Warforged Feats
Warforged Feats
Warforged Feats
50) [Warforged]
At the cost of mobility, a warforged character's body can be crafted with a layer of
adamantine that provides formidable protective armor and some damage reduction.
Prerequisite 1st level only, Warforged,
Your armor bonus is increased to +8 and you gain damage reduction 2/adamantine.
However, your base land speed is reduced to 20 feet, and you are considered to be
wearing heavy armor. You have a +1 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, a -5 penalty on
all skill checks that armor check penalties apply to (Balance, Climb, Escape Artist,
Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Swim, and Tumble), and an arcane spell
failure chance of 35%.
Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level, during character creation.
Warforged druids who take this feat cannot cast druid spells or use any of the druid's
supernatural or spell-like class features. Warforged characters with this feat do not
gain the benefit of any class feature prohibited to a character wearing heavy armor.
Without this feat, your warforged character has an armor bonus of +2.
Cold-forged iron that runs through your body allows you to overcome the supernatural
defenses of certain creatures and protecting against some magical attacks.
Prerequisite Warforged,
Your natural weapons and grapple checks made to deal damage are treated as cold
iron weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. You also gain a +1
bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
You gain immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits, but you lose
the ability to be healed by spells of the healing subschool.
apply only 1/2 your Strength bonus on damage rolls). For warforged larger or smaller
than Medium (or if you are subject to an effect that increases your size), see Table 5-1
on page 296 of the Monster Manual for bite damage.
You lose the normal +2 armor bonus and light fortification common to warforged
characters, but you have no inherent chance of arcane spell failure and can wear
armor or magic robes and gain their full effects.
Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level, during character creation. If you
later select any warforged feat that grants or adjusts an armor bonus or damage
reduction, you lose this feat and all its effects.