Ujian Sekolah
Ujian Sekolah
Ujian Sekolah
1. Bacalah Basmalah sebelum menjawab pertanyaan
2. Kerjakanlah soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
3. Bacalah Hamdallah setelah selesai menjawab semua soal
4. Bekerjalah dengan penuh kejujuran dan rasa tanggung jawab
I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C, dan D di bawah ini!
Quations No 1 to 4! 4. Sekar needs a smartphone during her work to .....
Read the the text beside to answer question below. A. chat with her family
Sekar is a journa list. She works at a B. interview people
multinational newspaper publisher. C. listen to music
D. play games
Sekar is very busy. She often visits
many places, even remote spots, to Quations No 5 to 8!
gather news. Occasionally, she is sent I've got a friend named Halim. He's a compulsive
abroad to cover international events. eater. He likes all kinds of food. He eats anything that
While covering an event, she always is served to him. He weighs 85 kilograms and is a very
carries a black backpack containing chubby-cheeked, funny and friendly person.
her laptop, camera, tripod and
smartphone. When he is absent, everyone will miss him as he
Sekar has been interested in always makes people laugh with his jokes. That is
journalism since she was in junior why people love him very much.
high school. At that time she joined
her School's newspaper agency. Her 5. What is the text about?
interest in journalism continued A. Halim's physical appearance
through her time at university. B. The hobby of the writer's friend
C. The family of the writer's friend
1. A journalist is a person who ..... D. The description of the writer's friend.
A. gathers and writes news
B. writes and edits news 6. From the text, we can conclude that Halim .....
C. interviews people A. is very fat
D. reports news B. has few friends
C. likes to play tricks
2. Sekar always collects news for her ..... D. likes playing sports
A. printing house
B. school agency 7. What is Halim's character like?
C. school organization A. Kind C. Diligent Generous
D. newspaper publisher B. Helpful. D. Generous
3. Sekar has been interested in journalism since she 8. "He's a compulsive eater
was ..... The underlined word can be replaced by .....
A. an OSIS member A. creative C. uncontrollable
B. a junior high student B. sensitive D. competitive
C. a senior high student
D. a university student
Uncle John
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Quations no 18 to 19! 7 kilometres northwest of Cianjur Regency, West Java,
at a depth of 10 kilometres.
20. Read the following text to answer questions 22. According to BNPB, how many houses are
number 20. reportedly damaged?
A. 12,729 houses C. 6,944 houses
B. 2,234 houses D. 21,907 houses
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According to BMKG, why the quake in Cianjur ate the street food there. I went to the airport at 3 PM
caused a lot of damages? because my flight was at 5 PM. I felt tired but happy, I
A. because the level of destruction was high had a fantastic experience in South Korea and made
B. because the tremours were felt as far as wonderful memory with my friends. It was a great
Jakarta trip.
C. because 5,6 magnitude earthquake on land is
rare 25. From the text we know that the writer spent .....
D. because the infrastructure in Cianjur area days long in Korea.
and its residents were not disaster ready A. Three days C. Five days
B. Four days D. Six days
24. Read the following text to answer questions
number 24. 26. Why the writer decided to take a nap after
When I was being in the mosque arriving in Korea?
It was around 13.21 local time in Cianjur and I A. He felt a bit happy after 6 hours long flight.
was being in a school’s mosque praying when B. He felt a bit sad after 6 hours long flight.
the quake suddenly hit Cianjur. Some teachers C. He felt a bit mad after 6 hours long flight.
were in the beginning of praying and all D. He felt a bit tired after 6 hours long flight.
students were still in their classrooms. We all
suddenly felt the tremors and began to scream 27. From the text we know that the writer landed in
while rushing out of the classrooms. Incheon Airport Korea at 7 AM, what time the
writer took off from Soekarno Hatta International
The tremors kept going on but I was trying airport in Indonesia if the flight takes 6 hours
hard to stay in my position while being fully long?
aware of the situation. At that time, I was also A. 1 PM C. 1 AM
worried. A few seconds later, my friend touched B. 2 PM D. 2 AM
me and asked me to get out of the mosque
soon. I then decided to cancel my praying and Read the following text to answer questions number 28
rushed out of the mosque too. I also saw to 30.
students and teachers running out of the The golden Snail
classrooms and got together in the schoolyard.
One day a poor old widow, Mbok Rondo Dadapan,
who always fished along the river, found the golden
The followings are the reasons why the students snail and took it home as a pet. She put the snail in a
and teachers ran out of their classrooms, except.... jar and took good care of it. All of sudden, the
A. They felt earthquake unexpected good things took place in Mbok Rondo's
B. They were being in the classrooms, felt the life.
C. The teachers who were in the mosque Coming back from her daily fishing, she would find
worried about the quake. delicious dishes on the table and the house is cleaned.
D. They got together in the school yard. She wondered who had been so nice to take care of
her house, to do the cooking and house chores. This
Read the following text to answer questions number 25 strange event went on for several days, she could not
to 27. resist to find out who was the mysterious and kind
I spent my last holiday in Seoul, South Korea. I went person was. So, one day, instead of fishing, she
there with my friends. peeped through a hole in the wall of her house.
On the first day, I was landed at Incheon Airport After waiting and hiding, finally she saw an amazing
around 7 AM after 6 hours long flight. Then I went to scene. She saw a beautiful princess coming out of the
Seoul by train and checked in to the hotel which I had jar and starting to clean the house and preparing the
already booked. I decided to take a rest for a while. At meal.
night, I went to Hongdae, a famous district in South
Korea. I went to eat traditional Korean food. On the The next day, the same thing happened. Without
next day, I went to the Gyeongbokgung Palace and wasting any time Mbok Rondo rushed into the house
National Museum. I also went to learn how to make and smashed the jar altogether with the snail shell in
Kimchi and saw the scenery of Seoul from Seoul it with stone mortar. The homeless Dewi Sekartaji
Tower. I went back to the hotel at 10 PM and could not turn back into a snail shell, and the magic
immediately went to sleep. spell was broken. Mbok Rondo asked to the beautiful
princes about her pedigree. Then the princes said
I spent my last day in Myeongdong and bought some that She is Dewi Sekartaji, Raden Panji Asmoro
stuffs and souvenirs for my family and friends. I also Bangun’s wife who was cursed by God Batara Narada
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become the Golden snail in order to saved her from greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his
kidnapping accident who was done by The King of goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs
Antah Berantah. After telling her pedigree, she was inside its stomach. He found nothing! Poor him!
then adopted by Mbok Rondo as her daughter. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness,
it’s already too late.
Meanwhile, Raden Panji Asmoro Bangun searching
for his wife. He wandered from one village to another, 31. The farmer regretted at the end of the story
finally reaching Dadapan village where he found his because .....
beloved wife. Filled with happiness and love, they A. he had done something stupid to the goose
went back to their kingdom, taking good old Mbok B. he became a lazy and arrogant person
Rondo. C. the goose did not lay golden eggs very often
D. the eggs were not ordinary ones
28. It can be inferred that the characteristic of Dewi
Sekartaji is ..... 32. “ ..... this goose will help you to ease your hardship
A. Beautiful, spoil and lazy .....” (Paragraph 2).What does the underlined word
B. Beautiful, selfish and rude refer to?
C. Beautiful, arrogant and spiteful A. The farmer. C. An old man.
D. Beautiful, kind and know how to treat people B. This goose. D. A golden egg.
33. What can you learn from the story?
29. What would happen to Dewi Sekartaji if God A. Greedy people will get nothing in their life.
Batara Narada did not curse her become a snail? B. People must do everything to become rich.
A. The King of Antah Berantah would lose her. C. Animals can help people survive in their life.
B. The King of Antah Berantah would kidnap D. We must listen to old men to succeed in our
and marry her. life.
C. The King of Antah Berantah would help her.
D. The King of Antah Berantah would hate her. Read the following text to answer questions number 34
to 36.
30. The moral value which is described Mbok Rondo’s Once upon a time, there lived a father with his two
character is ..... beautiful daughters in a village. His wife had already
A. No matter how trivial the kindness, it will be died. The father raised the daughters by himself .He
paid by another kindness too. love them very much.
B. It does not matter if you are poor, but you
have to had a golden hearth. The father liked hunting very much. He often went to
C. We have to help the rich people, so we can the forest to hunt deer, rabbit or many kinds of birds
take a good benefit. in the forest. But the two girls disliked it. They didn’t
D. Kindness only can be done by the rich want their father killed animals. The father tried hard
people. to stop his hobby as the girls wanted
Read the following text to answer questions number 31 One day, when the father went around the village. He
to 33. met his friend. They talked about many white birds
Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was which came to the lake. They said it was good time to
inhabited mainly by farmers and hunters. One day, a hunt the bird. The men asked the father to hunt the
poor farmer lost his entire livestock because of a birds. The father couldn’t help himself. He forgot his
flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family promise not to hunt anymore. The father went home
would die of starvation. to take his gun.
A few days later, an old man with a long grey beard, Knowing his father’s plan to go hunting, the eldest
passing by his house, took a pity on the farmer. He daughter said to her sister that she would wear long
gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any white clothes and go to the lake. She pretended to be
expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will a white bird so that the father would kill her and
help you to ease your hardship.” A week later to his would stop hunting. When the eldest daughter went
surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. It was away wearing long white cloth, the younger daughter
not an ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was wearing the same clothes, followed her sister.
suddenly filled with joy.
The two daughters ran away to the lake. The father
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but who had already in the lake saw them. He taught that
the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He they were birds. He shot both of them. How shocked
became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the he was, when they cried in pain. He ran to them but it
goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The was too late both of his daughter had already died.
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The father was shocked since then he never hunted flood-prone areas is evidence that the value of settled
animals. near the water is greater than the cost of the damage
caused by periodic flooding.
34. What does the text tell us about?
A. The regret of father Great flood myth is a story of mythological great flood
B. The sadness of two daughters. sent by God to destroy a civilization in retaliation for
C. The effort of two daughters. the great and often appears in the mythology of
D. The love of father to his daughter. various cultures in the world.
35. What was the main problem of the story? 39. From the text above, we can conclude that .....
A. The father hunter animal again. A. Flood is always caused by heavy rain.
B. The daughters were shot by the father. B. Damage caused by flood cannot be avoided.
C. The daughters pretended to be white birds. C. People prefer moving away than staying in
D. The father raised the daughter by himself. the flood-prone area.
D. Flood is natural phenomena that occurs
36. How could you describe the girls? when water on land is not normally
A. They were animals lovers. submerged
B. They obey to their father.
C. They hate their father. 40. What is the benefit of reading the text?
D. They dislike their father’s friend. A. We can enrich our knowledge about the flood
and its danger
37. How long is the sale? B. We can avoid from the flood damage
A. Seven days C. Six days C. We can take advantages to make a living in
B. Five days D. Eight days flood-prone
D. We can protect our life from the disaster
38. What gods get 25% off ? caused by flood
A. Necklaces and watches
B. Bags and briefcases 41. Dear Lisa,
C. Bookcase and chairs. Congratulations on your winning the first prize of
D. Dining tables and leathers sofas. the English debate competition. I hear about it
from your Mom.
Read the following text to answer questions number 39
and 40. Love,Ella
The correct statements is .....
A flood is an event that occurs when the flow of A. Ela has joined a competition
excessive water soaking the mainland. EU directives B. Lisa got a present from Ella.
define flood as a flood of temporary submersion by C. Lisa is a winner of English debate.
water on land that is not normally submerged. In the D. Lisa's mother teaches her about the English
sense of “flowing water”, the word can also mean the debate
inclusion of ocean tides. Flooding caused by the
volume of water in a body of water such as a river or 42. Dear Mrs. Karen,
lake overflow or break down the dam so that water Our prayers and good thought to your whole
out of its natural limits. family. Hold on tightly to each other always! We
are so blessed to have met Mr. Bram and will
Size of the lake or body of water constantly changes always remember his most generous heart. Your
according to changes in precipitation and melting father was a great man, because he raised such a
seasonal snow, but no major flooding unless the kind and noble son.
water reaches the human uses such as villages,
towns, and other settlements. Warm regards,
Mr. Smith and family
Floods can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds the
capacity of the drains, especially at the bend in the Who has just passed away?
river. Floods often cause damage to homes and shops A. Mr. Smith’s father
were built on natural river floodplains. Although B. Mrs. Karen’s son
flood damage can be avoided by moving away from C. Mr. Bram’s son
rivers and other bodies of water, the people living and D. Mrs. Karen’s father
working close to the water to make a living and take
advantage of low costs as well as travel and trade 43. Happy Mother's Day
near the waters smooth. Humans continue to settle in
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Your smile brightens each day just as the morning B. biggest D. morr bigger
rays shines on the hills and it’s with doubt that
this gives us the courage to face the new day with 47. We ..... bring out mobile phone to the class ini
joy. SMPN 1 ilmuguru
A. Must C. Have to
To whom the card is sent? B. Must not D. Don't have to
A. Mother C. Grandmother
B. Father D. Grandfather 48. Students ..... wear the school uniforms at school.
A. must C. mustn't
44. To: Ruth. B. should D. shouldn't
I’d like to congratulate you on passing your exam.
I do hope you are always successful. 49. I think you ..... practice more on your dance move.
Love A. must C. mustn't
Joshua B. should D. shouldn't
Joshua sends the card because ..... 50. The underlined expression expresses .....
A. His exam is difficult to do Mother : You know that Mira always takes
B. He wants to be successful sleeping lately to solve her problems.
C. He wants to congratulate Ruth Father : That’s wrong! It can be dangerous for
D. He wants to tell Ruth about his exam her life if she doesn’t change her bad
45. People work ..... they can earn money A. Sympathy C. Agreement
A. wish C. in order to B. Possibility D. Disagreement
B. hope D. so that
II. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan
46. He has the ..... house among all his friends. benar!
A. big C. bigger 4
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JAWABAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
C √ √
D √ √ √
JAWABAN 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
B √
C √
D √ √ √ √ √ √
JAWABAN 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
A √ √
B √ √ √
C √
D √ √ √ √
JAWABAN 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
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