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List of KSA

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Annex C
KSA for Each Competency Area

Job Aid for School Head to determine teachers’ learning needs (KSA) in each PPST Domain

This set of competencies serves as a guide for identifying the learning needs of teachers that must
be developed to improve their proficiency level in the seven domains of the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers (PPST). Under each strand, the competencies are grouped into Knowledge
(cognitive), Skills (psychomotor), and Attitudes (affective). The list is not exhaustive but it provides
a good start at pinpointing gaps in teachers’ KSAs leading to the formulation of an “enabling or
learning objective” for the planning and designing subsystems.

Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Recognizes the importance of teachers’ mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness within and across
curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical understanding of the application of theories and principles of teaching
and learning. This domain encompasses teachers’ ability to apply developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy
grounded on content knowledge and current research. It takes into account teachers’ proficiency in Mother Tongue,
Filipino, and English in the teaching and learning process as well as needed skills in the use of communication strategies,
teaching strategies, and technologies to promote high-quality learning outcomes.

Strand 1.1: Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas

Teacher has conceptual knowledge and cognitive skills to:

▪ explain how he/she can enable learners to master the target content of the learning area/subject
taught and related content across curriculum areas
o describe the different areas/subjects taught and learned within the basic education curriculum
o describe own content area and concept to be taught according to the Curriculum Guide o
describe the interrelation of topics/content within the subject area taught

▪ follow content standards set forth in the K-12 curriculum in lesson preparation to ensure learners’
o analyze content for contextualization to be more responsive to the learners context o relates
content to prior knowledge and experiences of the learners
o include appropriately chosen intra-disciplinary topics and enabling
learning competencies within the curriculum guide of a specific learning area and grade level
o create learners’ tasks and activities which ensure integration of target content with those
content across curriculum areas

During lesson execution, teacher is able to:

▪ link the present subject matter content with the past and future lessons
▪ utilize previous discussion as reference to the current topic
▪ integrate concepts from other curriculum learning areas to the current lesson
▪ make meaningful connections and include appropriate interdisciplinary topics and learning
competencies cited in the curriculum guide of other learning areas in any grade level.
▪ adjust lesson activities during lesson execution for mastery of content based on learners’ prior
knowledge and experience and pace


Teacher values the importance of mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness within and
across curriculum areas by being able to:
▪ conform with the content standards set forth in the curriculum in the daily lesson
▪ choose the most appropriate strategies, activities/tasks, questions to ensure learners’ mastery of the
▪ consistently modify lesson execution based on learners’ pace to ensure mastery of the content

Strand 1.2: Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning

Teacher has conceptual knowledge and cognitive skills to:

▪ explain principles of pedagogy o enumerate the five standards of effective pedagogy
o discuss principles of good teaching practice, pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, and
pedagogical content knowledge
o compare and contrast the pedagogical approaches
o give examples for each of the seven key elements of pedagogical content knowledge

▪ discuss the learning principles and their implications to teaching o design learning
environments that observe the learning principles

▪ use content knowledge in creating effective pedagogical strategy o identify indicators of

contextualization in a given lesson o explain how subject areas content connects across
fields and to everyday life o explain content of subject/learning area using pertinent current
researches o design a learning activity for a specific content that considers the five
standards of effective pedagogy
o select studies that can update content and performance standards to ensure relevant
o revise strategies, lesson activities, tasks, or questions based on current researches to ensure
learners’ achievement of standards and outcomes

▪ plan teaching-learning activities based on the following principles: learner-centered,

inclusive and developmentally appropriate, relevant, responsive and research-based,
gender- and culture-sensitive, contextualized and global, constructivist pedagogical
approaches, inquirybased, reflective, collaborative, and integrative o design
developmentally appropriate learning activities o design learning sequences using
instructional conversation pedagogy
o design a lesson to showcase teacher and student producing together in a Joint
Productive Activity o create learner-centered, challenging activities and tasks to
ensure the development of learners’ creative and critical thinking skills and other 21 st
century skills

Teacher is able to:

▪ conduct demonstration teaching to showcase conceptualization and indigenization
▪ conduct demonstration teaching on Language Development to develop language across the
▪ collaborate with co-teachers and other practitioners in developing new and more effective
teaching pedagogies
▪ follow the different K-12 principles in lesson plan preparation and execution


Teacher shows value towards the research-based system by being able to:
▪ accept responsibility for updating content and lesson plans based on relevant researches

▪ adhere to the K-12 principles in daily lesson preparation and execution o integrating
knowledge and skills gained towards improving teaching practice: pedagogy, students,
subject matter, and the curriculum
o seeking more effective ways of teaching through action research and participating in learning
groups or Community of Practice (CoP)

▪ accept the responsibility of effecting one’s personal and professional growth through
excellent teaching practice

Strand 1.3: Positive use of ICT

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain what Information and Communication Technology (ICT) encompasses
▪ explain the responsible, ethical, and appropriate use of different gadgets or equipment, applications,
and online/web-based instructional materials
▪ identify appropriate gadgets or equipment, applications, and online instructional materials that can be
adopted, adapted, or used to create other materials to facilitate learners’ achievement of content,
competencies or performance standards
▪ explain how to integrate information, media and technology skills in the subject or learning area to
allow learners to navigate knowledge creation and acquisition

Teacher is able to:

▪ practice positive use of ICT to harness responsible, ethical, and appropriate integration of educational
technologies toward effective teaching and learning
▪ use learner-appropriate ICT-related resources
▪ observe ethical considerations in the use of ICT
▪ use
o laptop and LCD projector to view videos
o mobile phones, tablets, computers to access learning materials
o online pamphlets and brochures backed-up by the utilization of a digital camera,
Facebook, and Instagram to produce online materials o emerging online
technologies such as online applications, learning management systems, offline resource
materials, or video conferencing apps (Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.)
▪ follow guidelines on appropriate use of gadgets, equipment, applications, and online/webbased
instructional materials
▪ organize lessons using appropriate gadget, equipment and online or web-based instructional materials
to facilitate learners’ achievement of certain learning standards
▪ create activities and tasks that allow integration of information, media and technology skills in his/her
subject or learning area to allow learners to navigate knowledge creation and acquisition
▪ revise or create other online materials using appropriate gadgets or equipment and applications to
respond to learners’ needs and context
▪ create ICT-supported lessons that are responsive to the varied needs and context of learners

Teacher values the positive use of ICT by being able to :


▪ foster positive use of ICT and making sure that the same sense of responsibility is transferred to
o assist learners willingly on the responsible, ethical, and appropriate use of different
gadgets or equipment, acquisition and creation of knowledge using appropriate
applications and online/web-based instructional materials
o show sensitivity to learners’ needs, cultural diversity and context in using different online
or web-based materials

▪ verify the sources and content of online/web-based materials regularly to ascertain truth from fake
information before using these for teaching-learning

Strand 1.4: Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain the meaning and importance of Literacy, Numeracy, Reading, and Reading
Readiness o explain how to develop or contribute to the development of literacy and
o create lessons exemplifying Early Literacy and Numeracy Teaching Approaches and
Strategies o acquire a range of teaching strategies to enhance the learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy skills

▪ discuss the Stages of Conceptualization and the educational implications of each stage o
develop activities along the stages of conceptualization

▪ discuss the Higher-Order Thinking Skills and the 21 st Century Skills o exemplify the Levels of
o create higher-order thinking questions about a picture shown/about a story read

▪ discuss the Nature of the reading process and the Stages of Reading Development o explain
language acquisition and development and the importance of using the
Mother Tongue as a medium of instruction in early language literacy and numeracy
o give examples of developmentally appropriate activities for reading o develop
questions on the Five Dimensions of Reading

▪ craft foundation activities to develop early math skills (Number Sense, Representation,
Spatial Sense, Estimation, Measurement, Patterns, Problem-Solving) o
cite the principles in the development of Early Numeracy Skills
o craft developmentally appropriate activities to develop numeracy skills of learners o prepare
foundation activities to develop early math skills through games, devices, exercises, songs, and

▪ select the most effective developmentally appropriate pedagogical approaches and

strategies to achieve or contribute to the development of literacy skills as well as numeracy
skills such as understanding relationship of numbers, using fractions, decimals, percentages,
ratios and rates; interpreting mathematical or statistical information, calculation; and
logical thinking o create developmentally appropriate activities for learners o prepare
activities to develop reading readiness skills of learners


Teacher is able to:

▪ use the most relevant principles and effective developmentally appropriate pedagogical
approaches and strategies to achieve or contribute to the achievement of learners’ literacy
and numeracy skills in lesson preparation and execution o use music, poems, rhymes,
stories, games, riddles, etc. in developing learning sequences for literacy and numeracy

▪ demonstrate teaching beginning reading o in the Mother Tongue o in Filipino using the
Marungko Approach
o in English using the Fuller’s Approach

▪ write stories for early language learners using the Mother Tongue/Filipino/English

▪ demonstrate teaching early numeracy to develop number sense, representation, spatial

skills, estimation, measurement, patterns, problem-solving o use appropriate literacy and
numeracy teaching strategies that consider learner’s multiple intelligences and learning
o evaluate with colleagues the effectiveness of teaching strategies that promote learner
achievement in numeracy and literacy
o model a comprehensive selection of effective teaching strategies that promote learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy

Teacher values creating literacy and numeracy by being able to:

▪ accept responsibility in developing or contributing to the development of learners’ literacy
and numeracy skills o practice patience, understanding, and creativity in teaching literacy
and numeracy skills to early learners
o consider the uniqueness of every learner by creating learning and teaching activities to address
the learner’s unique need/style
o practice fairness and love in encouraging every learner to develop trust in oneself and in
o create a safe and liberating environment to develop a joyful community for learners

▪ accept the challenges of effective teaching especially in difficult circumstances as a powerful

avenue for building a better future for learners, community and nation o show creativity
and persistence in designing and making learning devices/materials for learners
o revise lesson activities, tasks, and questions based on learners’ needs, learning styles, context,
and pace to facilitate their achievement of target literacy and numeracy skills
o promote friendship and socialization among learners as a basic element in developing
confidence in and respect for one’s self and others

Strand 1.5: Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ define and differentiate analytical thinking, critical thinking, creative thinking o discuss the
21st century skills and their importance in achieving the vision of K-12 o explain the


consequences of not developing critical and creative thinking skills of learners o describe
activities for developing the 21st century skills
o discuss the nature of critical and creative thinking o discuss the three basic principles of
creative thinking
o describe the integration of teaching critical thinking skills into the conventional instruction

▪ explain how to develop learners’ creativity and critical thinking skills and other learning and
innovation skills o identify the support and barriers to developing critical and creative
thinking o explain the critical learning strategy through the infusion approach
o discuss the levels of questioning skills and the role questions play in developing critical
thinking and creativity
o explain the place of good questioning technique in the Inquiry-Based Approach o explain
the importance of feedback-giving and receiving in developing creativity and critical thinking
o define reflective thinking and its place in the development of higher-order thinking

▪ select the most appropriate and responsive approach and strategies, activities and questions
that will ensure the development of creativity, critical thinking, and other learning and
innovation skills o compare and contrast problem-based learning from project-based
learning o pick out data needed for making the best decision
o create activities for developing each of the seven critical thinking skills: induction, deduction,
value judging, observation, credibility, assumptions, and meaning

Teacher is able to:

▪ conduct demonstration teaching on the different strategies in developing critical and
creative thinking skills using the following: Infusion Technique, Project–Based Learning,
Based Learning, and Inquiry-Based Learning o use various activities, questions, and
approaches in developing the 21st century skills o apply effective teaching strategies to
promote critical and creative thinking skills

▪ develop lesson exemplars embedding critical thinking skills in the teaching of the set
learning materials which create activities and tasks and formulate questions that will actively
engage the learners to think critically, create, or innovate

▪ follow the identified pedagogical approach or strategy that is most appropriate and
responsive in lesson planning and execution to ensure the development of learners’
creativity, critical thinking, and other learning and innovation skills

▪ lead colleagues in reviewing, modifying, and expanding their range of teaching strategies
that promote critical and creative thinking and other higher-order thinking skills o use the
virtual professional network and online collaboration with co-teachers in school and beyond
to create instructional materials on critical thinking and creativity development

Teacher values critical and creative thinking by being able to:

▪ accept the responsibility of developing learners’ critical and creative thinking skills o allow
students to surface difficult questions and questions that bother them o model and


influencing learners to think critically through well-honed questions and activities that
develop their creativity
o use virtual platform to advance critical thinking and creativity, honesty and openmindedness
o assist the learners consistently to engage actively in activities and tasks and in answering
questions to develop critical thinking, creativity, or innovation skills
o modify activities, tasks, and questions to be more responsive to the needs and context of
learners to facilitate the development of their critical, creativity, or innovation skills

▪ discuss the importance of critical and creative thinking in the shaping of a responsible and
empowered citizenry o accept the value of exploring different ideas, opinions, research
works, and other sources before arriving at a decision
o embrace the responsibility of discerning and upholding truth/facts from fake/dishonest
posts, articles, and other published materials in all forms of social media

▪ behave consistently with dignity and integrity, revise judgment and change behavior in the
light of a new evidence

▪ lead/organize co-teachers to conduct online and offline activities to refine lesson exemplars
and educational action researches or share new ideas and experiences

Strand 1.6: Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English in teaching and learning

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain the nature and theories of language, language acquisition, and language learning principles and
the interrelatedness of the four communication skills (Listening, Speaking,
Reading & Writing) o explain the concepts of proficiency, clarity, accuracy, fluency in
language learning and teaching
o discuss the importance of using the Mother Tongue in the early grades as the foundation for
teaching other languages and in developing all essential skills including critical thinking and
literacy skills
o discuss the nature of early grades learners and their stages of development

▪ determine the most appropriate use of the learners’ Mother Tongue in teaching-learning activities
o explain how to implement the principles of Mother Tongue-based-Multilingual Education
(MTB-MLE) including the use of Filipino sign language
▪ choose the appropriate language in teaching a subject (e.g English for Science and Math)

Teacher is able to:

▪ speak the native language or the first language the learner learns as a child. (Mother Tongue shall be
used as the medium of instruction in all subjects except Filipino and English and as a subject from
Grades 1 to 3) o use the medium of instruction clearly, accurately, and fluently to facilitate the
teaching and learning process
o choose the appropriate words and expressions of a particular language for teaching to get the
message across so that learners could understand the lesson well
o produce grammatically (placement of words in a phrase or a sentence) and lexically (word
forms) correct sentences of a language


speak English in a coherent, effortless way

o use the medium of instruction clearly, accurately, and fluently to facilitate the teaching
and learning process.
o choose the appropriate words and expressions of a particular language for teaching
to get the message across so that learners could understand the lesson well
o produce grammatically (placement of words in a phrase or a sentence) and lexically
(word forms) correct sentences of a language

▪ speak Filipino in a coherent, effortless way o use the medium of instruction clearly,
accurately, and fluently to facilitate the teaching and learning process.
o choose the appropriate words and expressions of a particular language for teaching
to get the message across so that learners could understand the lesson well
o produce grammatically (placement of words in a phrase or a sentence) and lexically
(word forms) correct sentences of a language

▪ use current language teaching approaches: content-based instruction and task-based

instruction; text-based instruction and competency-based instruction

▪ select the most effective developmentally appropriate pedagogical approaches and

strategies to achieve or contribute to the achievement of learners’ proficiency in listening,
speaking, reading, writing, and viewing in the learners’ Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English
o show adherence to the principles of MTB-MLE in lesson preparation and execution o
create activities and tasks and formulate questions that allows learners’ active participation
to facilitate their proficiency in the use of Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English for
academic and non-academic purposes

Teacher values MTB-MLE by being able to:

▪ accept responsibility in developing or contributing to the development of learners’ listening,
speaking, writing, reading, and viewing in the learners’ Mother Tongue, Filipino, and in
English o use the language that learners know to be more responsive in teaching the
lessons to them
o speak and use the native language/Filipino with respect and pride
o show respect and appreciation for the uniqueness and differences in the language/s
used by others

▪ revise lesson activities, tasks, and questions based on learners’ needs, learning styles,
context, and pace to facilitate their proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English

Strand 1.7: Classroom communication strategies

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain the importance of communication skills in teaching effectively
▪ select the most effective communication strategies that are most responsive to the needs
and context of 21st century learners o describe communication that promotes positive
behavior in learners
o assess classroom situations to match appropriate and effective communication


ogive examples of different classroom communication strategies

oidentify the elements that create a wholesome and enlivened communication in the
discuss the pitfalls of communication and how to manage the situations o identify
communication barriers in the classroom and how to remove/avoid them o identify
barriers to effective verbal communication
o discuss communication that creates or reinforces negative behavior
▪ describe the art of asking questions which create a joyful and thinking community of

Teacher is able to:

▪ conduct effective communication with learners of different behaviors and practices o adapt
words, voice, and tone for every type of student and situation
o use the elements of communication ( body language, eye contact, summarizing,
paraphrasing, responding) in making learners communicate effectively
▪ use tasks and activities that activate the desire to communicate and foster critical thinking o
use open-ended questions
o develop team building exercises, group presentations and assignments that will
develop confidence, collaboration and communication skills
o use teaching strategies effectively for active listening, speaking, reading, and writing
▪ reinforce active listening in class discussions and other communication activities
▪ conduct teaching demonstration on the use of effective communication strategies
▪ organize lessons by selecting the most appropriate need- and context-based
communication strategies
▪ revise or create activities and tasks in the lesson plan to include teaming, collaboration,
interpersonal skills, and interactive communication to facilitate the 21st century learners’
adaptation to present and future challenges and opportunities

Teacher values communicating effectively by being able to:

▪ accept responsibility in using the most effective communication strategies based on needs
and context of his learners as 21st century learners o balance freedom of expression and
responsible behavior by infusing this balance of values in teaching and in one’s personal and
professional life
o model clarity, openness, respect, and sincerity in communicating with learners and
▪ observe consistency in helping the leaners to be actively engaged in different activities or
tasks for teaming, collaboration, interpersonal skills, and interactive communication to
facilitate the 21st century learners’ adaptation to present and future challenges and

Domain 2: Learning Environment

Highlights the role of teachers to provide learning environments that are safe, secure, fair, and supportive in
order to promote learner responsibilities and achievement. This domain centers on creating an environment
that is learning-focused and in which teachers efficiently manage learner behavior in a physical and virtual
space. It highlights the need for teachers to utilize a range of resources and provide intellectually challenging
and stimulating activities to encourage constructive classroom interactions geared towards the attainment of
high standards of learning.


Strand 2.1: Learner safety and security

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ describe a positive and inclusive environment where every learner feels safe, supported,
stimulated, and respected as they express themselves
differentiate physical from psychological learning climate and the teacher’s responsibility in
managing both o identify the elements that create a secure and safe learning environment
o discuss the policies, guidelines and procedures relevant in establishing safe and secure
learning environments to enhance learning and during school activities
o describe a safe and secure classroom culture
▪ identify different measures to promote learners’ safety and security at all times o explain
the importance of disaster preparedness, safety measures, and evacuation plans
o identify the content of first aid and emergency kits and its use o explain how to
promote child protection and prevention of bullying and discrimination
▪ discuss how personal hygiene can help maintain the child’s overall health and safety o
explain the relationship between habitual hand washing, toothbrushing, and proper use of
toilet to contribute to the learners’ health and school performance

Teacher is able to:

▪ use appropriate approaches and strategies to create and maintain a positive and inclusive
environment where all learners feel safe, supported, stimulated, and respected as they
express themselves o teach learners to develop norms of conduct which they will observe
in the school to promote learning, respect, honesty, collaboration and peace
o develop standards/guidelines of conduct to foster respect, open communication,
and a sense of belongingness among learners
o adapt necessary measures to ensure safety and security of girls and boys, children
with disabilities, and all learners of diverse contexts at all times

▪ implement safety and security measures in the classroom specific to the subject being
learned, e.g., laboratories, workshops, sports/Physical Education, Home Economics, etc.
o implement Safety Guidelines for Laboratories attached to the DepEd Order No. 48, s.
2006, “Observance of Safety Measures in Science Laboratories”

▪ lead students in Emergency and Safety Drills, Disaster Preparedness Drills o prepare
evacuation plans and safety signages

▪ actively engage learners and parents in activities to ensure learners’ safety and security,
child protection, and prevention of bullying and discrimination

▪ lead/organize a team of teachers and parents to conduct hazard mapping in the school and
community and orient the team on disaster preparedness

Teacher values learner’s safety and security by being able to:

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▪ accept accountability for ensuring learners’ safety and security to optimize learning in an
inclusive, safe and secure learning environment o observe consistency in implementing
safety and security practices
o engage leaners and their parents in promoting leaners’ safety and security, child
protection, and prevention of bullying and discrimination
o practice conflict negotiation and resolution within the school and the community ▪
choose life, health, peace, and compassion for self and every living being

Strand 2.2 : Fair learning environment

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ define and describe the elements of a fair learning environment that allow all learners to be
heard and be confident o explain the importance and dynamics of teaching learners from
diverse backgrounds (e.g. ability, culture, family background, and gender)
▪ select the most effective strategies that can give equal learning opportunities for active
participation of girls and boys, learners with disabilities, and those from Indigenous Peoples
communities and other context o consider students capability and potential in assigning
challenging projects, assignments, etc.
o identify concrete strategies to ensure fair learning environment o describe a safe
learning space that allows all learners to be heard and be confident o evaluate
student’s performance on the subject rather than relating it with the person o create a
brave space for students to express their voice with confidence and comfort

Teacher is able to:

▪ adopt or adapt different strategies and activities in teaching-learning that provide fair
learning environment for active participation of girls and boys, learners with disabilities, and
those from Indigenous Peoples’ communities, and other contexts o provide many options
for students to complete a learning task such as different format of assignments, extra
credits, etc. o distribute questions during class interaction enabling every learner the
opportunity to share his/her own ideas and opinions
o challenge the best in every student by assigning and guiding them in pursuing the
tasks that will surface their potentials
o organize differentiated classroom, school and home activities including assessments
that facilitate leaners’ achievement of standards

▪ create a safe learning space that allows every learner to be heard, respected, and confident
o maintain a learning environment that promotes courtesy and respect for all learners o
carefully and actively listen to each student’s voice and understand their thoughts o
objectively evaluate different opinions from students and at times encourage expression of
opposite opinions
o practice sincerity and patience in answering or solving student’s questions and

Teacher values fairness and building a fair environment by being able to:
▪ articulate the belief that fairness and compassion are basic elements of excellent teaching
and infuse these values in all teaching activities and practices

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▪ display professional commitment to provide fair learning environment practicing fairness for
active participation of leaners
o observe the rules for teaching behavior: 1) agree to disagree, 2) do not take things
personally, 3) challenge by choice, 4) respect, 5) no attack
o show acceptance of learners’ differences in cultural and socio-economic background
and ability/disability, gender sensitivity, patience, and empathy in creating a fair
learning environment
o show understanding, compassion, and tolerance in managing differently
challenged/abled students
o engage and encourage active participation of girls and boys, learners with disabilities,
and those from Indigenous Peoples’ communities, and other context
o consistently demonstrate to learners in words and actions the values of respect,
listening, fairness, and compassion

Strand 2.3: Management of classroom structure and activities

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain the concept of classroom structure and classroom activities, such as discovery
learning activities, hands on learning activities, and meaningful exploration
o explain the concept of managing classroom structure and classroom activities, such as
discovery learning activities, hands-on learning activities and meaningful exploration in
the classroom, campus, or in the learner’s home or community
o match physical arrangement of the classroom with appropriate learning activity (various
ways of physically arranging the tables and chairs in a classroom to suit an activity
▪ compare different practices in managing the classroom and different learners’ activities for
individuals or groups of learners

Teacher is able to:

▪ implement effective management of classroom structure in learning delivery to fully engage
individual learners or group of learners in meaningful and relevant activities that can be
undertaken in the classroom, campus, or in the home or community
o arrange classroom in a way that will suit meaningful activities to encourage active
participation among learners
o modify classroom structure and activities to facilitate achievement of learning
standards and respond to the diverse needs of girls and boys and learners with

Teacher values managing classroom structure and activities by being able to:
▪ maximize the little space of a classroom to give opportunities to learners to work together
and engage them in varied activities
▪ create regularly and manage effectively and efficiently meaningful and varied individual and
group activities
▪ consistently show self-reliance as well as teamwork with co-workers, parents, and other
relevant stakeholders in managing classroom structure and learning activities

Strand 2.4: Support for learner participation

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Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain how deeper understanding of individual and common learners’ needs, learning
styles, abilities/disabilities and other learners’ circumstances can affect their participation
in curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities
o describe the relationship between “supportive environment” and “continued

▪ select the most responsive and developmentally appropriate activities that can ensure
active participation
o identify material, equipment, information and technology, and other instructional
resources as well as human resources that are needed to ensure leaners’ active
participation in different learning activities

Teacher is able to:

▪ integrate and implement the selected different responsive and developmentally
appropriate learning activities in the lesson plan that can ensure active learners’
o establish supportive learning environment by reflecting the social condition
surrounding the learner’s continued learning process

▪ use the identified different appropriate instructional resources in learning delivery to

ensure learners’ engagement in varied activities
o implement classroom procedures and routines to address learners’ learning concerns
in order to maintain a supportive learning environment

▪ modify activities based on the terms of engagement with other teachers, parents and
other education stakeholders in carrying out certain responsive learning activities

Teacher values learner participation by being able to:

▪ maintain a supportive learning environments to nurture and inspire learners to
participate, cooperate, and collaborate during class activities
▪ assist the learners to inspire them to participate, cooperate, and collaborate in different
in- or off-school learning using responsive and developmentally appropriate activities
▪ practice cooperation, collaboration, and teamwork in identifying and utilizing different
resources to ensure conduct of varied lactivities that ensure learners’ active participation

Strand 2.5: Promotion of purposive learning

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain the vision, goals, outcomes, and learning standards of the K-12 curriculum to the
learners, parents and other education stakeholders in promoting purposive learning to
utilize and respond to the 21st century learners’ local and global environment
▪ describe the various strategies to promote purposive learning to different stakeholders
▪ organize teaching and learning aligned to the learning standards and contribute to
attainment of education outcomes, goals, and vision

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Teacher is able to:

▪ execute lesson plan by showing a clear alignment of the lesson sequence to target learning
standards which are contributory to higher outcomes attainment
▪ implement activities that integrate and utilize 21 st century learners’ local and global
▪ conduct conference, consultation, and other activities with stakeholders in promoting
purposive learning

Teacher values promoting purposive learning by being able to:

▪ accept the responsibility of understanding and utilization of the 21st century learners’ local
and global environment in teaching-learning
▪ display commitment to engage learners, parents, and other stakeholders in promoting
purposive learning

Strand 2.6: Management of learner behavior

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain concepts in learner behavior, positive and non-violent discipline, and learning
focused environment
o identify factors that lead to challenging behavior that the teacher has to deal with o
describe the effect of difficult learning behavior on the learner and those around
o enumerate steps to take when faced with a learner behavioral problem o discuss
how understanding of the nature, developmental characteristics, and expectations
of learners can enhance management of learner behavior

▪ identify and analyze the roots of behavioral and learning difficulties of learners and
implement strategies that are positive and non-violent to engage them in the
teachinglearning process
▪ select varied ways to create a positive culture and well-managed learning environment
for learning to occur
o explain the nature, developmental characteristics, and expectations of learners

Teacher is able to:

▪ use pedagogical approaches that are responsive to the nature, developmental
characteristics, and expectations of learners
o show appropriate actions in managing learner behavior based on an understanding
of the learner’s nature, developmental characteristics, and expectations
o implement positive and non-violent steps to respond to a problem behaviour, such
as fighting, being absent, not listening, moving around the class, not paying
attention, taking the things of others, sleeping in class, verbal and physical
aggression, etc.
▪ adapt proven approaches and strategies to create a positive culture and well-managed
learning environment for learning to occur

Teacher values managing learner behavior effectively by being able to :

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▪ accept responsibility in modeling ideal behavior, give appreciation and encouragement,

and adopt/adapt other learners’ behavior management strategies
o understand learners’ behavior to build a learning-focused environment and establish
relationships that support learning and well-being
o show sensitivity on the nature, developmental characteristics, and expectations of
learners in managing learner behavior
o listen to leaners in establishing guidelines in creating a positive culture and
wellmanaged learning environment

Domain 3: Diversity of Learners

Domain 3 emphasizes the central role of teachers in establishing learning environments that are responsive
to learners’ diverse characteristics and experiences as inputs to the planning and design of learning
opportunities. It encourages the celebration of diversity in the classrooms and the need for teaching practices
that are differentiated to encourage all learners to be successful citizens in a changing local and global

Strand 3.1 Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experience

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain how inclusive education—as a core principle of basic education—can be applied in
the classroom
▪ identify the learning style (visual modality, auditory modality, Kinesthetic/Tactile Modality)
of each boy and girl in class

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differentiate techniques and strategies in designing/selecting responsive activities for
varied types of learners

Teacher is able to:

▪ identify the type of intelligences, needs, and interests of the learner based on verbal and
nonverbal manifestations
▪ organize daily lesson such that it promotes inclusive education ensuring that “No Child is
Left Behind”
▪ implement activities, tasks, and questions responsive to identified learning styles (visual
modality, auditory modality, Kinesthetic/Tactile Modality) and intelligences, needs and
interests of learners
▪ adapt different techniques, strategies, and learning modalities for varied types of
intelligences, learning styles, needs, interests, and contexts of learners

Teacher values learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experience by being able to:
▪ accept responsibility for promoting inclusive education in daily lesson
▪ obtain information on the learners’ different intelligences, learning styles, needs, interests,
and contexts diligently and willingly
▪ share adapted techniques, strategies, learning modalities, and designed activities, tasks and
questions in responding to learners’ intelligences, learning styles, needs, interests and

Strand 3.2 Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ use the language, culture, socio-economic and religious backgrounds of learners in slecting
and designing activities/tasks and formulating questions
▪ select the most relevant aspect of learners’ language, socio-economic status and religious
backgrounds in contextualizing the curriculum

Teacher is able to:

▪ prepare and use instructional materials and medium of instruction which are sensitive to
the learners’
▪ display competence in conducting a contextualized lesson with appropriate techniques,
strategies, activities, and learning modalities

Teacher considers learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds by being
able to:
▪ modify instructional materials, activities, tasks, questions, techniques, strategies, and
learning modalities based on the learners’ language, socio-economic status, and religious
▪ create a daily learning experience that respects the learners’ background
▪ consistently provide responsive and appropriate classroom, differentiated curricular and
cocurricular activities, and homework

Strand 3.3: Learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents

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Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:
▪ modify techniques, strategies, activities, instructional materials, and questions to respond
to the different types of disabilities, giftedness, or talents of learners
revise learning , specifically performance tasks, to respond to learners’ disabilities,
giftedness, and talents

Teacher is able to:

▪ modify lesson plans, i.e., techniques, strategies, activities, instructional materials, learning
delivery or modality, responsive to learners disabilities, giftedness, and talents
▪ conduct responsive lessons with revised performance tasks that ensure active participation
of learners regardless of their disability, giftedness, and talents

Teacher considers learners disabilities, giftedness, and talents by being able to:
▪ assist differently-abled learners willingly in achieving learning standards and developing
their giftedness and talents
▪ provide varied/differentiated learning experiences that ensure accessibility, participation,
and empowerment of learners regardless of their disability, giftedness, and talents

Strand 3.4 : Learners in difficult circumstances

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain how to promote child protection to prevent abuse, neglect, exploitation,
discrimination, and violence
▪ select instructional materials, techniques and strategies that are most appropriate and
responsive to leaners’ needs and circumstances
▪ revise instructional materials to respond to the needs of learners in difficult circumstances
▪ design a lesson for education in emergencies responsive to the learners’ difficult

Teacher is able to:

▪ identify learners in difficult circumstances
▪ apply different techniques and strategies in designing/selecting activities for learners in
difficult circumstances o adjust learning delivery based on the needs and difficult
circumstances of learners o respond quickly and appropriately in delivering instruction and
assistance for learners in difficult circumstances
o deliver a lesson that ensures learning despite the learners’ difficult circumstances

Teacher values helping learners in difficult circumstances by being able to:

▪ showe sensitivity in selecting and conducting the most appropriate and responsive lessons
▪ initiate activities that ensure learning despite the learners’ difficult circumstances ▪
willingly assist leaners in difficult circumstances

Strand 3.5: Learners from indigenous groups

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

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▪ explain how learners of different indigenous groups can fully access, feel safe in a positive
and inclusive environment, be supported to fully participate in different learning
opportunities and assisted to achieve learning standards
▪ contextualize lessons and instructional materials based on the learners’ indigenous
knowledge, beliefs and practices

Teacher is able to:

follow indigenous community protocols, standards, and attributed meanings in using
materials for instruction involving aspects of indigenous culture or works of community
▪ design and conduct a contextualized lesson based on the learners’ indigenous knowledge,
beliefs, and practices

Teacher values helping learners from indigenous groups by being able to:
▪ show sensitivity and respect in using and integrating indigenous people’s knowledge,
beliefs, and practices in contextualizing lessons and instructional materials
▪ accept responsibility in creating a safe, positive, and inclusive class, particularly for children
of different indigenous communities

Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning

Domain 4 addresses teachers knowledge of and interaction with the national and local curriculum
requirements. This domain encompasses teachers’ ability to translate curriculum content into learning
activities that are relevant to the learners and are based on the principle of effective teaching and learning. It
expects teachers to apply their professional knowledge to plan and design, individually or in collaboration
with colleagues, well-structured and sequenced lessons. These lesson sequences and associated learning
programs should be contextually relevant and responsive to the earners’ needs and incorporate a range of
teaching and learning resource. This domain expects teachers to communicate learning goals to support
learner participation, understanding, and achievement.

Strand 4.1: Planning and management of teaching and learning process

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ identify the appropriate learning standards, i.e., content, competencies, and performance
standards to be achieved in the daily lesson
▪ select the most responsive and appropriate strategy, technique, instructional materials,
activities, tasks, questions, learning delivery or modality based on the needs and context of
the learners to achieve targeted learning standards

Teacher is able to:

▪ organize daily lesson plan using the selected strategy, technique, instructional materials,
activities, tasks, questions, learning delivery or modality based on the needs and context of
the learners to achieve targeted learning standards
▪ revise lesson plan execution based on previous learners’ knowledge and experiences, pace,
and responses during the conduct of the lesson

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Teacher values planning and effective management of teaching and learning process by being able
▪ demonstrate belief in inclusive education and learner-centered principles through the
lesson plans prepared and executed that focus on helping all learners achieve the learning
standards ▪ show that he/she values each learner in the plan prepared and conducted or

Strand 4.2 Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ identify the learning outcomes aligned to the learning standards, i.e., content,
competencies, and performance standards to be realized in the daily lesson
select the most responsive and appropriate needs and context-based strategy, technique,
instructional materials, activities, tasks, and questions that will ensure learners’
achievement of learning outcomes

Teacher is able to:

▪ display competence in preparing and conducting a lesson using the selected most
responsive and appropriate needs and context-based strategy, technique, instructional
materials, activities, tasks, and questions that will ensure learners’ achievement of learning
▪ modify plans during the conduct of the lesson based on previous learners’ knowledge and
experiences, pace, and responses to ensure learners’ achievement of learning outcomes

Teacher values aligning learning outcomes with competencies by being able to:
▪ accept responsibility in helping learners achieve learning outcomes as shown in the lesson
plans and conduct of daily lessons
▪ prioritize provision of interventions to facilitate learners’ achievement of learning outcomes

Strand 4.3: Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain the relevance of implementing different education programs such as MTB-MLE,
Special Education, Indigenous Peoples’ Education, Madrasah Education, and Flexible
Learning Options/Alternative Delivery Modes and Alternative Learning System, and Special
Interest or Special Curricular Programs in responding to the diverse needs and context of
the learners
▪ assist learners better in accessing and participating in the different basic education
programs that respond to their needs, interest, aptitudes, and context
▪ modify activities, tasks, instructional materials, and other learning experiences in
implementing different education programs to meet the diverse needs and context of the

Teacher is able to:

▪ implement education programs following pertinent policy and guidelines

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▪ respond to the diverse needs and context of the learners by conducting activities, tasks,
and other learning experiences in different settings and using instructional materials
needed for more meaningful program implementation

Teacher values relevant and responsive learning programs by being able to:
▪ accept responsibility in assisting learners access and participate in responsive education
programs o explain the role of systematic and systemic thinking in implementing different
education programs that are responsive to the needs and context of the learners
o prioritize time effectively to meet the requirements of responsive education program

Strand 4.4 Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ identify his/her learning and development need
▪ select the best learning modality/ies that address his/her learning need to enrich teaching

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Teacher is able to:

• state his/her learning and development needs based on his/her IPCRF
• organizes his/her individual professional development plan in collaboration with peers or
supervisor responsive to his/her needs and context
• performs or attends to tasks and activities set in the different approved learning modalities

Teacher values professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice by being able to:
▪ accept responsibility in improving his/her teaching practice in collaboration with peers and
▪ modify teaching practice as a result of utilizing the learnings gained in attending or
participating in identified learning modalities

Strand 4.5 Teaching and learning resources including ICT

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ identify appropriate text and non-text instructional resources aligned to target learning
▪ explain how computer or web-based instructional resources can be used for

Teacher is able to:

▪ organize a lesson plan using appropriate text or non-text based instructional resources,
including ICT, that are responsive to needs and context of the learners
▪ use appropriate text and non-text instructional materials, including ICT, in conducting daily
lessons to facilitate learners’ achievement of learning standards

Teacher values the utilization of teaching and learning resources by being able to:
▪ integrat the daily use of teaching-learning resources, including ICT, to facilitate learners’
achievement of learning standards
▪ display ethical practice consistently in preparing, adopting or adapting, and utilizing printed
or digital/online instructional learning resources

Domain 5: Assessment and Reporting

Domain 5 relates to processes associated with a variety of assessment tools and strategies used by teachers
in monitoring, evaluating, documenting, and reporting learners’ needs, progress, and achievement. This
domain concerns the use of assessment data in a variety of ways to inform and enhance the teaching and
learning process and programs. It concerns teachers providing learners with the necessary feedback about
learning outcomes. This feedback informs the reporting cycle and enables teachers to select, organize and
use sound assessment processes.

Strand 5.1 Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

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▪ explain the principles and purposes of instructional assessment, including formative and
summative testing o differentiate purpose of assessment for learning or assessment of
o describe assessments used to identify each learner’s strengths, weaknesses,
knowledge, and skills prior to instruction (diagnostic); the parts of the lesson where
learners need improvement (formative); and the learner’s achievement (summative)

▪ select and organize appropriate assessment processes to track, identify learner’s needs,
and measure progress and achievement o explain how to ensure alignment of assessment
to learning objectives o describe approaches or tactical procedures used to reach a goal o
describe strategies the teacher employs to gauge student learning
o describe how to embed assessment as an integral part of the lesson aligned with the
intended instructional goals consistent with the content standards

Teacher is able to:

▪ follow the pertinent policy guidelines on classroom assessment for the K-12 Basic Education
▪ construct valid and reliable formative and summative assessment instruments to track,
identify learner’s needs, and measure learner’s progress and achievement along the target
learning objectives
▪ design appropriate traditional and authentic assessments to identify level of proficiency in
content, competency, and performance learning standards of all types of learners, including
learners with disability/difficulty or learners in difficult circumstances
▪ embed assessment as an integral part of the lesson aligned with the intended instructional
goals consistent with the content standards
▪ utilize assessment results to adjust or improve instruction
▪ give feedback to learners and their parents/guardians of their progress and achievement

Teacher values assessment strategies by being able to:

▪ accept the responsibility of choosing varied and most appropriate assessment for learning or
of learning along target learning standards for all types of learners
▪ measur peerformance using varied assessment tools since one tool does not fit all
▪ willingly modify teaching-learning process based on the results of learners’ assessment
▪ explain consistently to learners and parents/guardian policy guidelines on classroom
assessment, importance of learning, and the learner’s classroom assessment results

Strand 5.2 Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ describe the process of monitoring, evaluation, documentation, and utilization of learners’
achievement data
▪ explain the tools and relevance of monitoring and evaluation of learner’s progress and
▪ select the most appropriate tools for monitoring and evaluation

Teacher is able to:

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▪ monitor and evaluate learners’ progress and achievement by conducting varied

assessments, such as diagnostic or pre-test and post-test, Phil-IRI, and authentic
assessments, such as portfolio assessment and performance tasks
▪ record timely and accurately monitoring and evaluation results
▪ revise/improve instruction based on the learners’ progress and achievement as shown by
the monitoring and evaluation results
Teacher values monitoring and evaluating learner’s achievement and progress by being able to:
▪ keep and provide accurate, holistic, and immediate feedback based on data to guide
learners on the right track
▪ adjust or improv teaching-learning as a result of progress monitoring and evaluation
▪ prioritize documentation of every learner’s progress and achievement to ensure provision
of needed assistance for learning

Strand 5.3 Feedback to improve learning

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain how timely, accurate ,and constructive feedback can improve learning
▪ select the most appropriate and effective feedback strategies that can enhance learner’s

Teacher is able to:

▪ use appropriate and effective strategies in providing feedback to learners and their
parents/guardians, such as: o oral feedback o written feedback o deep feedback o peer
feedback o other forms of feedback

▪ establish cooperation and collaboration based on feedback to learners and parents on

learner’s progress and achievement

Teacher values giving feedback to improve learners’ performance by being able to:
▪ prioritize provision of feedback on learner’s progress and achievement along learning
standards for timely adjustment of instruction
▪ see learners improve on their academic performance by giving them provide a timely,
accurate, and constructive feedback
▪ willingly assist the learners in coordination or collaboration with the parents to facilitate or
improve learning based on assessment results

Strand 5.4: Communication of learner needs, progress, and achievement to key stakeholders

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain the importance of appropriate communication about the learners’ needs,
progress, and achievement for fund and resource generation, allocation and utilization as
well as collaboration or engagement of stakeholders to improve learning o discuss key
concepts like communication, learner needs, learner progress, learner achievement, key
o enumerate various means and procedures to communicate with key stakeholders,
specifically to parents/ guardians.

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▪ discuss varied communication strategies to inform different stakeholders of learners’

needs, progress, and achievement
o discuss communication and documentation tools to be used
o explain pertinent policies on data privacy, child protection, and communication

Teacher is able to:

▪ conduct effective personal dialogue, consultation, home visitation, and quarterly assembly
or forum with parents/guardians
▪ adapt varied communication strategies to inform different stakeholders of learners’ needs,
progress, and achievement
▪ conform with pertinent laws and policies in adopting/adapting varied communication for
different stakeholders
▪ use leaners’ data on needs, progress, and achievement to improve the delivery of learning
as well as learner’s achievement and realization of education vision, goals and outcomes

Teacher values communicating learners needs, progress, and achievement to key stakeholders by
being able to:
▪ adapt communication strategies as a sign of respect and to suit the preferences and needs
of stakeholders and purpose of the communication
o vary communication style to suit the preferences of stakeholders, especially
o consistently observ coenfidentiality in information to be shared such that it is provided
only to the right person/group of persons to improve education and learning

Strand 5.5: Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and programs

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain concepts such as assessment data, modification, teaching and learning practice, and
teaching and learning programs of DepEd
▪ explain how to utilize assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and
programs o discuss how assessment data obtained from a class can serve different
purposes, such as instructional decision-making, planning for instruction and remediation
o identify learning interventions or activities for enhancement or remediation based
on assessment results

Teacher is able to:

▪ conduct appropriate learning interventions or activities for enhancement or remediation
based on assessment results o use assessment data to modify teaching practices so that it
can answer the needs of learners
o use assessment data to identify strengths and weaknesses in student understanding
of core concepts in a learning area
▪ teach students to examine their own data and set learning goals
▪ implement interventions designed to address specific learning issues identified through the
interpretation of assessment data

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▪ create or modify existing education programs based on assessment data

Teacher values the use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and
programs by being able to:
▪ use meaningful and evidence-based learner assessment data to guide instructional decision
▪ accept responsibility in using assessment data either for enhancement or remediation
▪ assist in revising or creating school-based programs based on assessment results

Domain 6: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

Domain 6 affirms the role of teachers in establishing school-community partnerships aimed at enriching the
learning environment as well as the community’s engagement in the educative process. This domain expects
teachers to identify and respond to opportunities that link teaching and learning in the classroom to the
experiences, interests, and aspirations of the wider school community and other key stakeholders. It
concerns the importance of teachers’ understanding and fulfilling their obligations in upholding professional
ethics, accountability, and transparency to promote professional and harmonious relationships with learners,
parents, schools, and the wider community.

Strand 6.1: Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community contexts

Teacher has knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ identify learning standards and learning opportunities than can be
contextualized based on community experiences and be designed to
respond to community interests and aspirations

▪ select effective strategies to establish and maintain partnership with

education stakeholders and the community to achieve common vision,
goals, and objectives for the learners o explain the relevance of linking the
learning opportunities of the learners to the experiences , interests, and
aspirations of the community
o analyze community experiences, interests, and aspirations for
lesson integration o relate teaching-learning to the context of the
community and needs of the people

▪ describe the intra-relatedness of his/her learning areas with the community

o History and culture
▪ History and founder
▪ Origin and meaning of the community’s name
▪ Local legends/heroes
▪ Folklore (batibat, tiyanak, balbal, tikbalang, aswang/manananggal, kapre,
duwende, sirena)
▪ Ethnic and cultural practices (celebrations, rituals)
▪ Norms (all family members should have college degree, letting girls go to
school first while boys will work in the fields)

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▪ Beliefs (religions)
▪ Values (thrifty, helpful, respectful) o Governance and stakeholders
▪ Formal and informal leadership and governance (barangay, municipality,
provincial, city, etc.)
▪ Community stakeholders (School Boards, PTCA)
▪ Government support systems
▪ Private Organizations/NGOs
▪ Preferences of people in the community
▪ Local and National Development Plans
o Economy
▪ People in the community (professionals, student, engaged in gainful
employment, OSY)
▪ Livelihoods (farming, fishing, OFW)
▪ Industries (SMEs, manufacturing, services)

o Geographical features
▪ Geographical location (mountain, seaside, rural, urban)
▪ Terrain (mountainous, hilly, plain, coastal)
▪ Natural resources (land, forest, water, minerals) o Weather and climate
o Local attraction and tourism

Teacher is able to:

▪ follow guidelines on contextualization of the curriculum for meaningful teaching-learning
▪ conduct contextualized lesson and varied learning opportunities that is based on
community experiences and aligned to their interests and aspirations
▪ share the vision, goals, and outcomes with the education stakeholders/community to
ensure unity of direction, purpose, and actions
▪ prepare and manage the implementation of a strategic plan with the education
stakeholders/ community to achieve mutual vision, goals, outcomes, and objectives to
improve learners’ achievement

Teacher values establishing a learning environment that is responsive to community context by

being able to:
▪ embrace the value of curriculum contextualization through the integration of community
experiences and of its responsiveness to the community interests and aspirations
▪ share with the stakeholders and the community the responsibility and accountability of
learners’ education
▪ consistently demonstrate professional ethics, accountability, and transparency in promoting
professional engagement with the learners, co-workers, parents, and other members of the

Strand 6.2: Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process

Teacher has conceptual knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ describe effective strategies in engaging the parents and the community in the learning
process of the learners in classroom-based, face-to-face, blended learning, or

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homeschooling learning modality o outline terms of reference of parents and the

community in implementing an appropriate and responsive learning delivery or learning
opportunity at home and in the community
o describe the data and information that will advise stakeholders to make appropriate
o explain the role of the parents and the community in the learners’ education in
different opportunities or learning delivery modalities
▪ identify the specific names of a group or individuals who compose the stakeholders of the
school (Stakeholders may include parents, PTCA, school boards, donors, service providers,
networks, etc.) o describe the interplay of interests of various stakeholders

Teacher is able to:

▪ conduct dialogue with parents and other stakeholders on matters related to learning
objectives, learners’ performance, aspirations, interests, behavior, participation in
classroom, campus and community activities
▪ establish two-way communication with parents/community through face-to-face dialogues,
written communications/reports, phone or online conversation between the school and
parents/community to establish trust and cooperation o listen to the concerns and level off
expectations o negotiate and resolve issues and concerns
o prepare reports that are necessary in engaging the parents and community in the
educative process

▪ in consultation with the parents and the community, modify their roles and responsibilities
in managing the child’s learning at home or in the community depending on the learning
opportunity or learning delivery mode, learner’s age, needs, gender, ability/disability, and
the circumstances of the family and the community o conduct effective home visits to have
a clear understanding of the learner’s home conditions and to get to know the parents and
their children to foster good relationships
o organize seminars appropriate to the parents’ needs, such as responsible
parenthood, child development, and understanding learners, so they can help their
o maximize parent conferences by taking the opportunity to talk to parents about the
achievement and needs of the learners in an honest, direct to the point, and
organized manner
o creating School-Home Projects as alternative ways to reach out to the parents, such
as sending letters to parents informing them of the school programs or giving
printed materials to update them on various school events

Teacher values engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process
by being able to:
▪ embrace the responsibility to build trust, collaboration, and good relationships with parents
and other stakeholders to foster a strong spirit of cooperation and to involve them in the
educative process of their children o demonstrate belief that one needs the cooperation
and strong partnership with parents and the community to assist every child in achieving
the learning standards
o assist the parents and the community in identifying and performing their roles as
partners in the learners’ educative process, particularly in implementing different

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learning opportunities or the most responsive and appropriate learning delivery


Strand 6.3: Professional ethics

Teacher has conceptual knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ describe the salient points of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
▪ explain the importance of adherence to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the
practice of one’s profession
▪ cite different means to demonstrate professional ethics in one’s personal and professional
▪ explain how the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers can be used in planning and
managing instruction and other learning opportunities

Teacher is able to:

▪ prepare and conduct lessons and other learning opportunities justly guided by the leaners’
interests and welfare, one’s full commitment, and devotion to duty and other provisions of
the Code of Ethics

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use the Code of Ethics for personal and professional development
▪ show in words and in deeds adherence to the Code of Ethics in one’s personal and
professional life

Teacher values professional ethics by being able to:

▪ maintain respect, collegiality, consensus, accountability, and transparency
▪ display dignity, professional courtesy, helpfulness, and sympathy
▪ accept responsibility in using and enhancing/sustaining one’s commitment and devotion to
duty, dignity, professional courtesy, sympathy, and helpfulness in the practice of one’s
▪ share responsibility and accountability with parents and the community with trust and
transparency for the learners’ education
▪ maintain one’s dignity and professionalism by not using one’s position for political,
religious, or economic gains

Strand 6.4: School policies and procedures

Teacher has conceptual knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain school policies and procedures
▪ describe protocols of governance and decision-making processes
▪ describe different strategies to communicate school policies and procedures
▪ state how policies and procedures can be used in organizing or responding to different

Teacher is able to:

▪ follow mechanisms in crafting resolutions
▪ follow school policies and procedures
▪ communicate effectively school policies and procedures to learners, parents, and the
community through different modalities and platforms
▪ comply with policies and procedures to create a culture of peace and order and maintain a
positive and happy learning environment
▪ organize learning activities and opportunities guided by school policies and procedures
▪ develop a new way to respond to an unforeseen event or emergency situation

Teacher values the setting of policies and procedures by being able to:
▪ conform with school policies and procedures to create a culture of peace and order and
maintain a positive and happy learning environment
▪ assist learners, parents, and the community in following school policies and procedures to
serve their best interest
▪ be open to flexing policy implementation or procedure to respond to unforeseen or
emergency situation

Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development

Domain 7 focuses on teachers’ personal growth and professional development. It accentuates teachers’
proper and high personal regard for the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of
teaching, such as a caring attitude, respect, and integrity. This domain values personal and professional

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reflection and learning to improve practice. It recognizes the importance of teachers’ assuming responsibility
for personal growth and professional development for lifelong learning.

Strand 7.1: Philosophy of teaching

Teacher has conceptual knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain a philosophy of teaching and its importance o Identify the elements in a philosophy
of teaching statement o discuss the importance and purposes of teaching
▪ expound on the mission and vision of education/school
▪ relate how his/her philosophy influences his/her work as a teacher and how he/she
interacts with students and others o explain one’s beliefs and major educational
philosophical thoughts
o articulate one’s educational philosophy and the influence/impact it will have on the

Teacher is able to:

▪ craft a teaching philosophy that is learner-centered to ensure effectiveness in
▪ follow one’s philosophy of teaching in lesson plan preparation and execution
▪ organize and manage classroom structure, learner behaviour, and learning opportunities to
ensure the development of every child
▪ act as a role model and advocate for upholding the dignity of teaching as a profession to
build a positive teaching and learning culture within and beyond the school

Teacher shows his/her positive philosophical values by being able to:

▪ formulate or revise his/her philosophy of teaching as needed, to guide him/her in assisting
every 21st century child to develop their potential, accept themselves and the differences in
others o value every learner as shown in his/her articulated philosophy of teaching and
how this is used in instruction
o infuse the teaching of human dignity and freedom in all learning and teaching
activities and practices and in treating oneself and others
o use education/teaching as an avenue for uplifting the quality of life of every learner

▪ integrate consistently his/her philosophy of teaching in management of classroom

structure, learner behaviour, and different learning opportunities in the classroom, school,
home, and community o practice living a life of honesty, simplicity, and hard work as a way
to develop an incorruptible teacher professional and value model
o consider all experiences (negative or positive) as learning opportunities for personal
and professional development
o uphold the dignity of the teaching profession by developing one’s potentials and
those of other learners and colleagues

Strand 7.2: Dignity of teaching as a profession

Teacher has conceptual knowledge/cognitive skills to:

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▪ name and cite examples of each of the core values required of professional teachers
▪ expound on the importance of the teaching profession
▪ identify the required professional competencies and behaviors
▪ describe the teacher that imbibes dignity of teaching as a noble profession, his/her
practices, and behavior
▪ discuss the practices and attitudes that uphold the dignity of the teaching profession
define and differentiate purposeful teaching, ethical, and vocational nature of the teaching
▪ differentiate words, behaviours, or practices that can diminish or enhance sense of self-
worth and respect
▪ describe how a teacher can show dignity in and out of the school

Teacher is able to:

▪ create learning opportunities and activities that support, develop, and promote equality
and diversity in all teaching-learning activities
▪ demonstrate behaviors and adopt ethical practices that uphold the dignity of the teaching
profession by exhibiting qualities such as caring attitude, respect, and integrity
▪ identify and utilize personal and professional strengths to build positive teaching and
learning culture within the school
▪ show in words and actions the dignity of teaching as a noble profession in and out of school
▪ demonstrate a caring attitude, respect, and integrity as a teacher
▪ modify classroom structure, lesson plan, conduct of lessons, and other varied learning
opportunities to ensure integration and demonstration of the dignity of teaching

Teacher shows dignity in teaching by being able to:

▪ accept the responsibility of enhancing one’s self-worth and behavior to be treated with
respect by the learners, co-workers, parents and other members of the community o
accept the responsibility of shaping one’s own moral character informed by one’s moral
▪ demonstrate beliefs in words and in deeds the dignity of teaching as a noble profession o
perform willingly and consistently his/her work as a teacher who has integrity and one who
cares, respects, and is worthy of respect of others
o practice human dignity, fairness, truthfulness, responsibility, and freedom in the
teaching profession to permeate and direct his/her professional and personal life
o practice freedom and responsibility to make pedagogical decisions in the best
interest of the learners
▪ implement and maintain a long-term goal and commitment to purposeful teaching
o possess and maintain a growth mindset in learning and in pedagogical skills o seek
positive ways to further enhance his/her own personal and professional
o actualize and model lifelong learning in one’s profession

Strand 7.3: Professional links with colleagues

Teacher has conceptual knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain the importance of finding the balance between personal autonomy and teamwork
or building a learning community

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▪ discuss the principles of mutual aid and support, understanding, and accepting the
individuality of colleagues o describe the nature and importance of initiating workplace
support to/from colleagues
o discuss the benefits of workplace support to colleagues
▪ explain the importance of virtual professional networks and online collaboration with
younger teachers who are more at ease with technology o identify and classify the types of
support colleagues need
o cite different reasons and ways to establish professional links or collaboration with

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create opportunities to support other teachers in their personal and professional development
o identify co-teachers who may provide or receive internal professional support o seek
opportunities to establish professional links with colleagues
o describe the resources that may be required to provide professional support

Teacher is able to:

▪ take a leadership role in supporting colleagues’ engagement with professional networks within
and across schools to advance knowledge and practice in identified areas of need
▪ enhance digital learning opportunities to encourage teacher collaboration beyond borders o
create an online presence to join in on conversations with fellow colleagues o use technology
to elevate one’s role from imparting received knowledge to a cocreator of knowledge as coach
or mentor or evaluator
o use technology to amplify collaboration beyond the boundaries of the school o use the
digital platform to share lesson plans and to seek feedback from co-teachers to
improve lessons or articles
▪ follow established processes in collaborating with other teachers in planning, designing, and
conducting different learning modalities o organize or assist in organizing activities along
instructional preparation, personal and professional development, and conduct of different
classroom, campus, and community activities that require coordination and collaboration to
improve the teaching practice and learners’ achievement

Teacher values linking with others professionally by being able to:

▪ share willingly one’s time and expertise in collaborating with others on instructional resources
development and utilization, conduct of different classroom, campus, and community activities
to improve the teaching practice and learners’ achievement
▪ use positive communication as a basic building block of a successful learning organization
▪ practice teamwork in honing each other’s teaching competencies and in creating a wholesome
learning climate in various learning modalities o collaborate and give mutual support to school
personnel and learners in creating positive school climate
o establish positive relationship with the school community to improve the teaching
▪ use technology and learning groups to improve pedagogy, collaboration, and teamwork

Strand 7.4: Professional reflection and learning to improve practice

Teacher has conceptual knowledge/cognitive skills to

▪ explain the nature, importance, and role of professional reflection and learning in improving
the teaching-learning process o describe how self-reflection and learning are powerful tools
for personal and professional development to improve teaching and enhance learners’
o articulate the strong link between reflection and transformative learning reflection o
describe reflective teaching and practice

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o explain the nature and importance of reflection in the teaching-learning process o
discuss the place of reflection in the teaching-learning process o describe reflection as a
process of learning through everyday experiences o discuss the educational implication of
reflection as a technique for aiding and reinforcing learning and teaching
describe the most effective strategy for professional reflection and the most appropriate and
responsive learning modalities

Teacher is able to:

▪ practice “reflect-for-action, reflect-in-action, and reflect-on-action” in his/her profession
▪ write/maintain a learning journal that shows careful evaluation and adjustments of one’s daily
teaching practice through a reflective thinking process
▪ modify behavior and teaching practice based on one’s professional reflection and learnings
gained from engagement or participation in different learning interventions
▪ incorporate mindfulness in personal and professional life
▪ engage in a careful evaluation of one’s daily teaching practice through a reflective thinking
process of annotation/learning journal
▪ accept performance feedback as a way to improve one’s teaching practices
▪ develop a personal professional improvement plan based on reflection of one’s practice and
on-going professional learning
▪ initiate professional reflection and promote learning opportunities with colleagues to improve
▪ demonstrate leadership within and across school contexts in critically evaluating practice and
setting clearly defined targets for professional development

Teacher shows value for self-reflection and learning to improve practice by being able to:
▪ accept the value of reflection as a venue for finding the truth about one’s personal and
professional practice and developing courage to be a lifelong learner
▪ practice consistently professional reflection and self-directed learning
▪ participate actively and willingly in different professional development activities to enhance
the teaching practice and learners’ achievement
▪ use reflection to discover obstructions to independent and excellent professional practice and
continuous development

Strand 7.5: Professional development goals

Teacher has conceptual knowledge/cognitive skills to:

▪ explain the importance of having professional goals to achieve over a period of time o expound
on purposeful teaching in relation to professional development goals o discuss the professional
development goals based on the PPST
o describe the five developmental areas in teacher professional development
▪ infer one’s strengths and learning gaps based on the PPST
▪ modify one’s professional development goals based on the utilization of learning gained from
different learning and development modalities

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▪ classify various activities that contribute to one’s professional growth and development

Teacher is able to:

▪ identify one’s learning objectives along cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains based
on the analysis of one’s strengths and learning gaps along the different domains and strands
▪ create an individual development plan (IDP) with the required human and material resources
to achieve one’s learning objectives
▪ change one’s behavior or teaching practice to enhance learners’ achievement based on the
learnings gained from different learning modalities
▪ implement development goals
▪ establish educational and professional objectives, taking into account the tools and resources
necessary to achieve them
engage in professional development activities
▪ expand one’s educational horizon by learning something new
▪ engage co-teachers and other experts in creating a community of practice (CoP) that would lead
to enhancement of their capabilities and expertise as professionals

Teacher shows value for professional growth by being able to:

▪ accept responsibility to be a lifelong learner to meet the diverse needs and context of the 21 st
century learners
▪ pursue one’s professional development goals to improve the quality of teaching and enhance
learners’ achievement o initiate the development of one’s professional goals as a result of an
analysis of one’s strengths and learning gaps based on the PPST
o use feedback and reflection as tools for one’s own growth and development o integrate
reflection as a way to lifelong learning to uplift one’s quality of personal and
professional life
o practice excellent teaching as a way to improve one’s competence and degree of
o integrate core values of teaching in one’s daily practice
o consider all experiences as learning opportunities for professional and personal growth

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