Building Technology1
Building Technology1
Building Technology1
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Submission Date:
3 APRIL 2020
Alhamdullillah, praise to Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Graceful. It is a great
chance for the group in contributing and completing this case study assignment. The
process of study was taken a great care and there was not much difficulty as the case study
was finished with a great success. The group expressed the sincere gratitude for the
guidance, advice and help rendered throughout the period for completing this assignment.
A thousand thanks to our group members, Wan Irfan, Nurul Iman, Nur Khaireen, Ati
Farhah, Intan Izzati and Lailatul Qadrina for the commitment given. The cooperation in the
group was superb as the role played well to achieve the targeted aim and objectives within
the time given.
Our task will not be finish without guide from our lecturer, Madam Nor Syazwani binti
Yusof who gives us a lot of support and motivation to do our task. The task will not be solved
and done without the theory that have been learned in the class. The group have developed
a deep understanding in the knowledge of theory and practicality that related with the case
Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to UiTM Seri Iskandar,
Cawangan Perak for providing us so much facilities and the services. The result of this
assignment was within the expectation as the group were proud about it.
Based on the description and explanation above, it will help to understand about
Industrialized Building System and also frame system which is lead to the topic about
Prefabricated Timber Framing System. This system is also one of the systems in
Industrialized Building System that being built in the factory and brought directly to the site
and set on a foundation. These prefabricated timber framing systems can be used to form a
structure of heavy timber and form a skeletal structure to support the weight and the number
of loads carrying member. This heavy timber jointed together with various joints initially with
lap jointing, and later pegged mortise and tenon joints.
Post and beam building are held together with bolts and other steel connections.
Timber frames are cut so that their ends fit together like a puzzle and the joinery is held fast
with wooden pegs, but timber frames may require engineered connectors in some joints.
This is because there is different type of joint that usually being used to connect those
frames. Other than that, these connectors or joints can be concealed inside the joint instead
of attached to timber surface by protective the timber frame appearance.
The framework utilized are arranged by method either open panel, protected or close
panel. All of those panels can include the wall insulation pre-lifted and incorporate the pre-
fitting of doors and windows. Although the prefabricated timber framing system seem simple,
weaker and less durable compared to other like concrete and other construction materials,
but this type of system being used widely in many countries such as Japan and some
European country. This system is being used widely all around the world because it is eco-
friendly and has a good finished appearance that will attract people to use this building
The case study project background is a primary school on the edge of the Peak
District National Park in Mellor, Stockport, England which is shown in map on figure 1. It has
been named as the ‘Forest School’ by the local after the school reflected in a new timber
extension to the existing building[ CITATION Tra151 \l 1033 ]. Figure 2 shows the view of the
project. The construction took around 12 months which began in September 2014 and
completed in August 2015. The cost of the construction took around £ 590,000 and it was
designed by the famous Sarah Wigglesworth Architects.
Figure 2: View of the project
The extension occupied around 226-meter square which include a cluster of timber-
clad pitched roof forms set on a deck that extends into the landscape, like a tree house in
the woods. Appendix 1,2 and 3 shows the architecture plan of the project. It aims to
harmonise with the natural materials which featuring a striking habitat wall which was
designed and built in partnership with the school’s children. The proposals use natural and
reclaimed materials with low-embodied energy, whilst benefitting from efficiencies of modern
methods of construction.
2.2 Prefabricated Timber Framing System
The use of timber frames in building construction has never been more popular,
particularly for self-build projects. In fact, recent studies indicate that timber frames are now
almost as popular as masonry or steel frame construction. The term 'timber frame' typically
describes a system of panelized structural walls and floors constructed from small section
timber studs, clad with board products. Timber framed structures are usually formed from
prefabricated wall sections, timber beams and floor panels and timber trusses for the roof.
Timber frames are usually used for simple structural designs, whether a house or a
smaller structure such as a wooden gazebo, porch or summer house. For smaller external
structures, a timber frame can be combined with cladding for a pleasing natural look. Even
so, 3-storey is the maximum height for a timber framed building. The main reasons for
choosing the framing system are speed and ease of construction compared to other building
methods. When using timber, timber framed buildings are especially durable and strong
similar to other man-made material.
A prefabricated timber frame can be erected on site faster than a comparable brick
and block construction. This enables inside work such as plastering and electrical wiring to
begin work earlier in the build programmed. However, timber frames may require additional
time for them design and fabrication, which can lead to a longer wait before work begins on
site. Timber frames can be erected in low temperatures whereas brick and blockwork may
have to pause and wait before it can be construct [ CITATION Adv19 \l 1033 ].
The off-site fabrication can allow a higher quality to be achieved than in the less
controlled conditions of a construction site. It is usual for the suppliers of prefabricated timber
frames to also undertake the on-site erection, enabling in the controlled factory conditions to
be followed through. Timber frame structures are both strong and robust as long as they are
designed and constructed properly using the optimal amount of material for the required
strength[ CITATION Adv19 \l 1033 ].
2.3 Method of Installation
After the planning phase, the design is process and handed to the manufacturer to
construct it. The timber that have been fresh cut from the trees will be gone through of a
process of cutting it according to the dimension in the planning. Figure 4 shows the
manufacturing process of timber. Later the timber will be treated and fabricated to ensure
the durability of the timber. The stacking of wood dependent on the ventilation which
gives an excellent preventative to rot [ CITATION Rob04 \l 1033 ]. The finished prefabricated
timber will be delivered to the construction site with a lorry. The delivery will be made in
two batches which is the frames as the first batch and cladding as the second one.
Figure 4: The manufacturing process of timber
After the first batch which is frames delivered, the frames will be installed which of
hardwood studs and braces nailed with simple butt joints to top and base plates. The
most common method of installation is known as a platform frame. The floor is built
first and then the frames erected on top, using the floor as a building platform. Using
this method, each storey is built as a separate operation. Another method is balloon
frame, where two storey wall sections are erected on the floor and the first storey
floor fitted afterwards. However, this method is not used for three storey buildings.
Figure 5 shows the timber frame was erected.
2.3.4 Installing the Cladding
Once the frame of the building is complete and the roof trusses was attached,
cladding can be delivered on site and start to attach. The cladding can be made from
a variety of materials depending on the desired finish. Wooden cladding or shingles
attached to treated wooden batons can also be used for a more natural look. Figure 6
shows the cladding being erected. The wooden layer covering the rafters will also
need to be clad with roof tiles, felt or a similar roofing material. This not only improves
the overall appearance but also adds another layer of weatherproofing. This stage
completes the basic construction.
The prefabricated timber framing system is a good system where it facilitates the
construction work of a building. This system gives a lot of advantages to the construction
work which helps to reduce the use of site material and at the same time minimize amount of
site wastage. It also an eco-friendly system since timber does not reduce any carbon
emission and it can be built at any time without regard to weather conditions. Other than
that, this system also helps to creates a cleaner and tidier site environment that visually help
the site to look neat and safe. Aside from that, this prefabricated timber framing system help
to reduce the amount of labour on the site as most of the components and elements use are
already manufactured in the factory and the workforce required to install the components on
the site is minimal. This kind of situations help to reduce the number of foreign workers and
at the same time can help the country overcome the problem of dumping foreign workers in
the country. However, this system also has its own disadvantages where it is at risk for
burns as we know timber is a flammable material rather than concrete. In addition, the
system is vulnerable to biological attacks such as fungi and termites. To overcome all of
these problems, a good protection system should be provided. Prefabricated timber framing
system is a good call and such systems should be widely used as they facilitate and
accelerate the construction work. Problems such as lack of skills and knowledge of the
system need to be addressed for it to be work together by all parties.
1. Roy, R. (2004). Timber Framing For the Rest of Us. Canada: Friesens Inc.