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How To Make Concrete

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How to make concrete

Concrete is a complex material that
requires care during the preparation,
mixing, placing and curing (hardening)
for the final product to be of acceptable
quality for construction.

This mobile note describes the main

components of concrete, how to
combine them and how to use the
final mix. It also considers the special
difficulties of using concrete in hot
and cold climates and mixing concrete
by hand.
Introduction................................................. 1
Concrete constituents................................. 3
Concrete mixes......................................... 16
Mix ratios.......................................................16
Mechanical mixing........................................19
Hand mixing..................................................21
Placement and compaction....................... 22
Curing........................................................ 30
Concreting in extreme temperatures....... 32
Cold weather.................................................32
Hot weather...................................................33
About this note.......................................... 39
Concrete constituents
Concrete is a mixture of cement,
fine aggregate (sand less than 5 mm
diameter) and coarse aggregate (gravel
6 – 20mm diameter). When mixed
together in the correct proportions
they produce a dense material. Water
is added to the mix to react chemically
with the cement to make it harden and to
make the complete mixture easy to move
and place where required.

The fine and coarse aggregates

provide most of the bulk and strength
of concrete, the cement ‘glues’ the
individual particles together. Despite the
apparent simplicity of concrete, it is a
complex material and requires careful
attention if the final product is to be
strong, hard and durable.

Note: Cement is a hazardous chemical

substance and should be handled with
extreme care.
Cement is made from a mixture of clay
and limestone which, when heated
together, form a new substance. Once
cooled this substance is ground to a fine
powder and gypsum is added to produce

When water is added to cement a

chemical reaction begins which causes
the individual particles of cement to bind
together. As the particles bind together,
the concrete mix gradually becomes
stiffer and harder to manipulate.

Eventually the chemical bond becomes

so strong that the concrete appears as a
hard solid mass. It is said to have ‘set’. At
this stage the chemical bonding is very
weak and is easily broken if the mixture
is disturbed.

The time taken for the cement to set

depends on the temperature and the
way the cement is used. In cold climates
total setting can take five to six hours
but in hot weather it can take less than
one hour.

The chemical reaction continues after

the cement has set and, as it does so, it
becomes steadily harder and stronger.
Most of the reaction and strength
development takes place over the first
month but it continues at a gradually
decreasing rate over many years.

As the cement reacts with the water,

heat is produced. In small quantities
this is not a problem as increased
temperature increases the rate of the
chemical reaction. However, if the
temperature rises too much it will drive
water out of the mix which will prevent
the cement from fully hardening. It can
also cause the cement to crack, reducing
the final strength of the mixture.

There are many different types of cement

but by far the most common (and the
one most likely to be present on the local
market) is usually known as ‘Ordinary
Portland Cement’. This cement is
suitable for most general uses such as
concrete for small buildings and mortar
for brick and block laying.

Figure 1. Laying cement and bricks

Storing and handling cement
Cement is a hazardous chemical and
should be handled with care. Cement
dust can damage skin and eyes. In
theory, people working with cement
should be provided with protective
clothing, including overalls, goggles and
gloves, and helmets where work extends
above head height. In practice, especially
during emergencies, it is unlikely that
protective clothing will be available
or worn.

Cement in small quantities is usually

supplied in 25kg or 50kg bags. These
bags are often made of paper and are
not waterproof and must therefore
be protected from water. Some water
will gradually be absorbed from the
atmosphere and will react with the
cement to start the hardening process.

Cement bags should preferably be

stored inside a building, off the floor.
If that is not possible, store the bags
on pallets laid on flat ground and
covered with plastic sheeting. Do not
store more than four bags high as
compressing the cement will assist the
hardening process.

Even under good storage conditions,

cement loses significant strength if
stored for more than four to six weeks.
Cement stocks should be rotated so
that the oldest is used first and bags are
regularly checked for damage.

Figure 2. Packets of cement wraped in

plastic and stored off the ground
Damaged cement
Cement that contains lumps of hardened
cement that cannot be broken by hand
will have lost strength.

If better quality cement is available,

those bags containing hard lumps should
be discarded.

If cement containing lumps is all that

is available, the lumps should be

The remaining cement will have lost

some strength, and should be used with

The quality of the remaining cement

cannot be assessed from visual

As a guide, the proportion of such

cement added to concrete should be
increased by between 10 and 20%.
Figure 3. Damaged bag of cement

Coarse aggregate
Aggregates must be clean and strong
(this will depend on the rock from
which they originated). They should be
free of organic material, fine sand and
impurities such as salt.

Fine particles of dust, soil or organic

material will prevent the concrete
mix bonding together to make a solid
material. It will produce planes of
weakness in the mixture that will allow
water to enter or the concrete to crack.

As a rough guide to cleanliness, rub

some of the aggregate between both
hands. If the hands stay clean then the
aggregate is probably ok. If the hands are
stained, consider washing the aggregate
to clean it.

If your hand is stained with aggregate,

consider washing it again.

Both the size and shape of the aggregate

affects concreting. Large aggregate
(20mm) is generally easier to work with
and requires less water in the mix but
should not be used if the concrete is
to include steel reinforcement or only
thin sections of concrete are to be laid.
Similarly, rounded aggregate (such as
river gravel) requres less water to make
the concrete workable than crushed or
angular shaped aggregate.
Figure 4. If your hand is stained with
aggregate, consider washing
the aggregate again
Sometimes natural large aggregate
is not readily available and, in some
societies, it has been replaced by
crushed bricks.

This approach is highly energy intensive

and the strength of the aggregate can be
very variable, depending on how well the
bricks were made in the first place.

Fine aggregate
Fine aggregates by which we usually
mean sand, are normally naturally
occurring, often from local river beds.

As with coarse aggregates the

cleanliness of the sand can be checked
by rubbing the sand between both hands.

Sand should preferably be washed or

sieved to remove very fine particles, but
it is unlikely that this will be possible in
an emergency. If the sand is found to be
dirty, consider whether other sources of
cleaner sand are available.
Storing aggregates
Aggregate should be stored on a hard,
dry patch of ground. Piles of different
aggregate sizes should be separated by
a space or a physical barrier to prevent

Set up a stock rotation system so that

newly delivered aggregate is not placed
on top of existing stock. As the aggregate
is used, fine materials will gradually fall
to the bottom of the pile. If the same pile
is used continuously, the bottom layer will
become contaminated with excess fine
materials and produce poor concrete.

The moisture content of the aggregate is

important because it affects the quantity
of water that must be added to the
concrete mix. Large aggregate will tend
to quickly drain any excess water but
high temperatures may lead to drying
out. Try to keep stored aggregates at a
constant moisture content, possibly by
spraying the pile with water regularly.
The moisture content of fine aggregate
is more problematic. Freshly delivered
sand is often very wet and should be
allowed to stand for a day before use. Try
not to use the bottom 300 – 600mm of a
sand pile as this is likely to be saturated.
In hot weather, fine aggregate will also
have a significant difference in moisture
content between the inside and outside
of the pile so try to mix the aggregate as
it is used.

Hot weather brings other problems. If

the aggregate is hot it will contribute to
the temperature of the concrete mix as
it hardens. This can lead to excessively
high temperatures in the mix which will
reduce the final strength of the concrete.
Try to store aggregates under shade and,
if possible, regularly spray with water.

Wherever possible use drinking quality
water for mixing concrete. Impurities in
the water can affect the final strength
of the concrete. In hot climates, keep
the water as cool as possible. If possible
use water from a borehole or piped
water supply. If you must store water for
concrete mixing, store it in containers
protected from the sun. Paint them white
to reflect sunlight.

Concrete mixes
Mix ratios
Different mix ratios are used for different
applications. In general, the stronger
the concrete required, the larger the
proportion of cement in the mix. Refer
to the tables at the end of this note for
details of mixes for specific purposes.

The concrete mix is the proportion
of each constituent (cement: sand:
aggregate). Mixes can be prepared by
weight or by volume. Of the two, mixing
by weight is more accurate. (This is
usually called ‘weigh batching’).
If large weighing scales are not available,
then mixing by volume is usually the
only practical option. When mixing by
volume, use containers of known volume
to measure the proportions. A bucket
levelled off with a straight edge or a
prefabricated gauge box is best.

Gauge boxes
A simple wooden box fitted with handles
can be fabricated of known volume. For
example a box 300mm high x 400mm
wide x 540 mm long has a volume of 65
litres. Two boxes full of aggregate will
be sufficient to mix with a 50kg bag of
cement when making 1:2:4 mix concrete.

Figure 5. A gauge box

Water content
The amount of water in a mix is critical to
the final strength of the concrete. If not
enough is added the chemical hardening
of the cement will be incomplete and the
mix will be very difficult to manipulate. If
too much is added the water will replace
the aggregates in the mix and lead to
a weak concrete. Concrete achieves its
maximum strength with a water:cement
ratio of 0.3 but this is not achievable
when mixing by hand (the mix would
be too dry to mix it properly). For hand
mixed concrete the minimum water
cement ratio is usually considered to
be 0.55 by weight. This is equivalent to
27.5 litres of water to every 50 kg bag of

Don’t forget that the water : cement ratio

includes water retained in the aggregate.

The amount of water recommended

assumes aggregates are damp. The
amount of water added should be
adjusted up or down depending on the
actual wetness of the aggregate.

Water : cement ratio

The water cement ratio is calculated
by dividing the mass of the water in the
mix by the mass of the cement.

Mechanical mixing
The best way to mix concrete is in a
concrete mixer. Mechanical mixers
need less water to ensure complete
mixing and produce a more consistent
concrete. If possible use a mixer that will
hold enough material to use a full bag
of cement. As a rough guide a 200 litre
mixer will hold the aggregates needed to
mix with a 50 kg bag of cement.
To mix concrete:

• Start the mixer drum turning

• Load half the coarse aggregate and
anticipated water volume into the
• Add most of the cement and fine
• Gradually add the remaining
materials, avoiding a build up of dry
or hardened material on the blades
and drum.
• Mix for two minutes to obtain a
uniform consistency and colour.

Figure 6. A mechanical mixer

Hand mixing
Figure 7 shows the materials required
for hand mixing.

Mix on a clean smooth surface such as

a large piece of packing case plywood
or a concrete slab. Measure out the fine
and coarse aggregates into a compact
pile. Form a crater in the top and add
the measured quantity of cement. Turn
over the mix at least three times to fully
combine the different materials. Form a
second crater in the top of the pile and
add some of the water. Bring the dry
material from the edge of the pile to the
water and keep mixing. Add extra water
as necessary until a uniform consistency
is achieved. Try not to add more water
than is necessary for complete mixing
and to achieve a workable mix. (See
Figure 8, steps 1 to 12).

A workable mix is when the concrete

is neither too dry nor too wet. Knowing
when a mix is workable comes with
experience. A workable concrete
is slightly liquid, so that it can be
encouraged to fill formwork or moulds,
but is not so liquid that it can be formed
into a low cone without collapsing
completely. A workable mix therefore
behaves partly as a solid and partly as
a liquid.

Placement and compaction

Concrete in its wet state will not keep to
a specific shape. Construct a framework
of timber walls (shuttering) to keep the
concrete in place until it has set.

The timber that comes into contact with

concrete is often coated with a thin film
of oil to make it easier to remove the
timber when the concrete has set.

Pour the concrete into the shuttering

and push it so that it fills the space. It is
important to remove air voids from the
concrete so compact the mixture either
using a vibrating poker or by vigorously
moving a piece of reinforcing rod up and
down in the mix. Don’t over compact the
mix as this will cause the materials in
the concrete to separate.



Shovel container
(gauge box)

Cement (stored
off the ground)

Mixing board

Figure 7. Materials and equipment

required for handmixing concrete
Step 1: Laying out the board

Step 2: Filling the container with aggregate

Step 3: Levelling the contents of the container

Step 4: Emptying the contents of the container

Step 5: Aggregates and cement ready for mixing

Step 6: Mixing the aggregates and cement

Step 7: Making a crater in the mixture
Step 8: Pouring water into the crater

Step 9: Mixing the pile again

Step 10: Pouring more water into the crater

Step 11: Continuing to mix

Step 12: Testing the mix

Figure 8. Making concrete

Curing is the term used to describe the
chemical hardening of the concrete. It
will only fully take place if the concrete
is kept moist and the temperature
controlled. There is usually enough
water added to the mix to enable curing
to take place provided none is lost
through drying out and the temperature
of the mix is not allowed to rise too high.
The concrete can be protected by:

• Leaving the shuttering in place for a


• Covering or wrapping in plastic


• Covering with wet sacking which are

kept damp

• Regular spraying with water.

• Horizontal slabs can also be cured


• Covering in wet sand

• Flooding with water held within a low

clay dam (Figure 9).

Curing should be started as soon as the

concrete has hardened and continued for
at least seven days.
Figure 9. Constructing a clay dam

Concreting in extreme
Cold weather
Do not concrete in freezing weather. The
hardening process stops and the water
expands as it freezes, leaving cracks in
the concrete. At low temperatures try to
retain as much heat as possible in the
concrete by:
• using warm water;

• adding extra cement to the mix; and

• insulating the concrete with straw or


It may be possible to construct some

concrete components indoors, or to erect
a shelter so that the area to be concreted
can be heated.

Chemicals can be added to the concrete

mix to prevent the water from freezing
but these are only effective over limited
temperature ranges.

Hot weather
The main problems with concreting in
hot climates are the rapid hardening of
the mix and high temperatures affecting
the hardening process. Concretes cured
in high temperatures gain strength
quicker than in cold temperatures but do
not achieve as high a long term strength
In emergencies, this is not normally
a problem as most concreting only
requires a fairly low strength.
The main techniques for working in hot
climates are:

• Include admixtures (special

chemicals) such as hardening
retarders and water reducing
admixtures to increase the time
between mixing and hardening. This
is unlikely to be possible during an
• Shade aggregates from the sun and
spray regularly with water.
• Store water in insulated containers
or ones painted to reflect sunlight.
• Mix concrete for the minimum
amount of time before placing.
• Mix concrete as close as possible to
the place where it will be used.
• Cover wet concrete with plastic
sheeting as soon as possible after
Initial curing at 10°C
Comprressive strength - N/mm

Initial curing
at 50°C



0 7 14 21 28
Age - days

The higher the concrete temperature d  uring

mixing and the first 24 hours of curing, the
greater the early rate of strength development
but the lower the ultimate strength. Extremes of
temperature have been chosen to emphasize a
typical effect.

Figure 10. Variation in concrete strength

with ambient temperature dam

Source: C&CQ (1980)

Table 1. Foundations, pipe surrounds

Nearest traditional mix for comparison:

1:3:6 or 1:8 all-in

‘One bag mixes’ Batch volumes

Aggregate Approx. Number For 1m3

volumes yield, m3 of mixes (approx.)
(litres) per per m3 Cement – bags
50kg bag of Aggregate -
cement litres

Fine 130 0.24 4.2 Cement 4.2

Fine 560
Coarse 180 Coarse 780

Table 2. Foundations where ground conditions are

poor or where it is difficult to keep excavations dry

Nearest traditional mix for comparison:

1:2.5:5 or 1:6 all-in

‘One bag mixes’ Batch volumes

Aggregate Approx. Number For 1m3

volumes yield, m3 of mixes (approx.)
(litres) per per m3 Cement – bags
50kg bag of Aggregate -
cement litres

Fine 110 0.21 4.8 Cement 4.8

Fine 540
Coarse 160 Coarse 790
Table 3. Foundations where ground conditions are
poor or where it is difficult to keep excavations dry

Nearest traditional mix for comparison:

1:2.5:5 or 1:6 all-in

‘One bag mixes’ Batch volumes

Aggregate Approx. Number For 1m3

volumes yield, m3 of mixes (approx.)
(litres) per per m3 Cement – bags
50kg bag of Aggregate -
cement litres

Fine 110 0.21 4.8 Cement 4.8

Fine 540
Coarse 160 Coarse 790

Table 4. General mass concrete: minimum for

structural unreinforced concrete

‘One bag mixes’ Batch


Aggregate Approx. Number For 1m3

volumes yield, m3 of mixes (approx.)
(litres) per per m3 Cement –
50kg bag of bags
cement Aggregate -

Fine 90 0.19 5.4 Cement 5.4

Fine 510
Coarse 150 Coarse 800
Table 5. Where greater durability is required,
such as solid floors, pump bases. Min. recom-
mended for reinforced concrete in mild conditions*

Nearest traditional mix for comparison: 1:2:4

‘One bag mixes’ Batch volumes

Aggregate Approx. Number For 1m3

volumes yield, m3 of mixes (approx.)
(litres) per per m3 Cement – bags
50kg bag of Aggregate -
cement litres

Fine 80 0.17 6.0 Cement 6.0

Fine 490
Coarse 130 Coarse 800

Table 6. Reinforced concrete in severe conditions

(exposed to sea water, acidic water, driving rain,
alternate wetting and drying, or to freezing when

Nearest traditional mix for comparison: 1:1.5:3

‘One bag mixes’ Batch volumes

Aggregate Approx. Number For 1m3

volumes yield, m3 of mixes (approx.)
(litres) per per m3 Cement – bags
50kg bag of Aggregate -
cement litres

Fine 65 0.13 7.7 Cement 7.7

Fine 500
Coarse 95 Coarse 730
* Mild conditions – completely protected against
weather or aggressive conditions, except for a
brief period of exposure to normal weather during
The information in these tables are based upon
the use of a BS 12 cement with a standard
strength class of 42.5. If cements of lower
strength class are used (i.e. those containing
pulverized fuel ash, ground blast furnace slag or
limestone) the proportions of aggregate should be
reduced by 10 per cent. The yield will be reduced
Adapted from the Cement and Concrete
Association construction guide.

About this note

Author: Bob Reed
Editor: Rod Shaw
Illustrator: Rod Shaw
QA: Michael Smith
Designed and produced by WEDC
© WEDC, Loughborough University, 2017

Water, Engineering
and Development Centre (WEDC)
School of Civil and Building Engineering
Loughborough University
Leicestershire LE11 3TU UK
Phone: + 44 (0) 1509 222885
Email: wedc@lboro.ac.uk
Website: wedc.lboro.ac.uk
Twitter: wedcuk
YouTube: wedclboro


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