Examples of Observations
Examples of Observations
Examples of Observations
3. Recognizing individual student learning needs and developing strategies to address those needs
Examples of Observations Examples of Documents
Teacher differentiates instruction based on needs of students Record of interventions for students
Teacher targets multiple learning needs by modifying and varying
the content, process, product, or thelearning environment of
the lesson by:
Using varied media to present content; visual, auditory,
kinesthetic, tactile, interpersonal, social, linguistic
Designing learning centers
Using graphic organizers
Teaching to multiple intelligences
Allowing for student choice
Record of observations of students
Teacher provides for:
accommodations/adaptations for students who have 504
and IEP plans
differentiated instruction based on levels of students
Record of reports made to appropriate professionals
Teacher uses instructional strategies that purposefully target the various
learning styles of the students by:
Depicting examples on chart paper (visual),
Talking through examples in everyday life
Asking students to respond using their arms
(kinesthetic), and
Having students use objects to represent the concepts
during independent practice (tactile).
IEPs, 504 plans
Record of resources requested and accessed for students
Lesson plans reflecting differentiation addressing students
Materials used to differentiate instruction
Student progress reports
4. Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum
Examples of Observations Examples of Documents
Teacher delivers factually correct content in a well-organized manner
using instructional strategies that match the lesson objectives.
Samples of student work or projects demonstrating
connections to future academic work and to life beyond the
Teacher emphasizes key points in a memorable way. Lesson plans
Teacher uses engaging body language, tone, and volume to maintain a
dynamic presence
Objectives posted in classroom
Students communicate goals and objectives; refer to lesson objectives. Samples of assignments that illustrate rigor.
Teacher communicates goals and objectives in lesson opening and
Students learning goals
Teacher uses strategies to capture students attention and connect them
to the content or activity.
Vocabulary lists
Teacher circulates around the classroom, monitoring student
performance and providing assistance as needed to complete the
assigned task.
Teacher establishes and maintains clear expectations for student
engagement during the lesson.
Teacher checks for understanding.
Teacher responds to student misunderstandings by scaffolding learning.
Teacher responds to students correct answers by probing for higher-
level understanding.
Teachers response to students suggests that everyone is capable of
expanding their knowledge and skills.
Teacher establishes high expectations for students and their work and
assign rigorous academic work
Teacher demonstrates supportive relationships with all students.
Teacher encourages students to develop personal learning goals based
on their needs, interests, and curiosity.
Teacher uses academic vocabulary.
Students use academic vocabulary.
6. Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning.
Examples of Observations Examples of Documents
Teacher targets multiple learning needs by modifying and
varying the content, process, product, or thelearning
environment of their lesson by:
Using varied media to present content; visual, auditory,
kinesthetic, tactile, interpersonal, social, linguistic
Designing learning centers
Using graphic organizers
Teaching to multiple intelligences
Allowing for student choice
Records of:
Student progress
Assessment data
Assignment completion data
Special needs data (IEP goals, 504 plans)
Language Proficiency levels
Attendance data
Observational data
Teacher provides:
accommodations/adaptations for students who have 504 and
IEP plans.
differentiated instruction based on levels of students.
Samples of data used to evaluate student progress
Uses on the fly adjustments Records of interventions
Teacher uses daily, weekly, and/or unit assessments to track student
progress and inform instruction.
Records of enrichment
Teacher uses assessment methods and items that accurately measure the
lesson objective or unit goals, Grade Level Standards, and English
Language Development Standards.
Lesson plans, reflecting modifications to long terms plans
and practices, as appropriate
Teacher uses a variety of assessment methods and question formats. Student goal sheets
Teacher provides multiple opportunities over the course of the unit or
year for students to demonstrate mastery.
Grade reports
Teacher re-teaches concept(s). Assessment schedule/plan
Records of informing students and parents of progress,
including parent conference reports
PLC minutes and agendas
Sample assessments