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Herbs in Magic

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Absinthe see Wormwood

Acacia (Egyptian Thorn)

Woody Perennial
Balsam; wood; dry use; flower; perfume.
Re G.D. ceremonial and hermetic use, branch (spray) in
flower to symbolize the sacred word of the Hebrews. The
wood was used in building the Tabernacle.
Flowers----- divination and trance work. Flowers used in love
Harvest mid-winter to mid-summer, after the rainy season has

Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria (Liverwort, Stickwort)

Oil; medicinal; sachet.

Banishes negativity, reverses incantations.
Young shoots, leaves and flowers are harvested together

All Heal see Valerian

Almond Amygdalus communis

Woody Perennial
Incense mix; sachet mix; oil; perfume; wood; flower.
Almond in flower : clairvoyance; divination.
Bitter Almond Oil.

Aloe Aloe Vera

Lignum Aloes perfume 4th, 1 lth and 28th lunar mansions.
Sachet mix; sacrificial burning; incense; perfume; balsam;
psychic correspondence; transmutation; talismatic.
Juice is extracted by bruising leaves; gum is taken by incision;
gum is usually mixed with myrrh.
Agreement in marriage and reconciliation. For love.
Guards against accidents, brings luck, protection.

Fossil resin of extinct coniferous tree (Succinite) extinct.
P e r f u m e -- 4th lunar mansion; medicinal; amulet (worn by
Roman women as protection from witches).

Amaranth Amaranthus hypochondriacus

Symbol of Immortality; Athena; Uranus; for working of Holy
Guardian Angel. Protection.

Formed in intestinal track of sperm whale.
Psychic correspondence; oil; perfume; works of wrath and
vengeance; fixative.
Angelica Angelica archangelica
Sachet mix; incense; dry use; perfume; angelica root oil; resin;
medicinal; wine.
Liqueur defence against spirits; cures poison; keeps bad air
away; attributed to Michael the Archangel.
Resinous gum gathered and used in Pot Pourri in place of
musk; indoor garden magic and dry use-'when root is in
house naught harm can come from demons'.
Gum taken by cut in stems and crown of root in spring. Root
harvested after 2-3 years of growth.
"Angelica Incense" see page 78.

Anise Pimpinella anisum

Sachet mix; aromatic fatty oil; perfume; dry use; culinary;
medicinal; cosmetic.
Liqueur; psychic work; philtre.
Outcasts possessive spirits. Relaxant.
Seeds collected when they turn grey brown, stems yellow
when plant is ready.
- Star Anise oil.

Apple Pyrus malus

Fruit tree
Sachet mix; woodbase (tree); love charms; philtre.
Devils lure; enticing; temptation; indulgence; earthly desires;
disobedience; loss of innocence.
Aid in entering underworld, symbol of immortality; love

Arnica Arnica montana (Wolfsbane/Leopards bane)

Sachet mix; balsam; bath; (poisonous); blue aromatic oil;
greenish yellow resin; medicinal,
Restricted dosage if taken internally.
In earthly desires.
Collect fully developed fresh flowers early summer. Roots
collected after 2-3 years growth.

Artemisia Artemisia dracunculus (Tarragon)

Named from Dianna Artemis.
Potion for psychic dreams; talisman; oil; relaxant in psychic
work; culinary; medicinal.
Artemisia vulgaris see Mugwort
Artemisia abrotamum see Lads Love
Artemisia absinthium see Wormwood
Asafoetida Ferula foetida, F. rubicaulis
Dry use. For protection. Incense.
Woody Perennial
Woodbase; wood; potion for psychic dreams.
Works concerning death.
Wands for healing are made from the wood; prosperity

Avens Geum rivale, Geum virginianum (Star of the Earth)

Dry use.
For protection against poisonous creatures; exorcism.

Balm Melissa officinalis

Woody Perennial
Balm Tree
Sachet mix; dry use; medicinal; culinary; liqueur; perfume;
balsam; flower; potion; bath.
Calms nerves. Drives away melancholy and bad dreams.
Lemon Balm as a sprig worn around neck of woman makes
her beloved and faithful.
Fresh plants make balm oil.
Collect whole plant early spring when flowering commences.

Barley Hordeum vulgare

Sachet mix; wiccan use.

Basil Ocimum basilicum

Sachet mix; woodbase; perfumed oil; salve; dry use; amulet;
medicinal; culinary; potion.
Attracts monty if carried in pocket (Mexico); draws poison;
stimulates sensuality; in Haiti associated with pagan goddess
of love; it is sprinkled to keep away evil spirits; to bring
prosperity; if wife dusts basil powder over top half of body her
husband is stopped from wandering and becomes faithful and
The scent stimulates and revives. Protection from water
Turns pale at the rising of the dog-star; pick in the autumn.
Collect whole plant while flowering.

Bay Laura1 Laurus nobilis

Clairvoyance; divination; sleep pillow; dry use; woodbase ;
wood; sacrificial; wet burning; dry burning; bay leaf oil;
medicinal; culinary.
Wherever a bay tree is, there is protection. Sacred to Apollo
and used in worship; confers gift prophecy; chewed as drug
to procure visions; leaves, berries and oils are narcotic; the
incense is burned as an offering.
Place under a pillow and you will have pleasant dreams. Hang
over doorway to keep away poltergeists. Plant for money and
Laurel leaves were chewed by the Priestesses of Delphi.
Used as protection; incense for heaving; for creative work.

Bean Phaseolus vulgaris

Sachet mix; dry use.
Fertility symbol. Regarded as deterrent against evil because a
seed within it stores the positive life force of all living and
growing things.

Beech Fagus Spp.

Woody Perennial
Sachet mix; wood.
The earth around the base was considered the underworld,
the lower branches where people lived surrounded by a ring of
water, and the upper branches the heaven.

Belladonna Atropa belladonna (Deadly nightshade)

Drug; hallucinogenic (poisonous-restricted use); stimulant
in small doses; medicinal.
Sorrow; of the Greek goddess of fate, Atropos.
Pick early morning when the atrophine content is high.

Benzoin Styrax benzoin (Gum Benjamin)

Woody Perennial
Wood; perfume; cosmetic; incense; psychic correspondence;
balsam; oil; sachet. Scent of essence in incantations, seances.
To Triumph. For love matters.
Gum obtained by incision.

Bergamot Citrus aurantium

Small fruit bearing tree

Perfume oil from rind of fruit; sleep pillow.

Betony Stachys officinalis; Betonica officinalis

Aromatic oil; dry use and garden magic (indoors); potion.
Place the root in the house and no evil will come in; protection
from witchcraft.
Betony tea shields the dreamer from monstrous nocturnal
visitors, bad visions and dreams.
Wood betony as dry use, place under pillow to prevent
Whole plant is collected late summer.
Betonica aquatica
Birch Betula alba, B. lenta
Woody Perennial
Woodbase; wood; birch oil is 'oil of wintergreen'; potion.
Potion drunk at night ensures peaceful sleep. For exorcism.
To strike, punish; witches were said to ride on a birch

Birds Tongue Fraxinus excelsior (European Ash)

Woody Perennial
Sacred in Northern Europe; represented the cosmos, roots are
underworld, the earth the middle land.

Birthwort Aristolochia clematis (Travellers Joy)

Woody Vine
To aid a speedy delivery -journey. Whole plant dug out in
third year.

Fresh and dry use--for protection.

Blue Flag Iris versicolor

Sachet mix.

Borage Borago officinalis

Culinary; medicinal; dry use; aromatic volatile oil.
For money and business; makes people merry, the mind glad;
for courage.
Collect leaves, flowers, stem by cutting stem but leaving
enough stem for second crop to come up.
(restricted dosage)

For protection, used in purified water and sprinkled aspurging.

Bryony (a) Bryonia alba (White Bryony, English Mandrake)

Perennial climber
Love potion; drug.

Bryony (b) Bryonia diocia (Red Bryony)

Perennial climber
Sachet mix; drug.
Plant of trickery.

Burdock Arctium lappa

Dry use; medicinal.

For protection.
Collect root in second year of growth.
Buttercup Ranunculus acris, R. bulbosus

Poisonous. Protection.

Calamint Calamintha officinalis

Helps a man keep a woman away. Help women prevent

pregnancy. Warning-Too strong for most women.

Calamus Aconus calamus (Sweet Flag)

Essential oil; balsam.
Used by Moso Sorcerers of Yunnan and China-holy
anointing oil, stimulant.

Camomile (a) Anthemis nobilis

Balsam; flower; oil; perfume; medicinal; cosmetic; the scent
tranquilises; baths; potion (aids sleep).
Relaxant in psychic work, for mental steadiness in psychic
Potion for psychic dreams. Place under pillow to prevent
(restricted dosage)

Camomile (b) Matricaria chamomilla

Wild Annual
As above. Blue aromatic oil--oil has poisonous properties.
Collect flowers without calyx as long as plant blooms.

Camphire Lawsonia alba, L. inermis (Henna)

Dye; spice and perfume.

Prized by the women of Egypt and by King Solomon.

Camphor Cinnamomum camphora

Perfume-1st lunar mansion; burned before Krishna.
Oil; balsam; perfume; wood; lessens sexual desire.
Distilled from chips of wood of root, trunk, branches, which
are exposed to the action of steam and afterwards refined.

Cannabis Cannabis sativa (Marijuana, Indian Hemp)

Hallucinogenic; fibre for rope, etc; medicinal.

Carline Thistle Carlina acaulis

Aromatic oil; dry use.
A person carrying this thistle could draw strength into himself
from other people and animals. A man eating a cooked
Carline Thistle root could gain sexual strength and potency of
a stallion, but only if planting and harvesting is done properly.
Carrying the thistle protects one from harm.
Plant and harvest under new moon at stroke of midnight.
During growth fertilise with sperm of stallion if for sexual use
later. Roots collected in autumn of second year of growth.

Carnation Dianthus caryophyllum

Perfume; flower.
White--spiritual aspiration.
Red-to make things larger than life.

Carraway Carum carvi

Sachet; culinary; medicinal; perfume; cosmetic; aromatic
green oil; wax.
Objects containing Carraway seeds cannot be stolen.
In operation and virtue to anise seed.
When in seed and seeds begin to darken, the plant is cut at the
base and hung over paper, which collects the seeds as they

Cascarilla Bark Croton elutera

Oil; incense.

Cassia Cinnamomum cassia

Oil; wood; incense.
The bark is used as incense aromatic. The scent is similar to
the Indian Orris Root. It is the Cedar of Lebanon, a symbol of
power and longevity.

Catnip Nepeta cataria

Incense; sachet; dry use.
Place around sleeping place for protection. Relaxant for
psychic work.
Propagation by division (self sowing).

Cedar Cedrus libani

Cedar Leaf Oil (Thuja Oil).

Perfume; oil; psychic correspondence; wood; woodbase; for
love; incense for money and business, also for psychic work.
Forjustice. Known in Lebanon as tree of power and longevity.
Cedar (white) Thuja occidentalis.

Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium

Sachet; culinary.
Harvest during flowering time or when seed is formed.
Chicory Cichorium intybus (Succory)
Sachet; talisman; amulet; aromatic oil; medicinal.
To win friendship of the noble, add a diamond for fame and
Collect whole plant in flower and when stems are juicy.

Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Psychic correspondence; incense; oil of cinnamon obtained

from inner bark and leaf.
Sexual stimulant to female upon inhalation-was used in
Egypt for embalming and witchcraft; incense for creative
work-money and business.
Oil of Cassia, as known in England.

Cinquefoil Potentilla anserina (5 Finger Grass)

Perennial grass
Balsam; love potion; sachet mix; talisman; amulet; increasing
eloquence when seeking preferment; protection.
Potentilla canadensis and Potentilla reptans
Perennial grass
Potentilla tormentilla (5 Fingered Grass)

Civet Civettictus civetta; Viverra civetta

Incense; erogenous added to bath; from member of cat family.
Incense for psychic work.

Clove Eugenia caryophyllus or E.c. aromaticus

Evergreen tree
Aromatic; oil; psychic correspondence; sachet; aphrodisiac.
Stills tongues; attracts riches.

1-leaf clover stands for fame; 2 leaves for wealth; 3 leaves
associated with Christian Trinity-the triad goddesses of the
Greeks and Romans and sacred sun wheel of Celts, charm
against witches, a faithful lover; 4 leaves ward off evil (symbol
of cross), for good fortune, excellent health; 5-leaf clover is
Red Clover-to dream of a field of clover is very fortunate.
Relaxant in psychic work.

Cocaine Erythroxylon coca

Hallucinogenic; dry use; sachet.
Invisibility; initiation; drug; Indians call it the divine plant of
the Incas; aphrodisiac.

Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara

Sachet mix; volatile oil; potion; smoked.
For visions, peace.
Harvest leaves and rhizomes.

Comfrey Symphytum officinale (Salsify, Blackwort)

Fixed star Algorab
Oil; medicinal; culinary; potion; cosmetic bath herb; health
A daily drink of Comfrey, Alfalfa and Parsley mixed with fruit
juice is a marvellous tonic.
Oil taken from flower tops; collect roots early spring or late

Copal Copalquahuitl

Gum; Mexican Copalli incense.

Coriander Coriandrum sativum

Incense; sachet; oil; culinary; liqueur; medicinal (seeds); 1%
volatile oil, 13% fatty oil; the incense can infuriate the mind
for destructive purposes.
Love philtre to bind two people together.
Harvest when seeds turn yellow. Cut off at roots, lay in dry
spot to dry seeds.

Drug; oil.
Fertility rites; dry use.
Corn silk (Stigmata maidis) is the pistil of the corn plant.

Cowslip Caltha palustris

Balsam; sedative; bath; medical.

Flowers in philtre.

Cucumber Cucumis sativus

Incense; balsam.
Creeping vine

Cyclamen Cyclamen europaeum

Balm of Cyclamen; if potted in couple's bedroom, union will

be long and happy.

Perfumed oil; salve; scent tranquilises.
Incense in psychic work; brings justice.

Daffodil Narcissus spp .

Love spells; fertility; luck.

Daisy Chrysanthemum spp.

Flower; balsam.
Purity, innocence and loyal love. Aphrodite, northern goddess
of love and spring, measure of love, good luck charm.
(restricted dosage)

Dandelion Taraxaum officinale

Sachet mix; potion; carries thoughts; to dream of a dandelion
is bad luck.
Relaxant in psychic work. Pharmacists use extract from
dandelion root as binder when making pills.
Harvest young leaves in spring, and root in third year of

Dill Anethum graveolens

Sachet; dry use; oil; perfume; medicinal; culinary; philtre.
Protection if placed in doorways and windows; effective
against negativity; provokes others to come to terms.
Cut stem when seed has ripened.

Dittony of Crete see Oregano

Dock-Water Rumex hydrolapathum (Bloodwort)

Medicinal. Good for business.

Dragons Wort Polygonum bistorta (Bistort)

Fixed star Sirius

Sachet mix; incense mix; potion for divination and trance

Dragons Blood Daernonorops draco in Indonesia; Dracaena draco

in Canary Isles

Perfume (of aggression); incense; balsam; psychic correspondence;

herb of torment (resin); works of wrath. Resin is
Used in an incantation, to bring back a loved one.
Elder Sambucus canadensis, S. nigra

Woodbase; wood; medicinal; amulet.

Beneficial medicinal qualities but considered evil and narcotic;
to hide; transform self into a branch of an elder tree.
Berries are poisonous; they make fine amulets of protection.

Ergot Claviceps purpurea (a source of LSD. LSD-25)

Fungi; grows on Rye
Powerful hallucinogen; medicinal.
Can only be extracted for use through laboratory methods.
(restricted dosage)

Eucalyptus Eucalyptus spp. (Blue Gum Tree)

Evergreen tree
Sachet; balsam; oil; wood; woodbase; sacrificial; wet burning;
dry burning.
Incense for healing.
(restricted use)

Fennel Foeniculum vulgare

Fixed star Pleiades
Sachet; woodbase; culinary; medicinal; perfume; cosmetic;
incense; potion; 10% fatty oil; bitter and sweet oil; volatile
and aromatic.
Gives strength and courage; long life; (to sow-sorrow); an
incense that can infuriate the mind for destructive purposes.
Fennel potion (with vervain), to fill another with desire.
Gives sight.
Cut stem when seed has ripened.

Fern female: Polypodium vulgare; male: Dryopterus filixmas

Sachet mix.
Male fern smoked and hung (as in smoking ham).

Feverfew Chrysanthemum parthenium; Pyrethrum parthenium

Protects against sickness, accidents and hysteria-medicinal

for women.

Fig Tree and Fruit Ficus carica

Sachet mix; woodbase; perfume.
Perfumed flowers of fig tree 23rd lunar mansion.
For preservation of matters; power to attain ascendency; tree
of heaven; phallus and fertility symbol.

Sachet mix.
For psychic powers; money and protection.


For a lover parting on a journey.

Foxglove Digitalis purpurea

Sachet mix.
Pick when plant is in bloom, the leaves are most potent at this
(restricted dosage)

Frankincense Boswellia thurifera

Woody tree
Fixed star Pleiades
Perfume-13th lunar mansion.
Incense with works with any intent; psychic correspondence.
Talismatic. Brings justice; incense for healing.
Kyphi Gum resin of tree (offered to Ra when sun set).
Although foreign to the Greeks, they burned frankincense
at bloody sacrifices both as offering to gods and as
fumigation for evil odours. Burnt to Zeus, Meiluchios,
Hermes, Sosipolis and Demeter.

Olibanum Balsam; incense; perfume; evocation.

Incense; perfume; oil;
divination; astrology.

Garlic Allium sativum

Oil; sachet; dry use; culinary; medicinal; potion.
Strength and nourishment; inspires courage; wards off vampirism;
power against evil; protection.


Oil; flower to aid in fight or to obtain one's desires.

ginger Zingiber ofjcinale

Oil; perfume; culinary; incense (martial); philtre.

Ginseng Panax schin-seng, P. quinquefolius

Balsam; psychic correspondence; sachet; incense; oil; philtre.
A link between man and unseen spiritual reality; plant
contains an embodiment of the spirit of the universe; spirit of
the earth.
Panacea (elixir of life)
For visualisation in psychic work. For divination, trance and
creative work.

Gota Cola

For visualisation in psychic work.

Goutwort Aegopodium podagraria


Grain of Paradise aframomum melequeta

Philtre, incense.
Luck; money; wishing.

Groundsel Senecio vulgaris

For health.

Hawthorn Crataegus oxyacantha

Woody Perennial
White Hawthorne is regarded as the holy tree. To cut one
down was to result in trouble from the supernatural. The
scent is considered harmful when the flowers have been
fertilised, for it gives an odour of decay.

Heliotrope Heliotropium europeum, H. aborescens

Incense; dry use.
To find stolen goods gather Heliotrope in February, then
during sign of Leo wrap flowers in bay leaves with tooth of
wolf and place under pillow at night; during sleep you will
dream of where the goods are.

Hellebore black Helleborus niger; white H. foetidus; green H.

Black: poison; love potion; sachet mix; incense.
Fixed Star Algol
Herb of torment; drug perfume of aggression.
White: poison, herb of torment; drug; sachet mix; incense;
most active of the three.
Green: more potent than black and white Hellebore.

Hemlock Tsuga canadensis (Spruce)

Oil; incense; wood; talisman; sacrificial; dry use.
An incense which can infuriate the mind for destructive
purposes. Olive leaves are added to Hemlock, which means
that the destruction of enemies is achieved by more peaceful

Hops Humulus lupulus

Relaxant in psychic work. Perennial vine

Hemp (Indian Hemp)

See Cannabis: Hallucinogenic.
Hemp seed-love spell.

Henbane Hyoscyamus niger

Fixed star Algorab

Incense; dry use.
Perennial vine

High Joan (john) The Conqueress Ipo-moea purga; I. jalapa

Oil; sachet; against depression and to destroy curses.

Protection; for money and business.

Honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum

Flower; perfumefor agile and versatile mind; oil.

Horehound Marrubium vulgare (White Horehound)

Fixed star Capella
Medicinal; sacrificia1; volatile oil.
Dedicated to Horus in earlier times.
Harvest mid-summer; collect only upper third of flowering

Horseradish Armoracia lapathifolia

Volatile aromatic oil; resin; gum; starch.
Harvest autumn of third year (whole plant), store as you
would potatoes.

Horsetail Equisetum arveme

Collect mid-summer, only upper part of stems.
Houndstongue Cynoglossum offiinale
Put with heart of young frog and her matrice, and put them
where you wilt, and after a while all dogs in area will be
gathered around. If herb under foremost toe, the dogs remain
Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis
Bushy evergreen
Sachet; medicinal; liqueurs; perfumes; domestic; aromatic oil;
fatty oil; bath.
Power of attaining ascendency; used in water for purification.
For protection.
Flowers and leaves are collected mid-summer.

Iris Iris foetidissima (Yellow flag, Gladwin)

Symbol of life and resurrection. Osiris and Horus.


Incense in psychic work.

Ivy Hedera helix

Fixed star Alphecca
To bind something and fasten it; used as voodoo dolls; flowers
bound in garlands for divination.

Jasmine Jasminum offiinale

Vine-like indigenous
Oil; perfume; incense; psychic correspondence; salve; sachet
mix; sleep pillow; for love matters.
Great visions, vision of machinery or universe. The scent
stimulates and revives. Tantrics anoint their hands with

Jimson Weed Datura stramonium (Thorn Apple)

Hallucinogenic; pubity rites; aphrodisiac; aid to cast spells.

Gather in 7th and 8th moon.
(restricted dosage)

Juniper Juniperus communis

Salve; perfumed oil; scent stimulates and revives; Juniper

berries as sachet mix; wine; philtre.
Prickly Juniper gives Cade Oil.

Lads Love Artemisia abrotanum (Southernwood)

Perennial shrub-tree
Dry use; wet burning; aromatic oil; wax; wood.
Promotes hair growth; believed to help the dead to sleep;
helps sleep; bark is made into rope.
Berries are collected.
Ladies Mantle Alchemilla uulgaris
Whole plant collected when harvesting during blossoming

Lavender Lavendula vera; L. officinalis

Sachet; an aphrodisiac; perfume; smoked as in smoking ham;

cosmetic; flower; oil; dry use; medicinal; amulet; incense;
Chastity; love charm; combined with Rosemary as perfume to
calm and make wise; perfumed oil relieves depression; incense
for creative work; relaxant in psychic work; sleep pillow for
psychic work.
Gather lavender spikes in autumn and early morning after
dew has dried. For distillation of aromatic oil collect
unopened flowers early morning.

Leek Allium porrum

Dedicated to the Roman gods Jupiter and Thor.
Dissipates atmospheric electric charges; wards off lightning.

Lemon Citrus limon

Evergreen citrus
Perfume; oil; incense; dry burning; sacrificial; woodbase.

Lettuce Lactuca sativa

Wild lettuce (Lactuca virosa). Biennial. Dried and smoked like

Lily of Valley Convallaria majalis

Incense; oil; balsam; represents eternal sleep.
The scent is considered precious.

Lily (Water Lily)

Sachet; incense; anaphrodisiac qualities.
Virginal, immortality and fertility.
Yellow Lily Perennial

Lime Tilia europaea (Lime Tree)

Citrus Tree
Perfume; aromatic oil; incense; resin; bath; tea.

Linden Tilia europaea (Lime Tree Flowers)

Sleep pillow; relaxant; philtre; oil.

For psychic work.
Lotus (white) Nymphaea lotus

The great work; clairvoyance; talismans; incense.

Lotus (blue) Nymphaea caerulea

Very sacred, spiritualist cult.

Lotus (rose) Neleumbium speciosum
The round leaves and spherical fruit of Lotus were symbolic of
intellect, its coming up from the mud supremacy of mind over
matter, intellectual sovereignty as the surface of the water.
Sacred in India, Tibet, China and Egypt.
Lotus (Yellow)

Lovage Levisticum officinale

Sachet; perfume; potion; medicinal; volatile oil.
Root is collected when one year old only.

Lungwort Pulmonaria officinalis; Anchusa officinalis L.

Harvested when plant in flower, mid-summer. Root collected
in autumn; ground leaves are collected after flowering season.

Mandrake Mandragora offiinarum

Fixed stars Deneb Algedi , Spica
Sachet mix; emblem; talisman; dry use; incense.
Narcotic, mystic plant; fertility drug; love plant; good luck
charms; capable of working any spell; root resembles whole of
male body except head; inducer of sleep; pain killer; for
psychic work; protection.
English Mandrake is White Bryony.
When pulling from ground, guard against hearing the plant
scream. Pick when moon is waxing, just after new moon,
between winter solstice and vernal equinox at night. Loosen
earth around root, then draw root out without injuring plant.
Trim foliage off main stem, leave small piece of root adhering
to it. Replant small root in spot where main plant was drawn.

Marjoram Majorana hortenis

Fixed star Deneb Algedi
Sachet; oil; balsam; perfume; medicinal; culinary; sleep bag;
domestic; philtre; scent tranquilises and brings peaceful sleep,
symbol of happiness.
For concentration and memory.
Collect leaves and stems before flowers appear.
Marigold Calendula officinalis
Fixed star Procyon
Oil; flower; perfume; love charm in garden magic; medicinal;
If gathered when sun in Leo, and wrapped in Laurel leaf or
May tree leaf and a wolfs tooth added thereto, no man shall
be able to have one word to speak against the bearer thereof,
but words of peace. If anything is stolen, and the bearer of the
things before named, lay them under the head at night and a
vision of the thief is shown.
Place Marigold in church and unfaithful wives will not enter.

Mastic (Gum Mastic)

Fixed Star Regulus (6' Y Q)

Fixative; sealant-24th and 28th lunar mansions.
For reconciliation; talismatic.

Meadow Sweet Filipendula ulmaria

Love magic; medicinal; to keep the peace.

Milfoil Achillea millefolium L. (Common Yarrow)

Gum; resin; medicinal; dry use.

Held in hand removes fear and fantasy.
See Yarrow.

Milk Thistle

Fixed star Aldebaran.

Said to give riches and honour--dry use.

Mint Mentha crispa (curled mint); Mentha spicata (spearmint);

Mentha aguatica (water mint)

Fixed star Capella

Sachet mix; aromatic oil; wet use; perfume; liqueur; potion;
bath; balsam; medicinal; culinary; refreshes the spirits of man.
Relaxant in psychic work.
Daughter of the river god Cooyte, who was Mentha and was
changed into Mint.

Mistletoe Viscum album (European Mistletoe)

Sacred to Druids; love philtre with Vervain to make one desire
you. Ensures good luck.
Mix with Martegon (Silphion or Laserpitium) and it opens
Put mixture in mouth and all thoughts are created.

Monkshood Aconitum napellus (Wolfsbane)

From Cerberus of the underworld; poison; numbs senses and
gives sensation of flying.


Clairvoyance; divination.

Morning Glory lpomoea violacea (seed known as Tlitliltzin)

Hallucinogenic, similar to LSD. Aztec priests used seeds with

ashes of poisonous insects for tobacco, and some live insects as
body-rub to make fearless. Mind alterant.

Motherwort Leonurus cardiac

Power of prolonged life; protection; philtre.

Mugwort artemisia vulgaris

Fixed stars Capella ,Deneb Algedi ,Spica ,Algol , Sirius , Polaris ,

Tobacco substitute; dry use; sachet; dry burning; volatile oil;
divination; incense; amulet; potion; domestic; medicinal;
clairvoyance; repels insects; sleep pillow; protection against
Place under doorstep and no annoying person will come to
home; guards traveller against fatigue if worn; as a sleep
pillow it procures dreams of future or unusual dreams;
smoked as in smoking ham; dissolves weariness and he that
bears it on his feet drives away venomous beasts and devils.
Diana, artemis.
For visualisation in psychic work (teas for psychic dreams);
for divination and trance work.
Gathered St John's Eve it makes fine amulet, or drink as a
Flowers and leaves collected mid-summer. Root in autumn,
the main root which is woody is discarded.
Mullein Vebascum Thapsus

Dry use; philtre; medicinal; dye; protection against nightmares
if hung over bed.
Overpowering effect on demons; used in incantations and
brews of love potions.
Yellow aromatic oil; yellow dye.
Flowers and leaves are collected.

Musk animal extract

Perfume-1st lunar mansion.

Aphrodisiac; incense; perfume; balsam; oil; arouses.
Tantrics anoint their vulva with musk.
Mushroom (Psilocybe)

Sachets; hallucinogenics; smoked.

Consumed in ritual.

Mustard Black Brassica nigra White B. hirta

White mustard seed oil to illumine lamps.

Black mustard oil-lotion.

Myrrh Balsomodendron myrrha (Gum Myrrh tree)

Incense; balsam; fixative oil; perfumed oil; embalming;
compared to joys of sexual love.
Offered to Ra when sun at noon. Scent revives and stimulates.
Red Myrrh perfume2nd lunar mansion.

Nettle Urtica dioica

Vegetable drug; incense; dry use; fibre for rope and paper etc.
Hold in hand and be sure from all fear and fantasy or vision;
for binding of a spell.
Whole plant is collected in spring but rhizomes are collected
in autumn.

Nightshade Solanum dulcamara

Perennial woody vine

Solanum nigrum (Black Nightshade)

Deadly poisonous.
Nutmeg Myristica fragrans
Evergreen tree
Perfume1 3th lunar mansion.
Oil--oil of nutmeg; incense for psychic work; for concentration
and memory. Oil is rubbed on temples. Nutmeg is used
for money and business.
A pain killer, mild hallucinogenic--can poison.

Arillode of the Nutmeg. Incense for creative work; money and

Poison Oak English Oak , red oak, white oak, black oak
Woody perennial
Incense; wood; sacrificial; wet burning; dry burning; wood;
dry use; red dye.
Associated with thunder gods; tree of life; sacred to Zeus,
Connotes strength, masculinity, stability and longevity.
Branch of oak over doorway affords protection.
Collect bark from young branches in spring. Acorns in
autumn when they drop from tree.

Olive Olea europaea

Sachet; oil; balsam; incense; woodbase; emblem; dry use;
anointing for religious purposes; symbol of peace and wealth;
for safe travel.
Greek goddess of wisdom, Athene taught men to use the
olive tree; to end a quarrel.
The oil is attributable to Minerva (goddess of wisdom), used
to burn the temple lights.


Sachet mix.
Bulbs (fruit) were named and set beside a chimney, and the
first to sprout named the future marriage partner.

Oregano Origanum vulgare (Wild marjoram)

Oil; medicinal; culinary; drives out venom and poison; potion.

Gather when flowers show but have not opened; pick whole
stalks and dry. Cut stalks away.

Orris Root Iris florentina (Garden Iris, Yellow Flag)

Love root; sachet; oil; perfume; fixative.

Parsley Petroselinum sativum

Aromatic oil; fatty oil; ointment; balsam; medicinal; culinary;
incense; perfume industry extracts an essential oil from the
seed; domestic.
Triumph; the smoke of parsley drives away venomous beasts.
Chief virtue is in the root; then seeds; the leaves least
powerful. An ingredient in flying ointment; considered unlucky
to transplant parsley from one home to another; was
used in mourning by the Greeks.
Sow immediately after spring equinox. To nulify wickedness-
sow on Good Friday under rising moon. Collect seeds
before ripening by cutting umbells. Roots collected dried and
ground make good incense.



Patchouli Pogostermon cablin; P. patchouli

Perfume; oil and fixative as oil; exercises evil influence on

moral characters.
Tantrics anoint their cheeks and breasts with Patchouli.

Pennyroyal Hedeoma pulegioides-annual; Mentha pulegium


Fixed star Procyon

Sachet; oil; dry use; wet burning; balsam; potion; sleep pillow;
medicinal; domestic.
To make the speechless talk.
A garland of Pennyroyal made and worn about the head is of
great force against swimming in the head and pains and
giddiness thereof.

For black pepper, gather berries while green and crush them.
For white pepper, gather berries while ripe and turning red
and crush them.

Peppermint Mentha piperita

Hybrid perennial
Oil; sachet; culinary; medicinal.

Periwinkle Provinsa

Fixed Star Polaris

Love charm.

Peyote Lophophora williamsii

Fruit eaten.
Hallucinogenic; used in ritual practices; messenger of gods;

Pimpernel Pimpinella magna; P. saxifraga

Medicinal; aromatic oil; benzoic acid; starch.

Collect roots in third year of growth.

Pine Pinus spp.; P. pumilio-dwarf

Oil; pine resin perfume-7th lunar mansion. Woodbase;
wood; dry use; fire worship; sacrificial; incense; medicinal.
Used when invoking Pan in matters sensual, evocative as it is
ofwoodland thickets and dark glades. Pine nuts in sachet use.
For psychic work. Justice.

Pipiltzintzintli Salvia divinorum (mint family)


Plantain Plantago lanceolata; P. major; P. media (Lambs Tongue,

Fixed star Arcturus
Dry use; sachet; sleep pillow; smoked as in smoking ham.
Well-trodden path of multitude that sought Christ.
Placed under pillow it repels bad dreams and spirits.
Leaves collected early spring.

Poplar Populus tremuloides; P. candicans; P. balsamifera; P. nigra)

Woody perennial
Wood; sacrificial; fire worship; balsam.

Poppies Papaver rhoeas

Black: poison
Joy; tobacco type use. Drug (potent) narcotic; medicinal.
Pick early morning when morphine content is high in the
Opium poppy juice.
Psyllium Seeds Plantago psyllium

Dry use; potion incense. To soften the stubborn. To see the


Pumpkin Cucurbita pepo

Pumpkin seed oil illumines lamps.

Purslane Portulaca sativa

Sachet; dry use.
Rose Rosaceae (Apothecary's Rose, Damask Rose, Old Cabbage
Perfume; sachet; oil; balsam; aromatic in general.
Strewn around area of work; for matters of love.
Activate vegetative life in man when combined with cross
(kundalini). Token of silence.
Yellow rose-perfect achievement.
White rose--purity.
Red rosepassion-in G.D. silencing of desires.
Rose water-used to perfume baths and anoint hands, etc.
The scent tranquilizes-used in love magic.

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis

Evergreen shrub
Fixed star Alphecca
Sachet mix; incense; garden magic; balsam; bath use; oil; dry
use; wet burning; dry burning; perfume; potion.
For concentration and memory in psychic work; for mental
steadiness in psychic work; prevents nightmares if placed
under pillow.
Love philtre; absorbs negativity from people while growing.
Emblem of love; floral perfume; tobacco substitute; brings
good luck and a powerful force against magic.
Romans believed it had the power to preserve bodies of the
dead from corruption, and it was planted and strewn in and
around the tombs. Rosemary has an evocative quality of
supernatural intensity; uplifting quality. The scent brings
memories back. The scented oil relieves depression.
When the root is in the house no harm will come from
demons; hang over bed to prevent nightmares; scent preserves
Worn as garland in Greece and Rome. The oil is used in the
Greek Orthodox Church.
The root differs very little from the scent of frankincense.
Worn at weddings as omen of happy marriage.
Rowan Sorbus aucuparia
Deciduous or Shrub
Especially strong against psychic forces.

Rue Ruta graveolens

Medicinal; amulet; potion; dry use; cosmetic; sachet; aromatic
'Herb of Gi-ace'; repentance; protection against evil; sacrificial;
herb of torment-it was thought that this herb could be
used to torment others.
The seed taken in wine is an antidote against poisons.
Romans believed Rue gave second sight and their chiefs wore
chaplets of Rue. Arrows were rubbed with Rue, in the belief
that they would always find their mark.

Saffron Crocus sativus Perennial

Fixed star Antares
Saffron p e r f u m d t h Lunar mansion.
Incense in psychic work; for divination and trance work as
potion or incense; aids women's diseases; oil; yellow dye;
culinary; medicinal; dry use; aromatic.
The plant is considered very valuable because only the stigma
is used. It gives an aromatic odour. Dried Marigold petals can
be a substitute.

Sage Salvia ofjcinalis

Fixed star Spica
Sachet; potion; garden magic; tobacco substitute; culinary;
medicinal; perfume; Dalmation sage oil; fixative.
Taken as potion to promote longevity; immortality. It reflects
fortune of man if flourishes in garden. Quickens the senses and
memory, strengthens sinews.
Relaxant for psychic work and for concentration and memory.

Clary Sage Salvia sclarea

Clary Sage oil (a fixative).
Aromatic (restricted dosage).
Pick during Balsamic phase. Can be propagated by layering
or cuttings.

Sandalwood Santalum album

Incense; sacrificial; perfumed oil; wood; clairvoyance; psychic
correspondence; balsam.
Wood for temples and funeral pyres, oil which is also used as
perfume. Scent stimulates and revives.
Brings justiceincense heals.
St John's Wort Hypericum perforatum
Shrubby perennial
Oil; dry use; incense; smoked as in smoking ham; wet
burning; dry burning; amulet.
Purifying incense; assaults powers of evil; worn around neck
as protective amulet. Place at entrance for protection. Used
for invisibility-money and business.

Savory Satureja hartensis

Sachet; culinary; medicinal.
Relaxant in psychic work.

Skullcap Scutellaria lateriflora (Maddogweed) Indigenous

For visualisation in psychic work; potion for psychic dreams.
Tranquilizer; if smoked is similar to Marijuana. Potion in
Tantric work.

Solomon's Seal Polygonatum multiflorum

Leaf like a pentagram, key to many things according to folk
lore; used in exorcism.

Sorrel Rumex acetosa

Incense; medicinal.

Storax (Stacte) Liquidambar orientalis (Oriental Sweet Cum)

Liquid Storax-2nd, 17th, 25th and 27th Lunar mansions.
Perfume; incense.
Gum that distils from Myrrh. One of the ingredients that
burns on the golden altar of incense. Incense for creative work
and money and business.
For revenge, separation, enmity-ill will-for birth-or destruction.

Strawberry Euonymus americanus ; Fragaria vesca

Medicinal; culinary; dry use.
Sensuality; earthly desires; amatory magic; make the heart
merry; potion.
Young leaves combined with Thyme make an excellent tea.
The fruit of strawberry was symbolised as the fruit of
Collect leaves early summer without the stalks. Berries ripen
mid summer.

Succory see Chicory

Fixed stars Polaris

Sunflower seed oil, to illumine lamps; medicinal; culinary.
For matters of money and business.

Tansy Tanacetum vulgare

Volatile aromatic oil; wax; medicinal; culinary; cosmetic;
liqueur; dye; embalming-preservative; immortality; for matters
of love.
The crushed leaves produce green dye, flowers yellow dye.
Young shoots with leaves and flowers are collected early
summer, seeds collected in autumn.

Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus

Talisman; culinary.
Relaxant in psychic work.

Teasel, Wild Virgo pastoris

Take herb and temper with juice of Mandrake and give it to a
bird or any other beast-it brings forth birth.

Thorn Apple see Jimson Weed

Hallucinogenic~ivesil lusion of flying; smoked.

Thyme Thymus vulgaris (Lemon Thyme)

Sachet; dry use; dry burning; wet burning; incense; sleep

pillow; medicinal; culinary; domestic; potion; embalms and
preserves; for courage; fumigant.
The sleep pillow is recommended for people with melancholy
or epilepsy and nightmares. Livens spirits. Hang over bed to
protect from nightmares. Relaxant in psychic work.
Fresh leaves are a source of oil of Thyme.
Harvest during flowering time.

Perfume; incense; smoked.
The American Indian regarded tobacco weed to have
supernatural powers and used it in ritual fumigation.
An incense in psychic work.

Tragacanth Astralagus gummifer

Fixative; incense base.

Unicorn Root
Used for protection.

Valerian Valeriana officinalis

Valerian sleep pillow as relaxant in psychic work.
For matters of love, money and business.
Valerian root volatile oil is used as massage oil for visualization.

Verbena Lippia citriodora (Lemon)

Oil; perfume; philtre.

Vervain Verbena officinalis

Perfumed oil; balsam; incense; sachet; love philtre-potion;
amulet; smoked as in smoked fish.
Magical protection, holy food to produce magical spells.
Scent arouses. Love philtre with mistletoe to stir another's
heart. Love charm as oil; symbol of peace-to end a quarrel.
Place at doors and windows for protection. Relaxant in
psychic work.
Collect when sun and moon are not seen in sky. Replace with
honeycombs as recompense to earth. Gather with left hand at
rise of the dog star.

Violet Viola odorata

Flower; perfume; sachet mix; sleep pillow; incense; potion;
aromatic oil; bath; medicinal.
Beauty and transitory qualities of life; modesty and simplicity;
to soften nature; comfort; to aid peaceful sleep; it is unlucky to
take a single violet into a house. For matters of love.
Collect tops of plants by cutting them when flowering begins.

Walnut Juglans nigra; J. cinerea; J. regia

Wood; woodbase; culinary.

Willow Salix alba; S. purpurea; S. nigra; S. caprea

Woodbase; wood; amulet.
Western-mourning, unlucky love.
Eastern-associated with springtime, regeneration, eternal
Used in love charm.
Collect bark from 2-4 year-old trees early in spring.

Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens

Evergreen shrub
Oil; incense.
Sharpening the senses.

Witchhazel Hamamelis virginiana

(G) Shrub or tree
Diviner's rod.

Wormwood Artemisia absinthium

Silky perennial
Balsam; dry use; divination; medicinal; liqueur; domestic;
sleep pillow; incense; aromatic oil; yellow dye; smoked;
Deprives man of courage; salve drives goblins away; ingredient
of drink absinthe which deteriorates the nervous system
and causes attacks similar to epileptic seizures. This herb can
poison waters; steeped in wine it counteracts the effects of
Wormwood placed on a cone of black paper connects one with
the recently dead. For workings of wrath and revenge. Dream
inducement. The scent makes the sick sleep. It is also an
incense in psychic work. The incense is also burned on
Hallowe'en to enable one to see the returning spirits of the
mighty dead.
Leaves are collected twice a month.
There is a star called wormwood which fell from heaven at the
sounding of the third angel.

Yarrow see Milfoil

There are of course a great many more herbs unlisted here,

but these herbs have not been forgotten and the readers may
do their own research.

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