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1.contoh Report Text Animal Binatang Ular Phiton

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Contoh Report Text Animal Binatang Ular Phiton

Pythons are one of the largest snakes. Pythons live in the tropical areas of Africa and
Asia. They can be found in rainforests, savannas and deserts. A lot of people keep them as

Pythons are constrictors. They kill their prey by squeezing them until they stop
breathing. Unlike many other snake species, pythons don’t produce venom – they are non-
venomous snakes. One of the longest known python species is Reticulated Python which can
reach 30 feet in length. Most snakes weigh between 260-300 pounds.

After they kill an animal, they will swallow it in one piece.Everything except fur and
feathers will be digested. Undigested material can be found in the python’s poop. Size of the
prey determines the time needed for digestion. Bigger prey can keep the snake satiated for
weeks or months. Pythons eat 4-5 times per year.

Pythons have heat-sensing organs which help them locate the prey. They eat wild
animals such as monkeys, antelopes, caimans, etc. Pythons attack their prey from the ambush.
They are well camouflaged and hidden usually in the trees. Although they are mainly located
on the ground or in the trees, pythons are excellent swimmers. Colors of the python’s skin are
usually similar to the colors of its habitat. Snakes blend easily with their environment.

Female lays 12-36 eggs. She protects eggs and keeps them warm by coiling her body
around them. When babies hatch, mother leaves the nest. Young snakes need to look after
themselves from the first day.
Contoh Report Text Animal Binatang Burung Hantu Horned

Great Horned Owl

The Great Horned Owl is one of Canada’s most common birds of prey (raptors) and
lives here (and throughout North America) year round. This owl hunts only at night and is
most easily identified by its large size and feathery ear tufts (horns). Most Great Horned
Owls mate for life laying 1 to 5 eggs each year well before the snow melts.

The Great Horned Owls are wide spread and have adapted to many different habitats.
They are most often found in treed areas like forests, woodlands and shrublands

Male Great Horned Owls are large owls — about 18 to 25 inches long and have a
wingspan between 35-60 inches. They have light gray to dark brown feathery ear tufts
(which is how they ended up with the name ‘Horned’ owl).

They have horizontal breast barring with gray to brown, mottled bodies. Their face
has a dark outline with a lighter brown center and sometimes a white bib under the chin.
They have sharp, black talons and beaks.

have large, round gold eyes. Like all owls, their large eyes cannot move. To look up,
down or to the side the owls must move their entire heads and are able to turn their necks 180

The female is same as the male, but larger in size. The male weighs about 3 pounds
while the female weighs about 4 1/2.

Great Horned Owls are mainly nocturnal (meaning they hunt at night), but they also
hunt during the day in the wintertime. They eat rodents, hares, squirrels, skunks, various
birds such as geese, grouse, ducks and pigeons. They sometimes eat fis
Contoh Report Text Animal Binatang katak Marsh

Marsh frog is medium-sized frog that belongs to the family of green frogs. It is native
to Europe and Asia. Marsh frog inhabits marshes, bogs, lakes and areas near the rivers and
streams and spends its entire life in or near the water (hence the nickname “water frog”).

Marsh frog can reach 4.7 to 7 inches in length and 0.4 to 0.5 ounces of weight. Marsh
frog is the largest species of frog in Europe (compared with other native species of frog).
Males are much smaller than females (2/3 of their size).

Marsh frog has warty skin that can be dark green, brown or grey in color. Dorsal side
of the body is often covered with dark lines and spots. Marsh frog has large head with eyes
on top of it, robust body and long hind legs with webbed feet that facilitate swimming and
movement across the slippery ground.

Marsh frog is an excellent swimmer and great jumper. Marsh frog jumps and hides in
deep water as soon as it detects danger. Natural enemies of marsh frogs are birds (such as
herons), reptile (such as grass snake), large toads, fish and various species of mammals.

Marsh frog is a carnivore. Its diet is based on various insects (dragonflies and flies are
its favorite type of food), spiders, earthworms and slugs.

Marsh frog hibernates during the winter. Large groups of marsh frog overwinter in the
water, inside abandoned rodent burrows or on the river banks.

Marsh frog is well known for its laughing calls which is why it is also known as
“Laughing frog”.
Contoh Report Text Animal Binatang Buterfly

Tiger swallowtail is an insect that belongs to the group of swallowtail butterflies. It

can be found in North America (from Canada to Mexico). Tiger swallowtail inhabits
woodlands, edges of the forests, pastures, meadows, swamps, parks and gardens.

Tiger swallowtail can reach 3.5 to 4.5 inches in length. It has a wingspan of 4 to 5
inches and it usually moves by gliding through the air.

Tiger swallowtail has long, thin, black body with one pair of antennas on top of the
head, 3 pairs of legs and 2 pair of large wings. Name “tiger swallowtail” refers to black, tiger-
like stripes on the wings and long, pointed wing tails that look like swallow’s tail (type of

Tiger swallowtail has straw-like tube in the mouth which functions like flexible
tongue designed for suction of liquids. “Tongue” is curled into spiral when it is not in use.
Tiger swallowtail visits oregano, purple coneflowers, zinnias and butterfly bush to extract
nectar from the flowers. It occasionally consumes juice extracted from the overripe fruit.

Female produces 2 to 3 broods in a lifecycle. She lays yellowish-green, spherical eggs

on wild cherry, tulip tree, white ash and sweet bay. Leaves of these plants are basic source of
food for the caterpillars (larvae that hatch from eggs). Nests made of leaves and silk are used
as shelter from the predators.

Caterpillars are initially brown. They change the color into green with blue spots
arranged in rows and develop yellow-black eyespots. Caterpillars can reach 2 inches in

Brown caterpillar resembles bird droppings, while eyespots on green caterpillar look
like eyes of a snake. Both morphological features repel predators.

At the end of the larval stage, hard capsule (cocoon) forms around caterpillar. This
stage, called pupa, ends with adult butterfly which emerges from the cocoon few days later.

Tiger swallowtail completes its life cycle (from egg to adult butterfly) in one month.
Adult butterfly usually lives one month.
Contoh Report Text Animal Binatang Lumba-lumba

Spinner dolphin, also known as long-snouted dolphin belongs to the family of ocean
dolphins. There are 4 subspecies of spinner dolphins that can be found in tropical and
subtropical oceans around the world.

Spinning dolphin can reach 6 to 7 feet in length and 130 to 170 pounds of weight.
Males are larger than females. Spinning dolphins have dark grey backs. Grey color fades on
lateral sides of the body. Belly is light grey or white-colored. Dark grey stripe stretches from
eye to the flipper. Spinner dolphin has small head, long, thin beak and 45 to 65 sharp teeth on
each side of the upper and lower jaw. It has slender body, narrow rib cage and triangular
dorsal fin.

Spinner dolphin is nocturnal creature (active during the night). It usually sleeps in the
bays during the day. Spinner dolphin is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on squids,
fish and shrimps. Spinner dolphins hunt cooperatively, organized in groups. They
communicate via clicks and whistles to locate position of dolphins in the group and to
develop strategy required for the successful hunt.

Spinner dolphins are very social animals. They live in groups (called pods) of 100 to
1.000 animals. Scientists believe that each spinner dolphin produces specific whistle which
can be recognized by other members of the group.

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