Form 5 OA Exam
Form 5 OA Exam
Form 5 OA Exam
Easter Examination
Office Administration
Form 5
Instructions: 1. This exam consists of two sections. Section 1 consists of 20 Multiple Choice
questions and Section 2 consists of 10 Short Answer Questions.
2. Answer all questions.
Miss S. Foster
Section 1: Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following functions are performed by the Human Resource office?
I. Preparing job cards
II. Shortlisting job applications
III. Preparing wages and salaries for staff
IV. Arranging training and providing welfare facilities for staff
4. Which of the following internal factors are MOST likely to contribute to high employee
(A) Low salaries and poor working conditions
(B) The state of the country’s economy and lack of training
(C) Poor fringe benefits and the high level of taxation on salaries
(D) Promotional opportunities and competition for job placement
5. Mrs. Jones was selected for the position of receptionist of an engineering firm. On
accepting the job, she was given a document outlining the work she is expected to
perform. This is called a job
(A) Listing
(B) Evaluation
(C) Description
(D) Specification
Miss S. Foster
6. Which of the following acts allows trade unions to negotiate salaries on behalf of
(A) Factories
(B) Industrial Relations
(C) Worker’s Compensation
(D) Occupational Health and Safety
7. Mrs. Kay bought a new stove on hire purchase from New & Used Appliances Ltd. She
wants to authorize her bank to make monthly payments. Which of the following services
should she use?
(A) Debit order
(B) Money order
(C) Credit transfer
(D) Standing order
10. Mega Industries experienced a 45 per cent labour turnover during the last three years.
Which of the following actions can be taken to reduce this turnover rate?
I. Improve conditions at work
II. Review and revise salaries offered
III. Provide opportunities for development
(A) I only
(B) I and II only
(C) II and III only
(D) I, II and III
11. Which of the following represent documents maintained by the human resource office?
(A) Job specifications and circulation slips
(B) Personal history and visitors’ records
Miss S. Foster
(C) Contracts of employment and leave forms
(D) Appraisal forms and reception register
13. The person, Mr .Bruce Hall, to whom the cheques is made out is called the:
(A) Payee
(B) Payer
(C) Banker
(D) Acceptee
14. The human resource clerk has been asked to review a list of job applicants and to select
those who meet the necessary requirements for a job. This process is referred to as
(A) Elimination
(B) Shortlisting
(C) Downsizing
(D) Interviewing
15. Deductions from gross pay to produce the net pay figure usually include:
I. Income tax
II. National Insurance
III. Cost of travel to work
Miss S. Foster
IV. Union subscription
(A) I, II and IV only
(B) I, III, and IV only
(C) II, III and IV only
(D) All of the above
16. The document you receive that states the pay you have received is:
(A) A time card
(B) A payroll
(C) A pay slip
(D) A payment note
Miss S. Foster
20. The confidential session at which an employee’s strengths and weaknesses are
discussed is called:
(A) An interview
(B) Staff welfare
(C) Needs analysis
(D) An appraisal
3. Identify two deductions that are taken from an employee’s gross pay (2 marks)
4. Identify TWO attributes that the clerk in the human resources department should
possess. (2 marks)
5. Identify THREE personnel records that are maintained by the clerk in the human
resources office. (3marks)
9. Explain the importance of any TWO of the following concepts to the success of a
Collection of accounts
Miss S. Foster
Credit control
(2 marks)
10. List THREE items of information that would be entered on a pay slip. (3 marks)
Miss S. Foster