Dana TE32000
Dana TE32000
Dana TE32000
2 Transmission
mm mm mm mm
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
00.50 00.50 Memory error in Transmission in Contact Kalmar In- - - Con-
control unit locked neutral po- dustries AB for trol unit trans-
transmission. sition (Shut-down more information mission
00.51 00.51 Memory error in Transmission in Contact Kalmar In- - - Con-
control unit locked neutral po- dustries AB for trol unit trans-
transmission. sition (Shut-down more information mission
00.52 00.52 Memory error in Transmission in Contact Kalmar In- - - Con-
control unit locked neutral po- dustries AB for trol unit trans-
transmission. sition (Shut-down more information. mission
00.53 00.53 Memory error in Transmission in Contact Kalmar In- - - Con-
control unit locked neutral po- dustries AB for trol unit trans-
transmission. sition (Shut-down more information. mission
20.60 20.60 Signal from sen- Transmission in Check cabling to D793/A:2 TRANSM 2.6.2 Sensor
sor oil pressure locked neutral po- sensor oil pres- - B253 , menu oil pressure
indicates low oil sition (Shut-down sure. 10
pressure when mode). Check sensor oil
there should be pressure (with en-
pressure. gine on/off).
20.61 20.61 Signal from sen- Transmission in Check cabling to D793/A:2 TRANSM 2.6.2 Sensor
sor oil pressure locked neutral po- sensor oil pres- - B253 , menu oil pressure
indicates low oil sition (Shut-down sure. 10
pressure when mode). Check sensor oil
there should be pressure (with en-
pressure. gine on/off).
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
20.62 20.62 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Performs checks D793/A:2 TRANSM 2.6.2 Sensor
function sensor vates, Limp-home acc. to error code - B253 , menu oil pressure
oil pressure. mode. 50.xx. 10
30.04 30.04 Low battery Control unit saves Check cabling to - - Igni-
voltage. stored informa- control unit. tion voltage
tion to flash mem- Check alternator, (15)
ory and restarts battery and cabling
to clear memory. between battery
and alternator.
30.05 30.05 High battery Control unit re- Check voltage - - Igni-
voltage. ceives reduced feed. tion voltage
proportional con- If auxiliary start (15)
trol precision de- equipment is con-
pending on nected, discon-
reduced PWM nect it.
work cycle.
31.00 31.00 Reference volt- Control unit re- Check voltage - - Con-
age to sensors, ( ceives reduced feed. Check control trol unit trans-
8V) is too low. sensor signals. unit. mission
31.01 31.01 Reference volt- Control unit re- Check voltage - - Con-
age to sensors, ( ceives reduced feed. Check control trol unit trans-
8V) is too high. sensor signals. unit. mission
40.06 40.06 Incorrect direc- Control unit locks Check cabling to - - 2.1.1 Gear and
tion from gear transmission in gear selector with multi-func-
selector. neutral. regards to forward tion lever
and reverse signal.
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
41.06 41.06 Incorrect gear Control unit Check cabling to - - 2.1.1 Gear and
selection from doesn't allow gear selector with multi-func-
gear selector. change of range, regards to signal tion lever
however, opera- range.
tion of machine is
42.04 42.04 Actual gear ra- Control unit indi- Check transmis- - - 2.3 Mechani-
tio too low. cates that one or sion with purpose cal transmis-
several clutches to understand if sion
are slipping. and, if that is the
case, which clutch
is slipping.
Check the set
transmission ratio
for the control unit.
42.05 42.05 Actual gear ra- Control unit indi- Check transmis- - - 2.3 Mechani-
tio too high. cates that one or sion with purpose cal transmis-
several clutches to understand if sion
are slipping. and, if that is the
case, which clutch
is slipping.
Check the set
transmission ratio
for the control unit.
43.03 43.03 Signal from Control unit indi- Check cabling to D793/H3 TRANSM 2.2.5 Sensor
Sensor engine cates the error. sensor tempera- - B758/ , menu engine rpm
rpm and oil ture torque con- 766 10 and oil tem-
temperature verter. perature
transmission Check sensor tem- transmission
outside valid perature torque
range. converter.
43.07 43.07 Torque convert- Control unit indi- Check cabling to D793/H3 TRANSM 2.2.5 Sensor
er temperature cates the error to sensor tempera- - B758/ , menu engine rpm
exceeds 100 °C. make operator ture torque con- 766 10 and oil tem-
aware of the verter. perature
warning's level. Check sensor tem- transmission
perature torque
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
43.08 43.08 Torque convert- The control unit Check cabling to D793/H3 TRANSM 2.2.5 Sensor
er temperature protects the sensor tempera- - B758/ , menu engine rpm
exceeds 125 °C. transmission and ture torque con- 766 10 and oil tem-
doesn't allow the verter. perature
temperature in Check sensor tem- transmission
the torque con- perature torque
verter to exceed converter.
the limit value.
The control unit
locks the trans-
mission in neu-
tral, engine is
restricted to 50%
of max. rpm.
50.00 50.00 Sensor oil pres- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/A:2 TRANSM 2.6.2 Sensor
sure short- vates, Limp-home sensor oil pressure - B253 , menu oil pressure
circuited to mode. (B253). 10
ground. Check sensor oil
pressure (B253).
50.01 50.01 Sensor oil pres- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/A:2 TRANSM 2.6.2 Sensor
sure not con- vates, Limp-home sensor oil pressure - B253 , menu oil pressure
nected or open mode. (B253). 10
circuit. Check sensor oil
pressure (B253).
51.00 51.00 Sensor engine The control unit Check cabling to D793/H3 TRANSM 2.2.5 Sensor
rpm and oil limits the trans- sensor oil sump - B758/ , menu engine rpm
temperature mission's temper- temperature trans- 766 10 and oil tem-
transmission ature mission. perature
short-circuited measurement to Check Sensor en- transmission
to ground. the lowest value gine rpm and oil
in its settings, temperature trans-
which results in mission (B758/
poor tempera- 766).
ture compensa-
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
51.01 51.01 Sensor engine The control unit Check cabling to D793/H3 TRANSM 2.2.5 Sensor
rpm and oil limits the trans- sensor oil sump - B758/ , menu engine rpm
temperature mission's temper- temperature trans- 766 10 and oil tem-
transmission ature mission. perature
not connected measurement to Check Sensor en- transmission
or short- the highest value gine rpm and oil
circuited to in its settings, temperature trans-
ground. which results in mission (B758/
poor tempera- 766).
ture compensa-
52.00 52.00 Sensor oil tem- The control unit Check cabling to D793/J3 - TRANSM 2.7.2 Sensor
perature short- limits the trans- sensor oil sump S221 , menu oil tempera-
circuited to mission's temper- temperature trans- 10 ture
ground. ature mission.
measurement to Check Sensor oil
the highest value temperature
in its settings, (S221).
which results in
poor tempera-
ture compensa-
52.01 52.01 Sensor oil tem- The control unit Check cabling to D793/J3 - TRANSM 2.7.2 Sensor
perature short- limits the trans- sensor oil sump S221 , menu oil tempera-
circuited to mission's temper- temperature trans- 10 ture
ground. ature mission.
measurement to Check Sensor oil
the highest value temperature
in its settings, (S221).
which results in
poor tempera-
ture compensa-
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
54.00 54.00 Analogue input - - D793/ - 2.7.2 Sensor
4 short- M1- S221 oil tempera-
circuited to ture
60.00 60.00 Sensor drum When only one Check cabling be- D793/C3 TRANSM 2.3.6. Sensor
rpm short- rpm signal which tween Control unit - B752 , menu 6 rpm drum
circuited to isn't the engine and component.
ground. rpm signal is in- Check component.
correct, the con-
trol unit
calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm sig-
nals or the engine
rpm signal is in-
correct the con-
trol unit activates,
Limp home mode.
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
60.01 60.01 Sensor rpm When only one Check cabling be- D793/C3 TRANSM 2.3.6. Sensor
drum not con- rpm signal which tween Control unit - B752 , menu 6 rpm drum
nected. isn't the engine and component.
rpm signal is in- Check component.
correct, the con-
trol unit
calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm sig-
nals or the engine
rpm signal is in-
correct the con-
trol unit activates,
Limp home mode.
61.00 61.00 Sensor rpm out- When only one Check cabling be- D793/D3 TRANSM 2.3.8 Sensor
put shaft short- rpm signal which tween Control unit - B758 , menu 6 rpm output
circuited to isn't the engine and component. shaft
ground. rpm signal is in- Check component.
correct, the con-
trol unit
calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm sig-
nals or the engine
rpm signal is in-
correct the con-
trol unit activates,
Limp home mode.
61.01 61.01 Sensor rpm out- When only one Check cabling be- D793/D3 TRANSM 2.3.8 Sensor
put shaft not rpm signal which tween Control unit - B758 , menu 6 rpm output
connected. isn't the engine and component. shaft
rpm signal is in- Check component.
correct, the con-
trol unit
calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm sig-
nals or the engine
rpm signal is in-
correct the con-
trol unit activates,
Limp home mode.
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
62.00 62.00 Sensor engine When only one Check cabling be- D793/F3 TRANSM 2.2.5 Sensor
rpm short- rpm signal which tween Control unit - B758/ , menu 6 engine rpm
circuited to isn't the engine and component. 766 and oil tem-
ground. rpm signal is in- Check component. perature
correct, the con- transmission
trol unit
calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm sig-
nals or the engine
rpm signal is in-
correct the con-
trol unit activates,
Limp home mode.
62.01 62.01 Sensor engine When only one Check cabling be- D793/F3 TRANSM 2.2.5 Sensor
rpm not con- rpm signal which tween Control unit - B758/ , menu 6 engine rpm
nected or open isn't the engine and component. 766 and oil tem-
circuit. rpm signal is in- Check component. perature
correct, the con- transmission
trol unit
calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm sig-
nals or the engine
rpm signal is in-
correct the con-
trol unit activates,
Limp home mode.
63.00 63.00 Sensor rpm tur- When only one Check cabling be- D793/R2 TRANSM 2.3.5. Sensor
bine short- rpm signal which tween Control unit - B751 , menu 6 turbine
circuited to isn't the engine and component.
ground. rpm signal is in- Check component.
correct, the con-
trol unit
calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm sig-
nals or the engine
rpm signal is in-
correct the con-
trol unit activates,
Limp home mode.
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
63.01 63.01 Sensor turbine When only one Check cabling be- D793/R2 TRANSM 2.3.5. Sensor
not connected. rpm signal which tween Control unit - B751 , menu 6 turbine
isn't the engine and component.
rpm signal is in- Check component.
correct, the con-
trol unit
calculates the
missing rpm.
If several rpm sig-
nals or the engine
rpm signal is in-
correct the con-
trol unit activates,
Limp home mode.
70.00 70.00 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/B1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function sole- vates, Limp-home solenoid valve for- - Y630, , menu 8 block trans-
noid valve mode. ward (Y630). C1 - Y630 mission con-
forward, cables trol
are short-
circuited to
each other, sig-
nal cable short-
circuited to
voltage or posi-
tive cable short-
circuited to
70.01 70.01 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/B1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function sole- vates, Limp-home solenoid valve for- - Y630, , menu 8 block trans-
noid valve mode. ward (Y630). C1 - Y630 mission con-
forward or Check solenoid trol
short-circuited valve forward
voltage . (Y630).
70.02 70.02 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/B1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function sole- vates, Limp-home solenoid valve for- - Y630, , menu 9 block trans-
noid valve mode. ward (Y630). C1 - Y630 mission con-
forward, control Check solenoid trol
current above valve forward
1400mA. (Y630).
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
70.03 70.03 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/B1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function sole- vates, Limp-home solenoid valve for- - Y630, , menu 9 block trans-
noid valve mode. ward (Y630). C1 - Y630 mission con-
forward, control Check solenoid trol
current outside valve forward
approved inter- (Y630).
val. Incorrect
71.00 71.00 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/D1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function gear 2/ vates, Limp-home solenoid valve gear - Y6069, , menu 8 block trans-
4, cables short- mode. 2/4 (Y6069). E1 - mission con-
circuited to Y6069 trol
each other, sig-
nal cable short-
circuited to
voltage or posi-
tive cable short-
circuited to
71.01 71.01 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/D1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function gear 2/ vates, Limp-home solenoid valve gear - Y6069, , menu 8 block trans-
4, open circuit mode. 2/4 (Y6069). E1 - mission con-
or short- Check solenoid Y6069 trol
circuited volt- valve gear 2/4
age. (Y6069).
71.02 71.02 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/D1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function gear 2/ vates, Limp-home solenoid valve gear - Y6069, , menu 9 block trans-
4, control cur- mode. 2/4 (Y6069). E1 - mission con-
rent above Check solenoid Y6069 trol
1400mA. valve gear 2/4
71.03 71.03 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/D1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function sole- vates, Limp-home solenoid valve gear - Y6069, , menu 9 block trans-
noid valve gear mode. 2/4 (Y6069). E1 - mission con-
2/4, control cur- Check solenoid Y6069 trol
rent outside ap- valve gear 2/4
proved interval (Y6069).
(incorrect im-
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
72.00 72.00 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/F1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function re- vates, Limp-home solenoid valve re- - Y631, , menu 8 block trans-
verse (Analogue mode. verse (Y631). G1 - Y631 mission con-
output signal 2), trol
cables short-
circuited to
each other, sig-
nal cable short-
circuited to
voltage or posi-
tive cable short-
circuited to
72.01 72.01 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/F1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function sole- vates, Limp-home solenoid valve re- - Y631, , menu 8 block trans-
noid valve mode. verse (Y631). G1 - Y631 mission con-
reverse, open Check solenoid trol
circuit or short- valve reverse
circuited volt- (Y631).
72.02 72.02 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/F1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function sole- vates, Limp-home solenoid valve re- - Y631, , menu 9 block trans-
noid valve mode. verse (Y631). G1 - Y631 mission con-
reverse, con- Check solenoid trol
trol current valve reverse
above 1400mA. (Y631).
72.03 72.03 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/F1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function sole- vates, Limp-home solenoid valve re- - Y631, , menu 9 block trans-
noid valve mode. verse (Y631). G1 - Y631 mission con-
reverse, con- Check solenoid trol
trol current out- valve reverse
side approved (Y631).
interval (incor-
rect imped-
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
73.00 73.00 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/H1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function gear 1/ vates, Limp-home solenoid valve gear - Y6067, , menu 8 block trans-
3, cables short- mode. 1/3 (Y6067). J1 - mission con-
circuited to Y6067 trol
each other, sig-
nal cable short-
circuited to
voltage or posi-
tive cable short-
circuited to
73.01 73.01 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/H1 TRANSM 2 Transmis-
function gear 1/ vates, Limp-home solenoid valve gear - Y6067, , menu 8 sion
3, open circuit mode. 1/3 (Y6067). J1 -
or short- Check solenoid Y6067
circuited volt- valve gear 1/3
age. (Y6067).
73.02 73.02 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/H1 TRANSM 2 Transmis-
function gear 1/ vates, Limp-home solenoid valve gear - Y6067, , menu 9 sion
3, control cur- mode. 1/3 (Y6067). J1 -
rent above Check solenoid Y6067
1400mA. valve gear 1/3
73.03 73.03 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/H1 TRANSM 2 Transmis-
function sole- vates, Limp-home solenoid valve gear - Y6067, , menu 9 sion
noid valve gear mode. 1/3 (Y6067). J1 -
1/3, control cur- Check solenoid Y6067
rent outside ap- valve gear 1/3
proved interval (Y6067).
(incorrect im-
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
74.01 74.01 Analogue out- - - D793/ - -
put signal 4 out- B01
put signal not
connected or
to voltage.
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
76.00 76.00 Electric mal- Control unit indi- Check cabling to D793/R1 - 2.3.4 Valve
function brake, cates the error, solenoid valve - Y602 block trans-
cable short- no limitation. brake (Y602). mission con-
circuited to trol
76.01 76.01 Electric mal- Control unit indi- Check cabling to D793/R1 - 2.3.4 Valve
function brake, cates the error, solenoid valve - Y602 block trans-
cable not con- no limitation. brake (Y602). mission con-
nected or short- trol
circuited to
76.02 76.02 Electric mal- Control unit indi- Check cabling to D793/R1 - 2.3.4 Valve
function brake, cates the error, solenoid valve - Y602 block trans-
control current no limitation. brake (Y602). mission con-
above 1400mA. Check solenoid trol
valve brake (Y602).
76.03 76.03 Electric mal- Control unit indi- Check cabling to D793/R1 - 2.3.4 Valve
function brake, cates the error, solenoid valve - Y602 block trans-
control current no limitation. brake (Y602). mission con-
outside ap- Check solenoid trol
proved interval valve brake (Y602).
(incorrect im-
80.00 80.00 Electric mal- Transmission in Check cabling to D793/K1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function drive, locked neutral po- solenoid valve - Y6066 , menu 7 block trans-
cable short- sition (Shut-down drive (Y6066). mission con-
circuited to mode). Check solenoid trol
ground. valve drive (Y6066).
80.01 80.01 Electric mal- Transmission in Check cabling to D793/K1 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function drive, locked neutral po- solenoid valve - Y6066 , menu 7 block trans-
cable not con- sition (Shut-down drive (Y6066). mission con-
nected or short- mode). Check solenoid trol
circuited to valve drive (Y6066).
81.00 81.00 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/E2 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function gear vates, Limp-home solenoid valve 2/4 - Y6074 , menu 7 block trans-
selection 2/4, mode. (Y6074). mission con-
cable short- Check solenoid trol
circuited to valve gear selec-
ground. tion 2/4 (Y6074).
tion Function
Description Limitation Action nostic
and group
Code Dan menu
a nent
81.01 81.01 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/E2 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function gear vates, Limp-home solenoid valve 2/4 - Y6074 , menu 7 block trans-
selection 2/4, mode. (Y6074). mission con-
cable not con- Check solenoid trol
nected or short- valve gear selec-
circuited to tion 2/4 (Y6074).
82.00 82.00 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/F2 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function gear vates, Limp-home solenoid valve gear - Y6075 , menu 7 block trans-
selection 1/3, mode. selection 1/3 mission con-
cable short- (Y6075). trol
circuited to Check solenoid
ground. valve 1/3-selection
82.01 82.01 Electric mal- Control unit acti- Check cabling to D793/F2 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function gear vates, Limp-home solenoid valve gear - Y6075 , menu 7 block trans-
selection 1/3, mode. selection 1/3 mission con-
cable not con- (Y6075). trol
nected or short- Check solenoid
circuited to valve 1/3-selection
voltage. (Y6075).
83.00 83.00 Electric mal- Transmission in Check cabling to D793/K2 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function drive, locked neutral po- solenoid valve - Y6066 , menu 7 block trans-
cable short- sition (Shut-down drive mission con-
circuited to mode). Check solenoid trol
ground. valve drive.
83.01 83.01 Electric mal- Transmission in Check cabling to D793/K2 TRANSM 2.3.4 Valve
function drive, locked neutral po- solenoid valve - Y6066 , menu 7 block trans-
cable not con- sition (Shut-down drive mission con-
nected or short- mode). Check solenoid trol
circuited to valve drive.
90.xx - 90.xx System error. Transmission in Contact Kalmar In- D793/ - Con-
99.xx - locked neutral po- dustries AB for A:20 trol unit trans-
99.xx sition (Shut-down more information. mission