De La Salle University - Dasmariñas College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology Architecture Department
De La Salle University - Dasmariñas College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology Architecture Department
De La Salle University - Dasmariñas College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology Architecture Department
Orcullo, John Emmanuel T.
Ar. Shio Bilono
The documentary was about global warming and on how can we protect our mother earth for
future generations. He shows pictures of the earth showing us up-to-date data and statistics, which is
also compared by figures in our prior years to show us the degree of damage we have done to our planet
earth. The documentary has elaborate cartoons and diagrams so that people of all intellectual capabilities
can understand and relate to the topics under discussion. Added to that, he shows also pictures of the
destruction of earth just like comparative photographs from different countries with a footage of
collapsing ice shelves, data on the record numbers of storms, disappearing glaciers around the world,
great floods, and other kinds of extreme weather, new diseases which include viruses which hit the
people , photos of dying polar bears animations of the effects of rising sea levels, and disappearing coral
reefs. It has in depth explanations as to how all this damage has come to occur and why most of us
people fail to respond to all warnings concerning about the planet. The sad part is that politics and
mislead information has been given to most public, so that this issue can be ignored and not resolved as
solutions and alternatives can cause a lot of problems and hassles economically. I agree that political
will has the power that can make a change and to encourage the people to stand up for saving the earth.
Al Gore clearly mentioned the sad fate of the poor scientists who were persecuted for trying to reveal
"unwanted" information to the public. He said that many controversies were put up against the Global
Warming theory, but the public now has the right shed some light on this matter. One of the things I
write down was his solution on how to solve climate crisis: 1) Neutralize your remaining emissions
2)Don’t waste paper 3)Carry a refillable beverage bottle 4)Modify your diet to eat less meat 5)Buy
things that last 6)Pre-cycle — reduce before you buy 7 ) Vote with your dollars 8) Support an
environmental group 10) Telecommute from home.
The documentary of Al Gore is very interesting, because it does not only give you information
about global warming but also it will awaken you to take good care of our mother earth. It clearly
showed the environmental conditions our planet is facing. Part of the reason why I like it was that Gore
presents a powerful message that combines factual information, humor, and hopes. I really like how Al
Gore relates his life story with what was happening in the earth, especially global warming. I was
shocked that there was already big increase on carbon dioxide emission. I like the fact that he put some
issues in politics, especially on what happened in 2016, because politics has the power to influence
people. The global warming issue was properly and well explained by giving so animations, graphics,
and video clips. I realized how much we take our actions for granted, never giving any thought if those
actions will have negative impact on the environment. I really like what he said in the documentary,
“We no longer have much time left to change, but we do have time.” I was awakened by the
documentary and it made me feel that it's our time to secure our future. I learned that if we are humane
enough about the issue of global warming, we must encourage ourselves to make the change. Indeed, An
Inconvenient Truth hits sharp and it hits hard. If you love our mother earth, watch it. No wait, don't just
watch it, do something. Start making changes, to save the earth for ourselves and the next generation
who will inherit it.
Upon seeing this, it turned out to be a wake-up call for me. It made me cautious about this topic,
making me anxious for instant help to our Earth. I hope people will also feel what I feel for this problem.
For this is the problem that is the hardest for us because it signifies all existing living things are in
danger. It’s good to know what is stated on the movie, that many governments and countries supported
the Kyoto Protocol’s aim at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is such a relief for me knowing that
some are also interested in solving this problem, because we cannot make this possible if people won’t
go with you. But many others still ignored this problem even though this crisis is very obvious in our
nature. I hope they can watch this film and realize what is to be realized.
Everything’s not yet too late. We can still have the chance to solve this climate crisis such as
planting more trees, use electricity less, use water less, use cars less, and especially supporting any
environment solutions. Because of this movie, I now learned what is global warming very clearly and
made me alert on this problem because I only know very little about this and I thought it is just not that
troublesome in our lives. I hope this movie will be widely watched and embrace people to work up on
this climate crisis. Lastly, all I can say is “Spread the word”.
This is one of his quotes that I remember him saying "Each one of us is a cause of global
warming, but each one of us can make choices to change that with the things we buy, the electricity we
use, the cars we drive; we can make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions to zero. The
solutions are in our hands, we just have to have the determination to make it happen. We have
everything that we need to reduce carbon emissions, everything but political will. But in America, the
will to act is a renewable resource.”
- Al Gore