Modul B.inggris Prema 38
Modul B.inggris Prema 38
Modul B.inggris Prema 38
Class : X MIPA 8
Number : 38
Practice 7:
No Parts of text Functions of the Parts
1 Identification (name) To identify the place
“The Taj Mahal is located on the right
bank of the Yamuna river in vast The name
Mughal Garden the encompasses Taj Mahal
nearly 17 hectares, in the Agra District
in Uttar Pradesh.” The Location
The right bank of Yamuna river in a vast
Mughal garden the encompasses nearly 17
hectares, in the Agra District in Uttar Pradesh.
2 Characteristic Describe the palce in more information
Paragraph 1
“The Taj Mahal is a white marble Condition
mausoleum one of the finest examples of Mughal
recognised as 'the jewel of Muslim art architecture – an amalgamation of Persian,
in India'. It is Turkish
regarded as one of the finest examples and Indian styles.
of Mughal
architecture – an amalgamation of
Persian, Turkish
and Indian styles.”
No Parts of text Functions of the parts
1 Identification Derawan Island To identifity the place
“It is located just away from the mainland of East the name
Kalimantan in the district of Derawan island
Berau, the Derawan archipelago comprises 31 islands, the location
most well-known East Kalimantan in the district of
among these are the islands of Derawan, Maratua, Berau.
Sangalaki and Kakaban.”
2 Characteristic Describe the place in more
Paragraph 2 detailed information
“The entire marine conservancy region covers a total condition
area of no less than 1.27 tropical
million hectares. It is the perfect tropical qparadise warm
with warm, isolated isolated island
islands, soft white sand beaches fringed with waving soft white sand amazing under
palm trees, pristine seas water life
that change color from green to deep blue, and an
amazing underwater life of
giant turtles, dolphins, manta rays, dugongs and
barracudas, stingless jellyfish
and sometimes, whales. Here, you can find 460
different species of corals,
ranking this area second only to the Raja Ampat
Islands in West Papua. The
Nature Conservancy and a team of international
experts also found more than
870 species of fish here, ranging from tiny pygmy
seahorses to giant manta
rays. So, if you love marine life and water sport,
Darawan island is waiting for
you.” visiting time
September and March
Paragraph 4
“The best time to visit this fascinating island is during
the months of September
and March, when temperatures are much cooler-in the
vicinity of 27°C with
pleasant sea breezes.”
3 Function/benefit/activity Describe activity that can be
Paragraph 1 done at the palace
“Derawan Island is a favorite
place for exploring marine life. Activity
There are many rare animals Scuba
such as the green turtle, the Diving
scarlet turtle, star fruit turtle Pearl diving
and sea cow. The place is also Fishing
home to many rare species of Swimming
marine plants and coral reef. It Other water sports
is also a good place for scuba
diving, pearl diving, fishing,
swimming and other water sports.”
Practice 8
- Passive voice – is located
– Presents tense – is
It is the perfect tropical qparadise with warm, isolated
islands, soft white sand beaches fringed with waving palm trees, pristine seas
that change color from green to deep blue, and an amazing underwater life Activity
It is also a good place for scuba
diving, pearl diving, fishing,
swimming and other water sports
Practice 9:
a.What is the text about?
Answer: the text is about the description of Tongkonan house or Rumah Adat Torajan people.
b.Who might be interested in reading this text?
Answer: Tourist and local people be interested in reading this text.
c.What is the purpose of writing each text?
Answer: The purpose of writing each text is to identify Tongkonan House.
d.What is the benefit of reading this text?
Answer: The benefit of reading this text is the readers will know more about Tongkonan House,
Structure, material of manufacture.
e.What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
Answer: paragraph 2 mainly talk about describe the various building structures of the Tongkonan
f.Mention 3 words from the text that you is not familiar for you!
Answer: Ke’te, saddleback, storage.
Practice 10:
Similiarties differensces
The same explains about tourist attractions Text 5 use sentences of praise
Text 6 use inviting setences
Puputan Badung Field I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung or simply known as Puputan Badung
Field is one of the fields located right in the city center or marked zero kilometers Denpasar,
more precisely the address and location is on Jalan Surapati, Denpasar at the Catur Muka
intersection in the middle. Denpasar city.
To commemorate and honor the services of the hero led by I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung
who died on the battlefield, a Puputan Badung monument or monument was made in the middle
of Denpasar on September 10, 2009 through the mayor's decree 2009
Here there is a playground for children, art performances in the South, lounges for adults,
a place to play skate board, a place to exercise and joging tracks around the field.
In the middle of the field there is the Puputan Badung Monument, about 5 meters high, at
the top of the monument there are 2 adult statues holding spears and kris along with 1 child. At
the bottom of the monument, it is surrounded by fish ponds and there is also a fountain, which is
sometimes turned on so that the view of the monument looks beautiful, the area of this
monument is used as a place to relax for children, while feeding the fish in the lake that
surrounds the monument.
Puputan field is one of the fields that is popular among many people in the Denpasar area
because of its complete facilities and its cool place even though it is in the middle of Denpasar
Multiple Chioce
1. E
2. E
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. E
B. Essay
1. Paragraph 2 mainly talks about the description of London Bridge
2. London Bridge has been depicted in its several forms, in art, literature, and songs,
including the nursery rhyme "London Bridge Is Falling Down".
3. We can find many informations about London Bridge that gain our knowledge
especially dealing with historical building.
4. London Bridge is famous with its unique building and an interesting history
behind it.
5. the purpose of this text is to identify Londo Bridge.