4” 322 455 568
22 518 728 874 7/8” 516 729 909
24 665 935 1120 1” 772 1090 1360
27 961 1350 1620 1 1/8” 1090 1550 1930
30 1310 1840 2210 1 1/4” 1530 2160 2690
33 1770 2480 2980 1 3/8” 2020 2850 3550
36 2280 3210 3850 1 1/2” 2650 3750 4680

Drive shaft

To the gearbox (1) M12 8.8 81 Nm

To the drive axle (2) M12 8.8 81 Nm

Differential nuts

- (1) M14 10.9 181 Nm

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 53
Tightening bolted joints

The engine mountings

Check the condition of the rubber suspensions.
If any wear and tear is discovered, replace the damaged parts.
The engine mountings are accessible from the engine
compartment, one on each side of the rear part of the engine.

- (1) M20 8.8 385 Nm

- (2) M16 8.8 197 Nm
- (3) M20 8.8 277 Nm


The gearbox mountings

Check the condition of the mountings and the rubber

suspension. Replace the worn parts if you discover any wear
and tear.
1 The mountings are accessible from the engine compartment,
one on each side of the gearbox.

- (1) M20 8.8 385 Nm

2 - (2) M16 8.8 197 Nm
- (3) 3/4” UNC 8.8 385 Nm

54 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Tightening bolted joints

Drive axle suspension

- (1) M 24 10.9 935 Nm


Hydraulic pumps

- (1) M12x40 8.8 81 Nm

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 55
Tightening bolted joints

Cab suspension

- (1) M 24 8.8 245 Nm

The torque must not increase the specified above. The suspension
ears can be scrunched and damage the mounting brackets.


- (1) M 24 8.8 665 Nm

- (2) M 24 8.8 665 Nm


Steer axle

- (1) M 30x2 8.8 1310 Nm

- (2) M 20 12.9 649 Nm


56 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Tightening bolted joints

Mast suspension

- (1) M 16 8.8 197 Nm

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 57
Lubrication table

1 2 3 5 7 11 8

4 10 9 6







58 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Lubrication table

Pos.No. Description
Description Illustration
Illustration Page No.
Page No.

1. Steer axle H 2113 60

2. Drain plug, engine H 1872 62
3. Filler cap, engine H 1838 62

4. Oil filter, engine H 1839 62
5. Drain plug, transmission H 1846 63
6. Filler cap , transmission H 1847 63

7. Oil filter, transmission H 1880 63
8. Breathing filter, transmission H 1840 64

9. Hydraulic oil filter H 1885 65
10. Fuel filter H 1893 67
11. Water separator H 1894 67

12. Mast suspension, tilt cylinders H 124S 61
13. Fork carriage and inner mast’s H 124S 61
roller bearings and bushings

14. Outer mast’s top bearing rollers H 124S 61
15. Forks H 126 60

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 59

General rules which apply to lubrication

- Clean of old grease and clean nipples.

- Lubricate until fresh grease penetrates.
- Use only recommended grease.
- All slide bearings must be free of pressure for the grease to be
able to penetrate.
- Slide bearings require frequent lubrication with a small amount
of grease. Roller bearings require more grease less often.
- Also check the function and bearing slackness when lubricating.
- Specified lubrication periods apply in favourable conditions.
More frequent lubrication is recommended in more demanding
conditions, particularly of the slide bearings.

Lubricating the steer axle

- Clean off old grease and clean nipples.
- Lubricate the parallel tie-rods, four points (1) - two points on
each parallel tie-rod (slide bearings).
- Lubricate the spindle bearings (2) one upper and one lower on
each side.
- Lubricate the hub bearings (3) one on each side grease penetra-
tes on to inside.


Lubricating the forks

- (1) Lower support rolls, two on each fork.
- (2) Upper support rolls, four on each fork.

60 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02

Lubricating the mast

As the mast and carriage have to be lifted
during certain lubrication moments, make
sure that the mast/carriage are secured.

- Lubricate the nipples at the suspension shafts of the mast

(1) , one on each side, accessible trough the inside of the
mast while the carriage is lifted up.
Unload the shaft pins by lifting the mast using either a
jack or a wood block and tilt forwards.
- Lubricate the tiltcylinder shafts (2) from the centre of the
shaft pins, two on each side. Unload the shafts by tilting
the mast backwards.
- The upper rollers (3) are accessible when the upright has
been raised a little. One nipple on either side.
- Lubricate the carriage sidethrust rollers (4) from the inside
of the carriage, two on each side (slide bearings).
- The corresponding rollers and wheels of the inner upright
are reached through lifting up the carriage.
2 - Lubricate the chain wheels through the nipples.

Do not apply too much grease to the support rollers. Ex-
4 cessive grease in the mast channels will make the rollers
and wheels to slide instead of rolling.

1 4

Lubricating the door hinges

- Inspect and clean the hinges of the cabin door and emergency
- Lubricate the hinges (1) and open and close the doors in order
to check that all parts of the hinges have been lubricated.
2 1 - Also lubricate the hinges of the battery compartment (2).

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 61
Changing oil and filters

Draining the engine oil

Drain oil when the engine is at operational temperature.

The oil should be replaced once a year.
- Place a suitable container underneath the drain plug (1).
- Unscrew the drain plug.
- Allow the oil to run out.
- Check that the seal is not damaged. Renew if necessary.
- Fit the drain plug.
- Tighten up the drain plug.

Engine oil may be hot.
Risk of serious injury.
1 Use care in opening the cap to avoid burns.

Changing the engine oil filter

- Remove and dispose of the old filter (1).

1 - Lubricate the rubber seal and fit a new original filter.
- Secure the filter by hand.
- Never use tools. The filter could be damaged and the circula-
tion obstructed.
- Start up the engine and check whether the filter is secure.

Filling up the engine oil

- Remove the oil filler cap (2).

- Pour oil through the opening.
- Check the oil level using the dipstick (1). Fill up to the maxi-
mum indicator level.
- Refit the cap (2).
- Close the engine cover.

When test running after changing the oil and
filter, observe the oil pressure indicator and the
1 warning light on the instrument panel. Also
check that there are no leaks from the drain plug
or the oil filter.
In order to check the oil level carefully, particularly when the
2 oil filter is replaced, turn off the engine and check the oil level
after around one minute.

62 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Changing oil and filters


Drain the gearbox oil

The gearbox must be at operating temperature when the oil is


- Clean around the drain plug.

- Place a suitable container underneath the drain plug (1).
- Remove the drain plug and allow the oil to run out.
- Remount the drain plug (1).

Gearbox oil may be hot.
Risk of serious injury.
Use care in opening the cap to avoid burns.

Filling up gear box oil

3 - Remove the oil cap (3).
- Fill the gearbox with oil to the maximum mark on the
dipstick (4).
- Run the engine at idling speed for one minute to fill the torque
converter and pipes.
- Check the level of the oil when the engine has been running for
one minute and then fill up with oil to the minimum mark.
- Check the oil level again when the operating temperature has
reached 82 - 93° C. Fill to the maximum level mark.
- Refit the dipstick (4) and the oil cap (3).

See Maintenance Data regarding the oil level in the gearbox.

Gearbox oil may be hot.
Risk of serious injury.
Use care in opening the cap to avoid burns.

Change the gearbox oil filter

- Clean the outside of the filter unit (2).

- Place a suitable container underneath the filter unit.
- Loosen the filter unit with a filter wrench and dispose accor-
ding to environmental legislation.
- Oil the the gasket lightly.
- Screw on the filter by hand until the gasket seals.

NOTE! Do not overtighten!

- Start the engine and check for leaks.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 63
Changing oil and filters

Changing of transmission breathing filter

- Unscrew the breathing filter (1).
- Replace with new

Checking the oil in the driveaxle

Both hubs and the diff casing to be checked

- Park the truck on level ground.

- Place the truck so that the hub level mark (1) is horizontal.
- Carefully unscrew the filling/level plug (2) and check the oil
2 level.
- If oil runs out from the plug, screw it back in.
- If no oil runs out, fill up with oil until it begins to seep out from
the filling/level plug (2).
- Repeat the procedure for the other hub.
- Check the level in the banjo cap by unscrewing the filling/level
plug (3).
- If oil runs out of the plug, screw it back in.
1 - If no oil runs out, fill it with oil until it begins to seep out.

H2111 Overpressure can occur.

Changing the oil in the drive axle

Both hubs and the diff casing to be replaced
- Park the truck on level ground.
- Make a drainage hose using a thread which fit through the
draining hole (4).
- Fix the hose in the drain hole whilst the drain plug is in its up-
permost position.
3 - Carefully drive the truck forwards/backwards so that the drain
plug returns to its lowest position.
- Allow the oil to run out through the hose into a suitable vessel.
- Repeat the procedure on the other side.
- Drain the diff casing through the drain plug (5).
Note! The oil must have operational temperature.
5 - Refit all drain plugs (4 and 5).
- Place the truck so that the hub level mark (1) is horizontal.
- Fill the drive axle trough the filling/level holes (2 and 3).
- Replace the filling/level plugs (2 and 3).

64 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Changing oil and filters

Changing the return filter, hydraulic oil

The return filters are situated on the right-hand side of the

4 hydraulic tank by the filling cap.

3 Follow these instructions. Otherwise you may
risk damaging the hydraulic system.
- Remove the upper running plate.
- Clean carefully around the filter cap (1).
- Remove the filter cap.
2 - Loosen the four screws of the filter housing in the return cham-
- Lift up the filter housing (2) and the filter element (3).
Do not diassemble the filter inside the hydraulic tank.
- Remove the element by pressing and turning the bypass
valve (4).
- Check that the valve is closed.
- If the tank is empty: Also check the bottom of the tank for any
- Clean the filter housing.
- Fit new filters and close with the bypass valve (4).
Press and turn to the correct position.
- Fit the filter housing in the tank.
- Fill with oil if it has been drained.
- Fit the filter cap.
- Start the engine and check for leakage.
5 - Turn off the engine and check the level.

Changing of hydraulic tank breathing filter

- Unscrew the breathing filter (5).

- Replace with new

7 Changing the hydraulic oil

The hydraulic oil is replaced at the same time as the filter. It is

recommended that the oil be replaced according to section ’Check
and Maintenance schedule’.
- Drain the oil through the drain plug (6), using a suitable vessel.
See oil volume, Maintenance Data.
- Alternatively, the oil can be sucked up through the filter hou-
sings if the filters have been removed.
- Inspect the bottom of the tank for any impurities.
- Assemble the filters and caps as above.
- Fill (7) with hydraulic oil.

6 That way, the oil poured in is filtered through the filters. It is

advisable for the oil to be filled under some pressure.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 65
Changing oil and filters

Start of hydraulic pump

1 After maintaining the hydraulic pump or system the following

procedure is performed:

- Loosen the plug (1).

- Fill up the pump housing with hydraulic oil.

- Refit the plug (1).
- Start the engine and lift the fork carriage.

Any noise from the hydraulic system should disapppear after a few
seconds. If not - stop the engine and troubleshoot the hydraulic

66 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Changing oil and filters

Changing the fuel filter

- Open the engine casing.

- Clean the outside of the filter unit carefully.
- Place a container underneath the fuel filter (1) to catch any spil-
led fuel.
- Loosen the fuel filter with a filter key.
- Unscrew and remove the filter by hand.
- Inspect the new filter and check that the covers are in good
- Lightly lubricate the new seals with fuel.
- Screw in the new filters by hand until the seals are in contact
with the cap.
- Turn the filters a half circle by hand.
- Bleed the fuel system.
1 - Close the engine housing.
- After a test run, check that there are no leakages.

Never use a sealant or lubricant. Never use tools
to tighten the filter. Always use original spares
when changing filters.

Water separating filter

Drainage must be carried out when filling fuel. The filter must be
2 changed according to section ’Check and maintenance schedule’.

- Close the drain tap (1) before the filter.

- Unscrew the container and drain valve (4).
- Unscrew and change the filter (3). Lubricate the seal before
tightening the new filter by hand.
- Screw the container and drain valve into position.
4 - Open the drain tap (1).
- Bleed the fuel system.

Bleeding the fuel system

Air can penetrate the fuel system when:

- the fuel tank runs completely empty.
- the fuel pipes are disconnected.
- the fuel filter is replaced.

Do as follows in order to bleed the fuel system:

- Remove the fuel return line from the pipe. Connect a hose to
the pipe. Place the other end of the hose into a vessel half filled
with fuel.
- Run the engine at 800-1000 rpm. Single bubbles can appear. If
the amount of bubbles increases or foam is built up there is air
in the system.
- Remedy by tightening all connections.

A leaking seal will disrupt fuel flow from the
tank to the metering pump as it will enable air
to enter the system.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 67
Changing oil and filters

Cleaning/changing the air filter

The air filter contains a significant amount of
2 3 4 dust particles.
Danger of respiratory distress!
A protective mask must always be worn when
servicing the air intake system. Do not inhale the
dust particles.
Consider the environment when carrying out
this work.
Major risk of engine damage if the filter element
is damaged.

Cleaning the element always entails a risk of
damaging it. It should only be cleaned four times
a year at most. After cleaning it has poorer dust
capacity than a new element.

Do not clean the inside of the filter casing with
compressed air. All maintenance on the air in-
take system must be carried out while the engine
is turned off. This is a dry filter element and
must not be cleaned with water.

Clean or change the filter element if the low pressure indicator

shows red.
- Open all of the clips (2) and remove the cap (1).
- Empty out the dust which has collected in the cap and dry the
cap using a damp cloth.
- Carefully remove the filter element (3).
- Clean the inside of the filter casing (4) clean using a damp cloth.
- Insert a torch into the filter element and check from the outside
that there are no holes or cracks in the filter paper.

Do not clean the inside of the filter casing with compressed air.
Clean using a damp cloth.

68 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Changing oil and filters

- Blow dry compressed air over the filter element (5) to clean it,
a maximum of 1 bar, from the inside until no more dust comes

5 This is a dry filter element and must not be cleaned with

Discard the filter element:
- if it has been cleaned 5 times.
- if it is damaged.
- after 1 000 hours of use.
- after 12 months of use, maximum.
Record each service carried out on the filter element.

Safety cartridge
Never clean the safety cartridge.
Do not remove the safety cartridge unnecessarily.

- The safety cartridge (6) is normally replaced according to

’Check and maintenance schedule’, or if there has been any
damage to the main filter.
- Disassemble the filter lining as above.
- Fit in a new safety cartridge.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 69
Checking and other maintenance

Checking the air intake system

It is of paramount importance for the air intake system to be

intact. Broken and leaking pipes can drastically shorten the life of
the engine.
Check the system regularly.

- Check the hoses for fissures and damage. If necessary, replace

- Ensure that all hose clips are tightened and fit snugly.
- Check that the filter container is intact.

Checking the battery

The batteries are located in the compartment on the right hand

side of the machine.
The batteries are maintenance free.
- Keep the batteries clean.
- Remove corrosion from the battery connections and check that
the cable connections are tightened.
- Lubricate the battery terminals using acid-free grease.

The battery contains corrosive acid. Always use
the necessary protective equipment.
Batteries generate explosive hydrogen when
charged. Ensure that there is good ventilation
and avoid sparking.
Beware of short-circuiting the battery, which may cause fire or
Risk for serious injury or death.
The main disconnect does not cut the power to the alternator.
Always disconnect the ground (minus) cable at the battery
when working near or on the alternator.
To reduce the risks of electrical shock and personal injury al-
2 ways remove jewelry and conductive material prior to working
on the electrical system.
Unless in an emergency situation, do not turn off the main
3 circuit switch while the engine is running.

Changing the windscreen wipers

1 - Remove the bolt (1).

- Remove the blade (2) from the arm (3).
- Insert the new blade (2) into the arm (3).
- Replace the bolt.
- Lower the wiper back onto the windscreen.

70 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Checking and other maintenance

Checking the cooling system

- Check all hoses by pressing them to find any fissures and

leaks. If in doubt, replace them.
- Check the radiator for damage, leaks and blockage.
- Check the function of the cab heater.
- Check the level of the coolant: see below, glycol content,
see Fuel and oil recommendations, and for any impurities.
- Replace the coolant if it is not clean and clear.

- Check the rubber pads (4) in the radiator fittings on the bot-
tom of the radiator - replace if necessary.
- Check that the nuts (5) are tight.

Replacing the coolant

The coolant may be pressurised and hot.
4 Risk of serious injury.
The system may be pressurised, even if it is not
5 the pressure type.

- Open the cap of the expansion tank (1) with care - first turn
it 1/4 of a turn to ensure that the system is not under pressure
when the cap has been removed.
- It can only be refilled through the expansion tank (2).
- Drain the whole system through the tap (3) when replacing the
hoses and system components.
1 6 - Turn the cab heater control to maximum. Place a suitable contai-
ner underneath the drainage tap.
- Open the tap and drain the system fully.
- Turn off the tap.
- Fill up through the expansion tank (1) to the maximum level.
- Start the engine and let it idle.
- Observe the level during this period and top up if necessary.
- When the operating temperature is reached, the level should
have stabilised.
- The level should be up to the centre of the tank (6).

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 71
Checking and other maintenance

Checking the exhaust system for leaks

Wait until the exhaust system has cooled before
starting work.

- Check the overall condition of the exhaust system, replace pipes

or the silencer if they are leaking due to corrosion.
- Check all joints and screw joints.
- Check the exhaust manifold.
- Check the rubber silencer suspension. Replace if necessary.
- Start the engine.
- Check for any leaks in the exhaust system.

Valve clearance

The valve clearance should be checked at engine oil temperature

20-80° C. Follow the instructions in the engine manufacturer’s
instruction book.

Checking the fuel injector

Check and adjust the injectors before the usual engine service
is due to be carried out only if the engine is:
- misfiring.
- knocking on one or more of the cylinders.
- overheating.
- losing power.
- emitting black smoke from the exhaust.
- using too much fuel.

The injectors must be checked and adjusted by an authorised
dealer which has the necessary special equipment.

72 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Checking and other maintenance

Checking the fuel system for leaks

- Check the fuel pipes according to the picture.

Checking the fuel tank

- Check the tank for any leaks.
- Drain the tank of any grime and water through the
drain plug (1).
- Place a suitable vessel underneath the drain plug.
- When clear fuel comes through, replace the drain plug.
- Check the seal around the fuel cap (2).

Checking of poly-v belts

- If the poly-v-belt (2) is worn or damaged, it should be replaced.

- Check also the two manual belt tensioners alternatively the auto-
matic belt tensioner (1) for function.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 73
Checking and other maintenance

Checking the mast and fork carriage

- Use a claw wrench or crowbar to check the room between:

- The carriage and the inner mast.
- The inner and outer masts.
If there is an obvious gap of over 5 mm, seek advice from the
nearest authorised Konecranes Lfttrucks-dealer.

Checking of forks’ wear pads

- Check the pads for wear.

The wear must not be more than 5 mm on the most worn
2 part of the pad.

Checking of wear on fork blades

150 m Check forks for cracks, deformation and blade thickness.
m This should be made on a yearly basis (local requirements may
require more often).
- Wear limit on fork blade is 90% of the original dimension.
Check thickness of blade at 150 mm from the fork heel (1)
- Forks with cracks visible by eye, may under no circumstances be
used. Give special attention to cracks on the fork heels.
Forks should regularly be checked for cracks by penetration fluid
or magnaflux methods.
Surface cracks to a maximum dept of 0,5 mm could be grinded
off, followed by new test. This must be carried out by an autho-
rised service dealer. Deeper cracks may generally not be repaired.
- Check the fork suspension regarding clearence.
- If the forks require reparation always contact Konecranes Lift-
trucks or a service dealer authorised by Konecranes Lifttrucks.
They can estimate if the forks are reparable.
- Surface cracks or wear must not berepaired by welding.
- Straightened forks will always require new heat treatment.

Specially trained personnel have to check the forks for cracks an-

Adjustment of chains
Check that there is a clearence of 10 mm between the carriage
bottom and the bottom plate of the outer mast (2). If not, both
the chains have to be adjusted to the same tension.

74 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Checking and other maintenance

Checking of lifting chains

To ensure the safety of the lift chains it is necessary to check

them regularly, see section ’Check and maintenance schedule’.
The entyre length of the chains must be properly cleaned. Check-
ing is performed unloaded.
- The chain length may not exceed 3% of its original length.
Check according to table below for each forklift and chain type.
- Check measurement over the 25 links which are the first that
goes over the sprocket (the most worn).
- Compare your measurements with the values in table below.
- If the 3% limit is exceeded the chains must be chainged.

NOTE! Local legislations, or if security is is based on one

chain, can demand that the chain is changed when prolonged
by 2%.

Max Max
New chain, allowed allowed
Forklift measure- length length
ment over over
over 25 links at 25 links at
Pitch (p)
25 links 2% wear 3% wear
Inch mm
mm mm mm
SMV 10-12 1 1/2 38,10 952,50 971 981

SMV 12-16 2 50,80 1270 1295 1308

Also check for:

- Loose rivets in the outer washers.
- Cracks in any washers
- Mechanical damage
- Any noise when the chain is moving
- Corrosion
- Seizure.

Lubricate chains with thin oil or special chain spray that

penetrates into the links.

If a chain cracks, load can fall uncontrolled and
cause damage.
Risk for serious injury or death.
In case of any doubt, the chain should be
Chains are always replaced to its whole length.
I.E. It is not allowed to replace only a part of a
chain by re-riveting.

Checking weld constructions

Check the mast, chassis and all welded parts to see if there are
any visible signs of damage, deformation, metal fatigue, etc.
This should be done at least once a year, more often if the
machine does shift work.
If there are any doubts, contact the Konecranes Lifttrucks dealer.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 75
Checking and other maintenance

Checking of the steer axle bearings

2 Check the wheel and spindel bearings regularly and always

when the tyres are replaced. Inportant during the running in
period. As these bearings are exposed to high loads and
chocks it is of greatest importance that is no play whatsoever
3 in these bearings. Any play will result soner or later in bearing
breakedown. Bearings are adjustable, see next page.
Play in link bearings are acceptable to 1-2 mm per each
bearing, this is however not adjustable.

Use a jack to lift up each side (see Changing a wheel) and check as
- Check the spindle bearings by lifting the wheel with
1 a prybar (1).
- Check the hub bearings by prying the wheel vertically (2).
- Check the link bearings by turning the wheels in the steer ing
direction (3).

Checking and adjusting steer axle bearings

3 2 - Remove the cap (1).

- Check that the grease is clean and free from particles.
If not, a damaged bearing could be cause of the gap.
- Turn down the lock washer (2).
- Tighten the nut (3); the correct torque is 245-294 Nm.
- Rotate the hub. There should only be slightly resistance.
Noise or irregular rotation proof for bearing damage. Replace
1 bearing.
- Check the gap.
- Secure the nut (3) with washer (2).
- Remount the cap (1).


76 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Checking and other maintenance

Adjusting the spindle bearings

- Remove the steering link.
- Remove the caps (1).
- Check the grease.
- Turn down the lock washer (2).
- Unscrew the nut (3) a few turns.
- Check that the lower nut (4) is tightened; the correct torque is
3 around approx. 980 Nm.
The nut (4) is not used to preload the bearing.
All bearing preload is adjusted with the upper nut (3).

- Tighten the upper nut (3) to around 245-294 Nm.

- Check that there is no gap and that the spindle can easily be
turned without making any noise or offering irregular resistance.
- Remount the caps (1).

3 2


Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 77
Checking and other maintenance

Adjustment of parking brake

10 9
Note. It is important that the parking brake is activated
(released) during adjustment.
- Park the vehicle on a level surface.

Block the wheels to prevent the vehicle
from moving.

- Start the machine to ensure correct brake system pressure.

- Release the parking brake by using the switch in the cabin.

The oil chamber (10) should now be pressurised. The piston

assembly, consisting of push rod (9), piston (4), adjusting
1 screw (5), and lock nut (6) compress the spring washers (8).
To ensure that the brake pressure is maintained it may be
3 4 necessary to run the engine.
5 6 Parking brake emergency release

When the parking brake is released, the
PARKING BRAKE vehicle does not have any park brake func-
tion. You must block the wheels to prevent
The parking brake consist of brake calliper and a brake disc the vehicle from moving. Serious personal
which is mounted on the drive axle. injury and damage to components can
The brake calliper consists of housing (1), piston (4), spring- result.
washers (8) which press on the piston, brake pads (2) and If hydraulic pressure is not available, the parking brake can
disc (3). be manually released using the following procedure.
The brake is normally applied. - Park the vehicle on a level surface. Block the wheels to
The brake calliper is opened by hydraulic pressure in the prevent the vehicle from moving.
oil chamber (10). Hydraulic pressure moves the piston and - Remove the cap (7).
compresses the springs. At least 100 bar is required to open - Loosen the lock nut (6).
the brake. - Turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise until the brake
Pressure is coming from the accumulator system via a sole- is released. Emergency release requires approximately 30
noid valve, controlled by the parking switch. lb-ft (40 Nm) torque on the adjusting screw (5).
- Tighten the lock nut (3). Install the cap.
WARNING - Before you return the vehicle to service, adjust the brake
The brake is a pure parking brake and using the procedure in this section.
should be used as such - to keep the - Remove the cap (7).
machine stationary. - Release lock nut (6) and turn the adjuster screw (5)
Due to the gear ratio through the drive axle, the brake clockwise until both brake pads (2) are in contact with the
is very powerful, however if the brake is used to stop the brake disc (3).
machine it will wear the pads rapidly. Use the parking - Turn the adjuster screw counterclockwise until the disc (3)
brake to stop the machine with only in emergency. After is just moving freely.
such a braking the brake should be checked, adjusted - Tighten lock nut (6) and recheck by moving the disc (3).
and if necessary pads replaced. As being an emergency - Apply the parking brake.
brake, the function of it has to be checked daily by the - Remove the blockage from the wheels.
operator. To ensure the function and to make the fol- - Test the function of the parking brake.
lowing adjusting procedures to go easy , it’s necessary to - Install the cap (7).
keep the calliper well lubricated and all parts in good
condition. In case of any doubts, dismantle, clean and

78 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Delivery-/start-up service


Always perform maintenance, lubrication, inspection and daily maintenance according to the instructions
in this book. Before commissioning of the truck, inspection points according to the guarantee/delivery

The guarantee/delivery report must be filled in and returned to Konecranes Lifttrucks within one week
from commissioning the truck in order to make the guarantee value from commissioning date.

If the guarantee/delivery report is not returned within one week, the guarantee is value as from the day the
truck was delivered by Konecranes Lifttrucks.


Pos. Inspection points to check or maintain Activity

1 Clean the truck X
2 Tighten the wheel nuts according to torque X
3 Check tire pressure and condition X
4 Check fluid level/fill up the washing fluid container X
5 Check fuel level X
6 Check cooling fluid level X
7 Check gear box oil level X
8 Check engine oil level X
9 Check oil level of the hydraulic system X
10 Check function of service and parking brake X
11 Check function of steering system X
12 Lubricate according to lubrication chart X
13 Check function/condition of electrical system, lighting, instruments, switches and safety system X
14 Check function of hydraulic system X
15 Check oil level of the drive axle X
16 Check condition of batteries X
17 Check safety and condition of driver’s cab, fuel and oil tanks, chassis, counter weights, lifting equipment X
and attachment
18 Check condition of painting and windows X
19 Compare specifications with customer’s acceptance of order X
20 Check ID and warning signs X
21 Check that the proper driver’s service book is delivered with the truck X

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 79
Checking and Maintenance schedule
Pos. Service points to check or maintain Activity
1 Check the main cicuit switch X
2 Check cooling fluid level X
3 Check washer level X
4 Check air filter indicator X
5 Check engine oil level X
6 Check gear box oil level X
7 Check hydraulic oil level X
8 Check fuel level X
9 Check tyre pressure, condition and wheel nuts X
10 Check brake system for function X
11 Check steering system for function X
12 Check hydraulic system for function X
13 Check lights and horn X


Pos. Service points to check or maintain At 150
1 Change engine oil X
2 change engine oil filter X
3 Change gearbox oil X
4 Change gearbox oil filter X
5 Lubricate machine according to lubrication schedule X
6 Check oil level in drive axle X
7 check cooling fluid level X
8 Check cooling freezing point X
9 Check engine drive belt X
10 Check hydraulic oil level X
11 Check battry condition X
12 Check exhaust system X
13 Check (clean if necessary) air filter and air intake X
14 Check lifting chains X
15 Check tyre pressure and condition X
16 Tighten wheel nuts to proper torque X
17 Check steer axle bearings X
18 Check/tighten bolt joints X
19 Check condition and function of electrical system, lighting, instrumentation, switches and safety X
20 Check safety and condition of cab, tanks, chassis, counter weights, lifting equipment and X
21 Check condition of painting and windows X
22 Check function of service and parking brake X
23 Check function of steering system X
24 Check function of hydraulic system X
25 Check/adjust valve clearance 1) X
26 Tighten injection nozzles1) X
NOTE! Extra service after 500 hours on Scania engines
27 Check and adjust injectors/valves on Scania-engines after the first 500 hours 2) X
1) Due for Volvo’s 6-7 liters standard engines, see manufacturers instruction handbook.
2) Check/adjustment after the first 500 hours, see manufacturers instruction handbook.

80 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Checking and Maintenance schedule
Pos. Service points to maintain When 500 h- 1000 h- 2000 h- 4000 h-
neces- service service service service
1 Clean the machine X
2 Clean the radiator X
Filter- and liquid change
3 Lubricate according to Lubrication schedule X X X X
4 Change engine oil* X X X X
5 Change/clean engine oil filter* X X X X
6 Change fuel filter X X X
7 Change fuel water separator filter X X X
8 Change/clean engine air filter X X X X
9 Change gearbox oil X X X
10 Change gearbox oil filter X X X
11 Change cab filter X X X X
12 Change hydraulic oil filter X X
13 Change hydraulic oil X X
14 Change hydraulic oil tank breathiing filter X X
15 Change drive axle oil X
16 Change air filter safety cartridge X
Checking and cleaning
17 Drain fuel filter water saparator X X X X X
18 Check tyre pressure and condition X X X X X
19 Tighten wheel nuts to proper torque X X X X X
20 Check cooling level X X X X X
21 Check oil level in drive axle X X X X
22 Check battery condition X X X X
23 Check engine drive belts X X X X
24 Check exhaust system X X X X
25 Check adjustment of parking brake X X X X
26 Check mast and fork carriage X X X X
27 Check lifting chains X X X X
28 Check forks visually X X X X
29 Check/tighten bolted joints X X X X X
30 Check condition of painting and windows X X X X
31 Check safety and condition of cab, tanks, chassis, counter weights, X X X X
lifting equipment and attachments
32 Check ID-plates and warning signs X X X X
33 Check electric system for function X X X X
34 Check service and parking brake for function X X X X
35 Check steering system for function X X X X
36 Check hydraulic system for function X X X X
37 Check/adjust valve clearance See engine service schedule
38 Check/adjust fuel injectors See engine service schedule
39 Check steer axle bearings X X X X
40 Check cooling freezing point and anticorrosion X X
41 Check welding constructions X X
42 Clean/drain fuel tank X X
43 Calibration of the gearbox X X X X
*) Change intervals for oil and filters is dependent on sulphur content of the fuel and operation conditions.

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 81
Engine service schedule


First service after 500 hours
Check/adjust valve clearance *)
Check/adjust PDE-injectors *)
Check points every 2500 hours
Check/adjust valve clearance *)
Check/adjust PDE-injectors *)

First service at 150 hours
Check/adjust valve clearance *)
Tighten injectors 50 Nm *)
Check points every 1500 hours
Check/adjust valve clearance *)
Check points every 3000 hours
Check injectors *)

Check points every 2000 hours
Check/adjust valve clearance *)

Check points every 5000 hours
Check/adjust valve clearance *)

Check points every 1500 hours
Check/adjust valve clearance *)

*) Note! See manufacturer’s instruction manual.

82 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Maintenance data


No. Unit Material/oil/


1. Engine Engine oil Volvo

TAD 620 VE, Filter and oil change 16 l (4,2 US Gal)
TAD 722 VE, Filter and oil change 23 l (6,1 US Gal)
TAD 660 VE, Filter and oil change 15,5 l (4,1 US Gal)
TAD 760 VE, Filter and oil change 21,5 l (5,7 US Gal)

DC9, Filter and oil change 37 l (9,8 US Gal)

QSB 6,7, Filter and oil change 16,7 l (4,4 US Gal)

2. Air filter Air pressure

max 1 bar

3. Fuel tank Diesel SMV 10/12-600 B 131 l (35 US Gal)

SMV 10-1200 B/13,6-600 B 168 l (44 US Gal)
SMV 12-1200/16-600 B/900 B 206 l (55 US Gal)
SMV 15-1200 B/16-1200 B 243 l (64 US Gal)

4. Cooling system Glycol/water mix. 50 l (13,2 US Gal)

5. Hydraulic oil system Hydraulic oil SMV 10/12-600 B 152 l (40 US Gal)
(total volume) SMV 10-1200 B/13,6-600 B 192 l (51 US Gal)
SMV 12-1200/16-600 B/900 B 227 l (60 US Gal)
SMV 15-1200 B/16-1200 B 272 l (72 US Gal)

6. Drive axle Drive axle oil Each hub Diff.

D81 PL478 1,5 l (0,4 US Gal) 21 l (5,5 US Gal)

7. Gearbox Dexron III DANA TE17 25-30 l (6,6-7,9 US Gal)

8. Tyres Air See manufacturer’s manual

9. All lubrication points Grease When necessary

10. Valve clearance - See manufacturer’s recommendations

11. Fuel injection. Diesel See manufacturer’s work-shop manual

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 83
Fuel and oil recommendations

Quality of the engine oil

Since the viscosity of the oil varies according to temperature,
The engine oil must comply with one of below the temperature in the place where the
classifications for oil: truck is being used is vital to the choice of the engine oil
- ACEA E3, E4, or E5 viscosity range (see diagram).
- TBN-value should at least be 12-13 (ASTM 2896)
Changing the oil due to a replace in season may be avoided
Check with your oil supplier if your oil meets these by using what are known as multi-grade oils. Specified
demands. intervals for changing the oil also apply to multi-grade oils.

The stated oil change intervals are valid if the sulphur NOTE
content of the fuel is below 0.3%. If the sulphur content is No oil additives of any sort must be added to those oils
higher than 0.3%, the oil change intervals must be divided recommended! Using such additives could invalidate
in half (250 h). the engine warranty.

When the engine is in use, some of the oil which serves as a Mixing different brands of oil should be avoided.
lubricant will be burned (used) prior to reaching the pistons. Since the temperature ranges for adjacent SAE classes
The combustion products in combination with the high overlap, the oil does not need to be replaced when shortterm
temperatures lead to ”oil wear”, particularly for the temperature replaces occur.
chemical additives.
Since this oil wear depends on operating conditions, the In order to ensure trouble free cold starts, it is important to
quality of the oil (the productivity of the oil) and the fuel select SAE-class according to the momentanious ambient
used, the intervals between changing the oil may vary in temperature.
The longest possible time before the engine lubricating oil
is replaced is one year, i.e. the oil should be replaced after a Extended oil change interval
maximum of one year’s operation.
Extended oil service life may result when using synthetic
fluids. Appropriate change intervals should be determined
for each engine by measuring oil oxidation and wear
metals over time, to determine a baseline. Wear metals
analysis can provide useful information but an engine
should not be removed from service based solely on this

84 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Fuel and oil recommendations


Diesel Hydraulic oil
Universal TracTor Transmission Oil (UTTO)
Use only fuel in accordance with DIN 51601 with a cetane The oil must comply with one of the following classifica-
rating not below 45. tions:
The diesel sulphur content should not exceed 0.3 %. If the - John Deere JD20C
sulphur content lies over 0.3 % the oil changing intervals in - Massey Ferguson
the maintenance table must be halved. MF1141/MF1135/ MF1143
- ZF TE-ML 03E/TE-ML 05F/TE-ML 06K
If the values are higher, contact the manufacturer of the
fork-lift truck or the lubricant. It is also possible to use an standard hydraulic oil according
to specification
NOTE DIN 51524 Part 2 HLP and Part 3 HVLP
As the surrounding temperature falls, the flow characteristics in addition with 1.5 % Lubrizol.
of the diesel are reduced to a point where paraffin begins to Use hydraulic oil from a well-known oil company for mobile
precipitate. If ”summer quality” diesel is used, this may cause applications.
trouble in operation. For this reason, ”winter quality” diesel
should be used during the cold part of the year, as it operates Viscosity Temperature range
in the cold better and functions reliably at -15 °C.
SHS 32 -30 °C – +10 °C
Using additives to improve the flow is not recommended. SHS 46 -20 °C – +50 °C
They may reduce the capacity to start from cold. SHS 68 ±0 °C – +50 °C

Converter/transmission oil Grease

ATF Dexron III Multipurpose type E.P. according to N LGI Grade 2.

Oil change interval Use only ethylene glycol-based coolants with an
additive to prevent corrosion. Do not mix with anti-freeze
Drain and refill system every 1000 hrs for average environ- liquid containing ethanolamine.
mental and duty cycle conditions. Severe or sustained high
operating temperature or very dusty atmospheric conditions Drive axle oil
will result in accelerated detioration
API GL.5 SAE 80 W-140
or contamination.
The above are strictly recommendations. When ever
hasitating contact the Konecranes Lifttrucks-dealer for

Liquid anti-freeze % volume mixture Mixture of

at the lowest liquid anti-freeze anti-freeze and
temperature °C water

-12 25 1:3
-18 30 1:2
-25 40 1:1,5
-37 50 1:1
-60 66 2:1

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 85
Electrical system


Fuses are located below the left hand dash board. They are
numbered (1), upper left to (40), lower right. Italic = optional.

Fuses below the dash board

1 9 17 25 33
Fuses are located below the dash board. They are numbered
(1), upper left to (40), lower right.

8 16 24 32 40

Fuses in the battery compartment.

50 60 70
Beware of short-circuiting the battery, which may
cause fire or explosion.
Risk for serious injury or death.
The battery contains corrosive acid. Always use
58 68 78 the necessary protective equipment.
Batteries generate explosive hydrogen when charged. Ensure
that there is good ventilation and avoid sparking.
The main disconnect does not cut the power to the alternator.
Always disconnect the ground (minus) cable at the battery
when working near or on the alternator.
To reduce the risks of electrical shock and personal injury al-
ways remove jewelry and conductive material prior to working
on the electrical system.
Unless in an emergency situation, do not turn off the main
H1981 circuit switch while the engine is running.

86 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02
Electrical system

The fuses are located below the left hand dashboard. They are numbered (1), upper left, to (40), lower right.
Italic = optional.


F1 10 A SCANIA EMS, Charging Ind. Lamp, Relays Workinglights
F2 7,5 A Break Lights , Side Marker Lamps, Dome Lamp, Switch Illumination
F3 15 A HVAC,
F4 5 A Fuel Shutoff valve, Central Lubrication Pump, Buzzer Seat
F5 15 A Condensor Fan Motor
F6 7,5 A Road lights and high Beam
F7 7,5 A Road lights and low Beam
F9 3 A Can-cockpit
F10 10 A IQAN-XA2-B0
F11 10 A IQAN-XA2-B1
F12 7,5 A Turn Lamps, HVAC
F13 7,5 A Relay Key-Start SW., Cold Start Aid, Relay Starter Motor
F14 15 A ROAD LIGHTS, High Beam, Low Beam
F15 10 A Entrance Lights
F16 10 A Wiper Motor Front, Wiper Motor Rear, Wiper Motor Roof, Windshield Washer Motor, Horn
F17 7,5 A Turn Lamps, Seat Heater
F18 10 A Seat Suspension Air Compressor
F19 7,5 A Workinglights Extra ELME
F20 7,5 A Beacon, Rear View Mirror Heater, Map Light, Search Light
F21 7,5 A Backup Lights, Backup Alarm
F22 7,5 A Radio
F23 15 A 24V Outlet
F24 7,5 A IQAN-MDL (+RTC), Timer Diesel Fired Preheater
F25 10 A Marker Lights Left
F26 10 A Marker Lights Right
F27 7,5 A Workinglights Mast Right
F28 7,5 A Workinglights Mast Left
F29 7,5 A Workinglights chassi front
F30 7,5 A Workinglights chassi front
F31 Attachment
F32 Extra
F33 Can-Cockpit
F34 Extra
F35 15 A Power upply SCANIA EMS S6/Cummins QMS
Diagnostics outlet in cab EMS/QMS
F36 15 A Power upply SCANIA EMS S6/Cummins QMS
F37 10 A Computer/Customer equipment
F38 10 A Computer/Customer equipment
F39 15 A Reserved for seat compressor. (Large) Fuse not mounted
F40 3 A Back-up camera

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 87
Electrical system

Fuses F51-F68 and F71-F78 are situated in the battery compartment.

F51 10 A main fuse, F12 & F24,
F52 Extra
F53 Extra
F54 15 A Engine Preheater
F55 15 A Engine Preheater
F56 5 A APC200
F57 10 A Volvo EMS2
15 A Cummins QSB
F58 15 A Extra/Cummins QSB
F61 30 A Main fuse F1, F3, F4 & F5
F62 30 A Main fuse F8, F9, F10, F11, F33 & F34
F63 30 A Main fuse F16, F17, F18, F21, F31 & F32
F64 30 A Main fuse F2, F13, F27 & F28,
F65 30 A Main fuse F14, F15, F29 & F30
F66 30 A Main fuse F19, F20, F22, F37, F38 & 32
F67 30 A Main fuseF23, F35 & F36
F68 30 A Starter relay
F71 10 A ELME Spreader
F72 Extra
F73 Extra
F74 10 A Volvo EDC4/Volvo EMS2/Cummins QSB
F75 5 A APC200
F76 Extra
F77 Extra
F78 Extra

K1-K17 is mounted in the electrical main box.
K31, K32, K33 and K34 are mounted near the main fuses.
Relay nr. Relay function
K1 Used only in combination with automatic engine shut-off by Can-Cockpit
K2 Used only in combination with automatic engine shut-off by Can-Cockpit.
K3 Time relay, sed only in combination with automatic engine shut-off by Can-Cockpi.
K4 Working lights mast.
K5 Working lights roof.
K6 Working lights extra.
K7 Buck-up light
K8 Interlocking direction selector when joystick steering..
K9 Rear view mirror heater.
K10 Windshield wiper rear.
K11 Windshield wiper roof.
K12 Windshield wiper front.
K13 Directionals
K14 Backup camera.
K15 Switching marker light rot. drivers seat.
K16 Switching brake light, backup warning rot. driving seat.
K17 Switching roading lights, backup lights rot. driving seat.
K18 Start blocker at engaged gear, used only in combination with Can-cockpit
K19 Used only in combination with automatic engine shut-off by IQAN-MDL

K31 Starter (diesel).

K32 Stop solenoid (Main power relay)
K33 Restart relay
K34 Hold function APC 200 DANA

88 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02

Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02 89

90 Service Instruction Book SMV 10-16/1200B Publ. No: 6196.053 1115, Version 02

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