2-Shear Design Slides
2-Shear Design Slides
2-Shear Design Slides
fVu Veq*
▪ where
– The strength reduction factor for shear is f = 0.7
– V*eq is equivalent factored shear force (considers both shear and
torsion effect on shear resistance – see cl. for details)
▪ There are three checks to consider
– Preventing web crushing (shape-dependent) Vu = Vu,max
– Preventing web-shear cracks (MCFT) Vu = Vuc + Vus + Pv
– Ensuring web-shear failure occurs before flexural-shear failure
(additional reinforcement)
V*(b) V*(a)
▪ If V* is taken at do from the support conditions apply:
– Not relevant for ‘normal’ cases
– See cl.
Acp2 s cp Acp2
Tcr = 0.33 f c 1+ where 2 Aobv (for cellular structures)
uc 0.33 f c pc
▪ For pure torsion, the principal tensile stress s1 is equal to the shear
stress t. Recall, for a thin-walled tube this is s1 = t = T/(2Aot).
▪ For a solid section, approximate the wall thickness by t = 3Acp/4pc, (area
and perimeter of the concrete), and the enclosed area as Ao = 2Ac/3.
▪ Cracking is taken to occur when s1 = 0.33f’c, the tensile strength of
concrete. The prestress stress scp enhances the cracking moment.
If V*eq 0.5fVuc No shear reinforcement required if:
» D < 750 mm for beams, or
» D < 300 mm for slabs
i.e. Asv.min normally required in bridge beams
PSC ULS Design 6
Resistance Calculation Flowchart
f c ' bv d v d v cot v
f sy , f Asv
0.4 1300
If Asv Asv ,min 29 + 7000 x
1 + 1500 x 1000 + s xe
32 Only req’d for
If Asv Asv ,min
1 + 1500 x
(16 + d g ) slabs < 300 mm, or
beams < 750 mm.
M * / d v + V * − Pv + 0.5 N * − Apt f po
2 ( Es Ast + E p Apt + Ec Act )
Credit: Dr. Mayer Melhem
Asv Vus A
= max , sv ,min
s f d cot s
sy. f v v