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Unit 2: Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in The Philippine History

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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__


Unit 2: Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary

Sources in the Philippine History

C. The KKK and the “Kartilya ng Katipunan”

D. Reading the “Proclamation of the Philippine Independence”


At the rigid analysis and comprehension of this module, learners are expected to:
a) To familiarize oneself with the primary documents in different historical periods of the
b) To learn history through primary sources.
c) To properly interpret primary sources through looking at the content and context of the document.
d) To understand the context behind each selected document.


 The KKK and the “Kartilya ng Katipunan” by Emilio Jacinto

The first move towards independence began on July 7, 1892 when the Katipunan was established by
Andres Bonifacio. The Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK) or
Katipunan isarguably the most important organization formed in Philippine history. While anti-colonial
movements, efforts and organizations have already been done centuries prior to the foundation of the
Katipunan, it was only this organization that envisioned (1) a united Filipino nation that will revolt against the
Spaniards for (2) the total independence of the country from Spain. Previous armed revolts had already
occurred before the foundation of the Katipunan. but none of them envisioned a unified Filipino nation
revolting against the colonizers. For example. Diego Silang was known as an llocano who took up his arms
and led one of the longest running revolts in the country. Silang, however, was mainly concerned about his
locality and referred to himself as El Rey de Ilocos (The King of Ilocos). The imagination of the nation was
largely absent in the aspiration of the local revolts before Katipunan. On the other hand, the propaganda
movements led by the ilustrados like Marcelo H. del Pilar, Graciano Lopez Jaena. and Jose Rizal did not
envision a total separation of the Philippines from Spain, but only demanded equal rights, representation, and
protection from the abuses of the friars.

 About the Author

Emilio Jacinto was born on December 15, 1875 in the district of Trozo in Tondo, Manila. He
was the son of Mariano Jacinto, a bookkeeper, and Josefa Dizon. Living a life of poverty, Jacinto still
managed to get a good education. He finished his elementary education in a private school then took
up his secondary education at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran. He later studied law at the
University of Santo Tomas where he developed a love of reading and improved his skills in Spanish.
Unfortunately, he had to stop his studies when the Philippine Revolution began in 1896.
Jacinto joined the Katipunan in 1894 at the age of 18 and took the symbolic name Pingkian. It
was during this time that he developed his nationalistic ideas. He wrote the Kartilya as well a sthe
oath of the Katipuneros. He also edited the Katipunan newspaper, Kalayaan, and was the author of
several literacy writings using the pen-name “Dimas Ilaw.” He served the Katipunan in differenct
capacities such as secretary, fiscal, editor, and later was appointed General by Bonifacio in 1897. He
also served as an adviser to the Supremo. Unfortunately, he contracted malaria. He died on April 6,

In the conduct of their struggle, Katipunan created a complex structure and a defined value system
that will guide the organization as a collection aspiring for a single goal. One of the most important Katipunan
documents was the Kartilya ng Katipunan. The original title of the document
Manga [sic] Aral Nang [sic] Katipunan ng mga A.N.B. or “Lessons of the Organization of the Sons of Country.”


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Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__

The document was written by Emilio Jacinto in the year 1896. Jacinto was only 18 years old when he joined
the movement. He was a law student in the University of Santo Tomas. Despite his youth, Bonifacio
recognized the value and intellect of Jacinto that upon seeing Jacinto's Kartilya was much better than the
Decalogue he wrote, he willingly favored that the Kartilya be distributed to their fellow Katipuneros, Jacinta
became the secretary of the organization and took charge of the short-lived printing press of the Katipunan.
On 15 April 1897. Bonifacio appointed Jacinto as a commander of the Katipunan in Northern Luzon. Jacinto
was 22 years old. Jacinto died of Malaria at young age of 24 in town of Magdalena, Laguna.
The Kartilya can be treated as the Katipunan's code of conduct. It contained fourteen rules that
instruct the way a Katipunero should behave and which specific values should he uphold. Generally, the rules
that are contained in the Kartilya can be classified into two. The first group contains the rules that will make
the member an upright individual and the second group contains the rules that Will guide the way he treats his
fellow men.
Below is the translated version of the rules in Kartilya:

I. The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree without a shade, if not a
poisonous weed.
II. To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is not virtue.
III. It is rational to be charitable and love one's fellow creature, and to adjust one’s conduct, acts and words to
what is in itself reasonable.
IV. Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born equal: superiority in knowledge, wealth and beauty are
to be understood, but not superiority by nature.
V. The honorable man prefers honor to personal gain: the scoundrel, gain to honor.
VI. To the honorable man, his word is sacred.
VII. Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered but not time lost.
VIII. Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before the law or in the field.
IX. The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in keeping secrets.
X. On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of woman and the children and if the guide leads to the
precipice, those whom he guides will also go there.
XI. Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything, but as a faithful companion who will share with thee
the penalties of life; her (physical) weakness will increase thy interest in her and she will remind thee of the
mother who bore thee and reared thee.
XII. What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children, brothers and sisters, that do not unto the wife.
Children, brothers and sisters of thy neighbor.
XIII. Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his nose is aquiline, and his color white, not
because he is a priest, a servant of God, nor because of the high prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but
he is worth most who is a man of proven and real value, who does good, keeps his words, is worthy and
honest; he who does not oppress nor consent to being oppressed, he who loves and cherishes his fatherland,
though he be born in the wilderness and know no tongue but his own.
XIV. When these rules of conduct shall be known to all, the longed-for sun of Liberty shall rise brilliant over
this most unhappy portion of the globe and its rays shall diffuse everlasting joy among the confederated
brethren of the same rays, the lives of those who have gone before, the fatigues and the well-paid
sufferings will remain. If he who desires to enter has informed himself of all this and believes he will be able to
perform what will be his duties. He may out the application for admission.
As the primary governing document. which determines the rules of conduct in the Katipunan, properly
understanding the Kartilya will thus help in understanding the values, ideals, aspirations and even the
ideology of the organization.

Aside from the maltreatment experienced by Filipinos from the Spaniards, the following are other
factors that were influential in the forming of the Katipunan and that of the Kartilya:
1. The Age of Enlightenment gave way to Liberalism and Classicism and in the 20 th century, Modernism.
In this period, secret societies like Freemasons were established.
2. The French Revolution was a period of social and political upheal in France.
3. Masonry was introduced in the Philippines in 1856 when a Spanish naval officer organized a lodge in
Cavite under the auspices of the Portuguese gran Oriente Lusitano. However the true roots of
Philippine Masonry sprouted in 1889 when Graciano Lopez-Jaena organized the Logia Revolucion in
Barcelona under the auspices of Grande Oriente Espanol.
4. Propaganda Movement was propelled by the execution of the three priests, GomBurZa, in 1872,
which left a profound effect on many Filipinos including Jose Rizal.
5. The La Liga Filipina was established by Jose Rizal when he decided to return to the Philippines to
continue to call for reforms through legal means.


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Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__

 Analysis of the “Kartilya ng Katipunan”

Similar to what we have done to the accounts of Pigafetta, this primary
source also needs to be analyzed in terms of content and context. As adocument written for a fratenity whose 
main purpose is to overthrowcolonial regime, we can explain the content and provisions of the Kartilya
as a reaction and response to certain value systems that they found despicable in the present state of things
that they struggle against with. For example, the fourth and the thirteenth rule in  the Kartilya 
is an invocation of the inherent equality between and among men regardless of race, occupation,
or status. In the context of the Spanish colonial era where the indios were treated as the inferior of the White 
Europeans, the Katipunan saw to it the alternative order that they wish to promulgate through their
revolution necessarily destroys this kind of unjust hierarchy.
Moreover, one can analyze the values upheld in the document as consistent with the
burgeoning rational and liberal ideals in the 18th and 19th century. Equality. tolerance, freedom, and liberty
were values that first emerged in the 18th century French Revolution. which spread throughout
Europe and reached the educated class of the colonies. Jacinto, an ilustrado himself, certainly got an
understanding of these values. Aside from the liberal values that can be dissected in the document, we can
also decipher certain Victorian and chivalrous values in the text. For example, various provisions in the
Kartilya repeatedly emphasized the importance of honor in words and in action. The teaching of the Katipunan
on how women should be treated with honor and respect. while positive in many respects and certainly a
significant stride from the practice of rapn and physically abusing women, can still be a telling of the
Katipunan's ssecondary regard for women in relation to men. For example, in the tenth rule. the document,
specifically stated that men should he the guide of women and children and that he should set a good
example, otherwise the woman and the children would be guided in the path of evil. Nevertheless. the same
document stated that women should be treated as companions by men and not as playthings that can be
exploited for his pleasure.
In the contemporary eyes, the Katipunan can be criticized because of these provisions. However, one
must not forget the context where the organization was born. Not even in Europe or in the whole of the West
at that juncture recognized the problem of gender inequality. Indeed, it can be argued that, Katipunan’s
recognition of Women as important partners in the struggle, as reflected not just in Kartilya but also in the
organizational structure of the fraternity where a women's unit was established, is an endeavor advanced for
its time. Aside from Rizal's known Letter to the Women Of MaloIos, no same effort by the supposed
cosmopolitan Propaganda Movement was achieved until the movement's eventual disintegration in the
latter part of the 1890’s.
Aside from this, the Kartilya was instructive not just of the Katipunan’s conduct toward other people.
but also for the members' development as individuals in their own rights. Generally speaking, the rules in the
Kartiiya can be classified as either directed to how one should treat his neighbor or to how one should develop
and conduct one’s self. Both are essential to the success and fulfillment. of the Katipunan’s ideals. For
example, the Kartilya's teachings on honoring one's word and on not wasting time are teachings
directed toward self-development, while the rules on treating the neighbor's wife, children and brothers the
way that you want yours to be treated is an instruction on how Katipuneros should treat and regard their
All in all, proper reading of the Kartilya will reveal a more thorough understanding of the Katipunan
and the significant role that it played in the revolution and in the unfolding of the Philippine history, as we
know it.


 Reading the “Proclamation of the Philippine Independence”

Every year. the country commemorates the anniversary of the Philippine Independence proclaimed on 12
June 1898 in the province of Cavite. Ln such event is a significant turning point in the history of the country
because it signaled the end of the 333 years of Spanish colonization. There have the numerous studies done
on the events leading to the independence of the country but very few students had the chance to read the
actual document the declaration. This is in spite of the historical importance of the documents and the details
that the documents reveal on the rationale and circumstances of that historical day in Cavite. Interestingly,
reading the details of the said document in hindsight is telling of the kind of government that was area
under Aguinaldo, and the forthcoming hand of the United States of America in the next few years of the newly
created republic. The declaration was a short 2,000-word document which summarized the reason behind the
revolution against Spain, the war for independence, and the future of new republic under Emilio Aguinaldo.


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The proclamation commenced with n characterization of the condition in the Philippines during the Spanish
colonial period, The documents specifically mentioned abuses and inequalities in the colony. The declaration

“...taking into consideration, that their inhabitants being

already weary of bearing the ominous yoke of Spanish
domination. on account of the arbitrary arrests and harsh
treatment practiced by the Civil Guard to the extent of causing
death with the connivance and even with the express orders
of their commanders. Who sometimes went to the extreme of
ordering the shooting of prisoners under the pretext that they
were attempting to escape in violation of the provisions of the
Regulations of their Corps, which abuses were unpunished
and on account; of the unjust deportations, especially those
decreed by General Blanco, of eminent personages and of
high social position. at the instigation of the Archbishop and
friars interested in keeping them out of the way for their own
selfish and avaricious purpose, deportations which are quickly
brought about by a method of procedure more execrable than
that of the Inquisition and which every civilized nation rejects
on account of a decision being rendered without a hearing of
the persons accused"

The above passage demonstrates the justifications behind the revolution against Spain. Specifically cited are
the abuse by the Civil Guards and the unlawful shooting of prisoners whom they alleged as attempting to
escape. The passage also condemned the unequal protection of the law between the Filipino people and the
“eminent personages." Moreover, the. line mentioned the avarice and greed of the clergy like the friars and
the Archbishop himself. Lastly, the passage also condemned what they see as the unjust deportation
and rendering of other decision without proper hearing. expected of any civilized nation. From here, the
proclamation proceeded with a brief historical overview of the Spanish occupation since Magellan's arrival in
Visayas until the Philippine revolution, with specific details about the latter, especially after the Pact of Biak-
na-Bato has collapsed. The document narrated the spread of the movement “like an electric spark" through
different towns and provinces like Bataan, Pampanga, Batangas, Bulacan, Laguna and Morong and the quick
decline of Spanish forces in the same. provinces. The revolt also reached Visayas thus the independence of
the country was ensured. The document also made mention of Rizal's execution, calling it unjust. The
execution, as written in the document, was done to “please the greedy body of friars in their insatiable desire
to seek revenge upon and exterminate all those who are opposed to their Machiavellian purposes, which
tramples upon the penal code prescribed for these islands." The document also narrated the Cavite
Mutiny of January 1872 that caused the infamous execution of the martyred native priests Jose Burgos.
Mariano Gomez and Jacinta Zamora, “whose innocent blood was shed through the intrigues of those so-
called religious orders" that incited the three secular priests in the said mutiny.
The proclamation of independence also invoked that the established republic would be led under the
dictatorship of Emilio Aguinaldo. The first mention was at the very beginning of the proclamation. It stated:
“in the town of Cavite Viejo, in this province of Cavite, on the
twelfth day ofJune eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, before
me, Don Ambrosio Riandres Bautista, Auditor of War and
Special Commissioner appointed to proclaim and solemnize
this act by the Dictatorial Government of these Philippine
Islands. for the purposes and by virtue of the circular
addressed by the Eminent Dictator of the same Don Emilio
Aguinaldo y Famy."
The same was repeated toward the last part of the proclamation. It
‘ “We acknowledge. approve and confirm together with the
orders that have been issued therefrom. the Dictatorship
established by Don Emilio Aguimnldo. whom we honor as the
Supreme Chief of this Nation. which this day commences to
have a life of its own. in the belief that he is the instrument
selected by God. in spite of his humble origin. to effect the
redemption of this unfortunate people, :13 foretold by Doctor


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Jose Rizal in the magnificent verses which he composed when

he was preparing to be shot, liberating them from the yoke
of Spanish domination in punishment of the impunity with
which their Government allowed the commission of abuses by
its subordinates."
Another detail in the proclamation that is worth looking at is its explanation on the Philippine flag that
was first waved on the same day. The document explained:
“And finally, it was unanimously resolved that this Nation.
independent from this day, must use the same flag used
heretofore, whose design and colors and described in the
accompanying drawing, with design representing in natural
colors the three arms referred to, The white triangle represents
the distinctive emblem of the famous Katipunan Society‘
which by means of its compact of blood urged on the masses of
the people to insurrection; the three stars represent the three
principal Islands of this Archipelago, Luzon, Mindanao and Panay, in which
his insurrectionary movement broke out; the
sun represents the gigantic strides that have been made by
the sons of this land on the road of progress and civilization.
its eight rays symbolizing the eight provinces of Manila.
Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan. Laguna
and Batangas, which were declared in a state of war almost
as soon as the first insurrectionary movement was initiated;
and the colors blue, red and white, commemorate those of the
flag of the United States of North America, in manifestation
of our profound gratitude towards that Great Nation for
the disinterested protection she is extending to us and Will
continue to extend to us.”
This often overlooked detail reveals much about the historically accurate meaning behind the most
widely known national symbol in the Philippines. It is not known by many for example, that the white triangle
was derived rom the symbol of the Katipunan. The red and blue colors of the flag are often associated
with courage and peace respectively. Our basic education omits the fact that those colors were taken from
the flag of the United States. While it can always be argued that symbolic meaning can always change
and be reinterpreted, the original symbolic meaning of something presents us several historical 
truths that can explain the subsequent events, which
unfolded after the declaration of independence on the 12th day of June 1898.

 Analysis of the “Proclamation of the Philippine Independence”

As mentioned earlier, a re-examination of the document on the declaration of independence can

reveal some often overlooked historical truths about this important event in Philippine history. Aside from this,
the document reflects the general revolutionary sentiment of that period. For example, the abuses specifically
mentioned in the proclamation like friar abuse, racial discrimination, and inequality before the law reflect the
most compelling sentiments represented by the revolutionary leadership-
However. no mention was made about the more serious problem that affects the masses more profoundly
(i.e.. the land and agrarian crisis felt by the
numerous Filipino peasants in the 19th century). This is ironic especially when renowned Philippine revolution
historian. Teodoro Agoncillo stated that the Philippine Revolution was an agrarian revolution. The common
revolutionary soldiers fought in the revolution for the hope of owning the lands that they were filling once the
trier estates in different provinces like Batangas and Laguna dissolve, if and when the revolution succeeded.
Such aspects and realities of the revolutionary struggle were either unfamiliar to the middle class revolutionary
leaders like Emilio Aguinaldo, Ambrosio Rianzares-Bautista and elipe Buencamino or were intentionally left
out because they were landholders themselves.
The proclamation also gives us the impression on how the victorious revolutionary government of
Aguinaldo historicized the struggle for independence. There were mentions of past events that were seen as
important turning points of the movement against Spain. The execution of the GOMBURZA for example and
the failed Cavite Mutiny of 1872 was narrated in detail. This shows that they saw this event as a significant
awakening of the Filipinos in the real conditions of the nation under Spain. Jose Rizal's legacy and martyrdom
was also mentioned in the document. However, the Katipunan as the pioneer of the revolutionary movement
was only mentioned once toward the end of the document. There was no mention of the


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__

Katipunan’s foundation. Bonifacio and his co-founders were also left out. It can be argued thus,
that the way of historical narration found in the document also refects the politics of the victors. 
The enmity between Aguinaldo's Magdalo and and Bonifacios’s Magdiwang in the Katipunan is no
secret in the pages of our history. On the contrary. the war led by Aguinaldo's men with the forces of the
United States were discussed in detail. The point is. even official records and documents like the proclamation
of independence while truthful most of the time, still exude the politics
and biases of whoever is in power. This manifests in the selectiveness of information that can be found 
in these records. It is the task of the historian,
thus to analyze the content of these documents in relation to the dominant politics and the contexts of
people and institutions surrounding it. This tells us a lesson on taking primary sources like official government
records within the circumstance of this production. Studying one historical subject thus
entails looking at multiple primary sources and pieces of historical evidences
in order to have a more nuanced and contextual analysis of our past.


a) Facilitated discussion on Reading the “Proclamation of the Philippine Independence”

b) Research a part of history in which Philippines has been freed from a tyrannical rule.

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Candelaria, John Lee P., Alporha, Veronica C. (2018) Readings in the Philippine History First Editio, Rex
Book Storer, Inc. (RBSI) WITH MAIN OFFICE AT 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc Manila

Torres, Jose Victor (2018) Batis Sources in Philippine History, C & E Publishing Inc. 839 Edsa, South
Trinagle, Quezon City


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