Soup's Mod 20 Devout Cleric Build Neverwinter
Soup's Mod 20 Devout Cleric Build Neverwinter
Soup's Mod 20 Devout Cleric Build Neverwinter
By: Soup
Devout Cleric Ability Scores: Constitution/Wisdom
• +2 to any 2 stats
• Celestial Presence: Grants all nearby party members a 1% increase to maximum hit
points. This effect does not stack
• Celestial Superiority: Your damage delt, outgoing healing, incoming healing and
maximum hit points are increased by 1%. You take 1% less damage from all sources
• +2 Constitution, +2 Strength/Wisdom
• Stand your ground: You have 20% increased resistance effects that Knock and Push you.
• Cast-Iron: You gain a bonus 2000 defense.
• +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma/Wisdom
• Knack for Success: Your Critical Severity and Gold Bonus are each 1% higher than that of
the other races. You gain 1500 Deflect
• Dilettante: Grants +1 Ability Score. The bonus is determined by your class (Devout Cleric
is +1 to Intelligence)
Dragon Born:
• +2 to any 2 stats
• Dragonborn Fury: Your Power and Critical Strike are increased by 3%
• Draconic Heritage: You receive 5% more healing from all spells and abilities
Encounters: (TOMM/Zariel)
• AOE: Healing Word
• Divinity Regeneration: Divine Glow
• Damage Reduction: Astral Shield
• Repeated Blessings
• Battle Prayer
• Blessed Armaments
• Persistent Guardian
• NONE (Leave this one unselected)
Tier 1:
• 5/5 Recruit’s Training (Power)
• 5/5 Cultist Bulwark (Hit Points)
• 5/5 Critical Strike
• 5/5 Critical Avoidance
Tier 2:
• 5/5 Squire’s Training (Power)
• 5/5 Demonic Bulwark (Hit Points)
• 5/5 marathon Runner
Tier 3:
• 5/5 Knight’s Training (Power)
• 5/5 Dino Bulwark (Hit Points)
Tier 4:
• 5/5 Captain’s Training (Power)
• 5/5 Necrotic Bulwark (Hit Points)
Tier 5:
• 4/4 Blessed Touch (Outgoing Healing)
• 4/4 Call of Power (Action Point Gain)
Master Boon:
• 3/3 Blessed Resilience
Guild Boons:
• Offense: Power
• Defense: Hit Points
• Utility (TOMM/Zariel): Revive Sickness
• Utility (Solo-Play): Mount Speed
Armor Enhancement: Major +1 Hit Points (3,520hp) or Major +1 Power (80hp)
• Pants of the Hell’s Interrogator (1325 ilvl) (BIS Overall)
o 5,300 Defense
o Critical Charge: Whenever you Critically Strike with your Powers, you have a 10%
chance to gain 25 Action Points.
o Drops from the Nightspine T3 hunt in Avernus, can be upgraded using the Divine
forge in the redeemed citadel.
• Pants of the Hell’s Negotiatior (1325 ilvl)
o 5,300 Critical Avoidance
o Critical Charge: Whenever you Critically Strike with your Powers, you have a 10%
chance to gain 25 Action Points.
o Drops from the Nightspine T3 hunt in Avernus, can be upgraded using the Divine
forge in the redeemed citadel.
• Pants of the Sentinel (1010 ilvl)
o 4,040 Defense
o Critical Charge: Whenever you Critically Strike with your Powers, you have a 10%
chance to gain 25 Action Points.
o Drops from Fragment Expeditions and from farming treasure maps to open
boxes in Avernus
Main (Debuff) Artifacts:
• Sigil of the Paladin
o 3,996 Hit Points, 999 Power, 1,002 Accuracy
o Your Paladin spirit will erect a temporary zone of safety where you, and your
allies, gain 15% increased damage resistance and are healed over time.
o Earned from creating a Pally and completing the quest to obtain the artifact.
• Halaster’s Blast Scepter
o 3,000 power, 6,000 hit points, 1,500 critical strike
o Hits your enemy with an arcane blast, stunning and damaging it for 14,810. Your
target’s damage resistance is lowered by 15%
o Drops from rewards chest at the end of Tower of the Mad Mage
• Wyvern-Venom Coated Knives
o 1,500 Armor Penetration, 1,500 Critical Strike, 3,000 Accuracy
o Activating this artifact will throw an array of knives coated with Wyvern Venom,
which deals 6,78 Physical damage to nearby enemies and envenomates those
targets, dealing 3,439 Poison damage every 1 second for 10 seconds.
Envenomated enemies also take 12% more damage and are weakened, causing
them to deal 12% less damage.
o Purchased from the Undermountain campaign store
• Lantern of Revelation
o 1,002 Armor Penetration, 999 Critical Strike, 999 Combat Advantage
o Deals 11,349 damage to nearby enemies and increases the damage they take by
10% for 10 seconds.
o Given in the quest “artifact facts”
• Heart of the Black Dragon
o 999 Armor Penetration, 1002 Accuracy, 999 Awareness
o Deals 10,860 Acid damage (+20% if you are Dragonborn) to up to 7 enemies in a
line in front of the user and causes acid to splash off of them to damage nearby
enemies. Splashed enemies take 329 Acid damage every second for 6 seconds
and take 6% additional damage for the duration.
o Found in Lockboxes of the Nine Hells
Main (Debuff) Artifacts:
• Token of Chromatic Storm
o 2,400 Hit Points, 600 Power, 600 Defense, 600 Accuracy, 600 Awareness
o Summons 9 chromatic meteors that will strike near your target’s location after a
brief delay. Each meteor deals 8,371 damage to nearby enemies and has a
special effect depending on its damage type. Fire, deals an additional 5,023 fire
damage over 6 seconds. Ice freezes the target for 2.7 seconds. Acid target takes
10% more damage for 10 seconds. Poison deals an additional 4818 poison
damage over 6 seconds. Lightning stuns the target for 2.7 seconds.
o Found in Lockbox of the Nine Hells
• Tiamat’s Orb of Majesty
o 600 power, 600 Armor Penetration, 600 Critical Strike, 600 Accuracy, 600
o Tiamat’s frightening roar Stuns nearby enemies for 4 seconds (enemy players for
2 seconds) and reduces their damage by 15% for 6 seconds
o Drops in the rewards box at the end of the Temple of Tiamat
• Tome of Ascendence
o 750 power, 750 defense, 750 Critical Avoidance, 750 Deflection
o Casts four spells from the tome on the ground; when an ally passes through a
spell, it is consumed and its power is granted to the ally for 10 seconds. Aboleth,
your attacks cause the Plague. For every enemy that has the plague, your
damage increases 1%. Enemies hit multiple times will spread the Plague when
killed. Fey, your Damage Resistance is increased by 10%. Your healing and
movement speed are increased by 10%. Fireforged, all nearby enemies get
chained and pulled towards you. Every enemy chained increases your damage
and damage resistance by 1%. Illusion, grants stealth and increased movement
speed by 10%. When damaged, you emit a dazzling attack that stuns and lowers
your enemy’s Damage resistance by 10%
• Thirst
o 3,996 Hit Points, 999 Power, 1,002 Defense
o Lunge forward and deal damage to enemies in a line, dealing 11,213 damage and
increasing each target’s damage taken by 10% for 10 seconds.
o Drops from rewards chest at the end of Castle Ravenloft.
Main (Debuff) Artifacts:
• Charm of the Serpent
o 999 power, 1002 Armor Penetration, 999 Critical avoidance
o Releases a devastating attack dealing 6,878 to all enemies in a cone and
increases their damage taken by 16%
o Drops from rewards chest at the end of Tomb of the Nine Gods and Cradle of the
Death God
• Staff of Flowers
o 3,000 Power, 1,500 Critical Strike, 1,500 Awareness
o Create a ring of flowers that fills the air with an aroma that buffs allies and
debilitates foes with a crippling poison while inside the ring. Allies gain 5,000
power and 5,000 critical strike. Foes will move 25% slower and are dealt 10,60
poison damage every second.
o Drops from zok boxes in the Undermountain Campaign.
Passive Artifacts:
• Erratic Drift Globe
o 3,000 defense, 6,000 hit points, 1,500 deflection
o Bought from Undermountain Campaign Store
• Sword of Zariel
o 3,000 power, 6,000 hit points, 1,500 critical strike
o Drops from rewards chest at the end of Master Zariel’s Challenge
• Golden Memories
o 3,000 power, 6,000 hit points, 1,500 critical strike
o Bought from the Zen Store
• Trobriand’s Ring
o 3,000 power, 1,500 defense, 1,500 critical avoidance
o Drops from rewards chest at the end of Lair of the Mad Mage.
• Radiant 15’s (BIS)
o 2400 power
• Radiant 15’s (BIS)
o 9,600 hit points
• Azure 15’s
o 2,400 defense
• Brutal 15’s
o 5,280 hit points and 1,320 defense
• Dark 15’s (BIS)
o 6% companion influence
• Tactical 15’s
o 2% incoming healing
• Greater Corrupt Lethal Enchantment
o When dealing damage you have a 25% chance to empower yourself with corrupt
black ice, granting 800 critical strike for 8 seconds. Additionally you generate
1.25% of your AP each second while affected by this buff.
• Greater White Dragon Glyph
o When dealing damage or healing your allies you have a 25% chance to gain
Aspect of Ice for 20 seconds, granting 800 power and increasing your healing by
10% when healing your allies.
• Barkshield 14 (BIS Overall)
o Every 6 seconds your armor receives a charge of Bolstered Bark up to a
maximum of 4 charges. When you have one charge of Bolstered Bark your armor
absorbs 10,800 damage. When you have two charges of Bolstered Bark your
armor absorbs 21,600 damage. When you have three charges of Bolstered Bark
your armor absorbs 32,400 damage. When you have four charges of Bolstered
Bark your armor absobs 43,200 damage. Whenever someone attempts to deal
damage to you one charge of Bolstered Bark is consumed.
• Vorpal 14 (BIS)
o Your At-Will, Encounter and Daily powers deal 5% bonus damage as Arcane
damage and their critical severity is increased by 20% whenever you activate a
daily power, increase your Critical strike by 3,000 for 10 seconds.
• Holy Vorpal 14
o Your At-Will, Encounter and Daily powers deal 5% bonus damage as Arcane
damage and their critical severity is increased by 20% whenever you activate a
daily power, increase your Critical strike by 3,000 for 10 seconds.
• Holy Avenger
o Your At-Will, Encounter and Daily powers deal 5% bonus damage as Radiant
damage and have a 10% chance to improve your allies’ defense by 15,000 while
healing them for Magnitude 50 weapon damage, each second for 10 seconds.
This effect can only activate every 15 seconds.
• Polar Bear Cub (BIS Overall)
o Augmentation
o Power, Critical Strike, Awareness
• Icosahedron Ioun Stone
o Augmentation
o Power, Critical Strike, Combat Advantage
• Spined Devil
o Attacking
o A more forcefully thrown pitchfork that impales the target, making them
vulnerable for a short duration.
o The spines thrown by Spine fling now additionally poison for a short duration.
• Stalwart Golden Lion
o Attacking
o Intercepts 10% of the damage allies within 5’ would take. If any allies are
standing within the effect are of Aurulent Coalition the threat generated by
Aurulent Roar will instead be directed to those allies.
o A sky shattering roar that grants nearby party members 2 stacks of Radiant
Weapon. Radiant Weapon grants 2% additional damage as radiant damage for12
seconds. You may have no more than 8 stacks of Radiant Weapon from any
• Polar Bear Cub (BIS)
o 3% Outgoing Healing, 2,000 Defense
• Ioun Stone of Radiance (BIS)
o 3% Outgoing Healing, 2,000 Deflection
• Neverember Guard (BIS)
o 3% Outgoing Healing, 2,000 Awareness
• Rebel Mercenary (BIS)
o 3% Outgoing Healing, 2,000 Accuracy
• Quickling (BIS)
o 3% Outgoing Healing, 2,000 Critical Strike
• Faithful Initiate
o 3% Outgoing Healing, 2,000 Combat Advantage
• Deepcrow Hatchling (Offense)
o 8,000 Power
• Alpha Compy (Utility)
o 5% Power
• Tamed Velociraptor (Offense)
o Power
• Crystal Golem (Utility/Offense)
o 16,000 hit points, 2,000 power
• Energon (Utility)
o 32,000 hit points
• Potent Precision
o Chance on hit to increase you and your companion’s critical severity by up to 5%
for 15 seconds when your companion is near.
Companion Gear:
• Blessed Grimoire of the Companion x3
o 13,200 Critical Strike
• Empowered Runestone Rank 15 x6
o 1,320 power
Pick whichever practical collar you will need the most currency of as that is a personal
preference collar. Personally, I use the Practical Barbed collar because I go through a lot of gold
switching gear around.
• Practical Barbed
o 10% Glory Gain
• Practical Crescent
o 10% Gold Bonus
• Practical Regal
o 10% Rough Astral Diamonds Bonus
• Sturdy Barbed
o 5% At-Will Powers damage bonus
• Supportive Regal
o 5% Outgoing Healing
• Unified Crescent
o 5% Movement Speed
• Wayfaring Regal
o 5% Ap Gain
• Dominance (barbed, illuminated, regal)
o 1120 Power, 1.2% Companion influence
• Brutality (every type)
o 1120 Power, 480 Armor Penetration
• Fortitude (every type)
o 4480 Hit Points, 480 Defense
• Prosperity (crescent, enlightened, regal)
o 4480 Hit Points, 16% glory and gold gain
Insignia Bonuses:
• Gladiator’s Guile (2-3 per stable)
o 10% movement speed (5% for the second one, 2.5% for the third)
• Calvary’s Warning
o When you use a Mount Combat Power, receive a buff to all ratings
• Berserker’s Rage
o While your Action Points are over 90% full, gain 2500 Critical Strike. While your
Action Points are below 10% full, gain 2500 Deflection.
Equip Powers:
• Dominant Force
o 15,000 power and 5624 combined rating
• Stalwart
o 60,000 hit points and 5624 combined rating
• Runic Aura
o 7,500 Power and Defense to you and party members (80’ range, doesn’t stack)
and 5624 combined rating.
Debuff Mounts:
• Armored Griffon
o Summon your Armored Griffon to release an earsplitting screech at nearby
enemies. Reduce target outgoing damage by 15% for 10 seconds. Stun for 3
seconds. Increases your Intelligence, Wisdom, and charisma by 3 for 10 seconds
• Armored Bulette
o Summons your Armored Bulette, who roars at foes in front of you. Magnitude
800. Reduces target’s outgoing damage by 15% for 10 seconds.
• Golden Lion
o Summon your Celestial Lion to knock back nearby foes. Shield: 30% of party
member’s Maximum Hitpoints for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds party members
gain up to 3 stacks of Radiant Weapon based on the amount of shield remaining.
Radiant Weapon grants 2% additional damage as radiant damage for 12 seconds.
You may have no more than stacks of radiant weapon from any source.
• King of Spines
o Summons the Tyrannosaur, causing fear in your enemies. Root for 6 seconds.
Incoming Damage to the target increased by 15% for 10 seconds. Minion
• Commander Tyrannosaurus
o Summons the Tyrannosaur, causing fear in your enemies. Root for 6 seconds.
Incoming Damage to the target increased by 15% for 10 seconds. Minion
• Warpainted Tyrannosaurus
o Summons the Tyrannosaur, causing fear in your enemies. Root for 6 seconds.
Incoming Damage to the target increased by 15% for 10 seconds. Minion
• Swarm
o Summon a swarm of bats which will release you from most control effects.
Increases your damage by 15% for 10 seconds. Slows your target by 15% for 10
seconds. Increases incoming damage to target by 15% for 10 seconds. Reduces
target’s outgoing damage by 15% for 10 seconds. Reduces target’s critical chance
by 15% for 10 Seconds.