TG Net SST 200
TG Net SST 200
TG Net SST 200
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No.
SC213459; Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in
Scotland No. SC213460; (all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power
Distribution plc Registered in England & Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH
which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
Name Title
Author Mark Mitchinson Equipment Policy Engineer
Checked by Phil Churn Equipment Policy Engineer
Approved by John Baker Senior Technical Authority
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 3
2 References .................................................................................................................................. 3
3 Acronyms .................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Deviations from this Standard ..................................................................................................... 4
5 Guidance Notes .......................................................................................................................... 4
6 11 kV Indoor Metal Enclosed Switchgear ................................................................................... 5
7 11 kV Retrofit Circuit Breakers .................................................................................................... 6
8 Extensions to switchboards ......................................................................................................... 6
9 33 kV Indoor Metal Enclosed Switchgear ................................................................................... 6
10 33 kV Outdoor Switchgear .......................................................................................................... 7
11 33 kV Instrument Voltage Transformers ..................................................................................... 7
12 33 kV Surge Arrestors ................................................................................................................. 8
13 132 kV Circuit Breakers .............................................................................................................. 8
14 132 kV Disconnectors and Earth Switches ................................................................................. 9
15 132 kV Instrument Transformers................................................................................................. 9
16 132 kV Surge Arrestors ............................................................................................................. 10
17 33 kV / 11.5 kV Neutral Earthing/Auxiliary Transformers ......................................................... 10
18 33 kV / 11.5 kV Primary Transformers ...................................................................................... 10
19 66 kV Grid Transformers ........................................................................................................... 11
20 132 kV Grid Transformers ......................................................................................................... 12
21 Miscellaneous Transformers and Reactors .............................................................................. 12
22 Batteries and Battery Chargers ................................................................................................. 12
23 Applicable Standards ................................................................................................................ 13
24 Revision History ........................................................................................................................ 13
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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
1 Introduction
1.1 This mandatory document is intended to be used by:
2 References
The documents detailed in Table 2.1 – Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Documents and
Table 2.2 – External Documents should be used in conjunction with this document.
Reference Title
FO-NET-ENG-015 Technical Assessment and Approval of New or Changed Product
FO-NET-SST-201 Ordering Schedule for 11kV Primary Distribution Switchgear (SSEN internal use only)
PR-NET-ENG-001 Technical Approval of Products for use by SSEN on the Distribution Network
PR-NET-ENG-039 Deviations from ‘G81’ Standards and Operational Documents -Design Standard
TG-NET-SST-202 Technical Guide Plant Ordering Procedure (SSEN internal use only)
Reference Title
IEC 61850 Communications Networks and Systems for Power Utility Automation
ENA TS 41-36(1) Switchgear for Service up to 36kV
ENA TS 41-37 Switchgear for use on 66kV to 132kV Distribution Systems
ENA TS 41-40 Ground Mounted Major Substation 12 to 36 kV Rated Indoor Fixed Pattern Switchgear
BS EN 60076-1 Power transformers. Part 1 – General
BS EN 60076-2 Power transformers. Part 2 – Temperature rise for liquid Immersed Transformers
BS EN 60076-3 Power transformers. Part 3 – Insulation levels, dielectric tests and external clearances in
BS EN 60076-5 Power transformers. Part 5 – Ability to withstand short circuit
BS EN 60076-7 Power transformers. Part 7 – Loading guide for oil-immersed power Transformers
BS EN 60076-10 Power transformers. Part 10 – Determination of sound levels
(1) ENA TS 41-36 Issue 3 is superseded by ENA TS 41-40 but is still applicable in certain cases for equipment detailed herein.
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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
3 Acronyms
The acronyms shown in Table 3.1 - Acronyms, are used in this document:
Acronym Definition
CER Continuous Emergency Rated (relating to transformers)
CMR Continuous Maximum Rated (relating to transformers)
CT Current Transformer
DNP3 Distributed Network Protocol (revision 3)
ENA Energy Networks Association
ENA TS Energy Networks Association Technical Specification
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
ICP Independent Connection Provider
IDNO Independent Distribution Network Operator
LHS Left Hand Side
MCOP Metering Code of Practice; Balancing and Settlement Code, Codes of Practice detailing
the requirements for Metering Systems
NOC Notice of Conformity (Certificate)
ONAN Oil Natural Air Natural
ORO On Request Only (i.e., not stocked by SSEN)
RHS Right Hand Side
SF6 Sulphur Hexafluoride
SSEN Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
VT Voltage Transformer
ZPSI Zero Phase Sequence Impedance
5 Guidance Notes
5.1 Where applicable, SSEN staff shall follow the ordering process detailed within
TG-NET-SST-202 (SSEN internal use only) or use stock codes/ references provided within
the relevant specification.
5.2 IDNOs, ICPs and other Third Parties:
5.2.1 When contacting the supplier, where given, the relevant SSEN stock code/ORO reference
shall be quoted to ensure that the item is the approved one and not a derivative which
subsequently may not be acceptable.
5.2.2 Plant from alternative suppliers may be offered without prejudice:
Items not listed in this document may be considered by SSEN. However, the Approval
process may take some time and will attract a charge for the work: see also
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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
Page 5 of 14
Uncontrolled if Printed.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
8 Extensions to switchboards
8.1 Extensions to switchboards can only be considered if either one of the following two apply:
8.1.1 The switchgear is shown in the current version of TG-NET-SST-200.
8.1.2 The switchgear:
• is not shown in TG-NET-SST-200, i.e., is legacy equipment connected to the SSEN
network; and
• is still currently manufactured; and
• the extension has been approved by Asset Policy via a Design Deviation.
8.2 In all other cases an extension is not permitted, and the switchgear will have to be replaced.
The use of joggle chambers, non-OEM switchgear, second-hand switchgear and refurbished
switchgear is not permitted.
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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
10 33 kV Outdoor Switchgear
Approved equipment is indicated in Table 10.1.
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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
12 33 kV Surge Arrestors
Approved equipment is indicated in Table 12.1.
Table 12.1 - 33 kV Surge Arrestors
Table 13.2 – 132 kV Primary Switchgear - Circuit Breakers subject to deviation request
(1) Item is partially authorised only: Each case shall be subject to Technical Authority authorisation. Third parties
should liaise with your main SSEN contact point.
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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
Manufacturer Type Phase Rating
72.5 kV,
Current Transformer Type IMB 72.5,
MCOP1 1 1600 / 2000 A
Accuracy 0.2s
63 / 40 kA
145 kV,
Hitachi Energy Current Transformer Type IMB 145 Accuracy
MCOP1 1 1600 / 2000 A
63 / 40 kA
Capacitive Voltage Transformer Types
n/a 1 72.5 / 145 kV
CPB 72 and CPB 145 / CPB 72
Current Transformer Type HAM-KA145
MCOP1 1 145 kV
Accuracy 0.2s
Arteche Current Transformer Type UTE-145 Accuracy
MCOP1 1 145 kV
Capacitive voltage transformer Type DDB n/a 1 145 kV
Capacitive Voltage Transformer Type CTVT
n/a 1 72.5 kV
Trench Italia
Capacitive Voltage Transformer Type CTVT
n/a 1 145 kV
Pfiffner Inductive Voltage Transformer Type EOF 145 MCOP1 1 145 kV
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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
Manufacturer Type
Hitachi Energy Pexlim Q132-YV145E
Tridelta Meidensha SBKC 132/10.3
Siemens 3EL2: 132-2PM31-4KA1/2
ONAN (MVA) ONAF (MVA) Brush Ref. Kolektor Ref. Winder Power Ref
7.5 15 D7710165 Rev2 Subject to FAT TX/A1/430.9067C
12 24 D7710149 Rev0 Subject to FAT TX/A1/430.8976C
15 30 D7710136 Rev2 Subject to FAT Subject to FAT
20 40 Subject to FAT Subject to FAT TX/A1/430.8817B
Page 10 of 14
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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
ONAN (MVA) ONAF (MVA) Brush Ref. Kolektor Ref. Winder Power Ref
7.5 15 Subject to FAT Subject to FAT TX/A1/430.8985D
19 66 kV Grid Transformers
66 kV Grid Transformers are indicated in Table 19.1.
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Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
SSEN Supplier
Voltage Rating and Vector
Ratio (kV) Type group Getra SGB-Smit Tamini Tironi
Subject Subject to Subject Subject
Type 1 132 : 33 120MVA CMR YNd1/11
to FAT FAT to FAT to FAT
Type 1 A Subject Subject to Subject Subject
132 : 33 120MVA CMR YNd1/11
(Ester) to FAT FAT to FAT to FAT
Subject Subject Subject
Type 2 132 : 33 90MVA CMR YNd1/11 RG836450
to FAT to FAT to FAT
Subject Subject to Subject Subject
Type 3 132 : 33 60MVA CMR YNd1/11
to FAT FAT to FAT to FAT
Subject Subject to Subject Subject
Type 4 132 : 33 45MVA CMR YNd1/11
to FAT FAT to FAT to FAT
Subject Subject to Subject Subject
Type 4A 132 : 33 40MVA CMR YNd1/11
to FAT FAT to FAT to FAT
Subject Subject to Subject Subject
Type 4B 132 : 33 30MVA CMR YNd1/11
to FAT FAT to FAT to FAT
Subject Subject to Subject Subject
Type 4C 132 : 33 20MVA CMR YNd1/11
to FAT FAT to FAT to FAT
40MVA (South Subject Subject to Subject
Type 5 132 : 11.5 YNd1/11 56739
40MVA (South Subject Subject to Subject Subject
Type 6 132 : 11.5 YNyn0/6
Yy) CMR to FAT FAT to FAT to FAT
Page 12 of 14
Uncontrolled if Printed.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
Charger Heavy
Stock Voltage Typical Battery
Rating Battery Ah Duty
number V Application Capacity
A Fuseway
099401 30 7 100 n MWS
22.2 The minimum Ah required is given by 98 x standing load for a 72-hour battery or 33 x
standing load for a 24 hour battery.
23 Applicable Standards
23.1 Third Parties must obtain copies of non-SSEN Standards, such as BS or ENA documents,
from the issuing organisations at their own expense. These documents are subject to
23.2 SSEN documents for use by third parties are classified as Public and are available on the
following website.
Scroll down to “G81 Library” and then click on the G81 Library button for access.
24 Revision History
No Overview of Amendments Previous Document Revision Authorisation
01 Guide updated and restricted to Primary TG-PS-148 Distribution 1.00 Stewart Reid
Substation Plant. Secondary Substation Plant Catalogue (2.06)
Plant now in separate Guide. 132kV plant
added. Transferred to new template and
02 Primary, Grid Transformers and Surge TG-NET-SST-200 2.00 Matthew
Arrestors added. Reference to (Rev 1.00) Thomas
Specifications removed. (Major change)
Page 13 of 14
Uncontrolled if Printed.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group
Applies to
Distribution Transmission
TG-NET-SST-200 Primary Substation Plant Catalogue
✓ ✓
Revision: 6.00 Classification: Public Issue Date: April 2023 Review Date: April 2031
Page 14 of 14
Uncontrolled if Printed.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is a trading name of: Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution Limited Registered in Scotland No. SC213459;
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213461; Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in Scotland No. SC213460;
(all having their Registered Offices at Inveralmond House 200 Dunkeld Road Perth PH1 3AQ); and Southern Electric Power Distribution plc Registered in England &
Wales No. 04094290 having their Registered Office at No. 1 Forbury Place 43 Forbury Road Reading RG1 3JH which are members of the SSE Group