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Warforged Feats

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Adamantine Body ( Eberron Campaign Setting, p.

50) [Warforged]
At the cost of mobility, a warforged character's body can be crafted with a layer of
adamantine that provides formidable protective armor and some damage reduction.
Prerequisite 1st level only, Warforged,
Your armor bonus is increased to +8 and you gain damage reduction 2/adamantine.
However, your base land speed is reduced to 20 feet, and you are considered to be
wearing heavy armor. You have a +1 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, a -5 penalty on
all skill checks that armor check penalties apply to (Balance, Climb, Escape Artist,
Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Swim, and Tumble), and an arcane spell
failure chance of 35%.
Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level, during character creation.
Warforged druids who take this feat cannot cast druid spells or use any of the druid's
supernatural or spell-like class features. Warforged characters with this feat do not
gain the benefit of any class feature prohibited to a character wearing heavy armor.
Without this feat, your warforged character has an armor bonus of +2.

Brute Fighting ( Races of Eberron, p. 116) [Racial, Tactical, Warforged]

Your extensive training with two-handed weapons is revealed through brutally
effective tactics.
Prerequisite Power Attack (PH) , STR 13, base attack bonus +3, Warforged,
Brute Fighting enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.
Combat Momentum: If you deal damage to a foe with a charge attack made with a
two-handed weapon and that opponent then fails to hit you before your next turn, you
gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that opponent on your next turn.
Dispatch the Fallen: If you successfully bull rush or overrun a foe, any melee attack
you make against that foe with a two-handed weapon on your next turn gains a +4
bonus on damage rolls.
Frenzied Attack: If you hit a foe with a two-handed weapon at least once on two
consecutive turns during which you use the Power Attack feat (taking at least a -2
penalty on attack rolls), you gain a +2 bonus on all attack rolls you make with that
weapon against the same foe for the rest of the round.

Cold Iron Tracery ( Races of Eberron, p. 119) [Warforged]

Cold-forged iron that runs through your body allows you to overcome the supernatural
defenses of certain creatures and protecting against some magical attacks.
Prerequisite Warforged,
Your natural weapons and grapple checks made to deal damage are treated as cold
iron weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. You also gain a +1
bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.

Construct Lock ( Races of Eberron, p. 119) [Warforged]

Your knowledge of construct nature allows you to deal extra damage to or even
immobilize such foes.
Prerequisite base attack bonus +2, Warforged,
You gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls against creatures with the construct type
(including living constructs). If you roll a critical threat against a construct, you can
forego the confirmation roll to make another attack roll using the same modifier. If this
second attack also hits and deals at least 1 point of damage, the construct must
succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Con modifier) or
be rendered immobile and helpless for 1 round (as if it had been paralyzed).
If you spend an action point to improve an attack roll against a construct and hit with
the attack, the attack roll is automatically considered to be a critical threat regardless
of the number rolled on the die.

Improved Damage Reduction ( Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 55) [Warforged]

You gain damage reduction or improve your existing damage reduction.
Prerequisite Warforged,
You gain damage reduction 1/adamantine or improve your existing damage reduction
by 1.
If you have the Adamantine Body feat, you can take this feat multiple times.

Improved Fortification ( Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 55) [Warforged]

You improve your warforged fortifi cation, gaining immunity to sneak attacks and extra
damage from critical hits.
Prerequisite base attack bonus +6, Warforged,

You gain immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits, but you lose
the ability to be healed by spells of the healing subschool.

Improved Resiliency ( Races of Eberron, p. 119) [Warforged]

You gain a construct's resistance to nonlethal damage.
Prerequisite Warforged,
You are immune to nonlethal damage but lose the ability to benefit from regeneration
or fast healing, even if you would gain those qualities through magic or the application
of a template.

Ironwood Body ( Races of Eberron, p. 119) [Warforged]

Your body is crafted with a layer of hard ironwood that cushions blows.
Prerequisite 1st level only, Warforged,
Your armor bonus increases to +3 and you gain damage reduction 2/slashing. You are
considered to be wearing light armor, and have a +4 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC,
a -3 penalty on all skill checks to which armor check penalties apply (Balance, Climb,
Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Swim, and Tumble), and an
arcane spell failure chance of 20%.
Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level during character creation. A
warforged with this feat who then takes Improved Damage Reduction (see page 55 of
the EBERRON Campaign Setting) can choose to gain damage reduction 1/adamantine
or improve the damage reduction granted by this feat by 2. Unlike the Adamantine
Body and Mithral Body feats, warforged druids who take this feat can cast druid spells
and use the druid's supernatural and spell-like abilities.
Without this feat, your warforged character has an armor bonus of +2.

Jaws of Death ( Races of Eberron, p. 119) [Warforged]

Gnashing teeth and a powerful set of jaws allow you to bite foes.
Prerequisite Warforged,
You have a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (for a Medium warforged). Your
bite is treated as a secondary natural weapon (-5 penalty on your attack roll and you

apply only 1/2 your Strength bonus on damage rolls). For warforged larger or smaller
than Medium (or if you are subject to an effect that increases your size), see Table 5-1
on page 296 of the Monster Manual for bite damage.

Mithral Body ( Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 57) [Warforged]

A warforged character's body can be crafted with a layer of mithral that provides some
protection without hindering speed or gracefulness.
Prerequisite 1st level only, Warforged,
Required for Mithral Fluidity (ECS) ,
Your armor bonus is increased to +5, and you are considered to be wearing light
armor. You now have a +5 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, a -2 penalty on all skill
checks that armor check penalties apply to (Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump,
Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Swim, and Tumble), and an arcane spell failure chance
of 15%.
Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level, during character creation.
Warforged druids who take this feat cannot cast druid spells or use any of their druid
supernatural or spell-like class abilities. Warforged characters with this feat do not gain
the benefi t of any class feature prohibited to a character wearing light armor.
Without this feat, your warforged character has an armor bonus of +2.

Mithral Fluidity ( Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 57) [Warforged]

Your movements are smoother and more fluid than those of other warforged.
Prerequisite Mithral Body (ECS) , Warforged,
The maximum Dexterity bonus a warforged with the Mithral Body feat can apply to
Armor Class is increased by 1. In addition, the armor check penalties to Balance,
Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble checks
are reduced by 1.
This feat can be taken multiple times. However, armor check penalties cannot be
reduced to less than +0.

Overload Metabolism ( Player's Guide to Eberron, p. 151) [Warforged]

You can heal damage at a cost to your other physical attributes.

Prerequisite STR 13, CON 13, Warforged,

Once per day as a standard action, you can excite your warforged metabolism to heal
a number of hit points equal to 5 + your HD. Doing this incurs a 2 penalty to your
Strength and Dexterity scores for 10 minutes.
If you are unconscious and have not yet used this ability, any infusion that targets you
automatically activates it.

Psiforged Body ( Magic of Eberron, p. 51) [Warforged]

As a warforged, your body can be crafted using trace amounts of psionically resonant
deep crystal, providing you with increased psionic power and the ability to store
psionic energy in your body. If you take this feat, you will often be referred to as a
psiforged. For more information on the psiforged and their outlook, see page 39.
Prerequisite 1st level only, Warforged,
You gain 1 extra power point at 1st level, regardless of whether you choose a psionic
class. As you gain experience, you can attune the crystals infused in your body to the
psionic energies of your mind. You can treat your body as a cognizance crystal, storing
up to 1 power point plus 1 power point per two character levels (up to a maximum of
11 power points at 20th level), and withdrawing those stored power points at some
later time. For more details on cognizance crystals, see page 167 of the Expanded
Psionics Handbook.
Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level during character creation.

Second Slam ( Races of Eberron, p. 120) [Fighter Bonus Feat, Warforged]

You have learned to use your form to the utmost and can make two slam attacks.
Prerequisite base attack bonus +6, Warforged,
You can deliver a second slam in any round in which you make a full attack that
includes a slam attack. The second slam uses your highest attack bonus with a -5
penalty, and deals your normal slam attack damage.
A fighter can select Second Slam as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Shocking Fist ( Player's Guide to Eberron, p. 151) [Warforged]

Your slam attack can deal a shock.

Prerequisite base attack bonus +3, Warforged,

As a free action, you can channel some of your life force into a slam attack. You must
declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll. When you use
this feat, you deal damage to yourself (any amount equal to or less than your base
attack bonus). If the attack hits, you deal ld4 points of electricity damage to the target
per point of damage you dealt to yourself. For example, if you dealt 3 points of
damage to yourself, a successful attack would deal an extra 3d4 points of electricity
damage. If the attack misses, the attempt is wasted (but you still take the damage you
dealt to yourself). You can attempt a shocking fist attack any number of times per day,
but only once per round.

Silver Tracery ( Races of Eberron, p. 120) [Warforged]

Alchemical silver tracery covers your body, allowing you to overcome the supernatural
defenses of certain creatures and protecting against some magical attacks.
Prerequisite Warforged,
Your natural weapons and your grapple checks made to deal damage are treated as
silvered weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. As well, you gain a
+1 bonus on Fortitude saves against spells and spell-like abilities.

Spiked Body ( Races of Eberron, p. 120) [Warforged]

Your body is overlaid with hundreds of protruding spikes that can deal great damage to
Prerequisite Warforged,
You deal extra piercing damage on a successful grapple attack as if you were wearing
armor spikes (1d6 points for a Medium warforged). Though your slam attack deals no
extra damage, the damage it deals is treated as both bludgeoning and piercing
damage. The effect of this feat doesn't stack with equipment or abilities (such as the
warforged juggernaut's armor spikes; see page 84 of the EBERRON Campaign Setting)
that provide similar benefi ts.

Unarmored Body ( Races of Eberron, p. 120) [Warforged]

Your body is crafted without its normal layer of armor, trading off physical strength for
magical potential.
Prerequisite 1st level only, Warforged,

You lose the normal +2 armor bonus and light fortification common to warforged
characters, but you have no inherent chance of arcane spell failure and can wear
armor or magic robes and gain their full effects.
Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level, during character creation. If you
later select any warforged feat that grants or adjusts an armor bonus or damage
reduction, you lose this feat and all its effects.

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