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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,632,527 B2

Jochim et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 15, 2009

(54) COMPOSITIONS FOR JUICE-BASED PEELS 5,523,090 A 6/1996 Znaiden et al.

AND MASKS 6,280,751 B1 8, 2001 Fletcher et al.
6471,972 B1 10/2002 Bonte et al.
(75) Inventors: Melissa Jochim, Novato, CA (US); 6,482.442 B1 11/2002 Dado
Karen Behnke, San Anselmo, CA (US) 2003, OO696.18 A1 2/2003 Smith et al.
2003. O1478.30 A1 8/2003 Phillips et al.
2004/0180033 A1 9, 2004 Msika
(73) Assignee: Juice Beauty, San Rafael, CA (US) 2005/OO31573 A1 2/2005 Cho et al.
2005, OO63932 A1 3/2005 Dilallo et al.
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2005/0214244 A1 9/2005 Fleming
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2006/0204467 A1 9, 2006 Litter et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 2007, 0071780 A1 3, 2007 Dubois et al.
2007/OO9867O A1 5/2007 Jochim et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 11/933,409
(22) Filed: Oct. 31, 2007
"Juice Beauty: Green Apple Peel”. Internet Archive Date: Oct. 27.
(65) Prior Publication Data 2005 Retrieved from the Internet: Sep. 20, 2008. Retrieved from:
US 2008/O166312 A1 Jul. 10, 2008 com/Merchant2/merchantmv?Screen=PROD&Store Code=J&
O O Product Code=277301.
Related U.S. Application Data "Juice Beauty: Green Apple Nutrient Mask”. Internet Archive Date:
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/264,549, Oct. 27, 2005 Retrieved from the Internet: Sep. 20, 2008). Retrieved
filed on Nov. 1, 2005 from: <http://web.archive.org/web/20051027182647/www.
• us juicebeauty.com/Merchant2/merchantmv?Screen=PROD&Store
Code=J&Product Code=277305>.
(51) Int. Cl. International Search Report for PCT/US06/60345 filed Oct. 30,
3. gg 3:08: 2006—mailing date of Nov. 1, 2007.
A6 IK 36/752 (2006.01) * cited by examiner
3. 2.6 38: Primary Examiner Christopher R Tate
A6 IK 36/20 (2006.015 Assistant Examiner—Amy L. Clark
A6 IK 36/82 (2006. 01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Townsend and Townsend and
A6 IK3I/00 (2006.01) Crew LLP
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 424/725: 424/765; 424/736; (57) ABSTRACT
424/766; 424/744; 424/535; 424/729: 514/1
(58) Field of Classification Search ....................... None The disclosure herein is directed to organic skin-based prod
See application file for complete search history. ucts that comprise an excess of 70% organic ingredients. The
(56) References Cited skin care products described herein are composed of a plu
rality of organic juices and other organic materials.
4,699,930 A 10/1987 Suga 9 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Dec. 15, 2009 Sheet 1 of 3 US 7,632,527 B2

Cleansing Milk (am/pm)

Exfoliating Cleanser (am/pm) u Cleanse?Tone
O ^ 1 O2
Green Apple Cleansing Gel (am/pm)
then use:
Hydrating Mist (am/pm)

Antioxidant Serum (am/pm) u-Treatment

- 104
Green Apple Peel (1x wk)

Nutrient Moisturizer (am/pm)

Green Apple Antioxidant Moisturizer (am/pm) Moisturize
and - 106
Smoothing Eye Concentrate (am)
Green Apple Nutrient Eye Cream (pm)
Lip Plumper (daily as needed)

SPF 30 Tinted Moisturizer (am)

O Protect
SPF 30 Sheer Moisturizer (am) - 108
Or -

Green Apple SPF 15 Moisturizer (am)

SPF 15 Tinted Lip Moisturizer (as needed)

Fig. 1 - >
U.S. Patent Dec. 15, 2009 Sheet 2 of 3 US 7,632,527 B2

Cleansing Gel (am/pm)

Green Apple Cleansing Gel (am/pm) u-Cleanse?Tone
then use: 2O2
Hydrating Mist (am/pm)

Blemish Cleansing Serum (am/pm)

Green Apple Antioxidant Serum (am/pm) -->
Green Apple Peel (1x wk)
Oil-Free Moisturizer (am/pm)
Smoothing Eye Concentrate (am) Moisturize
and - 2O6
Green Apple Nutrient Eye Cream (pm)
Green Apple Nutrient Mask (3x wk)
Lip Plumper (daily as needed)

SPF 30 Tinted Moisturizer (am)

SPF 30 Sheer oisturzer (am) Protect
Green Apple SPF is Moisturizer (am)
SPF 15 Tinted Lip Mouze (as needed)

Fig. 2 - -
U.S. Patent Dec. 15, 2009 Sheet 3 of 3 US 7,632,527 B2

Cleansing Milk (am/pm)

u Cleanse?Tone
Exfoliating Cleanser (3x wk) ×
then use:
Hydrating Mist (am/pm)


Soothing Serum (am/pm) u-Treatment

Or - 3O4
Antioxidant Serum (am/pm)

Nutrient Moisturizer (am/pm)

Green Apple Antioxidant Moisturizer (am/pm)
and -
u Moisturize
Smoothing Eye Concentrate (am)
Green Apple Nutrient Eye Cream (pm)
Lip Plumper (daily as needed)

SPF 30 Tinted Moisturizer (am)

SPF 30 Sheer Moisturizer (am)
O Protect
Green Apple SPF 15 Moisturizer (am)
SPF 15 Tinted Lip Moisturizer (daily as

Fig. 3
US 7,632,527 B2
1. 2
COMPOSITIONS FOR JUICE-BASED PEELS organic ingredients in each of the compositions is an excess of
AND MASKS 70% in accordance with the USDA National Organic Pro
gram food standards. In particular, the main ingredient in
RELATED APPLICATIONS INFORMATION each of the compositions are organic fruit juices. The organic
fruit juices are used in place of water as used in conventional
This application claims priority as a Continuation-In-Part skin care products. By using organic fruit juices in the place of
under 35 U.S.C. S 120 to U.S. patent application Ser. No. water, the compositions below can achieve the 70% or greater
11/264,549, filed Nov. 1, 2005 and entitled “Compositions USDA food standard.
and Methods for Using Juice Organic, Juice Based Skin Care Using organic juices as a base composition for a skin care
Products.” The disclosures of the above-identified applica 10 product is a costly process with many challenging logistics.
tions are incorporated herein by reference as if set forth infull. For example, seasonal produce, weather sensitivity and the
fact that each crop has unique chemistry and colors combine
BACKGROUND to make the development of juice-based organic skin care
products extremely difficult; however, the compositions
1. Field of the Invention 15 described below have been shown to produce repeatable
This disclosure relates to skin care products, and more results.
particularly to juice based skin care compositions and meth Each of the compositions below has a unique blend of
ods for using juice based skin care products. organic juices with a specific benefit for the skin type being
2. Background of the Invention targeted; however, the same juices, such as apple, white
There are hundreds of skin care products on the market grape, red grape, lemon juice, to name just a few, are used in
today designed to provide a variety of benefits and care for each of the compositions. In fact, up to 25 organic juices can
hands, feet, body, eyes, face, etc. The effectiveness of these be found in the compositions described herein. Organic juices
skin care products varies widely, however, and in addition to are rich in potent antioxidants, essential vitamins, vital phyto
being ineffective, many of them can have adverse side effects nutrients, and powerful hydroxy acids, making them excel
and can even damage the skin. This is especially true for 25 lent ingredients for skin care products. The compositions
sensitive and/or blemish-prone skin. below result in skin care products that are quite concentrated,
The main ingredient in all conventional skin care products but beneficial for the skin. It will be clear that the composi
is water. In fact, over 50% of many conventional skin care tions below do not make use of any artificial fillers, toxic
products can be made up of water. Further, conventional skin preservatives, water to dilute the compositions, tars, petro
care products can also include artificial fillers, preservatives, 30 leum, synthetic fragrances, or parabens.
tars, petroleum, synthetic fragrances, and parabens. All of The following descriptions are related to several example
these ingredients are absorbed by the skin when the skin care skin care products and compositions. The following
product is applied, and can cause Such problems as blemishes, examples should not be seen as limiting the products and
dry skin, rashes, etc. compositions described hereinto any particular products and
35 compositions however. It will be understood, that many more
products and compositions are possible. These new products
The disclosure herein is directed to organic skin-based and compositions can comprise minute to Substantial varia
products that comprise an excess of 70% organic ingredients. tions on the products and compositions described herein, or
For example, the skin care products described herein are can comprise entirely new products and compositions. Thus,
composed of a plurality of organic juices and other organic 40 the products and compositions described below are presented
by way of example only.
In one aspect, the organic skin care products described can A first example of an organic, juice-based skin care product
be used in a variety of skin care solutions to achieve various is a nutrient moisturizer. In one embodiment, an organic,
skin care objectives. juice-based nutrient moisturizer can include one or more of
45 the following organic ingredients: an organic juice base, e.g.,
These and other features, aspects, and embodiments of the VITIS vinifera (white grape) juice, DAUCUS carota sativa
invention are described below in the section entitled
“Detailed Description.” (carrot) juice and ALOE barbadensis leaf juice. Further, the
ingredients can include organic botanical extracts of CALEN
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS DULA officinalis flower, MATRICARIA chamomilla flower,
50 TILIA europea (linden) leaf and ROSE canina (rosehip) fruit,
Features, aspects, and embodiments of the inventions are glycerin, organic plant oils of BUTYROSPERMUM parkii
described in conjunction with the attached drawings, in (shea butter) and SIMMONDSIA chinensis (jojoba) seed,
which: organic essential fatty acids of OENOTHERA biennis
FIG. 1 is a flowchart illustrating one example skin care (evening primrose), LINUM usitatissimum (linseed) seed and
Solution that makes use of organic skin care products in 55 BORAGO officinali (borage) seed, organic honey, VITIS vin
accordance with one embodiment; ifera (grape) seed oil, organic algae extract, squalane, LIM
FIG. 2 is a flowchart illustrating another example skin care NANTHES alba (meadow foam) seed oil, tocopheryl acetate
Solution that makes use of organic skin care products in (vitamin E), retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), magnesium ascor
accordance with another embodiment; and byl phosphate (vitamin C), panthenol (vitamin B5), hyalu
FIG.3 is a flowchart illustrating another example skin care 60 ronic acid, hydroxypropyl Starch phosphate, glyceryl Stear
Solution that makes use of organic skin care products in ate, potassium Sorbate, phospholipids, beta carotene, palmitic
accordance with still another embodiment. acid, Stearic acid, cetearylglucoside, Xanthan gum, disodium
edita, Sodium hydroxide, benzyl alcohol, and phenoxyethanol.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION Moreover, the ingredients described above can include
65 blends of pure essential oils produced by and for Juice
The embodiments described below are directed to compo Beauty, Inc. located in California, 94901 and at the website
sitions for organic skin care products. The percentage of www.juicebeauty.com. These pure essential oils can include
US 7,632,527 B2
3 4
LITSEA cubeba (may chang), cananga odorata (ylangylang), cinalis (lemon balm) leaf & SALVIA officinalis (sage) leaf,
BOSWELLIA carterii (frankincense) and COMMIPHORA organic algae extract, glycerin, organic honey, Sodium car
myrrha pure essential oils. boxymethyl lauryl glucoside, cocamidopropyl betaine, toco
Importantly, no parabens are used in the composition of a pheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), retinyl palmitate
moisturizer using the ingredients listed above. Further, the (vitamin A), phenoxyethanol, benzyl alcohol, potassium Sor
ingredients do not contain any harsh cleansers, which can bate, sodium hydroxide, and limonene.
have adverse effects on the skin. The ingredients are com Further, the green apple mousse body cleanser described
bined in the manner to produce a moisturizer that is at least above can include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as CIT
70% organic and is as high as even 94% organic. RUS reticulata (mandarin), LITSEA cubeba (may chang) and
Further, azulene can be added to the ingredients to form a 10 CINNAMOMUM camphora (ho wood) pure essential oils.
green apple moisturizer. The green apple moisturizer can A nourishing cleanser is another example. Its ingredients
have a green apple Smell and color. Additionally, green apple can include: organic juices of VITIS vinifera (white grape)
moisturizer can include an active ingredient such as titanium juice, PYRUS malus (apple) juice & ALOE barbadensis leaf
dioxide, etc. Antioxidants can also be added to the moistur juice, organic botanical extracts of CALENDULA officinalis
izer to form green apple antioxidant moisturizer. 15 flower & MATRICARIA chamomilla flower, glycerin, organic
Another example of an organic, juice-based product can be plant oils of carthamus tinctorius (safflower) seed &
a Green Apple antioxidant serum. In one embodiments. Such HELLANTHUS annuus (sunflower), caprylic/capric triglycer
a hydroxy-acid antioxidant serum can comprise an organic ide, cetearyl alcohol, cetearyl glucoside, Sorbitan Stearate,
alpha and betahydroxy acid juice base, e.g., comprising tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbyl palmi
PYRUS malus (apple) juice (malic), CITRUS medica tate (vitamin C), tetrasodium edita, panthenol (vitamin B5),
limonum (lemon) juice (citric), VITUS vinifera (white grape) allantoin, phenoxyethanol, Xanthan gum, benzyl alcohol,
juice (tartaric), organic raw cane Sugar (glycolic), willow potassium Sorbate, citric acid, limonene, and linalool.
bark extract (salicylic), organic milk peptides (lactic), organic Further, the nourishing cleanser described above can
ALOE barbadensis (leaf juice). include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as CITRUS auran
Further, the ingredients can include glycerin; organic 25 tium (Sweet orange) and CITRUS aurantium (orange blos
CAMELLIA Sinensis (green tea) leaf extract; organic algae Som) pure essential oils.
extract; VITUS vinifera (grape) seed oil; organic essential A brightening cleanser is another example. Its ingredients
fatty acids, e.g., OENOTHERA biennis (evening primrose), can include organic juices of PYRUS malus (apple) juice
LINUM usitatissimum (linseed) seed, and BORAGO officinali (malic acid), CITRUS medica limonum (lemon) juice (citric
(borage) seed; ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10); thioctic acid 30 acid), & ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, organic SACCHA
(alpha-lipoic acid); dipeptide-2 and palmitoyltetrapeptide-3; RUM officinarum (glycolic acid), organic botanical extract of
magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C); tocopheryl melissa officinalis (lemon balm) leaf, organic honey, toco
acetate and tocopherol (vitamin E); retinol palmitate (vitamin pheryl acetate (vitamin E), glycerin, Sodium carboxymethyl
A); sclerotium gum; dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE); phe lauryl glucoside, cocamidopropyl betaine, Sodium hydrox
noxyethanol; sodium hydroxide; benzyl alcohol; disodium 35 ide, Sclerotium gum, potassium Sorbate, Xanthan gum, benzyl
edita; phospholipids; hyaluronic acid; and potassium Sorbate. alcohol, phenoxyethanol, disodium edita, aZulene, linalool,
Further, the antioxidant serum described above can include geraniol, benzyl benzoate, and benzyl Salicylate.
Juice Beauty essential oils, such as CITRUS reticulata (man Further, the brightening cleanser described above can
darin), LITSEA cubeba (may chang) and CINNAMOMUM include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as LITSEA cubeba
camphora (ho wood) pure essential oils. 40 (may chang) & cananga odorata (ylangylang) pure essential
Further, azulene can be added to the ingredients to form a oils.
green apple antioxidant serum. The green apple antioxidant A vitamin antioxidant serum is another example. Its ingre
serum can have a green apple Smell and color. dients can include organic juices of VITIS vinifera (white
Another example of an antioxidant serum can comprise an grape) juice, CITRUS aurantium dulcis (orange) juice &
organic juice base of VITIS vinifera (white grape) juice, CIT 45 ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, glycerin, organic essential fatty
RUS aurantium dulcis (orange) juice, and ALOE barbadensis acids of LINUM usitatissimum (linseed) seed & BORAGO
leaf juice. The serum can further comprise glycerin, VITIS officinali (borage) seed, thioctic acid (alpha-lipoic acid),
vinifera (grape) seed oil, organic essential fatty acids of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), magnesium ascorbyl phosphate
OENOTHERA biennis (evening primrose), LINUM usitatis (vitamin C), dipeptide-2, palmitoyl tetrapeptide-3, toco
Simum (linseed) seed, and BORAGO officinali (borage) seed, 50 pheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), Sclerotium gum,
organic algae extract, ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), thioctic phenoxyethanol, Sodium hydroxide, benzyl alcohol, diso
acid (alpha-lipoic acid), magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (vi dium edita, hyaluronic acid, and potassium Sorbate.
tamin C), dipeptide-2, palmitoyl tetrapeptide-3, tocopheryl Further, the vitaminantioxidant serum described above can
acetate, and tocopherol (vitamin E), retinyl palmitate (vita include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as AMYRIS balsam
minA), Sclerotium gum, phenoxyethanol, Sodium hydroxide, 55 ifera & LITSEA cubeba (may chang) pure essential oils.
benzyl alcohol, disodium edita, phospholipids, hyaluronic A brightening serum is another example. Its ingredients
acid, dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), and potassium Sor can include organic juices of PYRUS malus (apple) juice
bate. (malic acid), CITRUS medica limonum (lemon) juice (citric
Further, the antioxidant serum described above can include acid), organic SACCHARUM officinarum (glycolic acid),
Juice Beauty essential oils, such as AMYRIS balsamifera and 60 organic ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, glycerin, organic
LITSEA cubeba (may chang) pure essential oils. CAMELLIA Sinensis (green tea) leaf extract, organic essential
A green apple mousse body cleanser is another example. fatty acids of LINUM usitatissimum (linseed) seed &
Its ingredients can include: organic juices of PYRUS malus BORAGO officinali (borage) seed, ubiquinone (coenzyme
(apple) juice (malic), CITRUS medica limonum (lemon) juice Q10), thioctic acid (alpha-lipoic acid), dipeptide-2, palmitoyl
(citric) & ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, organic SACCHA 65 tetrapeptide-3, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C),
RUM officinarum (glycolic acid), organic botanical extracts tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), Sclerotium gum,
of TARAXACUM officinale (dandelion) leaf, MELISSA offi phenoxyethanol, Sodium hydroxide, benzyl alcohol, diso
US 7,632,527 B2
5 6
dium edita, phospholipids, hyaluronic acid, potassium Sor & BORAGO officinali (borage) seed, glycerin, organic honey,
bate, aZulene, linalool, geraniol, benzylbenzoate, and benzyl squalane, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), magnesium ascor
salicylate. byl phosphate (vitamin C), hyaluronic acid, hydroxypropyl
Further, the brightening serum described above can include starch phosphate, glyceryl Stearate, potassium Sorbate, beta
juice beauty essential oils, such as LITSEA cubeba (may carotene, Stearic acid, cetearylglucoside, Xanthan gum, diso
chang) and cananga odorata (ylangylang) pure essential oils. dium edita, Sodium hydroxide, benzyl alcohol, phenoxyetha
Agreen apple body peel is another example. Its ingredients nol, linalool, geraniol, benzylbenzoate, and benzyl salicylate.
can include: organic juices of PYRUS malus (apple) juice Further, the daily nourishing moisturer described above
(malic), CITRUS medica limonum (lemon) juice (citric) & can include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as LITSEA
VITIS vinifera (white grape) juice (tartaric), organic SAC 10 cubeba (may chang), cananga odorata (ylang ylang) &
CHARUM officinarum (glycolic acid), organic milk peptides BOSWELLIA carterii (frankincense) pure essential oils.
(lactic acid), organic ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, glycerin, A brightening moisturizer is another example. Its ingredi
hydroxypropyl Starch phosphate, sodium hydroxide, organic ents can include: organic juices of PYRUSmalus (apple) juice
algae extract, Sclerotium gum, tocopheryl acetate & toco (malic acid), CITRUS medica limonum (lemon) juice (citric
pherol (vitamin E), ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin C), retinyl 15
acid) & VITIS vinifera (white grape) juice (tartaric acid),
palmitate (vitamin A), phospholipids, magnesium aspartate, organic SACCHARUM officinarum (glycolic acid), organic
Zinc gluconate, copper gluconate, phenoxyethanol, benzyl ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, glycerin, organic CAMELLIA
alcohol, potassium Sorbate, tetrasodium EDTA, Xanthan Sinensis (green tea) leaf extract, organic plant oils of BUTY
gum, aZulene. ROSPERMUM parkii (shea butter) & SIMMONDSIA chin
A revitalizing eye treatment is another example. Its ingre ensis (jojoba) seed, organic honey, organic essential fatty
dients can include organic juices of VITIS vinifera (white acids of LINUM usitatissimum (linseed) seed & BORAGO
grape) juice, DAUCUS carota sativa (carrot) juice & ALOE officinali (borage) seed, ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), thioctic
barbadensis leaf juice, organic CUCUMIS sativus (cucum acid (alpha-lipoic acid), dipeptide-2, palmitoyl tetrapeptide
ber) extract, organic HELIANTHUS annuus (sunflower) oil, 3, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C), tocopheryl
organic CAMELLIA Sinensis (green tea) leaf extract, organic 25 acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), phenoxyethanol, Sodium
essential fatty acids of LINUM usitatissimum (linseed) seed hydroxide, benzyl alcohol, disodium edita, phospholipids,
& BORAGO officinali (borage) seed, glycerin, panthenol (vi hyaluronic acid, potassium Sorbate, azulene, linalool,
tamin B5), magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C), toco geraniol, benzyl benzoate, and benzyl Salicylate.
pherol (vitamin E), cetearyl glucoside, phenoxyethanol, Further, the brightening moisturer described above can
Sodium hyaluronate, cetearyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, potas 30
include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as LITSEA cubeba
sium Sorbate, Xanthan gum, disodium edita, Sodium hydrox (may chang) and cananga odorata (ylangylang) pure essen
ide, limonene, linalool. tial oils.
Further, the revitalizing eye treatment described above can A lip amplifier is another example. Its ingredients can
include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as CITRUS auran include: organic juices of CITRUS aurantium dulcis (orange)
tium (orange blossom) pure essential oil. 35
juice & ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, organic SIMMONDSIA
A SPF 20 Antioxidant Body Moisturizer is another chinensis (joiba) seed oil, glycerin, organic honey, organic
example. Its active ingredients can include: titanium dioxide essential fatty acids of LINUM usitatissimum (linseed) seed
2.5%. Its other ingredients can include: juices of PYRUS & BORAGO officinali (borage) seed, tocopheryl acetate &
malus (apple) juice.* CITRUS medica limonum (lemon), tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin C),
VITIS vinifera (white grape)* & ALOE barbadensis leaf, * 40
caprylic/capric triglyceride, ethylhexyl (octyl) palmitate,
saccarum officinarum, CAMELLIA Sinensis (green tea) leaf tribehenin, Sorbitan isostearate, palmitoyl oligopeptide, glyc
extract, plant oils of HELIANTHUS annuus (sunflower), eryl Stearate, Sorbitan Stearate, phospholipids, organic SAC
BUTYROSPERMUM parkii (shea butter)*& SIMMONDSIA CHARUM officinarum (glycolic acid), palmitic acid, stearic
chinensis (jojoba) seed, essential fatty acids of LINUM usi acid, cetearyl glucoside, Xanthan gum, potassium Sorbate,
tatissimum (linseed) seed & BORAGO officinali (borage) 45
benzyl alcohol, phenoxyethanol, limonene, and linalool.
seed, honey, CERA alba (beeswax), algae extract, *
caprylic?capric triglyceride, glyceryl Stearate, cetyl alcohol, Further, the lip amplifier described above can include Juice
Stearyl alcohol, ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), thioctic acid Beauty essential oils, such as CITRUS aurantium (sweet
(alpha lipoic acid), palmitoyl tetrapeptide-3, magnesium orange) pure essential oil.
ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C), panthenol (vitamin B5), 50 A tinted lip amplifier is another example. Its ingredients
tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), can include: organic ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, organic
allantoin, dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), hyaluronic acid, BUTYROSPERMUM parkii (shea butter), organic HELIAN
sodium PCA, benzyl alcohol, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylg THUS annuus (sunflower) oil, organic CERA alba (beeswax),
lycerin, limonene, and linalool. A (*) denotes certified mica & iron oxides (mineral tints), COPERNICIA cerifera
organic by a USDA approved agency. 55 (carnauba) wax, organic PSIDIUM guajava (guava), RUBUS
Further, the SPF 20 Antioxidant Body Moisturizer idaeus (raspberry) & VACCINIUM macrocarpon (cranberry)
described above can include Juice Beauty essential oils, such fruit extracts, organic PRUNUS persica (peach) kernel oil,
as CITRUS reticulata (mandarin), LITSEA cubeba (may organic SIMMONDSIA chinensis (jojoba) seed oil, octyl
chang) and CINNAMOMUM camphora (ho wood) pure dodecanol, organic SACCHARUM officinarum (glycolic
essential oils. 60 acid), cetearylglucoside, cetearyl alcohol, ascorbyl palmitate
A daily nourishing moisturer is another example. Its ingre (vitamin C), tocopherol (vitamin E), organic honey, organic
dients can include: organic juices of VITIS vinifera (white PERSEA gratissima (avocado) oil, ethylhexyl (octyl) palmi
grape) juice, DAUCUS carota sativa (carrot) juice & ALOE tate, tribehenin, Sorbitan isostearate, palmitoyl oligopeptide,
barbadensis leaf juice, organic botanical extracts of CALEN citric acid, limonene, linalool.
DULA officinalis flower & MATRICARIA chamomilla flower, 65 Further, the tinted lip amplifier described above can
organic BUTYROSPERMUM parkii (shea butter), organic include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as CITRUS auran
essential fatty acids of LINUM usitatissimum (linseed) seed tium (Sweet orange) pure essential oil.
US 7,632,527 B2
7 8
Green Apple eye cream is another example of an organic, The tinted lip moisturizer can also comprise natural tints
juice-based skin care product. In one embodiment, Such an that can include, e.g., mica and iron oxides, but no fac colors
eye cream can comprise an organic juice base, e.g., of organic or carmine.
juices of PYRUSimalus (apple) juice, DAUCUS carota sativa Further, this embodiment of a tinted lip moisturizer can
(carrot) juice, and ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, organic 5 comprise as active ingredients: octinoxate and oxybenzone.
CUCUMIS sativus (cucumber) extract, organic plant oils of Lip plumper is another example of an organic, juice-based
HELLANTHUS annuus (sunflower), and PERSEA gratissima skin care product. In one embodiment, such a lip plumper
(avocado), CAMELLIA Sinensis (organic green tea) leaf product can comprise an organic juice base of organic juices
extract, organic essential fatty acids of OENOTHERA biennis of CITRUS aurantium dulcis (orange) juice, and ALOE bar
(evening primrose), LINUM usitatissimum (linseed) seed, 10 badensis leaf juice, organic SIMMONDSIA chinensis (jojoba)
and BORAGO officinali (borage) seed, glycerin, LIMNAN seed oil, glycerin, organic honey, organic essential fatty acids
THES alba (meadow foam) seed oil, phytonadione (vitamin of OENOTHERA biennis (evening primrose), LINUM usi
K1), retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), magnesium ascorbyl tatissimum (linseed) seed, and BORAGO officinali (borage)
seed, tocopheryl acetate, and tocopherol (vitamin E), retinyl
phosphate (vitamin C), tocopherol (vitamin E), cetearyl glu 15 palmitate (vitamin A), ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin C),
coside, ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), thioctic acid (alpha caprylic/capric triglyceride, ethylhexyl (octyl) palmitate,
lipoic acid), dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE), dipeptide-2, tribehenin, Sorbitan isostearate, palmitoyl oligopeptide, glyc
palmitoyl tetrapeptide-3, phenoxyethanol, hesperidin methyl eryl Stearate, Sorbitan Stearate, phospholipids, glycolic acid,
chalcone (vitamin P), sodium hyaluronate, cetearyl alcohol, palmitic acid, Stearic acid, cetearyl glucoside, Xanthan gum,
benzyl alcohol, potassium Sorbate, Steareth-20, Xanthan gum, potassium Sorbate, benzyl alcohol, and phenoxyethanol.
tetrasodium edita, sodium hydroxide, azulene, and CITRUS Further, the lip plumper product described above can
aurantium (orange blossom) pure essential oil. include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as citrus tangerina
The eye cream ingredients described above can be used to and CINNAMOMUM cassia leaf (cinnamon) pure essential
compose a powerful complex of age-defying DMAE, vitamin oils. Such a lip plumper can also comprise other Juice Beauty
antioxidants, alpha lipoic acid and co-enzyme Q10, com 25 pure essential oils.
bined with essential nutrients and peptides to hydrate, Smooth Another example organic, juice based product is a blemish
lines, and help firm the area around the eyes. clearing serum composed so as to prevent and heal blemishes
Further, aZulene and applejuice can be added to the ingre and even out skin tone and texture. Such a blemish clearing
dients to form a green apple nutrient eye cream. The green product can comprise an organic juice base of juices of
apple eye cream can have a green apple Smell and color. 30 PYRUS malus (apple) juice.* CITRUS medica limonum
Cleansing milk is another example of an organic, juice (lemon) juice.* and ALOE barbadensis leaf juice.* raw cane
based skin care product. In one embodiment, such cleansing
sugar (glycolic), SALIX alba (willow bark) extract, glycerin,
milk can comprise an organic juice base of organic juices of botanical extracts of TARAXACUM officinale (dandelion)
VITIS vinifera (white grape) juice, RUBUSidaeus (red rasp leaf, * MELISSA officinalis (lemon balm) leaf, * SALVIA offi
berry) juice, and ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, organic
35 cinalis (sage) leaf, and CAMELLIA Sinensis (green tea)
leaf algae extract, ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), magne
botanical extracts of CALENDULA officinalis flower, MAT sium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C), tocopheryl acetate (vi
RICARIA chamomilla flower, and TILIA europea (linden) tamin E), retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), panthenol (vitamin
leaf glycerin, organic plant oils of carthamus tinctorius (saf B5), allantoin, phospholipids, sodium hydroxide, Sclerotium
flower) seed, PRUNUS amygdalus dulcis (sweet almond), 40 gum, phenoxyethanol, benzyl alcohol, potassium Sorbate, tet
HELLANTHUS annuus (sunflower), and SESAMUM indicum rasodium edita, Xanthan gum, lavandula angustifolia, and
(sesame), VITISvinifera (grape) seed oil, caprylic/capric trig COMMIPHORA myrrha pure essential oils. A (*) denotes
lyceride, cetearyl alcohol, cetearyl glucoside, tocopheryl certified organic by a USDA approved agency.
acetate, and tocopherol (vitamin E), Sorbitan Stearate, retinyl Another example of an organic, juice-based product is a
palmitate (vitamin A), phospholipids, ascorbyl palmitate (vi 45 green apple nutrient mask that can be composed to deliver
tamin C), tetrasodium edita, panthenol (vitamin B5), allan Vitamin antioxidants to nourish, hydrate and revitalize pro
toin, phenoxyethanol, Xanthan gum, benzyl alcohol, potas tective surfaces on exfoliated skin. Such a green apple nutri
sium Sorbate, and citric acid. ent mask can comprise an organic juice base of organic juices
Further, the cleansing milk product described above can of PYRUSi malus (apple) juice, CITRUS medica limonum
include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as CITRUS auran 50 (lemon) juice, VITIS vinifera (white grape) juice, and ALOE
tium (sweet orange and orange blossom), ANTHEMIS nobilis barbadensis leaf juice, organic essential fatty acids of
(chamomile), and BOSWELLIA carterii (frankincense) pure OENOTHERA biennis (evening primrose), LINUMusitatis
essential oils. simum (linseed) seed, and BORAGO officinali (borage) seed,
A tinted lip moisturizer can be another example of an organic honey, VITIS vinifera (grape) seed oil, glycerin,
organic, juice-based skin care product. In one embodiment, 55 sodium hydroxide, sodium hyaluronate, PYRUSi malus
an organic, juice based tinted lip moisturizer can comprise (apple) pectin, organic botanical extracts of ROSE canina
plant oils of COCOS nucifera (coconut)* and HELIANTHUS (rosehip) fruit, and CAMELLIA sinensis (green tea) leaf,
annuus (sunflower) infused with PSIDIUM guajava organic algae extract, caprylic/capric triglyceride, glyceryl
(guava), and PRUNUS persica (peach) fruit essences, BUTY Stearate, Stearic acid, Sodium pca, ubiquinone (coenzyme
ROSPERMUM parkii (shea butter) fruit, CERA alba (bees 60 Q10), thioctic acid (alpha-lipoic acid), dipeptide-2, palmitoyl
wax), EUPHORBIA cerifera (candelilla) wax, *COPERNI tetrapeptide-3, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C),
CIA cerifera (carnauba) wax, SIMMONDSIA chinensis tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), retinyl palmitate (vitamin A),
(jojoba) seed oil, titanium dioxide, panthenol (vitamin B5), hydroxypropyl Starch phosphate, Sclerotium gum, phenoxy
lecithin, honey, ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin C), ALOE bar ethanol, Xanthan gum, benzyl alcohol, potassium Sorbate,
badensis leaf juice, algae extract, and tocopherol (vitamin 65 tetrasodium edita.
E). A (*) denotes certified organic by a USDA approved Further, the ingredient for the green apple nutrient mask
agency. described above can include Juice Beauty pure essential oils,
US 7,632,527 B2
such as CITRUS reticulata (mandarin), LITSEA cubeba (may Another example of an organic, juice-based product is
chang), and CINNAMOMUM camphora (ho wood) pure green apple cleansing gel. Such a cleansing gel can have the
essential oils. followingingredients: organic juices of PYRUSmalus (apple)
Further, as noted aZulene can be added to the ingredients in juice, CITRUS medica limonum (lemon) juice, VITIS vinifera
order to give the serum a green apple color. 5 (white grape) juice, and ALOE barbadensis leafjuice, organic
Another example of an organic, juice-based product is an raw cane Sugar (glycolic), organic botanical extracts of
exfoliating cleanser that can be composed to gently cleanse TARAXCUM officinale (dandelion) leaf, MELISSA officinalis
and exfoliate, removing dull, lack-luster skin for a brighter, (lemon balm) leaf, and SALVIA officinalis (Sage) leaf, organic
refined complexion. Such an exfoliating cleanser can com honey, organic algae extract, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E),
prise an organic juice base of organic juices of VITIS vinifera 10 retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), glycerin, sodium carboxym
(white grape) juice, ANANAS sativus (pineapple) juice, and ethyl lauryl glucoside, cocamidopropyl betaine, Sodium
ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, organic plant oils of SESA hydroxide, Sclerotium gum, potassium Sorbate, Xanthan gum,
MUM indicum (sesame) seed, PRUNUS amygdalus dulcis benzyl alcohol, phenoxyethanol, disodium edita, and azulene.
(sweet almond), BUTYROSPERMUM parkii (shea butter), Further, the green apple cleansing gel product described
PERSEA gratissima (avocado), and SIMMONDSIA chinensis 15 above can include Juice Beauty essential oils, such as CIT
(jojoba wax) seed, organic botanical extracts of CALEN RUS reticulata (mandarin), LITSEA cubeba (may chang), and
DULA officinalis flower, MATRICARIA chamomilla flower, CINNAMOMUM camphora (ho wood) pure essential oils.
and TILIA europea (linden) leaf, caprylic?capric triglyceride, Another example of an organic, juice-based product is a
glycerin, organic honey, organic algae extract, glyceryl Stear Green Apple peel that can be composed to reveal glowing,
ate, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), retinyl palmitate (vitamin healthy skin. The peel product can include the following
A), ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin C), potassium Sorbate, phos ingredients: an organic juice base of organic hydroxy-acid
pholipids, hydroxypropyl Starch phosphate, benzyl alcohol, juices of PYRUSi malus (apple) juice (malic), CITRUS
Sodium pca, palmitic acid, Stearic acid, cetearyl glucoside, medica limonum (lemon) juice (citric), and VITIS vinifera
Xanthan gum, disodium edita, Sodium hydroxide, and phe (white grape) juice (tartaric), organic raw cane Sugar (gly
noxyethanol. Such an exfoliating cleanser can also comprise 25 colic), SALIX alba (willow bark) extract (salicylic), organic
Juice Beauty pure essential oils. milk peptides (lactic), and organic ALOE barbadensis leaf
Another example of an organic, juice-based product is a juice.
Smoothing eye concentrate that can be composed to help Such an organic, juice based green apple peel product can
reduce puffiness and help brighten the area under the eye. also include glycerin, hydroxypropyl Starch phosphate,
Such a Smoothing eye concentrate can comprise a blend of 30 Sodium hydroxide, organic algae extract, Sclerotium gum,
organic grape and carrot juice with essential fatty acids and tocopheryl acetate & tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbyl palmi
vitamins B5, C, E, K, and Ptohydrate, help smooth finelines, tate (vitamin C), retinyl palmitate (vitaminA), phospholipids,
and help brighten the eye area. magnesium aspartate, Zinc gluconate, copper gluconate, phe
Specifically, Such a smoothing eye concentrate can com noxyethanol, benzyl alcohol, potassium Sorbate, tetrasodium
prise an organic juice base of organic juices of VITIS vinifera 35 edita, Xanthan gum, aZulene.
(white grape) juice, DAUCUS carota sativa (carrot) juice, and As noted aZulene can be added to the ingredients in order to
ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, organic CUCUMISsativus (cu give the serum agreen apple color.
cumber) extract, organic plant oils of HELLANTHUS annuus Zinc gluconate is a combination of Zinc with a form of
(sunflower), and PERSEA gratissima (avocado), CAMELLIA glucose (a Sugar) that is commonly used in cold lozenges for
Sinensis (organic green tea) leaf extract, organic algae extract, 40 its antiviral effects. A study reported in Dermatology (2001,
organic essential fatty acids of OENOTHERA biennis Volume 203, issue 2, page 40), which is incorporated herein in
(evening primrose), LINUM usitatissimum (linseed) seed, its entirety as if set forth in full, evaluated “the place of Zinc
and BORAGO officinali (borage) seed, glycerin, LIMNAN gluconate in relation to antibiotics in the treatment of acne
THES alba (meadow foam) seed oil, phytonadione (vitamin Vulgarism Zinc was compared to minocycline an antibiotic
K1), panthenol (vitamin B5), retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), 45 in a multicenter randomized double-blind trial. 332 patients
magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C), tocopherol (vi received either 30 milligrams elemental Zinc or 100 milli
tamin E), cetearyl glucoside, phenoxyethanol, hesperidin grams minocycline over 3 months. The primary endpoint was
methyl chalcone (vitamin P), sodium hyaluronate, cetearyl defined as the percentage of the clinical Success rate on day
alcohol, benzyl alcohol, potassium Sorbate, Steareth-20, Xan 90 . . . . The study concluded that “Minocycline and zinc
than gum, tetrasodium edita, Sodium hydroxide. Such a 50 gluconate are both effective in the treatment of inflammatory
Smoothing eye concentrate can also comprise Juice Beauty acne, but minocycline has a Superior effect evaluated to be
pure essential oils. 17% in our study.” Whether or not this relates to topical
Another example of an organic, juice-based product is a applications is unknown. Note: high doses of Zinc can be
cleansing gel that can be composed to purify and balance oily, toxic. Avoid taking more than 100 mg of Zinc per day from a
combination, and blemished skin without over drying. Such a 55 Supplement (Source: www.drweil.com). It is also recom
cleansing gel can comprise an organic juice base of organic mended that a daily multivitamin with minerals be taken
juices of CITRUS medica limonum (lemon) juice, prunus because increases levels of Zinc mean that the body requires
avium (sweet cherry) juice, VITIS vinifera (red grape) juice, more copper and manganese.
and ALOE barbadensis leaf juice, organic botanical extracts Copper gluconate is included because copper is an impor
of TARAXACUM officinale (dandelion) leaf, MELISSA offi 60 tant trace element for human nutrition. The body needs cop
cinalis (lemon balm) leaf, and SALVIA officinalis (sage) leaf, per to absorb and utilize iron, and copper is also a component
Sodium carboxymethyl lauryl glucoside, cocamidopropyl of the powerful antioxidant enzyme Superoxide dismutase.
betaine, glycerin, sodium hydroxide, tocopheryl acetate (vi Copper Supplements have been shown to increase Superoxide
tamin E), retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), organic algae extract, dismutase levels in humans as noted in: Healthnotes Review
potassium Sorbate, Xanthan gum, Sclerotium gum, benzyl 65 of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, www.health
alcohol, phenoxyethanol, and disodium edita. Such a cleans notes.com, which is incorporated herein in its entirety as if set
ing gel can also comprise Juice Beauty pure essential oils. forth in full. The synthesis of collagen and elastin is in part
US 7,632,527 B2
11 12
related to the presence of copper in the body, and copper is acids of OENOTHERA biennis (evening primrose), LINUM
also important for many other processes. For example, there usitatissimum (linseed) seed, and BORAGO officinali (bor
is research showing that copper is effective for wound healing age) seed, organic SESAMUM indicum (sesame) seed oil,
as noted in: Journal of Clinical Investigation, November tocopherol, and tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), panthenol
1993, pages 2368-2376: and Federation of European Bio- 5 (vitamin B5), magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C),
chemical Sciences Letter, October 1988, pages 343-346, phospholipids, retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), hesperidin
which are both incorporated herein in their entirety as if set methyl chalcone, potassium Sorbate, hyaluronic acid, Sclero
forth in full. However, wound healing is the result of many tium gum, phenoxyethanol, benzyl alcohol, disodium edita,
biophysical processes that have nothing to do with wrinkling. and sodium hydroxide. Such soothing serum can also com
Phospholipids is a type of lipid (fat) composed of glycerol, 10 prise Juice Beauty pure essential oils.
fatty acids, and phosphate. Phopholipids are essential to the Another example of an organic, juice based skin care prod
function of cell membranes by providing a stable Surrounding uct is a sheer moisturizer that can include an active ingredient
structure. Lecithin and cholesterol are phosopholipids. of titanium dioxide, as well as organic juice base of juices of
Magnesium aspartate is an amino acid chelate of Magne PYRUSi malus (apple) juice.* VITIS vinifera (white grape)
sium and Aspartic Acid. This complex forms a tight bond and 15 juice.* PUNICA granatum (pomegranate) juice.* and ALOE
is released in the inner layer of the outer cell membrane. barbadensis leaf juice.* CUCUMIS sativus (cucumber) fruit
Amino acids are fundamental constituents of all proteins extract, CAMELLIA Sinensis (green tea) leaf extract, CERA
found in the body, Such as: alanine, arginine, asparagines, alba (beeswax).* octyl palmitate, caprylic/capric triglycer
asparatic acid, cysteine, cystine, glutamic acid, glutamine, ide, glycerin, cetearyl alcohol, cetearyl glucoside, plant oils
glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, 20 of HELIANTHUS annuus (sunflower), PERSEA gratissima
phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, (avocado).* and SIMMONDSIA chinensis (jojoba) seed.*
tyrosine, and valine. Some of these amino acids can be syn tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), Sodium pca, Sodium hyalur
thesized by the body; others, the essential amino acids, must onate, retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), phospholipids, pan
be obtained from protein in the diet. In skin-care products, thenol (vitamin B5), ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin C), xanthan
these types of ingredients work primarily as water-binding 25 gum, tetrasodium edita, phenoxyethanol, CITRUS aurantium
agents, and some have antioxidant properties and wound (petitgrain), CINNAMOMUM camphora (ho wood), and CIT
healing abilities as well. However, these Substances cannot RUS reticulata (mandarin) pure essential oils. A (*) denotes
affect, change, or rebuild wrinkles. Whether the protein in a certified organic by a USDA approved agency.
skin-care product is derived from an animal or a plant, the Another example of an organic, juice based skin care prod
skin can't tell the difference. 30 uct is a tinted moisturizer that can include an active ingredient
EDTA is the abbreviation for ethylenediaminetetraacetic of Titanium Dioxide, as well as organic juice base of juices of
acid, which can also be included. It is a stabilizer used in PYRUSimalus (apple) juice.* VITIS vinifera (white grape)
cosmetics to prevent ingredients in a given composition from juice.* PUNICA granatum (pomegranate) juice.* and ALOE
binding with trace elements (particularly minerals) that can barbadensis leaf juice.* CUCUMIS sativus (cucumber) fruit
exist in water and other ingredients to cause unwanted prod- 35 extract, CAMELLIA Sinensis (green tea) leaf extract, CERA
uct changes such as texture, odor, and consistency problems. alba (beeswax).* octyl palmitate, caprylic/capric triglycer
The technical term for this function is a chelating agent. ide, glycerin, cetearyl alcohol, cetearyl glucoside, plant oils
Another example of an organic, juice-based product is an of HELIANTHUS annuus (sunflower), PERSEA gratissima
oil-free moisturizer that can be composed to protect and nour (avocado).* and SIMMONDSIA chinensis (jojoba) seed.*
ish normal and oily skin. Such an oil-free moisturizer can 40 tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), Sodium pca, Sodium hyalur
include an organic juice base of organic juices of PYRUS onate, retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), phospholipids, pan
malus (apple) juice, VITIS vinifera (white grape) juice, thenol (vitamin B5), ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin C), xanthan
PUNICA granatum (pomegranate) juice, and ALOE bar gum, tetrasodium edita, phenoxyethanol, mica & iron oxides
badensis leaf juice, organic CUCUMIS sativus (cucumber) (mineral tints), CITRUS aurantium (petitgrain), CINNAMO
extract, organic botanical extracts of TARAXACUM officinale 45 MUM camphora (ho wood), and CITRUS reticulata (manda
(dandelion) leaf, MELISSA officinalis (lemon balm) leaf, and rin) pure essential oils. A (*) denotes certified organic by a
SALVIA officinalis (sage) leaf glycerin, caprylic/capric trig USDA approved agency
lyceride, alkylbenzoate, retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), pan Another example of an organic, juice-based product is a
thenol (vitamin B5), tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), organic hydrating mist that can be composed to hydrate and balance
algae extract, organic CERA alba (beeswax), ascorbyl palmi- 50 the skin's natural moisture. Such a hydrating mist can include
tate (vitamin C), ethylhexyl (octyl) palmitate, cetearyl alco an organic juice base of organic juices of VITIS vinifera
hol, cetearyl glucoside, Sodium pca, Sodium hyaluronate, (white and red grape) juice, and ALOE barbadensis leafjuice,
Xanthan gum, disodium edita, Sodium hydroxide, phenoxy glycerin, VITISvinifera (grape) seed oil, tocopheryl acetate &
ethanol. Such an oil-free moisturizer can also comprise Juice tocopherol (vitamin E), organic ROSE canina (rosehip) fruit
Beauty pure essential oils. 55 extract, A VENA sativa (oat) extract, (retinyl palmitate (vita
Another example of an organic, juice-based product is min A), CITRUS grandis (grapefruit) seed extract, ascorbyl
Soothing serum that can be composed to help alleviate red palmitate (vitamin C), phospholipids, lecithin, phenoxyetha
ness, calm circulatory stress, and restore healthy skin tone. nol, benzyl alcohol, potassium Sorbate, sodium hydroxide,
Such a soothing serum can include an organic juice base of tetrasodium edita, citric acid, rosa damascena, and cananga
organic juices of VITIS vinifera (white grape) juice, RUBUS 60 odorata (ylangylang) pure essential oils.
idaeus (red raspberry) juice, and ALOE barbadensis leaf Again, these are just some of the example organic, juice
juice, glycerin, organic CUCUMIS sativus (cucumber) based skin care products that can be composed according to
extract, organic botanical extracts of GLYCYRRHIZA glabra the processes described herein.
(licorice) root, ARCTPSTAPHYLOSuvaursi (bear berry) leaf, Further, the organic, juice based skin care products can be
RUBUSidaeus (red raspberry) leaf, CALENDULA officinalis 65 used in different combinations to achieve different skin treat
flower, and MATRICARIA chamomilla flower, organic algae ment solutions as required. FIGS. 1-3 illustrated a few
extract, VITISvinifera (grape) seed oil, organic essential fatty example solutions; however, it will be clear that the number
US 7,632,527 B2
13 14
and type of solutions is vast. In each of the solutions depicted green apple nutrient eye cream in the evening, and lip
in FIGS. 1-3, a cleanse and tone step is followed by a treat plumper as needed. Again, example descriptions of these
ment step, a moisturizing step, and a protection step. It will be products can be found above. The protective step 308 can
understood that the cleanse?tone, treatment, and moisturize comprise applying spf 30 tinted moisturizer, spf 30 sheer
steps should be performed routinely, e.g., every morning and 5 moisturizer, or green apple spf15 moisturizer in the morning,
night, while the protection step can be applied as needed. and spf 15 tinted lip moisturizer daily as needed.
Further, it will be apparent that steps can be included and/or The solution of FIG. 3, can for example, be used to soothe
excluded as needed to achieve a certain treatment solution. sensitive, aging, and/or redness prone skin.
In FIG.1, the cleanse and tone step 102 comprises applying While certain embodiments of the inventions have been
organic, juice based cleansing milk, exfoliating cleanser, or 10 described above, it will be understood that the embodiments
green apple cleansing gel. The cleansing product selected can described are by way of example only. Accordingly, the
be applied in the morning and in the evening. After cleansing inventions should not be limited based on the described
a hydrating mist can be used to tone the skin. Example embodiments. Rather, the scope of the inventions described
descriptions of these products can be found above. The treat herein should only be limited in light of the claims that follow
ment step 104 comprises applying one or more organic, juice 15 when taken in conjunction with the above description and
based antioxidant serums. The antioxidant serums can be accompanying drawings.
applied in the morning and in the evening and can be followed What is claimed:
by agreen apple peel once per week. Again, example descrip 1. A juice-based skin peel composition comprising a blend
tions of these products can be found above. of organic juices and other organic ingredients, wherein the
The moisturizing step 106 can comprise applying an blend of organic juices and other organic ingredients com
organic, juice based nutrient moisturizer or a green apple prise at least 70% by weight of the composition; said com
antioxidant moisturizer in the morning and in the evening, position comprising Pyrus malus (apple) juice, Citrus medica
followed by a Smoothing eye concentrate in the morning, and limonum (lemon) juice, Vitis vinifera (white grape) juice, Sac
a green apple nutrient eye cream in the evening, and lip charum officinarum, milk peptides, Aloe barbadensis leaf
plumper as needed. Again, example descriptions of these 25 juice, glycerin, hydroxypropyl Starch phosphate, Sodium
products can be found above. The protective step 108 can hydroxide, algae extract, Sclerotium gum, tocopherol acetate
comprise applying spf 30 tinted moisturizer, spf 30 sheer and tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin C),
moisturizer or green apple spf 15 moisturizer in the morning retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), phospholipids, magnesium
and spf 15 tinted lip moisturizer as needed. aspartate, Zinc gluconate, copper gluconate, phenoxyethanol,
The solution of FIG. 1, can for example, be used to replen 30 benzyl alcohol, potassium sorbate, tetrasodium EDTA and
ish dry to normal or aging skin. Xanthan gum.
In FIG. 2, the cleanser and tone step 202 comprises apply 2. The skin peel composition of claim 1, further comprising
ing one or more organic, juice based cleansing gels, for Salix alba (willow bark) extract (salicylic).
example, green apple cleansing gel. The cleansing gel can be 3. The skin peel composition of claim 1, further comprising
applied in the morning and the evening followed by a hydrat 35 aZulene.
ing mist. Example descriptions of these products can be found 4. A juice-based facial mask composition comprising a
above. The treatment step 204 comprises applying organic, blend of organic juices and other organic ingredients, wherein
juice based blemish clearing serum or green apple antioxidant the blend of organic juices and other organic ingredients
serum in the morning and the evening, and agreen apple peel comprise at least 70% by weight of the composition; said
once per week. Again, example descriptions of these products 40 composition comprising Pyrus malus (apple) juice, Citrus
can be found above. medica limonum (lemon) juice, Vitis vinifera (white grape)
The moisturizing step 206 can comprise applying an juice, Aloe barbadensis leaf juice, essential fatty acids of
organic, juice based oil-free moisturizer in the morning and Oenothera biennis (evening primrose), Linumusitatissimum
the evening and a Smoothing eye concentrate in the morning (linseed) seed, Borago officinali (borage) seed, honey, Vitis
and a green apple nutrient eye cream in evening. A green 45 vinfera (grape) seed oil, glycerin, Sodium hydroxide, sodium
apple nutrient mask can be applied three times per week, and hyaluronate, Pyrus malus (apple) pectin, botanical extracts of
lip plumper can be applied as needed. Again, example Rose canina (rosehip) fruit, Camelia sinensis (green tea)
descriptions of these products can be found above. The pro leafalgae extract, caprylic/capric triglyceride, glycerol Stear
tective step 208 can comprise applying spf 30 tinted, spf 30 ate, Stearic acid, Sodium PCA, ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10),
sheer moisturizer, or green apple spf 15 tinted lip moisturizer 50 thioctic acid (alpha-lipoic acid), dipeptide-2, palmitoyl tet
in the morning and Spf 15 tinted lip moisturizer as needed. rapeptide-3, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C),
The solution of FIG. 2, can for example, be used to clarify tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), retinyl palmitate (vitamin A),
blemish prone oily or combination skin problems. hydroxylpropyl Starch phosphate, Sclerotium gum, phenoxy
In FIG.3, the cleanse and tone step 302 comprises applying ethanol, Xanthan gum, benzyl alcohol, potassium Sorbate and
organic, juice based cleansing milk in the morning and the 55 tetrasodium EDTA.
evening or an exfoliating cleanser three times per week fol 5. The facial mask composition of claim 4, further com
lowed by a hydrating mist in the morning and the evening. prising aZulene.
Example descriptions of these products can be found above. 6. The facial mask composition of claim 4, further com
The treatment step 304 comprises applying organic, juice prising essential oils.
based soothing serum or an antioxidant serum in the morning 60 7. The facial mask composition of claim 6, wherein the
and the evening. Again, example descriptions of these prod essential oils include Citrus reticulata (mandarin) oil.
ucts can be found above. 8. The facial mask composition of claim 6, wherein the
The moisturizing step 306 can comprise applying an essential oils include Litsea cubea (may chang).
organic, juice based nutrient moisturizer or a green apple 9. The facial mask composition of claim 6, wherein the
antioxidant moisturizer in the morning and the evening fol 65 essential oils include Cinnamomum campora (ho wood) oil.
lowed by a smoothing eye concentrate in the morning and a k k k k k

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