Etap Shotcut Keys KEY Description
Etap Shotcut Keys KEY Description
Etap Shotcut Keys KEY Description
Q Closing the project
W Scenario Wizard
E Edit mode
R Rotate the equipment’s
T Toggle b/w Open/Close in Circuit breakers
Y Redo
I Move the Tag of the equipment’s
O Open the Project
P Print
{ Display all details
A Select all
S Save
D Dumpster
F Find
G Group/Ungroup
H Hyperlink
K Preferences
L Lock the Equipment
Enter Open Equipment details
Z Undo
X Cut
C Copy
V Paste
B Text Box
N New Project
M Toggle b/w the studies
+ Power & Arc calculator
Shift + Increase size of Equipment
Shift - Decrease size of Equipment
F1 Help
F2 System Manager
Ctrl + Zoom out
Ctrl - Zoom in
Ctrl 0 Fit to Page
Shift V Move from dumpster
Shift S Save as