) example A new 3 storey office block with an 8m x 6m structural framing grid is to be built on piled foundations, as shown in part-plan and section in Figure 1. The service or working load per storey is approximately 15 kN/m2 and the external cladding load is 5 kN/m per storey. 0.6m diameter bored piles are to be used with a working load of 800 kN. Piles in pairs or groups are to be spaced at 1.8m centres. The required pile centreline clearance from the existing building is 1.5m. (i) Determine suitable pile and capping element arrangements for B1, B2 and A2. Estimate suitable sizes for transfer structure elements. New structure may not encroach upon the plan area of the adjacent existing building. If the wall to the adjacent existing building is to be rebuilt of piled foundations, and this work can be progressed with the new construction, explain how this will affect the design described in your answer to part (ii). The working load on the existing wall is 60 kN/m. [2/3 of the marks for the question]
A Describe and explain piled underpinning procedures for masonry walls on shallow strip foundations. Illustrate your answer with sketches. [1/3 of the marks for the question]
B (i) The wall to the existing building shown in Figure 1 is to be underpinned to a firm stratum of sands and gravels at 2m depth using mass concrete. Made ground is present to a depth of 2m. Sketch a layout showing the construction sequence and provide a typical section. (ii) If the ground water level is found to be at 1.5m depth, what alternative underpinning solution might be adopted? Explain your answer. [1/2 of the marks for the question]
C A two storey domestic dwelling of traditional brickwork masonry and timber construction shows evidence of subsidence. Some floors are not level, some walls are not quite vertical and there are cracks to some of the walls. The building is detached and is rectangular on plan. In addition to a geotechnical investigation, describe the structural survey and monitoring work required to properly diagnose the defects. Illustrate your answer with sketches. [1/2 of the marks for the question]
D A pile-cap with an offset supported column is shown in plan and in section in Figure 2. Explain how a strut-and-tie model may be used to design reinforced concrete elements, using the pile-cap of Figure 2 for illustration purposes. Sketch a typical reinforcement detail for the pile-cap. [1/2 of the marks for the question]