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THE ALLIANCE no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

The Grand Alliance is the first of Azeroth's two main Normal Speed: Draenei have a base speed of 30
political factions. However, rather than a single entity, feet.
it is, as the name implies, a number of nations united Deathless Spirit: Draenei gain resistance 5 against
by mutual respect and commitment to nobility, justice, negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points
and other high-minded ideals. when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2
The following races are frequently found among the racial bonus on saving throws against death effects,
Alliance. energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like
abilities of the necromancy school.
Fearless: Draenei gain a +2 racial bonus on all
saving throws against fear effects.
Humans can be found all over Azeroth, and few other
Gemcutting: Draenei use magical gems and
races can claim the sheer cultural diversity that
crystals in much of their technology, granting them a
humans represent. Fewer still can claim as many
+2 bonus on Appraise checks to determine the price of
heroes and villains that have shaped history for good
goods that contain gemstones, and a +2 bonus on Craft
or ill.
(jewelcrafting) checks.
While human kingdoms and strongholds can be
Low-Light Vision: Draenei can see twice as far as
found all over, the strongest by far – and humans' main
a race with normal vision in conditions of dim light.
representation in the Alliance – is the Kingdom of
Natural Armor: Draenei have thick skin and bony
Stormwind, and its king, Varian Wrynn, is the de facto
ridges that grant them a +1 natural armor bonus to
leader of the Alliance.
their Armor Class.
Spell-Like Abilities: Draenei can use cure light
Draenei wounds once per day. The caster level of this effect is
Once members of a noble people called the eredar, equal to the draenei's character level.
those who now call themselves the draenei suffer a Languages: Draenei speak Common and Draenei.
long history of fleeing from those of their race who Draenei with high Intelligence scores can choose from
fell under the corrupting influence of Sargeras and his the following: Darnassian, Dwarven, Eredun,
Burning Legion. Gnomish, Kalimag, and Ravenspeech.
In symmetrical reflection to what are now Sargeras'
most powerful minions, the draenei exiles are a people ALTERNATE TRAITS
of unparalleled piety and heroism. They were lead to Ancient Foe: Draenei have a long-standing hatred
Azeroth by the enigmatic but undeniably holy naaru, of demons, and many have spent much of their life
and have become the newest race to join the Alliance. training to defeat them. Draenei with this trait gain a
Dranei stand at well over seven feet in height, and +2 dodge bonus to AC and a +2 racial bonus on attack
have powerful builds, and though draenei women are rolls against outsiders creatures of the evil subtype.
noticeably shorter and slimmer than draenei men, they This racial trait replaces fearless and gemcutting.
are still remarkably tall compared to other races. Their Darkvision: Some draenei have adapted to the
skin ranges from dark purple to pale blue, and their broken world they have found themselves stranded
eyes glow various shades of blue (although purple and upon. These draenei can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
green eyes are occasionally seen). This racial trait replaces low-light vision and the cure
Their spines end in tails, and they walk on cloven light wounds spell-like ability.
hooves. Men frequently feature a few tentacles along Eternal Hope: Draenei are closely tied with the
their chin and jawline, and bony, horn-like plates on Naaru, one of the most Light-infused beings known.
their foreheads. Women have tentacles that grow from Draenei with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving
just behind the ears, and feature goat-like horns from throws against fear and despair effects. Also, once per
their temples. day, after a natural roll of 1 on a d20 roll, members of
Draenei have the following racial traits: this race may reroll and use the second result. This
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity: The racial trait replaces fearless and low-light vision.
draenei are strong in both body and spirit, but their Stability: Draenei's large frame make them sturdier
large frames and cloven hooves inhibit their than most and grant them a +4 racial bonus to their
nimbleness. CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while
Medium: Draenei are Medium creatures and have standing on the ground. This racial trait replaces

fearless. assisted the Alliance when the need was dire while
generally keep to their own affairs, the Dark Iron
FAVOURED CLASS BONUSES dwarves have been another matter entirely. Living in
Alchemist: The alchemist gains +1/6 of a new the bowels of Blackrock Mountain, the Dark Iron
discovery. dwarves have largely held antagonistic relations with
Arcanist: Gain 1/6 of a new arcanist exploit. the Ironforge dwarves, and even the humans of
Brawler: Add 1/4 to the brawler's effective level to Stormwind.
determine her unarmed strike damage. Dwarves speak Common and Dwarven. Dwarves
Cavalier: Add +1/4 to the cavalier's banner bonus. with high Intelligence scores can choose from the
Cleric: Add +1/2 to damage when using positive following: Gnomish, Goblin, Ignan, Orcish, Terran,
energy against undead or using Alignment Channel to and Titan.
damage evil outsiders.
Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when Gnome
resisting a bull rush or overrun attempt. An entire race of quizzical tinkerers, gnomes are
Gunslinger: Add +1/4 point to the gunslinger's grit responsible for much of the Alliance's technological
points. advancement in recent years. They have invented
Inquisitor: Add +1/2 to the inquisitor's level for the submarines, flying machines, and even a great tram
purpose of determining the effects of one type of system connecting the dwarven citadel of Ironforge
judgment. with the city of Stormwind.
Magus: Select one known magus arcana usable Aside from occasional inventions that they would
only once per day. The magus adds +1/6 to the number share with their neighbours, gnomes were largely
of times it can be used per day to a maximum of one insular during much of Azeroth's history, and have
additional times per day. only recently been forced out of their home city of
Oracle: Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the Gnomeregan by invading troggs.
purpose of determining the effects of one revelation. Warcraft gnomes use the same statistics as
Paladin: Add +1/6 to the morale bonus on saving Pathfinder gnomes, but with the master tinker ARG
throws provided by the paladin's auras. alternate racial trait. Gnomes cannot take the bond to
Ranger: Add +1 hit point to the ranger's animal the landARG, or warden of natureARG alternate racial
companion. If the draenei ever replaces his animal traits.
companion, the new animal companion gains these Gnomes speak Common and Gnomish. Gnomes
bonus hit points. with high Intelligence scores can choose from the
Shaman: Add one spell from the cleric spell list following: Darnassian, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnoll,
that isn't on the shaman spell list to the list of spells the Goblin, Titan.
shaman knows. This spell must be at least 1 level
lower than the highest spell level the shaman can cast.
High Elf
Warpriest: Gain a +1/3 bonus on the damage dealt
High elves are one of the greatest tragedies of the
or healed with the warpriest's channel energy ability.
Third War. Once the most powerful race in the Eastern
Wizard: Select one arcane school power at 1st
Kingdoms, the undead Scourge slaughtered nearly all
level that is normally usable a number of times per day
of them in the Invasion of Quel'Thalas. Of those who
equal to 3 + the wizard's Intelligence modifier. The
survived, 90% became the blood elves, dooming what
wizard adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that
few high elves remain to a painfully drawn-out but
arcane school power.
inevitable extinction.
High elves use the same statistics as Pathfinder
Dwarf half-elves.
Dwarves have traditionally been humanity's oldest High elves speak Common and Thalassian. High
allies. They are stoic and fairly insular, generally elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from
content to remain within their impregnable mountain the following: Darnassian, Draenei, Draconic,
strongholds, however they will answer the call to arms Gnomish, Goblin, Nazja, Orcish, Zandali.
to aid their allies without hesitation.
There are three main dwarven clans: the FAVOURED CLASS BONUSES
Bronzebeard clan, the Wildhammer clan, and the Dark Alchemist: Add one extract formula from the
Iron clan. Though the Bronzebeards of Ironforge have alchemist's list to the character's formulae book. This
historically been the most reliable member of the formula must be at least one level lower than the
Alliance, and the Wildhammer dwarves have typically highest-level formula the alchemist can create.

Arcanist: When casting arcanist enchantment with kukri, longbows (including composite longbows),
spells, add 1/3 to the effective caster level, but only for shortbows (including composite shortbows), and
the purpose of determining duration. starknives, and treat moonglaives, umbra crescents,
Cavalier: Add +1 foot to the cavalier's mount's and warglaives as a martial weapon.
base speed. In combat this has no effect unless the Night elves cannot take the elven magic, arcane
cavalier has selected this reward five times (or another focus, or urbanite alternate racial traits.
increment of five). If the cavalier ever replaces this Night elves speak Common and Darnassian. Night
mount, the new mount gains this bonus to its speed. elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from
Cleric: Add +1/3 to the amount of damage dealt or the following: Draconic, Draenei, Nazja, Orcish, Taur-
damage healed when the cleric uses channel energy. ahe, Thalassian, Ursine, Zandali.
Inquisitor: Add a +1 on concentration checks when
casting inquisitor spells. FAVOURED CLASS BONUSES
Investigator: Gain a +1/4 bonus on all inspiration Barbarian: Add 1 foot to the night elf's base speed.
rolls. In combat, this has no effect until 5 full feet have been
Magus: The magus gains 1/6 of a new magus added in this way; a speed of 34 feet is effectively the
arcana. same as a speed of 30 feet, for example. This bonus
Paladin: Add +1 foot to the size of all the paladin's stacks with the class's fast movement feature and
aura class features. This option has no effect unless the applies only under the same conditions as that ability.
paladin has selected it 5 times (or another increment of Cleric: Add one spell from the druid spell list that
5); an aura of 14 feet is effectively the same as a 10- isn't on the cleric spell list to the list of spells the cleric
foot aura, for example. knows. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than
Ranger: Add +1/3 dodge bonus to armor Class the highest spell level the cleric can cast.
against the high elf's favored enemies. Druid: Select one domain power granted at 1st
Sorcerer: Select one bloodline power at 1st level level that is normally usable a number of times per day
that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the druid's Wisdom modifier. The druid
equal to 3 + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier. The adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that domain
sorcerer adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of power.
that bloodline power. Hunter: Add 1 foot to the speed of one of the
Swashbuckler: Increase the total number of points hunter's companion's natural movement modes. In
in the swashbuckler's panache pool by 1/4. combat, this has no effect until 5 full feet have been
Wizard: Add one spell from the wizard spell list to added in this way; a speed of 34 feet is effectively the
the wizard's spellbook. This spell must be at least one same as a speed of 30 feet, for example. This bonus
level below the highest spell level he can cast. stacks with the class's fast movement feature and
applies only under the same conditions as that ability.
Night Elf Oracle: Add one spell from the druid spell list that
One of the oldest native races to Azeroth, night elves isn't on the oracle spell list to the list of spells the
lived most of their immortal lives secluded to the oracle knows. This spell must be at least 1 level lower
forests of northern Kalimdor. They view themselves as than the highest spell level the oracle can cast.
guardians of the natural world, and have one of the Ranger: Add +1 skill rank to the ranger's animal
strongest druidic traditions in Azeroth. companion. If the night elf ever replaces his
For a night elf, use the statistics for Pathfinder companion, the new companion gains these bonus skill
elves, but with the following changes: ranks.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution: The Rogue: Add a +1 bonus on Stealth and Perception
night elves are swift and in tune with nature, but not as checks made in dim light or darkness.
hardy as other races. These adjustment replace the elf's Slayer: Increase the studied target bonus on
usual ability score adjustments. Perception and Survival checks by 1/4. When the
Silent Hunter: Night elves are renowned for their slayer gains the stalker class feature, he also gains this
subtlety and skill. Night elves reduce the penalty for increase to the studied target bonus on Stealth checks.
using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make Stealth
checks while running at a -20 penalty (this includes the
penalty reduction from this racial trait). This racial THE HORDE
trait replaces elven magic. This racial trait replaces The following races are frequently found among the
elven magic. Horde.
Weapon Familiarity: Night elves are proficient

Orc pool.
As half-orc. Swashbuckler: Increase the number of times per
Orcs speak Orcish. Orcs with high Intelligence day the swashbuckler can use charmed life by 1/4.
scores can choose any language they want (except Witch: Add one spell from the witch spell list to
secret languages, such as Faceless). the witch's familiar. This spell must be at least one
level below the highest spell level the witch can cast.
Blood Elf If the witch ever replaces this familiar, the new
As elf. Blood elves cannot take the dreamspeaker, familiar knows these bonus spells.
silent hunter, or woodcraft alternate racial traits. Wizard: Select one arcane school power at 1st
Blood elves speak Orcish and Thalassian. Blood level that is normally usable a number of times per day
elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from equal to 3 + the wizard's Intelligence modifier. The
the following: Common, Darnassian, Draconic, wizard adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that
Draenei, Eredun, Gutterspeak, Zandali. arcane school power.


Alchemist: Add one extract formula from the Forsaken have the following racial traits:
alchemist's list to the character's formulae book. This +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity:
formula must be at least one level lower than the Having returned from the other side of the veil,
highest-level formula the alchemist can create. forsaken are hardier and more experienced than most
Arcanist: Add 1/6 to the number of points the races, however the touch of death – necrosis and rigor
arcanist gains in her arcane reservoir each day. mortis – restrict their movements.
Cavalier: Add +1 hit point to the cavalier's mount. Medium: Forsaken are Medium creatures and have
If the elf ever replaces this mount, the new mount no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
gains these bonus hit points. These bonuses only apply Normal Speed: Forsaken have a base speed of 30
to a single mount gained as part of the cavalier's class. feet.
Cleric: Add +1/3 to the amount of damage dealt or Half-Undead: Forsaken are caught in a limbo
damage healed when the cleric uses channel energy. between life and death. This gives them a peculiar set
Fighter: Add +1 to the elf's CMD when resisting a of resistances. Forsaken gain a +2 racial bonus on
disarm or sunder attempt. saving throws against disease and mind-affecting
Inquisitor: Add one spell known from the effects. Additionally, they take no penalties from
inquisitor's spell list. This spell must be at least one energy-draining effects, though they can still be killed
level below the highest-level spell the inquisitor can if they accrue more negative levels than they have Hit
cast. Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels they've
Investigator: Increase the total number of points in gained are removed without any additional saving
the investigator's inspiration pool by 1/3. throws. 4
Magus: Add +1/4 to the magus' arcane pool. Darkvision: Forsaken can see in the dark up to 60
Paladin: Add +1/2 hit point to the paladin's lay on feet. 2
hands ability (whether using it to heal or harm). Deathless Spirit: Forsaken gain resistance 5
Ranger: Choose a weapon from the following list: against negative energy damage. They gain a +2 racial
longbow, longsword, rapier, shortbow, short sword, or bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy
any weapon with “elven” in its name. Add a +1/2 drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities
circumstance bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls of the necromancy school. 2
with that weapon (maximum bonus of +4). This bonus Plagueborn: Forsaken gain a +2 racial bonus on
does not stack with Critical Focus. saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and
Rogue: Add a +1 bonus on Bluff checks to feint becoming nauseated or sickened. These bonuses stack
and Diplomacy checks to gather information. with those from being half-undead. 1
Slayer: Add a +1 bonus on Bluff checks to feint Languages: Forsaken speak Orcish and
and Diplomacy checks to gain information. Gutterspeak. Undead with high Intelligence scores can
Sorcerer: Select one bloodline power at 1st level choose any language they want (except secret
that is normally usable a number of times per day languages, such as Faceless).
equal to 3 + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier. The
sorcerer adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of ALTERNATE TRAITS
that bloodline power. Alternate Ability Scores: The experience of death
Summoner: Add +1/4 to the eidolon's evolution and reanimation affects some corpses differently.

Some undead have a stronger personality and the investigator can create.
atrophied muscles that have become more flexible. Magus: Add +1/4 to the magus' arcane pool.
These undead have +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and -2 Oracle: Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the
Strength. This trait replaces the usual undead ability purpose of determining the effects of the oracle's curse
score adjustments. ability.
Death Magic: Naturally, forsaken have a knack for Ranger: Add a +1 bonus on Perception and
necromantic magic. Forsaken who study it gain +1 to Survival checks made in dim light and darkness.
the DC of any saving throws against necromancy Rogue: Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks and
spells that they cast. Members of this race with a Perception checks made in dim light or darkness.
Wisdom score of 11 or higher also gain the following Slayer: Gain a +1/3 bonus to critical hit
spell-like abilities: 1/day – bleed, chill touch, detect confirmation rolls made while using sneak attack
poison, touch of fatigue. The caster level for these (maximum bonus +5). This bonus doesn't stack with
effects is equal to the user's character level. The DC those gained through Critical Focus and similar
for these spell-like abilities is equal to 10 + the spell's effects.
level + the user's Wisdom modifier. This trait replaces Sorcerer: Add +1/2 point of negative energy
deathless spirit and plagueborn. damage to sorcerer spells that deal negative energy
Light and Dark: Once per day, a forsaken with this damage.
trait can treat positive and negative energies as if it Summoner: The amount of time the summoner
were an undead creature, taking damage from positive must spend to summon his eidolon is reduced by 1
energy and healing damage from negative energy. This round, to a minimum of 1 round.
ability lasts for 1 minute once activated. If the Swashbuckler: Gain a +1/3 bonus all critical hit
forsaken also takes the shadowborn trait, then this confirmation rolls made while using the precise strike
ability reverses the effect of positive and negative deed (maximum bonus of +5). This bonus doesn't
energy. This trait replaces plagueborn. stack with those gained through Critical Focus and
Shadowborn: Some forsaken are more closely similar effects.
connected to death than others. Once per day, forsaken Witch: Add +1/4 to the witch's caster level when
with this trait can change its appearance to look as if it determining the effects of the spells granted to by the
were little more than a human-sized shadow. Its patron.
physical form still exists and it is not incorporeal – Wizard: Add +1/4 to the wizard's caster level when
only its appearance changes. This trait works like casting spells of the necromancy school.
invisibility, except the effect only lasts 1 round per
level (maximum 5 rounds). Regardless of whether or Goblin
not this trait is active, these forsaken are harmed by Goblins have the following racial traits:
positive energy, and healed by negative energy. This +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength:
trait replaces deathless spirit. Goblins are nimble and their long-term exposure to
kaja'mite has expanded their mind, however they aren't
Alchemist: Add +10 minutes to the duration of the Small: Goblins are Small creatures and gain a +1
alchemist's mutagens. size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls,
Arcanist: Increase total number of points in the a -1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and
arcanist's arcane reservoir by 1. Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on
Barbarian: Add a +1/2 bonus to trap sense or +1/3 Stealth checks.
to the bonus from the surprise accuracy rage power. Slow Speed: Goblins have a base speed of 20 feet.
Cleric: Add +1 to the caster level of any channeling Darkvision: Goblins can see in the dark up to 60
feat used to affect undead. feet.
Fighter: Add +2 on rolls to stabilize when dying. Greed: Goblins gain a +2 bonus on Appraise
Gunslinger: Reduce the misfire chance for one checks to determine the price of nonmagical goods
type of firearm by 1/4. You cannot reduce the misfire that contain precious metals or gemstones.
chance of a firearm below 1. Integrated: Goblins gain a +1 bonus on Bluff,
Inquisitor: Add +1 on Intimidate checks to Disguise, and Knowledge (local) checks.
demoralize humanoids and Knowledge checks to Lucky: Goblins have a knack for narrowly
identify creatures. avoiding danger – almost necessary given the
Investigator: Add one extract formula from the frequency of explosions in their creations. Goblins
investigator's list to his formula book. This formula gain a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
must be at least 1 formula level below the highest level

Poison Use: Goblins never risk accidentally Tauren
poisoning themselves when applying it to a weapon. Tauren have the following racial traits:
Squalor: Goblins frequently live in areas full of +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity: Tauren
pollution or disease-ridden areas. This gives them a +2 and incredibly strong and spiritual, but not very agile
racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws against disease due to their size.
and poison, including magical diseases. This bonus Medium: Tauren are Medium creatures and have
stacks with the lucky trait. no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Languages: Goblins speak Orcish and Goblin. Normal Speed: Tauren have a base speed of 30
Goblins with high Intelligence scores can choose any feet.
language they want (except secret languages, such as Low-Light Vision: Tauren can see twice as far as a
Faceless). race with normal vision in conditions of dim light.
Gore: Tauren have a pair of great horns which
ALTERNATE TRAITS grant them a natural attack. This attack deal 1d6
Beguiling Liar: Goblins are notorious for their damage plus the tauren's strength modifier.
business acumen and underhanded dealings. Even so, Mountain-Born: Tauren gain a +2 racial bonus on
many are unbelievably talented at spinning falsehoods Acrobatics checks made to cross narrow gaps and
and have a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to ledges and on saving throws against altitude fatigue
convince an opponent that what they are saying is true and sickness.
when they tell a lie. This trait replaces greed and Naturalist: Taurens have a +2 racial bonus to
integrated. Survival checks.
Pyromaniac: Goblins with this trait are treated as Natural Armor: Tauren's thick skin grant them a
+1 level higher when casting spells with the fire +1 natural armor bonus to their Armor Class.
descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, Stability: Tauren receive a +4 racial bonus to their
using bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline, CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while
using the revelations of the oracle's flame mystery, and standing on the ground.
determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal Weapon Familiarity: Tauren treat any weapon
fire damage. This trait does not give members of this with “tauren” in the name as a martial weapon.
race early access to level-based powers; it only affects Languages: Tauren speak Orcish and Taur-he.
powers that they could already use without this trait. If Tauren with high Intelligence scores can choose from
a member of this race has a Charisma score of 11 or the following: Darnassian, Kalimag, Terran, Ursine,
higher, it also gains the following spell-like abilities: Zandali.
1/day – dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce
flame. The caster level for these spell-like abilities is ALTERNATE TRAITS
equal to the user's character level. Bond to the Land: Tauren with this trait gain a +2
Stubborn: Goblins can be quite headstrong and bonus to AC when in a specific terrain type selected
tenacious. These goblins gain a +2 racial bonus on from the ranger's list of favored terrains. This choice is
Will saving throws to resist spells and spell-like made at character creation and cannot be changed.
abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment This trait replaces naturalist.
(compulsion) subschools. In addition, if a member of Dreamspeaker: Tauren with this trait gain a +1
this race fails such a save, it receives another save 1 bonus to the saving throw DCs of spells of the
round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming the divination school and spells that produce sleep effects
spell or spell-like ability has a duration greater than 1 that they cast. In addition, tauren with a Charisma
round). This second save is made at the same DC as score of 15 or higher may use dream once per day as a
the first. If the goblin has a similar ability from another spell-like ability (caster level is equal to the user's
source (such as a rogue's slippery mind class feature), character level). This replaces stability and mountain-
it can only use one of these abilities per round, but can born.
try the other on the second round if the first reroll Mountaineer: Tauren with this trait are immune to
ability fails. This racial trait replaces squalor. This trait altitude sickness and do not lose their Dexterity bonus
replaces squalor and greed. to AC when making Climb checks or Acrobatics
Urbanite: Goblins with this trait gain a +2 racial checks to cross narrow or slippery surfaces. This
bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather replaces mountain-born.
information and Sense Motive checks made to get a
hunch about a social situation. This trait replaces FAVOURED CLASS BONUSES
integrated. Barbarian: Add +1 to the barbarian's total number
of rage rounds per day.

Brawler: Reduce the hardness of any object made racial bonus to Escape Artist checks, and a +1 racial
from clay, stone, or wood by 1 whenever the object is bonus to CMD when resisting trip attempts.
struck by the brawler's unarmed strike (minimum 0). Languages: Trolls speak Orcish and Zandali. Trolls
Cavalier: Add +1/2 to the cavalier's bonus to with high Intelligence scores can choose from the
damage against targets of the cavalier's challenge. following: Darnassian, Goblin, Kalimag, Nazja, Taur-
Cleric: Select one domain power granted at 1st he.
level that is normally usable for a number of times per
day equal to 3 + the cleric's Wisdom modifier. The ALTERNATE TRAITS
cleric adds 1/2 to the number of uses per day of that Desert Runner: Some trolls have adapted to the
domain power. barren lands around Durotar, receiving a +4 racial
Druid: Add +1/3 to the druid's natural armor bonus bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to
when using wild shape. avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill
Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst,
resisting a bull rush or trip. and hot or cold environments. This trait replaces
Gunslinger: Add a +1/3 bonus on attack rolls when darkvision.
using the pistol whip deed. Frenzy: Oncer per day, whenever a troll with this
Hunter: Add 1 hit point to the hunter's animal trait takes damage, it flies into a frenzy for 1 minute,
companion. If the hunter replaces his animal gaining a +2 racial bonus to Constitution and Strength,
companion, the new animal companion gains these but a -2 penalty to AC. This trait replaces voodoo
bonus hit points. shuffle.
Oracle: Add +1/4 to the armor or natural armor Natural Hunter: Trolls with this trait gain a +1
bonus granted by oracle spells she casts on herself. racial bonus on attack rolls against animals. This trait
Paladin: Add +1/4 to the bonus the paladin grants replaces bad mojo.
her allies with her aura of courage and aura of resolve
special abilities. FAVOURED CLASS BONUSES
Ranger: Add +1 hit point to the ranger's animal Barbarian: Add +1 to the barbarian's total number
companion. If the tauren ever replaces his animal of rage rounds per day.
companion, the new animal companion gains these Bloodrager: Add +1 to the bloodrager's total
bonus hit points. number of rage rounds per day.
Shaman: Add 1/4 to the natural armor bonus of the Brawler: Increase the number of times per day the
shaman's spirit animal. brawler can use martial flexibility by 1/4.
Warpriest: Add 1/4 to the warpriest's effective Druid: Add +1/4 to the damage of natural bite
level when determining the damage of his sacred attacks when using wild shape.
weapon. Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when
resisting a grapple or trip attempt.
Hunter: Add 1 foot to the hunter's companion's
base speed. In combat, this has an effect only for every
Troll have the following racial traits:
five increases in base speed.
+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: Trolls
Oracle: Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the
are strong and quick, but not especially bright.
purpose of determining the effects of the oracle's curse
Medium: Trolls are Medium creatures and have no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Ranger: Add +1/3 damage to one natural attack of
Normal Speed: Trolls have a base speed of 30 feet.
the ranger's animal companion. If the troll ever
Bad Mojo: Trolls gain a +2 bonus on Will saves
replaces his animal companion, the new animal
against spells, and spell-like abilities.
companion gains these bonus hit points.
Darkvision: Trolls can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Rogue: Add +1/6 to the rogue's sneak attack
Fast Healing: Trolls regain 1 hit point each round.
Except for where noted here, fast healing is just like
Shaman: The shaman gains 1/6 of a new shaman
natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points
lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it
Slayer: Add +1/4 dodge bonus to Armor Class
allow a creature to regrow lost body parts. Fast healing
against the slayer's studied target.
continues to function (even at negative hit points) until
Sorcerer: Add +1/2 to fire spell damage.
a member of this race dies, at which point the effects
Warpriest: Add 1/3 to the number of times per day
of fast healing immediately end.
the warpriest can use blessings, but he can only use
Voodoo Shuffle: Trolls are nimble, and have a +2
these additional uses on blessings that affect weapons

or armor. the witch's familiar.
Witch: Add +1/4 natural armor bonus to the AC of

A world thoroughly infused with magic, and host to While alchemy has a long and well regarded history
near constant war, Azeroth sees a wide variety of among the cultures of Azeroth, it has recently begun to
adventurers. Powerful warriors, dark warlocks, and be eclipsed by technological contraptions. While many
wise shamans have all taken part in shaping Azeroth's priests, mages, and druids dabble in alchemy, those
history. who have stronger scientific inclinations are more
Bards and Skalds: While music and other likely to focus on engineering.
performing arts are found in Azeroth, they are not
given the sort of reverence that bardic magic requires Engineer (Alternate Class)
to develop. While certain skills found among bards Engineers stand at the very bleeding edge of
exist, they are not found in the combination that bards technological progress. They strive to understand the
and bardic archetypes use. laws – both physical and magical – that define the very
Monks: Monks, as the Pathfinder class presents nature of the universe, and use that understanding to
them, are not widely known in the world of Azeroth. create mechanical marvels unlike anything the world
While there are monastic orders, their members are has seen before.
clerics, paladins, and other classes rather than monks. Alignment: Any.
There are rumours, however, of a culture far to the Hit Die: d8.
south that takes a philosophical and highly disciplined
approach to martial arts that allows them to perform CLASS SKILLS
remarkable feats, but such stories are probably just tall The engineer's class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft
tales told by sailors to astonish those less traveled. (any) (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Fly (Dex), Heal
(Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge
Gadgets per Day
Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Gadgetry, bomb 1d6, cognatogen, Technologist, Throw 1 – – – – –
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Discovery, nimble +1, trapfinding 2 – – – – –
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Bomb 2d6, swift engineering 3 – – – – –
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Discovery 3 1 – – – –
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Bomb 3d6 4 2 – – – –
6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Discovery, jury-rig, nimble +2 4 3 – – – –
7th +5 +5 +5 +2 Bomb 4d6 4 3 1 – – –
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 Discovery 4 4 2 – – –
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 Bomb 5d6 5 4 3 – – –
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Discovery, nimble +3 5 4 3 1 – –
11th +8/+3 +7 +7 +3 Bomb 6d6 5 4 4 2 – –
12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Discovery 5 5 4 3 – –
13th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Bomb 7d6 5 5 4 3 1 –
14th +10/+5 +9 +9 +4 Discovery, nimble +4, persistent cognatogen 5 5 4 4 2 –
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5 Bomb 8d6 5 5 5 4 3 –
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Discovery 5 5 5 4 3 1
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Bomb 9d6 5 5 5 4 4 2
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Discovery, nimble +5 5 5 5 5 4 3
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Bomb 10d6 5 5 5 5 5 4
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Grand discovery 5 5 5 5 5 5

(engineering) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession so that he can prepare gadgets in the field as needed.
(Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Although the engineer doesn't actually cast spells,
Magic Device (Cha). he does have a schematic list that determines what
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier gadgets he can create (see below). An engineer can
utilize spell-trigger items if the spell appears on his
CLASS FEATURES schematic list, but not spell-completion items (unless
The following are class features of the engineer. he uses Use Magic Device to do so). A gadget is “cast”
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Engineers are by triggering it, a standard action that does not
proficient with all simple weapons, firearms, and provoke an attack of opportunity – the effects of a
bombs. They are also proficient with light armor, but gadget exactly duplicate the spell upon which its
not with shields. schematic is based, save that harmless spells always
Gadgetry (Su): Engineers are not only masters of affect only the engineer. The engineer uses his level as
creating mundane mechanical contraptions such as the caster level to determine any effect based on caster
gnomish army knives and goblin jumper cables, but level.
also of fashioning borderline-magical gadgets in which Creating gadgets consumes raw materials, but the
they can store spell effects. In effect, an engineer cost of these materials is insignificant – comparable to
prepares his spells by crafting a number of gadgets out the valueless material components of most spells. If a
of his collection of spare parts, and then “casts” his spell normally has a costly material component, that
spells by triggering the gadget. When an engineer component is expended during the consumption of that
creates a gadget or bomb, he infuses the contraption particular gadget. Engineer gadgets that duplicate
with a tiny fraction of his own magical power – this divine spells never have a divine focus requirement.
enables the creation of powerful effects, but also binds An engineer can prepare a gadget of any schematic he
the effects to the creator. knows. To learn or use a gadget, an engineer must
When using Craft (mechanical) to create a have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the
technological item, an engineer gains a competence gadget's level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw
bonus equal to his class level on the Craft against an engineer's gadget is 10 + the gadget level +
(mechanical) check. In addition, an engineer can use the engineer's Intelligence modifier.
Craft (mechanical) to identify technological items as if An engineer may know any number of schematics.
using technomancy. He must hold the item for 1 round He stores his schematics in a special tome called a
to make such a check. schematic book. He must refer to this book whenever
An engineer can create three special types of he prepares a gadget but not when he consumes it. An
magical items – gadgets, bombs, and cognatogens. engineer begins play with two 1st-level schematics of
Gadgets are the most varied of the three. In many his choice, plus a number of additional schematics
ways, they behave like spells, and as such their effects equal to his Intelligence modifier. At each new
can be dispelled by effects like dispel magic using the engineer level, he gains one new schematic of any
engineer's level as the caster level. level that he can create. An engineer can also add
An engineer can create only a certain number of schematics to his book just like a wizard adds spells to
gadgets of each level per day. His base daily allotment his spellbook, using the same costs and time
of gadgets is given on the table above. In addition, he requirements. An engineer can study a wizard's
receives bonus gadgets per day if he has a high spellbook to learn any schematic that is equivalent to a
Intelligence score, in the same way a wizard receives spell the spellbook contains. A wizard, however,
bonus spells per day. cannot learn spells from a schematic book. An
When an engineer creates a gadget, he infuses the engineer does not need to decipher arcane writings
components and reagents in the gadget with magic before copying them.
siphoned from his own magical aura. A gadget An engineer may qualify for the technomancer
immediately becomes inert if it leaves the engineer's prestige class as if he could cast arcane spells equal to
possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to his the highest level of gadgets he can use.
keeping – an engineer cannot pass out his gadgets for Bomb (Su): In addition to magical gadgets,
allies to use. A gadget, once created, remains potent engineers are adept at swiftly mixing various volatile
for 1 day before becoming inert, so an engineer must chemicals and infusing them with their magical
re-prepare his gadgets every day. Building a gadget reserves to create powerful bombs that they can hurl at
takes 1 minute of work – most engineers prepare many their enemies. An engineer can use a number of bombs
gadgets at the start of the day or just before going on each day equal to his class level + his Intelligence
an adventure, but it's not uncommon for an engineer to modifier. Bombs are unstable, and if not used in the
keep some (or even all) of his daily gadget slots open

round they are created, they degrade and become inert noted. Some discoveries can only be made if the
—their method of creation prevents large volumes of engineer has met certain prerequisites first, such as
explosive material from being created and stored. In uncovering other discoveries. Discoveries that modify
order to create a bomb, the engineer must use a small bombs that are marked with an asterisk (*) do not
vial containing an ounce of powder catalyst—the stack. Only one such discovery can be applied to an
engineer can create this powder catalyst from small individual bomb. The DC of any saving throw called
amounts of chemicals from an engineering kit, and for by a discovery is equal to 10 + 1/2 the engineer's
these supplies can be readily refilled in the same level + the engineer's Intelligence modifier.
manner as a spellcaster's component pouch. Most An engineer may choose from the following
engineers create a number of catalyst vials at the start discoveries: acid bomb*, alchemical simulacrumUM,
of the day equal to the total number of bombs they can blinding bombUM, concussive bomb*, confusion
create in that day—once created, a catalyst vial bomb*, delayed bomb, demolition charge*DHB,
remains usable by the engineer for years. dispelling bomb, directed bombMM, doppelganger
Creating and throwing a bomb requires a standard simulacrumUM, elemental mutagenMM, explosive
action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thrown bomb*, fast bombs, fire brandARG, force bomb*, frost
bombs have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw bomb*, grand cognatogenUM, grand mutagen, greater
Splash Weapon special attack (see page 202 of the alchemical simulacrumUM, greater cognatogenUM,
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook). Bombs are greater mutagen, inferno bomb*, madness bomb,
considered weapons and can be selected using feats mutagenUM, precise bombs, rocket bombARG, scrap
such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus. On a bombARG, shock bomb*, smoke bomb*, spontaneous
direct hit, an engineer's bomb inflicts 1d6 points of fire healingUM, sticky bomb, stink bomb*, strafe bombUM,
damage + additional damage equal to the engineer's sunlight bomb*UM, tanglefoot bomb*UM, vestigial
Intelligence modifier. The damage of an engineer's armUM, wingsUM
bomb increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered Big Red Button: When the engineer creates a
engineer level (this bonus damage is not multiplied on gadget, he can put extra effort into its construction in
a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike). order to make its activation more simple and straight-
Splash damage from an engineer bomb is always equal forward – often by installing a large, obvious button or
to the bomb's minimum damage (so if the bomb would switch. The gadget may now be used by non-engineers
deal 2d6+4 points of fire damage on a direct hit, its just as the engineer could use it, himself.
splash damage would be 6 points of fire damage). Bonus Feat: An engineer may select Skill Focus
Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a (Craft [mechanical], Disable Device, or Knowledge
Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is [engineering]), or any technological feat. This
equal to 10 + 1/2 the engineer's level + the engineer's discovery may be selected multiple times, selecting a
Intelligence modifier. different feat each time.
Engineers can learn new types of bombs as Combat Inspiration (Ex): When an engineer uses
discoveries (see the Discovery ability) as they level up. inspiration on an attack roll or saving throw, he
An engineer's bomb, like a gadget, becomes inert if expends one use of inspiration instead of two. An
used or carried by anyone else. engineer must be at least 9th level to select this talent.
Cognatogen (Su): At 1st level, an engineer learns Combine Gadgets: When the engineer creates a
how to create a cognatogen, as per the cognatogen gadget, he can place two schematics into one gadget.
discovery. When the gadget is consumed, both schematics take
Technologist (Ex): At 1st level, engineers receive effect. This gadget has a level two levels higher than
Technologist as a bonus feat. the highest-level schematics placed in the gadget. An
Throw Anything (Ex): All engineers gain the engineer must be at least 8th level before selecting this
Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An discovery.
engineer adds his Intelligence modifier to damage Eidetic Recollection (Su): An engineer can always
done with splash weapons, including the splash choose to take 10 on any of his Knowledge checks,
damage if any. This bonus damage is already included even if he's in immediate danger or distracted. An
in the bomb class feature. engineer may expend one use of inspiration to take 20
Discovery (Su): At 2nd level, and then again every on a Knowledge skill check even if he's in immediate
2 levels thereafter (up to 18th level), an engineer danger or distracted. An engineer must be at least 11th
makes an incredible alchemical discovery. Unless level to select this talent.
otherwise noted, an engineer cannot select an Grit (Ex): An engineer with this talent gains the
individual discovery more than once unless otherwise Amateur Gunslinger feat and one grit feat of his

choice. He must fulfill the prerequisites of the grit feat Persistent Cognatogen (Su): At 14th level, the
in order to choose it. effects of a cognatogen last for 1 hour per level.
Inspiration (Ex): An engineer with this discovery Grand Discovery (Su): At 20th level, the engineer
gains a small inspiration pool. This inspiration is makes a grand discovery. He immediately learns two
similar to an investigator's inspiration pool, except that normal discoveries, but also learns a third discovery
he can only use his inspiration ability when attempting chosen from the list below, representing a truly
Craft (mechanical), Disable Device, or Knowledge astounding engineering breakthrough of significant
(engineering) checks without expending uses of import. For many engineers, the promise of one of
inspiration, provided he's trained in the skill. The these grand discoveries is the primary goal of their
engineer gains a number of inspiration points equal to experiments and hard work.
his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). These Awakened Intellect: The engineer's constant
inspiration points replenish at the start of each day. If exposure to strange chemicals has expanded his mind.
he already has an inspiration pool, or gains an His Intelligence score permanently increases by 2
inspiration pool later, he gains half his Intelligence points.
bonus (minimum 1) as bonus inspiration points to his Eternal Youth: The engineer has discovered a cure
inspiration pool. for aging, and from this point forward he takes no
Lucky Glitch (Ex): Whenever an engineer triggers a penalty to his physical ability scores from advanced
glitch when using a technological item, he rolls twice age. If the engineer is already taking such penalties,
and can choose which of the two glitch effects actually they are removed at this time.
occurs. An engineer always adds his level to rolls to Fast Healing: The engineer's flesh responds to
determine what kind of glitch occurs, and treats rolls damage with shocking speed—he gains fast healing 5.
of over 100 as l00. Philosopher's Stone: The engineer learns how to
Parachute (Ex): The engineer creates a reusable create a philosopher's stone, and can do so once per
parachute pack. As a standard action, the engineer may month at no cost. Creating a philosopher's stone takes
deploy this parachute to slow his falling (as the feather 1 day of work.
fall spell, but lasting until he lands). Upon landing, the Poison Touch: The engineer gains a poisonous
parachute automatically winds back up into its pack. touch, as if under the effects of a poison spell. He can
For one round after landing, the engineer is treated as suppress or activate this ability as a free action. The
flat-footed and his movement speed is halved while physical appearance of how the engineer generates and
the parachute winds back up. delivers his poisonous touch varies from engineer to
Nimble (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, an engineer engineer.
gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or True Inspiration (Ex): The engineer can use
no armor. Anything that causes the engineer to lose her inspiration on all skill checks – even ones he isn't
Dexterity bonus to AC also causes the engineer to lose trained in – and all ability checks without spending
this dodge bonus. This bonus increases by +1 for every inspiration.
four levels beyond 2nd level (to a maximum of +5 at In addition, whenever he expends inspiration on an
20th level). ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check,
Trapfinding (Ex): At 2nd level, an engineer adds he adds 2d6 rather than 1d6 to the result.
1/2 his level to Perception skill checks made to locate True Mutagen: The engineer's mutagen now grants
traps and to Disable Device checks (minimum 1). An a +8 natural armor bonus and a +8 alchemical bonus to
investigator can use Disable Device to disarm Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. The engineer
mechanical, or high-tech traps, but not magical traps. takes a –2 penalty to his Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Swift Engineering (Ex): At 3rd level, an engineer Charisma as long as the mutagen persists (see
can create technological items with astounding speed. Mutagen). An engineer must possess the grand
It takes an engineer half the normal amount of time to mutagen discovery before selecting this discovery.
create technological items.
Jury-Rig (Ex): At 6th level, as a standard action, ENGINEER GADGETS
an engineer can remove the broken condition from a Engineers gain access to the following gadgets. While
single technological device he is currently holding. most of these spells are found in the Core Rulebook,
The broken condition returns after a number of charges those with superscripts are drawn from other sources.
(including shots of a firearm) have been spent equal to Those marked with an asterisk (*) appear in Part VII
the engineer's Intelligence modifier, or twice that of this book.
number of rounds have passed, whichever occurs first 1st-Level Engineer Gadgets: alarm, ant haulAPG,
(minimum 1 round or charge). anticipate perilUM, blurred movementACG, body
capacitanceACG, bomber's eyeAPG, breakAPG, burning

hands, chill touch, color spray, corrosive touchUM, nauseating trailACG, nondetection, pain strikeAPG, pellet
crafter's fortuneAPG, cure light wounds, dancing blastUC, pierce disguiseACG, protection from arrows
lantern, detect radiationTG, detect secret doors, detect (communal)UC, protection from energy, ray of
undead, disguise self, ear-piercing screamUM, endure exhaustion, rechargeTG, resinous skinUC , resist energy
elements, enlarge person, expeditious excavationAPG, (communal)UC, seek thoughtsAPG, serpent ward*, shrink
expeditious retreat, firebellyISG, flare burstAPG, floating item, silver dartsACG, slow, spider climb (communal)UC,
disc, gravity bowAPG, grease, heightened awarenessACG, stinking cloud, stunning barrier (greater)ACG, thorn
hold portal, hydraulic pushAPG, hypnotism, identify, bodyAPG, thunderstomp (greater)ACG, water breathing
interrogationUM, invisibility alarmACG, jump, jury-rigUC, 4th- Level Engineer Gadgets: air walk, air walk
keen sensesAPG, long armACG, longshotUC, mage armor, (communal)UC, amplify magic*, arcane eye, ball
magic missile, memory lapseAPG, monkey fishACG, lightningAPG, caustic bloodISG, confusion, cure critical
negate aromaAPG, obscuring mist, polypurpose wounds, darkvision (greater)UM, dazeUM, detonateAPG,
panaceaUM, ray of sickeningUM, ray of enfeeblement, dragon's breathAPG, echolocationUM, enchantment
reduce person, shield, shock shieldUC, shocking grasp, foilACG, enervation, eyes of the voidACG, fire nova
silent image, sleep, snapdragon fireworksUM, stasis totem*, fire shield, fire trap, flaming sphere
trap*, stunning barrierACG, targeted bomb admixtureUC, (greater)ACG, freedom of movement, globe of
technomancyTG, thunderstompACG, touch of invulnerability (lesser), invisibility (greater), lightning
gracelessnessAPG, touch of the seaAPG, true strike, shield*, locate creature, magic circle against
unseen servant, vanishAPG, ventriloquism, vocal technologyTG, magic siege engine (greater)UC, make
alterationUM whole (greater)TG, malfunctionUM, neutralize poison,
2nd-Level Engineer Gadgets: ablative barrierUC, resilient sphere, scrying, secure shelter, shout, solid
acid arrow, acute sensesUM, aid, air stepACG, ant haul fog, spell immunity, stoneskin, unbearable
(communal)UC, arrow eruptionAPG, barkskin, bestow brightnessACG, universal formulaAPG, vitriolic mistUM,
weapon proficiencyUC, blood armorACG, blood wall of fire
transcriptionUM, blur, bullet shieldUC, bullet wardACG, 5th-Level Engineer Gadgets: acidic sprayUM,
buoyancyACG, burning gazeAPG, certain gripUC, arcane explosion*, baleful polymorph, blight,
continual flame, cure moderate wounds, dampen cloudkill, cone of cold, contact other plane, corrosive
magic*, darkness, darkvision, daze monster, defensive consumptionUM, destroy robotTG, elude timeAPG, energy
shockUM, delay poison, detect thoughts, elemental siege shotUC, hammer of mendingISG, hold monster,
touchAPG, euphoric cloudACG, fire breathAPG, flaming hooks of binding (greater)*, icy prisonUM, languid
sphere, focused scrutinyACG, fog cloud, frigid touchUM, bomb admixtureUC, lightning arcUM, magic jar,
frost fallUC, glideAPG, glitterdust, gust of wind, haunting overland flight, pain strike (mass)APG, planar
mistsUM, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, kinetic adaptationAPG, prying eyes, rapid repairUM, sending,
reverberationUC, knock, levitate, light prisonISG, magic sonic thrustUM, spell resistance, stoneskin
siege engineUC, make whole, mana burn*, mirror UC
(communal) , teleport, tremor totem*, unbreakable
image, molten orbACG, protection from arrows, constructUM, wall of soundUM, wall of force, waves of
pyrotechnics, reloading handsUC, resist energy, fatigue
returning weaponUC, ricochet shotUC, scorching ray, 6th-Level Engineer Gadgets: acid fog, analyze
see invisibility, shadow bomb admixtureUC, shatter, dweomer, antimagic field, caging bomb admixtureUC,
sonic screamACG, spider climb, thunderclap*, time chain lightning, discharge (greater)TG, disintegrate,
shudderACG, touch injectionUC, twisted spaceUC, dispel magic (greater), energy siege shot (greater)TG,
undetectable alignment, web freezing sphere, globe of invulnerability, heal, mislead,
3rd-Level Engineer Gadgets: anchored stepACG, programmed image, transformation, true seeing
arcane sight, aura sightACG, burrowUM, burst of
speedUC, cure serious wounds, darkvision CAVALIER
(communal) , daylight, deep slumber, delay poison fluff
(communal)UC, disable constructACG, dischargeTG,
dispel magic, displacement, draconic reservoirAPG,
Cavalier Orders
elemental auraAPG, endure elements (communal)UC,
A number of knightly orders can be found in Azeroth.
fireball, flame arrow, fly, force punchUM, frost nova*,
haste, hold person, hooks of binding*, hydraulic ARGENT DAWN
torrentAPG, invisibility sphere, irradiateTG, keen edge,
lightning bolt, lightning lash bomb admixtureUC, locate BLOOD KNIGHTS
weaknessUC, mana flare*, marionette possessionUM,

Religion and Domains
Azeroth is fairly devoid of proper deities and deific beings. Even those that do exist, like Elune and the Naaru, are quite similar and
some believe them to simply be different aspects or expressions of the Light. Therefore, domains are divided between various
priestly devotions. What follows is a list of some of the most common types of priests and their domains, subdomains, and favored
Discipline Priest: Discipline priests are devout followers of the Light, and typically hold strict regimens and follow formulaic
rituals to display their piety. As such, most discipline priests are lawful, and chaotic discipline priests are practically unheard of.
Discipline priests account for many of the more militant orders like the Scarlet Crusade, and as such their favored weapon is the
mace (light or heavy). The domains (and subdomains) available to discipline priests include Community (Cooperation), Glory
(Heroism, Honor), Law (Judgment, Loyalty), Nobility (Leadership, Martyr), and Protection (Defense, Purity). Additionally, due to
their rigor and mental discipline control, discipline priests gain a +2 sacred bonus on concentration checks, and may take 10 on a
concentration check once per day.
Druidic Priest: Not all who revere nature are druids, and druidic priests are particular common among tauren and night elves,
as well as many of the more tribal races like quillboars and furbolgs. Even if they aren't druids, any divine spellcaster who belongs
to a druidic order may learn the Druidic language as if they were a druid. The favored weapons among druidic priests are natural
weapons for those who have them, and quarterstaves. They have access to the Air (Cloud, Wind), Animal (Feather, Fur), Earth
(Caves), Plant (Growth), Water (Flowing, Oceans, Rivers), and Weather (Seasons) domains. In many ways, druidic priests are as in
tune with nature as druids, and as such may expend a spell slot to spontaneously cast a summon nature's ally spell of the same level
as the expended slot. This replaces the cleric's normal ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells. There are also rumours of
druidic priests allied with Ragnaros or the forces behind the Emerald Nightmare who have access to other domains considered
unacceptable among most druidic orders.
Holy Priest: Holy priests are the most well known and widespread orders among civilization. Nearly every town large enough
to appear on a map has at least one temple or cathedral that is home to a holy priest. Being one of the more pacifistic orders, holy
priests are almost uniformly good, and favor the quarterstaff. Holy priests have access to the Community (Family), Glory (Heroism,
Honor), Good (Friendship, Redemption), Healing (Restoration, Resurrection), and Sun (Day, Light, Revelation) domains.
Additionally, holy priests cast cure spells at +1 caster level.
Shadow Priest: While shadow priests have a reputation for being evil necromancers, there are those who wield their dark
powers in the name of the Light. Still, this mistrust is not undeserved since dark powers frequently corrupt those with even the most
noble of intentions. Furthermore, it isn't entirely clear where shadow magic comes from, as it is quite distinct from the fel that
infuses demonic magic, and certainly doesn't come from the Light that powers other divine spellcasters. The more hopeful scholars
who ponder these questions think it may be a darker distillation of arcane magic. The less naive fear something far more sinister.
Shadow priests favor daggers, and may choose from among the Chaos (Entropy), Darkness (Loss, Night), Death (Murder, Undead),
Destruction (Catastrophe, Torture), Evil (Corruption, Fear), Madness (Insanity, Nightmare), Repose (Souls), Trickery (Ambush,
Deception), and Void (Dark Tapestry, Isolation) domains. Additionally, shadow priests cast inflict spells at +1 caster level.
Shamanic Priest: Shamanic priests draw upon elemental spirits for their power, and are less of an order like the other types of
priests and more a collection of traditions that grew up separately among many different races in Azeroth. As such, shamanic priests
are so varied that what counts as a favored weapon differs from culture to culture. Although there is a tendency towards simple,
one-handed bludgeoning weapons, many exceptions can be found. Shamanic priest domains include Air (Cloud, Wind), Earth
(Caves, Metal), Fire (Ash, Smoke), Healing (Restoration, Resurrection), Repose (Ancestors), Water (Flowing, Ice, Oceans, Rivers),
and Weather (Seasons, Storms). However, due to their variety, shamanic priests can permanently swap up to one domain power and
three domain spells from one of their chosen domains with those from any one other shamanic domain.

Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list. GMs are encouraged to work with their players to select domains, subdomains,
and favored weapons that would be appropriate for the character, as many priests aren't tied to any one particular order. A night elf
cleric could choose Healing and Moon as domains wielding a moonglaive as a favored weapon, while a blood elf priest might take
Magic and Nobility for domains with a scimitar for a favored weapon. Likewise, a cleric who lives among the smiths and craftsmen
of Ironforge for example could be permitted access to the Artifice and Earth domains and have a warhammer for a favored weapon
while a nomad from the plains of Mulgore might take Travel and Sun for domains and a quarterstaff as a favored weapon.





fluff fluff

fluff fluff

fluff fluff

CRAFT (INT) • Auran (air elementals)
Creating Technological Devices: Craft • Common (humans and other civilized races,
(mechanical) is the skill used to design, build and especially among the Alliance)
repair all mechanical devices. These devices may use a • Darnassian (night elves, dryads, and other
variety of power sources – phlogiston-enabled steam related races)
boilers, lightning-filled bateries, wound-spring • Draconic (dragons and arcane mages)
clockworks, even gunpowder – but if it has multiple • Draenei (draenei)
parts and isn't imbued with magic, it is a technological • Dwarven (dwarves)
device. This includes everything from simple traps and • Eredun (demons, eredar, warlocks)
clockworks to complicated walking steam armor and • Faceless (faceless ones, followers of the Old
siege engines. The checks involved in the creation, Gods)
construction, and repair of technological devices using • Gnoll (gnolls)
the Craft (mechanical) skill are explained in Part X:
• Gnomish (gnomes)
Technological Devices.
• Goblin (goblins)
• Gutterspeak (forsaken)
Several races in Azeroth have embraced technology,
• Ignan (fire elementals)
and craft numerous gadgets and devices. Certain
devices are so complicated, however, that a • Kalimag (elementals)
Knowledge (engineering) check is required to operate • Mogu (mogu, saurok, yaungol)
them correctly. Other devices, such as vehicles, may • Nazja (naga)
require special proficiencies to operate. A character • Nerglish (murlocs, makrura)
lacking the required proficiencies suffers a –4 penalty • Nerubian (nerubians)
on Knowledge (engineering) checks when attempting • Orcish (orcs, ogres, other Horde races)
to operate a device. • Pandaren (pandaren, residents of Pandaria)
• Qiraji (qiraji)
Knowledge (Engineering) Check DCs • Ravenspeech (arakkoa)
DC Device Complexity Example • Taur-ahe (tauren, taunka, yaungol)
5 Extremely simple devices Initiating the operation • Terran (earth elementals)
of self-operating • Thalassian (blood elves, high elves, arcane
10 Simple devices Alarm system
• Titan (titans, giants, titanic creations)
12 Simple devices with volatile Explosives • Tuskarr (tuskarr)
• Ursine (furbolgs)
15 Moderately complex but Goblin shredder • Vrykul (vrykul)
common devices
• Zandali (trolls)
20 Complex devices requiring aim, Grapple gun Special: Shaman add Kalimag to their list of bonus
precision or timing
language choices.
25 Complex devices requiring Gyrocopter
constant supervision or
adjustment NEW FEATS
30 Intricate devices that require Calculating device
prior planning and supervision to Shout Feats
operate Shout feats allow a character to give a resounding war
cry which has a definite effect on herself, her allies
and her enemies. Shouts are extraordinary, sonic,
SPEAK LANGUAGE mind-affecting abilities. Unless otherwise specified, a
The races of Warcraft speak many languages. The shout affects creatures within a 30-foot radius from the
following is a non-exhaustive list. shouting character, and its effects last for a number of
• Aquan (water elementals) rounds equal to half the shouting character's character

level (minimum 1 round). A character can shout a against you. It can still make ranged attacks or cast
number of times per day equal to the number of shout spells against your allies, move around, use special
feats she has; when she shouts, she can choose which abilities and so forth.
of her shout feats she uses. Shouting is a free action
that can be performed once per round. Counterattack (General)
A character can spend a hero point to shout one You repay attacks on yourself in kind.
additional time per day. If she does so, the shout's Prerequisites: Dex 13, Dodge
range and duration are doubled (if appropriate). Benefit: Once per round, if an opponent makes a
melee attack or melee touch attack against you and
Totemic Feats misses, you may make an attack of opportunity against
A totemic feat applies to the caster's totem spells, that opponent. You take a -4 penalty on your attack
regardless of level. For example, a feat that increases roll. Resolve and apply the effects from both attacks
totem hardness would apply that bonus to an simultaneously.
earthbind totem as well as a magma totem. Note that Even if you have Combat Reflexes, you cannot use
the spells healing ward, serpent ward and stasis trap the Counterattack feat more than once per round. This
are totem spells. feat does not grant more attacks of opportunity than
Unless specifically noted otherwise, totem feats you are normally allowed in a round.
stack with metamagic feats. For example, a totem spell
that normally lasts 1 round per level can be made to Craft Syringe (Item Creation)
last 3 rounds per level by combining the Enduring You know how to create syringes that can be
Totems and Extend Spell feats. used to deliver your potions.
Totemic feats do not apply to permanent totems Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Heal 5 ranks
created by the Craft Totem feat (see below), even if Benefit: When creating a potion or alchemical
those totems contain totem spells. item, you may put it into a syringe instead of a vial or
flask. Creating a syringe increases the creation cost by
FEAT DESCRIPTIONS 50%. Injecting a syringe has the same effect as
drinking a potion. However, the benefit of a syringe is
Battle Shout (Combat, Shout) that it can be used to deliver harmful concoctions to
Your shout inspires your allies to give 'em hell. unwilling opponents. Doing so requires a melee attack.
Benefit: When you deliver a Battle Shout, you The attacker takes a -4 penalty on the attempt,
and all allies within 30 feet gain a +2 morale bonus on however success means that the opponent is injected
damage rolls. by the syringe, which affects him as if he had drunk
the potion.
Special: If the user has the Improved Grapple feat,
Block Spell (General)
then he does not take the -4 penalty to syringe attacks
You may channel magic energy to block the
against an opponent he is grappling.
effects of a spell.
Prerequisites: Iron Will, Spellcraft 5 ranks, caster
level 5th Craft Totem (Item Creation)
Benefit: Once per round, when you are are the You can create permanent totems.
target of a spell, you may disrupt the casting and Prerequisites: Caster level 3rd
counter its effects. Make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + Benefit: You can create a permanent wooden totem
the spell's level). This is a swift action, and it does not of any totem spell you know. Crafting a totem takes 1
require a readied action. If you succeed, you identify day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. When you
the spell and may automatically attempt to counter it create a totem, you set the caster level, which must be
according to the normal counterspell rules. sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher
than your own caster level. The base price of a totem is
(its spell level x its caster level x 75 gp). To craft a
Challenging Shout (Combat, Shout)
totem, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in
You dare your enemies to show you their
experience points and use up raw materials costing 1/2
of this base price.
Benefit: All opponents adjacent to you must
When you craft a totem, you make any choices that
attempt Will saves (DC 10 + half your character level
you would normally make when casting the spell.
+ your Charisma modifier). If a creature fails this save,
Any totem that stores a spell with a costly material
it cannot make melee attacks against your allies – only
component or an experience point cost also carries a

Feats Prerequisites Benefits
Block Spell Iron Will, Spellcraft 5 ranks, caster level Make a Spellcraft check to counter a spell
5th that targets you
Reflect Spell Block Spell, Mirror Spell, Spellcraft 7 Cast spell back at original caster when
ranks, caster level 7th countering a spell
Deflect Spell Reflect Spell, Spellcraft 9 ranks, caster Choose a new target for countered spells
level 9th
Counterattack* Dodge Make a special attack of opportunity
against target opponent once per round
Improved Counterattack* Dex 15, Counterattack No -4 penalty on counterattacks
Delay Malfunction – Make a Craft check to delay a malfunction
for 1d3 rounds
Emergency Repair Int 13, Delay Malfunction Make Craft check to allow malfunctioning
devices to act normally for 1 hour
Devoted Leadership Cha 13, Wis 13, Leadership Followers gain a +1 morale bonus on saves
Enduring Leadership Endurance, Leadership Oncer per day, grant a collection of various
bonuses to followers
Firearm Knack GunsmithingUC +2 bonus on Craft checks when crafting
firearms, and +1 bonus on attack rolls with
firearms you have built
Furious Charge* – Gain +2 bonus on damage when you
charge, and use a shout
Great Build Str 15, Con 17, tauren Function as one size category larger
Mighty Lungs* One shout feat Gain two additional shouts per day
Pulverize* Str 15, Wis 13, Exotic Weapon Proficiency When attacking with a tauren totem, deal
(tauren totem), BAB +6 damage to enemies adjacent to target
Sabotage Magic Item Disable Device 3 ranks, Knowledge Use Disable Device on magic items
(arcana) 1 rank, Use Magical Device 3
Shot in the Dark* Blind-Fight, Precise Shot, Perception 5 Reroll miss chance due to concealment at
ranks range
Twin Weapon Mastery Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Treat chosen off-hand weapon as light
Focus with selected weapon
Wand Specialization Caster level 1st Deal extra damage when casting a
damaging spell from a wand
War Stomp Str 19, tauren or size Large or larger Trip all adjacent creatures
Wild Expertise Str 13, base attack bonus +4, wild shape +1 damage with natural weapons in wild
class feature shape
* This is a combat feat and can be selected as a fighter bonus feat
commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived Deflect Spell (Metamagic)
from the base price, you must also expend the material You may counter a spell and choose a new
component or pay the experience points when creating target for it.
the totem. Prerequisites: Block Spell, Iron Will, Reflect
A totem is a small wooden object, usually painted Spell, Spellcraft 9 ranks, caster level 9th
with fearsome voodoo designs. The magic in the totem Benefit: When you successfully counter a spell,
is inert until someone plants it in the ground (a instead of dismissing it entirely, you may choose a
standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity). new target for the spell. To do so you must spend a
At that point, the totem's magic activates, just as if you spell slot that is at least the same level as the spell you
had cast the spell. The magical effect stops when the are deflecting.
spell's duration expires. The totem can be used only If you deflect the spell, choose a new target for it.
once. The new target must be a legal target for the spell and
within range. The spell then takes effect normally at

Item Creation Feats Prerequisites Benefits
Craft Syringe Brew Potion, Heal 5 ranks Inject potions into unwilling targets
Craft Totem Caster level 3rd Craft permanent totems

Metamagic Feats Prerequisites Benefits

Fel Spell Non-good alignment Imbue spells with fel
Fetish Spell Wis 13, ability to cast 2nd-level divine Cast a spell as a totem spell

Shout Feat Prerequisites Benefits

Battle Shout* – Use a shout to gain a +2 morale bonus on
damage rolls
Challenging Shout* – Adjacent opponents cannot attack your
allies without Will saves
Demoralizing Shout* – Nearby opponents take -2 morale penalty
on damage rolls
Great Howl* Three other shout feats Shouts last twice as long
Inner Rage Ability to rage, one other shout feat Use a free shout when you enter a rage
Improved Inner Rage Inner Rage Inner Rage shout has normal duration
Intimidating Shout* – Nearby opponents become shaken with
failed Will save
Roaring Shout One other shout feat, wild shape class Shout for free when you enter a wild shape
Triumphant Yell One shout feat, character level 5th Use a shout after defeating an enemy in
melee combat

Totemic Feats Prerequisites Benefits

Double Totem Three other totemic feats, ability to cast Combine two totem spells into a single
two totem spells totem
Enduring Totems Extend Spell, ability to cast a totem spell Totem spells last twice as long
Penetrating Totems Ability to cast a totem spell Totem's save DC increases by +1; provides
a +2 bonus to overcome spell resistance
Solid Totems Ability to cast a totem spell Totem has extra hardness and double hit
Totem Expansion Ability to cast totem spell Totem's range increases by 10 feet
Totem Throwing One other totemic feat Throw a totem when cast

the new target, just as if the caster had originally get clear before it blows up. If you roll a natural 20 on
chosen that target. If a spell allows multiple targets, the check, the malfunction is completely averted.
you choose all targets. You may use this feat only once on a particular
Delay Malfunction (General)
You know how to make last-minute repaires to Demoralizing Shout (Combat, Shout)
malfunctioning equipment. Your shout shakes your enemies' confidence.
Benefit: When a device malfunctions, you may Benefit: You may use your shout to cause each
attempt a Craft (mechanical) check (DC = 15 + the opponent within 30 feet takes a -2 morale penalty on
device's MR). If you succeed, the device operates damage rolls. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
normally for 1d3 rounds, giving you a chance to finish
the job you are a doing, make an emergency repair, or Devoted Leadership (General)

Your faith in your followers gives them the confidence Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round).
they need to survive difficult situations.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Wis 13, Leadership Enduring Totems (Totemic)
Benefit: Your followers within 30 feet of you gain a Your totems last longer.
+1 morale bonus on all saving throws. Prerequisites: Extend Spell, ability to cast a
totem spell
Double Totem (Totemic) Benefit: Totems you create last double the listed
You can combine two totems into one. duration.
Prerequisites: Three other totemic feats,
ability to cast at least two totem spells Fel Spell (Metamagic)
Benefit: You can cast two totem spells into a single You can channel the power of raw fel into your
totem. The result is a single totem that provides the spells.
abilities and effects of both spells. The resulting totem Prerequisites: Non-good alignment.
has the physical statistics of the higher-level totem, Benefit: A fel spell grants the caster a +2 bonus on
with no additional hit points, hardness, or other caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance.
abilities. Additionally, if the spell deals any type of energy
Creating the double totem takes as much time as damage, that damage becomes felfire damage. Felfire
casting the spell with the longest casting time. You use damage acts just like fire damage, but half of it
two spell slots (one per spell imbued in the totem). If automatically bypasses fire resistance and immunity.
the double casting is interrupted, you lose both slots. If The rest of the damage must overcome such defenses
the double totem is destroyed, both effects end. normally.

Emergency Repair (General) Fetish Spell (Metamagic)

You are adept at spotting mechanical problems You can use totems to increase the power of
and making quick repairs. your spells.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Delay Malfunction Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least three totem
Benefit: As a full-round action, you may make a spells
Craft (mechanical) check to repair a malfunctioning or Benefit: A fetish spell becomes a totem spell. You
broken technological device. This check's DC is 10 plant the totem in the ground and the effect radiates
higher than the normal DC to repair the device. If you from the totem. You can use this feat only with a spell
succeed, the device does not destroy itself or endanger that has a duration longer than 1 round and that has a
its user due to the malfunction. Instead, it operates radius area. Your totem feats affect the fetish spell just
normally for 1 hour and then ceases functioning until it as they do other totems.
can undergo normal repairs. A fetish spell uses up a spell slot one spell level
Whether the check succeeds or fails, Emergency higher than the spell's actual level.
Repair cannot be used on the same item until it has
been repaired normally. Firearm Knack (General)
If you roll a natural 20 on the check, you You have a talent for building and using
completely and permanently repair the item as if you firearms.
had repaired the item normally. Prerequisites: GunsmithingUC
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on Craft
Enduring Leadership (General) (mechanical) checks when crafting firearms. Your
Your tireless efforts area an example to your Technological Limit for building firearms increases by
followers, and you need but a word to push +2 (see Part X: Technological Devices).
them to the peak of their physical ability. You gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls
Prerequisites: Endurance, Leadership with firearms you have built.
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you may
inspire your followers to exceptional efforts. Each Furious Charge (General)
follower receives a +4 morale bonus on his initiative Your charges are devastating.
check, and his fastest form of movement increases by Benefit: When you use the charge action, you
10 feet. This movement increase is considered an gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls and, at the end of the
enhancement bonus. If any of your followers enter a charge, you can use one of your shout feats without
rage, they are not fatigued at the end of the rage. using up one of your shouts per day. However, the
These benefits last for 1 round + 1 round per your shout's effects last for only 1 round.

Special: You may spend a hero point as you charge. Benefit: When you enter a rage, you can use a
If you do, you gain a +4 bonus on attack and damage shout feat without using up one of your shouts per day.
rolls, do not take a penalty to AC from charging, and However, the shout's effects last only half as long as
your shout's effects last as long as normal. normal.

Great Build (General) Intimidating Shout (Combat, Shout)

You are particularly large and sturdy. You can terrify opponents with a fearsome
Prerequisites: Str 15, Con 17, tauren battle cry.
Benefit: Your physical stature lets you function in Benefit: When you make an Intimidating Shout,
many ways as if you were one size category larger. opponents within 30 feet must attempt Will saves (DC
Whenever it is advantageous to you, you gain a size 10 + half your character level + your Charisma bonus).
bonus to your CMB and CMD as if you are one size A foe who fails this saving throw is shaken.
category larger. Intimidating Shout is a fear effect.
You are also considered to be one size larger when Special: If you have 5 or more ranks in Intimidate,
determining whether a creature's special attacks based increase the Will save's DC by +2.
on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can You may spend a hero point when you make an
affect you. You can use weapons designed for a Intimidating Shout. If you do, opponents who fail their
creature one size larger without penalty. However, saves are panicked for 1d6 rounds.
your space and reach remain those of a creature of
your actual size. The benefits of this feat stack with the Mighty Lungs (General)
effects of abilities and spells that change the subject's You can shout many times per day.
size category. Prerequisites: One shout feat
Benefit: You can shout two additional times per
Great Howl (Combat, Shout) day.
The effects of your shouts last longer. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its
Prerequisites: Three other shout feats effects stack.
Benefit: When you use a shout feat, its effects last
for a number of rounds equal to your character level. Penetrating Totems (Totemic)
Normal: The effects of a shout feat last for a Your totems are exceptionally effective at
number of rounds equal to half your character level overcoming an opponent's defenses.
(minimum of 1 round). Prerequisites: Ability to cast a totem spell
Benefit: The save DC to resist the effects of your
Improved Counterattack (Combat) totems is +1 point higher. Furthermore, when you
Your ability to counter your foes attacks attempt to penetrate an opponent's spell resistance with
becomes even greater. one of your totems, you receive a +2 bonus. These
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Counterattack, Dodge benefits stack with similar bonuses, such as the Spell
Benefit: When you gain an attack of opportunity Penetration feat.
against an opponent designated through the
Counterattack feat, you do not take a -4 penalty on the Pulverize (General)
attack roll. Your blows with your tauren totem are
occasionally so mighty that they create a small
Improved Inner Rage (Shout) shockwave spreading out from the impact.
When you enter a rage and shout, you do so Prerequisites: Str 15, Wis 13, Exotic Weapon
with vigor rarely matched on the battlefield. Proficiency (tauren totem), base attack bonus +6
Prerequisites: Inner rage, ability to rage, one other Benefit: When you score a critical hit with a tauren
shout feat totem, all creatures adjacent to the creature you strike
Benefit: When you enter a rage, you may use a take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + half your
shout feat without using up one of your shouts per day, Strength bonus.
and the shout's effects last as long as normal.
Reflect Spell (General)
Inner Rage (Shout) Instead of dissipating the energy of a countered
When you enter a rage, you can shout spell, you may reflect that spell back upon its
powerfully. caster.
Prerequisites: Ability to rage, one shout feat Prerequisites: Block Spell, Iron Will, Mirror Spell,

Spellcraft 7 ranks, caster level 7th the attacker doesn't get the usual +2 bonus for being
Benefit: When you successfully counter a spell, invisible.
instead of dismissing it entirely, you may choose to Normal: Regular attack roll modifiers for invisible
retarget it upon its caster. To do so, you must spend a attackers trying to hit you apply, and you lose your
spell slot that is at least the same level as the spell you Dexterity bonus to AC.
are reflecting.
If you decide to reflect the spell, the spell targets its Solid Totems (Totemic)
caster as long as the caster is a legal target of the spell. Your totems are exceptionally resistant to
The spell takes its effect normally. If the caster is not a damage.
legal target of the spell, the reflect attempt fails. Prerequisites: Ability to cast a totem spell
Benefit: Totems you create have 1 additional point
Roaring Shout (Shout) of hardness for every two caster levels and double
As you shift into animal form, you loose a their normal hit points. Thus, for example, a totem
ferocious roar. created by a 13th-level shaman would have hardness
Prerequisites: One other shout feat, wild shape 11 and 52 hit points.
class feature Normal: Totems have hardness 5 and 2 hit points
Benefit: When you use your wild shape ability, you per caster level.
may immediately use one of your shout feats without
using up one of your shouts per day. However, the Totemic Expansion (Totemic)
shout's effects last only half as long as normal. Your are adept at creating larger and more
effective totems.
Sabotage Magic Item (General) Prerequisites: Ability to cast a totem spell
You may sabotage magic items, just as you Benefit: Totems you create increase their range by
would a technological device. +10 feet.
Prerequisites: Disable Device 3 ranks, Knowledge
(arcana) 1 rank, Use Magic Device 3 ranks Totem Throwing (Totemic)
Benefit: You may use the Disable Device skill to Your totems last longer.
disable or sabotage magic items, as if they were Prerequisites: One other totemic feat, ability
technological devices. The time and difficulty to to cast a totem spell
sabotage the magic item depends on the strength of the Benefit: When you cast a totem spell, you can
magical item's aura: throw the totem a short distance away. To do this, you
target a specific grid intersection as though throwing a
Aura Time Disable Device DC1 splash weapon. If the attack misses, the attack deviates
Faint 1 round 10 + spell level2 like other splash weapons, but not more than 1 square.
Moderate 1d4 rounds 15 + spell level2
Thrown totems have a range increment of 5 feet.
Normal: Totems may only be created at a grid
Strong 2d4 rounds 20 + spell level2
intersection adjacent to the caster.
Overwhelming –3 –3
1 Add +5 to the DC to attempt to hide signs of tampering. Triumphant Yell (Shout)
2 Use the level of the highest-level spell used to craft the item.
When you down a foe, your victory cry echoes
3 It is impossible to sabotage overwhelming magic items.
across the field.
Prerequisites: One shout feat, character level 5th
Shot in the Dark (General) Benefit: When you bring a foe to negative hit
You can fight at range without being able to see points in melee combat, you may immediately use one
your foes. of your shout feats without using up one of your
Prerequisites: Blind-Fight, Point-Blank Shot, shouts per day. However, the shout's effects last only
Precise Shot, Perception 5 ranks half as long as normal.
Benefit: When you use a ranged attack against an
opponent up to 30 feet away, every time you miss Twin Weapon Mastery (Combat)
because of concealment, you can reroll your miss You have grown accustomed to the awkward
chance one time to see if you actually hit. weight of a larger weapon in your off hand.
An invisible attacker within 30 feet gets no Prerequisites: Dex 15, proficiency with selected
advantages related to hitting you at range. That is, you weapon, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus with
don't lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and selected weapon

Benefit: Select a one-handed melee weapon with Using your great size and mass, you cause the ground
which you have Weapon Focus. When wielding your to shudder.
selected weapon in your off-hand weapon, you may as Prerequisites: Str 19, tauren or size Large or larger
a light weapon for the purposes of fighting with two Benefit: You can stamp your foot or slam your fist
weapons. or weapon on the ground (as a standard action),
Normal: You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls causing it to shake. Make a single combat maneuver
when wielding a one-handed weapon in each hand if check to trip all adjacent creatures that are at least one
you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. size category smaller than you.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Special: If you are a tauren, this feat affects all non-
Each time, it applies to a new type of weapon. tauren creatures of Medium size or smaller.

Wand Specialization (General) Wild Expertise (General)

Spells you cast from wands are especially When in animal form, your natural weapons are
devastating. more dangerous.
Prerequisites: Caster level 1st Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +4, wild
Benefit: When you use a wand to cast a spell that shape class feature
deals damage, the spell deals +1 point of damage per Benefit: When you use your wild shape ability,
damage die. your fangs sharpen, your horns grow longer and your
strikes become more powerful. When in wild shape,
War Stomp (General) you gain a +1 bonus on damage rolls with natural

Claws, orc: This traditional orc weapon consists of equidistant, dagger-like blades. The moonglaive's
blades that emulate a dire wolf's 12-inch claws. The lethal nature and the night elves' skill with it have
wielder grips the hilt in a fist and the blades extend made the weapon a symbol of their culture.
from the back of his hand over his knuckles. Orc claws Totem, tauren: If this massive weapon looks like
are often attached to gauntlets or gloves decorated an intricately carved tree trunk, that's because it is.
with dire wolf fur. Tauren totems serve as items of cultural significance,
Greathammer: Though often associated with works of art and weapons of brain-splattering power.
human paladin warriors, Ironforge dwarves invented You must possess a Strength of 15 or greater to
these massive, two-handed hammers. That paladins wield this weapon.
favor them is testament to their destructive power. Umbra crescent: This odd weapon is a curved
Halberd, tauren: This weapon includes a massive night elf blade that forms an almost complete circle
blade and wicked spike attached to a long staff. It is a about 2-1/2 feet in diameter. Wardens and other night
traditional tauren weapon and their chiefs often carry elf heroes are occasionally trained in their use.
them. Warblade: A warblade is a finely balanced sword
Hammer, dwarven battle: The dwarven battle that widens and curves near the tip. You can use the
hammer is a larger, heavier version of the warhammer. Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier
Ironforge dwarves developed these weapons as instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a
improvements over smaller warhammers. warblade sized for you, even though it isn't a light
A dwarven battle hammer is too large to use in one weapon.
hand without special training; thus, it is an exotic Warglaive: This night elf weapon is a crescent-
weapon. A character can use a dwarven battle hammer shaped blade about 4 feet long with a hilt in the center
two-handed as a martial weapon. of the back edge. Night elf demon hunters favor these
Hammer, dwarven tossing: This ancient dwarven weapons.
weapon is lighter than a warhammer and is perfectly Warglaives are balanced in such a way that when a
balanced as a throwing weapon. character proficient in their use wields a warglaive in
Moonglaive: Night elf sentinels favor this three- each, the off-hand warglaive counts as a light weapon
bladed weapon. From its center extend three for the purposes of two-weapon fighting penalties.

Starting Age Height and Weight
Race Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3 Base Base Weight
Race Height Weight Modifier Multiplier
Blood elf 60 years +4d6 +6d6 +10d6
Blood elf, 5'9” 110 lbs. 2d6 x3 lbs.
Draenei 350 years +5d12 +6d12 +12d12
Dwarf 40 years +3d6 +5d6 +7d6
Blood elf, 5'4” 95 lbs. 2d6 x3 lbs.
Forsaken * * * * female
Gnome 40 years +4d6 +6d6 +10d6 Draenei, 6'8” 280 lbs. 2d10 x7 lbs.
Goblin 20 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6 male
Draenei, 6'1” 190 lbs. 2d10 x7 lbs.
High elf 60 years +4d6 +6d6 +10d6
Human 20 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6
Dwarf, 4'5” 140 lbs. 2d4 x7 lbs.
Night elf 300 years +5d10 +6d10 +12d10 male
Orc 20 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6 Dwarf, 4'1” 110 lbs. 2d4 x7 lbs.
Tauren 50 years +1d4 +2d6 +3d6 female

Troll 17 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6 Forsaken, 5' 140 lbs. 2d10 x5 lbs.
* Forsaken have no adulthood, as they became Forsaken upon
their death. You can determine the PC's age at death using this Forsaken, 4'5” 85 lbs. 2d10 x5 lbs.
table, rolling on the human or high elf table, and then decide female
how long she has been undead. Gnome, 2'8” 40 lbs. 2d4 x1 lbs.
This category includes barbarians, oracles, rogues, and male
2 Gnome, 2'5” 35 lbs. 2d4 x1 lbs.
This category includes bards, cavaliers, fighters, gunslingers,
paladins, rangers, summoners, and witches female
This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, inquisitors, Goblin, 3'7” 45 lbs. 2d4 x2 lbs.
magi, monks, and wizards male
Goblin, 3'7” 40 lbs. 2d4 x2 lbs.
Aging Effects female
Race Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age High elf, 5'6” 110 lbs. 2d6 x3 lbs.
Blood elf 175 yrs 263 yrs 350 yrs +4d10 yrs male

Draenei * * * * High elf, 5'2” 95 lbs. 2d6 x3 lbs.

Dwarf 125 yrs 188 yrs 250 yrs +2d% yrs
Human, 5'1” 150 lbs. 2d10 x5 lbs.
Forsaken ** ** ** ** male
Gnome 100 yrs 150 yrs 200 yrs +3d% yrs Human, 4'6” 115 lbs. 2d10 x5 lbs.
Goblin 40 yrs 58 yrs 73 yrs +2d10 yrs female

High elf 175 yrs 263 yrs 350 yrs +4d10 yrs Night elf, 6'6” 210 lbs. 2d8 x3 lbs.
Human 35 yrs 53 yrs 70 yrs +2d20 yrs
Night elf, 6'2” 200 lbs. 2d6 x3 lbs.
Night elf 500 yrs 650 yrs 700 yrs +5d% yrs female
Orc 40 yrs 65 yrs 80 yrs +2d10 yrs Orc, male 5'8” 280 lbs. 2d8 x7 lbs.
Tauren 75 yrs 95 yrs 110 yrs +4d10 yrs Orc, female 5'6” 240 lbs. 2d8 x6 lbs.
Troll 30 yrs 47 yrs 69 yrs +1d10 yrs Tauren, 6'5” 680 lbs. 2d12 x9 lbs.
* Draenei are thought to be immortal. male
** Forsaken do not age, as they are already dead. Tauren, 6'3” 480 lbs. 2d12 x9 lbs.
-1 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha. female
-2 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
-3 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha. Troll, 6' 220 lbs. 3d8 x4 lbs.
Troll, 6'9” 200 lbs. 2d8 x7 lbs.

BLESSINGS saves. Chilled creatures jump half as far as normal.
Blessings are beneficial spells that are cast as move
actions. A character can place only one blessing on any SPELL LISTS
given creature at a time, however different casters can
cast different blessings on the same target. Alchemist Spells
Demon Skin, Lesser: As demon skin, except +1 natural armor
FEL and 6 temporary hit points.
When the demons brought death and damnation to
Azeroth, they also carried their own brand of magic to 2ND-LEVEL ALCHEMIST SPELLS
the world. Fel magic is pure, evil, and arcane, and it Dampen Magic: Decreases the effect of damaging and
resides in the blood of demons. This blood has magical healing spells on the subject by -1 point/level (max -15).
Frost Armor: Subject gains +4 AC and attackers are slowed.
properties; it addicts arcane magic users and can be
used to create evil weapons. 3RD-LEVEL ALCHEMIST SPELLS
Some arcanists can cast fel spells, perhaps after Demon Skin: The caster creates a layer of dense scales that
drinking demon blood. The caster gets a +10 fel bonus protects her from harm; +3 natural armor and 18 temporary hit
on caster level checks made to penetrate spell points.
resistance, and the DC of the spell's saving throw is 4TH-LEVEL ALCHEMIST SPELLS
increased by +2. Amplify Magic: Increases the effect of damaging and healing
When a weapon is forged in demon blood, it spells on the subject by +1 point/level (max +15).
becomes a fel weapon. It glows with a foul, yellow- Lightning Shield: Electricity covers the subject, damaging
green fire and deals extra damage to good-aligned nearby creatures.
Rejuvenation: Subject regains 2d8 hit points per round for
SEALS spell's duration.
Seals are beneficial spells similar to blessings, but can
only be cast upon the caster. Like blessings, a creature Demon Skin, Greater: As demon skin, except +6 natural
may only be under the effect of one seal at a time, and armor and 32 temporary hit points.
casting a second seal ends the first. All seals have a
duration of 5 rounds.
Antipaladin Spells
Demon Skin, Lesser: As demon skin, except +1 natural armor
A totem spell creates physical objects called totems. and 6 temporary hit points.
Most totems then creates an effect in a 30-foot radius.
The totem remains for 1 round per caster level, or until 2ND-LEVEL ANTIPALADIN SPELLS
destroyed. All totems have 2 hit points per caster level, Death Coil, Lesser: Deals 1d8 damage, +1/level (max +5) to
5 points of hardness, and an AC of 7 (touch 7). A living creatures; heals undead.
Storm Hammer: You throw a magical hammer that damages
caster may have a total number of active totems equal and dazes foes.
to his Wisdom modifier, up to a maximum of four
totems. If a caster places another totem past this limit, 3RD-LEVEL ANTIPALADIN SPELLS
the oldest totem immediately disappears. A spellcaster Death Coil: Deals 2d8 damage, +1/level (max +10) to living
may only have one version of a given totem active at creatures; heals undead.
Demon Skin: The caster creates a layer of dense scales that
any one time, and casting a second ends the first. protects her from harm; +3 natural armor and 18 temporary hit
CONDITIONS Hooks of Binding: Immobilizes a demon or undead creature.
Chilled: A chilled creature moves and attacks at a 4TH-LEVEL ANTIPALADIN SPELLS
drastically slowed rate. A chilled creature can take Death Coil, Greater: Deals 3d8 damage, +1/level (max +15)
only a move action or standard action on its next turn, to living creatures; heals undead.
but not both (nor may it take full-round actions).
Additionally, it suffers a –2 penalty to AC, and a –2
penalty on melee attack rolls, damage rolls, and Reflex Bloodrager Spells

1ST-LEVEL BLOODRAGER SPELLS take 1d6 damage/spell level.
Demon Skin, Lesser: As demon skin, except +1 natural armor Shadow Bolt: Deals 1d8 fel damage/level (max 10d8).
and 6 temporary hit points. Shockwave: A powerful wave of force shakes the ground;
Mana ShieldM: You may choose to lose spell slots instead of 1d6/level damage.
hit points.
2ND-LEVEL BLOODRAGER SPELLS Blazing Column: Deals 1d6 damage/level for 3 rounds; 1d6
Circle of Knives: Deals 1d4 damage/level (max 5d4) in 10-ft. damage for another 3 rounds.
radius around you from force daggers. Circle of Knives, Greater: As circle of knives, but 20-ft.
Death Coil, Lesser: Deals 1d8 damage, +1/level (max +5) to radius and max 15d4 damage.
living creatures; heals undead. Death Coil, Greater: Deals 3d8 damage, +1/level (max +15)
Firebolt, Lesser: Deals 1d4 fire damage/level (max 10d4), to living creatures; heals undead.
plus 1 damage each round for 4 rounds. Dimension Blink: Short-range teleport, swift action.
Mana Burn: Target loses spell slots and takes damage. Firebolt: Deals 1d6 fire damage/level (max 15d6), plus 1d4
Orb of Annihilation: Touch attack deals 4d8 damage, plus damage each round for 4 rounds.
1d8 damage to those nearby. Immolation: Flames cover you, damaging opponents and
Shadow Bolt, Lesser: Deals 1d4 fel damage/two levels (max protecting you from cold-based attacks.
5d4). Lightning Shield: Electricity covers the subject, damaging
Storm Hammer: You throw a magical hammer that damages nearby creatures.
and dazes foes. Rain of Fire: Deals 3d6 bludgeoning and 2d6 fire damage,
Thunderclap: Nearby creatures take damage and are slowed. 20-ft. radius, no save.
Troll Flesh: Grants or improves fast healing by 1. Shadow Bolt, Greater: Deals 1d8+1 fel damage/level (max
Bladestorm: Your arms become magical longswords.
Death Coil: Deals 2d8 damage, +1/level (max +10) to living
creatures; heals undead.
Cleric/Oracle Spells
Demon Skin: The caster creates a layer of dense scales that 1ST-LEVEL CLERIC/ORACLE SPELLS
protects her from harm; +3 natural armor and 18 temporary hit Demon Skin, Lesser: As demon skin, except +1 natural armor
points. and 6 temporary hit points.
Frostbolt: Ranged touch attack deals 5d6 damage and chills Flash of Light: Cures 1 damage/level (max 10 points);
target. immediate action.
Frost Nova: Deals 1d6 damage per level, 10-ft. radius; chills Inner Fire: You gain +1 on attack rolls and +3 to AC.
damaged creatures. Shadow Word Pain, Lesser: As shadow word pain, except
Life Tap: Recall spell slots by sacrificing 8 hit points per target takes 1d4+1 damage.
spell level. Smite: Deals 1d4 damage/2 levels (max 5d4).
Mana Flare: When creatures within 30 ft. cast a spell, they

Martial Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight* Type** Special
Warblade 20 gp 1d6 1d8 x2 – 3 lb. S –
Greathammer 40 gp 1d8 2d6 x3 – 10 lb. B –
Exotic Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight* Type** Special
Claws, orc 25 gp 1d4 1d6 18-20/x2 – 2 lb. S –
Moonglaive 20 gp 1d4 1d6 19-20/x2 20 ft. 3 lb. S –
Hammer, dwarven battle 30 gp 1d8 1d10 x3 – 9 lb. B –
Hammer, dwarven tossing 15 gp 1d4 1d6 x3 20 ft. 4 lb. B –
Umbra crescent 100 gp 1d6 2d4 18-20/x2 – 4 lb. S –
Warglaive 125 gp 1d6 2d4 x3 – 3 lb. S –
Halberd, tauren 50 gp 1d8 2d6 x3 – 25 lb. P or S brace, reach
Totem, tauren 100 gp 1d10 2d8 x2 – 50 lb. B –

Death Coil, Lesser: Deals 1d8 damage, +1/level (max +5) to
living creatures; heals undead. 3RD-LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
Mind Vison: You see through the subject's eyes. Renew: Subject regains 2d4+1 hit points/round.
Roar, Greater: As roar, but +3 bonus on attack and damage
Death Coil: Deals 2d8 damage, +1/level (max +10) to living Thorn Shield: Attackers take 1d6 damage +1/level.
creatures; heals undead.
Demon Skin: The caster creates a layer of dense scales that 4TH-LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
protects her from harm; +3 natural armor and 18 temporary hit Mark of the Wild: Subject gains +6 natural armor, and +2 to
points. Str, Dex and Con.
Holy Word Shield: You protect an ally from harm.
Hooks of Binding: Immobilizes a demon or undead creature. 5TH-LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
Renew: Subject regains 2d4+1 hit points/round. Rejuvenation: Subject regains 2d8 hit points per round for
Shadow Protection: Grants SR 10 + level against evil and fel spell's duration.
spells; reduces damage they deal by 10 points.
Shadow Word Pain: A murky cloud wracks the victim with 6TH-LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
spasms of pain; target blinded, 2d4+1 damage. Force of Nature: A tree changes into a treant that fights for
4TH-LEVEL CLERIC/ORACLE SPELLS Hurricane: Deals 4d6 damage/round and chills.
Death Coil, Greater: Deals 3d8 damage, +1/level (max +15) Starfire: Deals 8d8 damage +1/level (max +20) plus 1d8
to living creatures; heals undead. damage per round.
Divine Spirit: Subject gains +6 Wis.
5TH-LEVEL CLERIC/ORACLE SPELLS Aspect of the Grove: Transforms you into a powerful force
Healing Rain: A shower of positive energy heals your allies of nature.
and damages undead. Mark of the Wild, Greater: As mark of the wild, except
Hooks of Binding, Greater: Immobilizes a powerful demon subject gains +10 natural armor and +6 to Str, Dex, and Con.
or undead creature.
Rejuvenation: Subject regains 2d8 hit points per round for 8TH-LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
spell's duration. Force of Nature, Greater: As force of nature, creates 1d4+1
Demon Skin, Greater: As demon skin, except +6 natural
armor and 32 temporary hit points.
Holy Fire: Deals 1d6 damage/level (max 15d6), plus 1d8
Inquisitor Spells
Shadow Word Pain, Greater: As shadow word pain, target Demon Skin, Lesser: As demon skin, except +1 natural armor
takes 3d4+1 damage. and 6 temporary hit points.
Flash of Light: Cures 1 damage/level (max 10 points);
Avatar : You become a mean, grey-sheened fighting Inner Fire: You gain +1 on attack rolls and +3 to AC.
machine. Seal of Righteousness: Adds +1d4 points of holy damage to
Divine Ascension: You become infused with divine power. all melee attacks for 5 rounds.
Regenerate: Subject's severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 Shadow Word Pain, Lesser: As shadow word pain, except
damage +1/level (max +35). target takes 1d4+1 damage.
Smite: Deals 1d4 damage/2 levels (max 5d4).
Holy Nova: Deals 1d6 damage/level (20d6 max) to enemies 2ND-LEVEL INQUISITOR SPELLS
and cures allies for 1d6 damage/level (20d6 max) within 30 ft. Death Coil, Lesser: Deals 1d8 damage, +1/level (max +5) to
Starfall: You turn starlight into devastating missiles; 10d6 living creatures; heals undead.
damage to two targets/round. Firebolt, Lesser: Deals 1d4 fire damage/level (max 10d4),
plus 1 damage each round for 4 rounds.
Seal of Light: You regain 1d4+1 hit points each time you
make a successful melee attack.
Druid Spells Trueshot Aura: Allies gain +1 bonus on attack rolls and +2
1ST-LEVEL DRUID SPELLS bonus on damage rolls with ranged weapons.
Mark of the Wild, Lesser: As mark of the wild, except
subject gains a +4 natural armor bonus. 3RD-LEVEL INQUISITOR SPELLS
Roar: Your great roar gives allies +1 morale bonuses on Death Coil: Deals 2d8 damage, +1/level (max +10) to living
attack and damage rolls. creatures; heals undead.
Demon Skin: The caster creates a layer of dense scales that
2ND-LEVEL DRUID SPELLS protects her from harm; +3 natural armor and 18 temporary hit
Moonfire: Deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +10) plus 2 points.
damage per round. Hooks of Binding: Immobilizes a demon or undead creature.
Thunderclap: Nearby creatures take damage and are slowed. Seal of the Crusader: Creatures you strike must make Will

saves or attack only you. Shockwave: A powerful wave of force shakes the ground;
Seal of Fury: You gain one extra attack/round. 1d6/level damage.
Seal of Justice: Creatures you strike must make Fortitude
saves or be stunned for 1 round. 4TH-LEVEL MAGUS SPELLS
Shadow Protection: Grants SR 10 + level against evil and fel Firebolt: Deals 1d6 fire damage/level (max 15d6), plus 1d4
spells; reduces damage they deal by 10 points. damage each round for 4 rounds.
Shadow Word Pain: A murky cloud wracks the victim with Lightning Shield: Electricity covers the subject, damaging
spasms of pain; target blinded, 2d4+1 damage. nearby creatures.
Shockwave: A powerful wave of force shakes the ground;
1d6/level damage. 5TH-LEVEL MAGUS SPELLS
Arcane Explosion: Deals 1d6+1 force damage/level (max
4TH-LEVEL INQUISITOR SPELLS 15d6+15) to creatures within 20 ft.
Firebolt: Deals 1d6 fire damage/level (max 15d6), plus 1d4 Shadow Bolt, Greater: Deals 1d8+1 fel damage/level (max
damage each round for 4 rounds. 15d8+15).
Immolation: Flames cover you, damaging opponents and
protecting you from cold-based attacks. 6TH-LEVEL MAGUS SPELLS
Seal of Command: Next attack deals additional +1d8 Demon Skin, Greater: As demon skin, except +6 natural
damage/2 levels (max 10d8). armor and 32 temporary hit points.
Firebolt, Greater: Deals 1d8 fire damage/level (max 20d8),
5TH-LEVEL INQUISITOR SPELLS plus 1d8 damage for 4 rounds.
Hooks of Binding, Greater: Immobilizes a powerful demon
or undead creature.


Paladin Spells
Demon Skin, Greater: As demon skin, except +6 natural 1ST-LEVEL PALADIN SPELLS
armor and 32 temporary hit points. Flash of Light: Cures 1 damage/level (max 10 points);
Firebolt, Greater: Deals 1d8 fire damage/level (max 20d8), immediate action.
plus 1d8 damage for 4 rounds. Seal of Righteousness: Adds +1d4 points of holy damage to
Holy Fire: Deals 1d6 damage/level (max 15d6), plus 1d8 all melee attacks for 5 rounds.
Shadow Word Pain, Greater: As shadow word pain, target 2ND-LEVEL PALADIN SPELLS
takes 3d4+1 damage. Blessing of Might: Subject gains +3 bonus on damage rolls.
Blessing of Salvation: Creatures must make Will saves to
attack the subject.
Blessing of Sanctuary: Subject gains DR 1/– per three levels
Magus Spells (max 5/–).
1ST-LEVEL MAGUS SPELLS Seal of Light: You regain 1d4+1 hit points each time you
Demon Skin, Lesser: As demon skin, except +1 natural armor make a successful melee attack.
and 6 temporary hit points. Storm Hammer: You throw a magical hammer that damages
Mana ShieldM: You may choose to lose spell slots instead of and dazes foes.
hit points. Trueshot Aura: Allies gain +1 bonus on attack rolls and +2
bonus on damage rolls with ranged weapons.
Circle of Knives: Deals 1d4 damage/level (max 5d4) in 10-ft. 3RD-LEVEL PALADIN SPELLS
radius around you from force daggers. Blessing of Sacrifice: Transfers half the damage subject
Firebolt, Lesser: Deals 1d4 fire damage/level (max 10d4), sustains to you.
plus 1 damage each round for 4 rounds. Hooks of Binding: Immobilizes a demon or undead creature.
Frost Armor: Subject gains +4 AC and attackers are slowed. Seal of the Crusader: Creatures you strike must make Will
Mana Burn: Target loses spell slots and takes damage. saves or attack only you.
Shadow Bolt, Lesser: Deals 1d4 fel damage/two levels (max Seal of Fury: You gain one extra attack/round.
5d4). Seal of Justice: Creatures you strike must make Fortitude
Storm Hammer: You throw a magical hammer that damages saves or be stunned for 1 round.
and dazes foes.
Thunderclap: Nearby creatures take damage and are slowed. 4TH-LEVEL PALADIN SPELLS
Blessing of Kings: Subject gains +1/4 levels (max +4) to all
3RD-LEVEL MAGUS SPELLS ability scores.
Bladestorm: Your arms become magical longswords. Blessing of Protection: Subject is invulnerable to physical
Demon Skin: The caster creates a layer of dense scales that attacks but unable to attack for 2 rounds.
protects her from harm; +3 natural armor and 18 temporary hit Holy Sword: Weapon becomes +5, deals +2d6 damage
points. against evil.
Frost Nova: Deals 1d6 damage per level, 10-ft. radius; chills Seal of Command: Next attack deals additional +1d8
damaged creatures. damage/2 levels (max 10d8).
Frostbolt: Ranged touch attack deals 5d6 damage and chills
Shadow Bolt: Deals 1d8 fel damage/level (max 10d8).
Ranger Spells

1ST-LEVEL RANGER SPELLS Healing Stream Totem: Totem heals nearby allies 2d6+5 hit
Mark of the Wild, Lesser: As mark of the wild, except points/round.
subject gains a +4 natural armor bonus. Resistance Totem: Totem gives nearby allies resistance 30
against a specified energy type.
Trueshot Aura: Allies gain +1 bonus on attack rolls and +2 8TH-LEVEL SHAMAN SPELLS
bonus on damage rolls with ranged weapons. Grounding Totem: Totem grants nearby allies SR 10
4TH-LEVEL RANGER SPELLS Magma Totem: Totem spits fire each round for 1d6 fire
Mark of the Wild: Subject gains +6 natural armor, and +2 to damage/level (max 20d6).
Str, Dex and Con.
Windfury Weapon: You gain two extra attacks/round.
Shaman Spells
Earth Shock: Deals 1d4 damage; immediate action. Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Flame Shock: Deals 1d3 fire damage/level (max 5d3) and 0-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS
sets target on fire. Sense Demon: Detects demons within 60 ft.
Inner Fire: You gain +1 on attack rolls and +3 to AC.
Roar: Your great roar gives allies +1 morale bonuses on 1ST-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS
attack and damage rolls. Demon Skin, Lesser: As demon skin, except +1 natural armor
Stasis Trap: Totem explodes and dazes creatures. and 6 temporary hit points.
Mana ShieldM: You may choose to lose spell slots instead of
Frost Armor: Subject gains +4 AC and attackers are slowed.
Troll Flesh: Grants or improves fast healing by 1. 2ND-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS
Circle of Knives: Deals 1d4 damage/level (max 5d4) in 10-ft.
3RD-LEVEL SHAMAN SPELLS radius around you from force daggers.
Earthbind Totem: Totem slows nearby opponents. Dampen Magic: Decreases the effect of damaging and
Frost Nova: Chills and deals 1d6 damage/level, 10-ft. radius. healing spells on the subject by -1 point/level (max -15).
Healing Ward: Totem's positive energy heals allies, damages Death Coil, Lesser: Deals 1d8 damage, +1/level (max +5) to
undead. living creatures; heals undead.
Lightning Guardians: Globes of electricity damage anyone Firebolt, Lesser: Deals 1d4 fire damage/level (max 10d4),
who attacks caster. plus 1 damage each round for 4 rounds.
Serpent Ward: Totem releases fireballs at targets within 30 Frost Armor: Subject gains +4 AC and attackers are slowed.
ft. Mana Burn: Target loses spell slots and takes damage.
Shockwave: A powerful wave of force shakes the ground; Orb of Annihilation: Touch attack deals 4d8 damage, plus
1d6/level damage. 1d8 damage to those nearby.
Shadow Bolt, Lesser: Deals 1d4 fel damage/two levels (max
Crushing Wave: Deals 1d8 damage/level (max 10d8) in a Thunderclap: Nearby creatures take damage and are slowed.
short-range line, and knocks creatures prone.
Fire Nova Totem: Totem deals 1d8 fire damage/level (max 3RD-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS
15d8) in 20-ft. radius. Bladestorm: Your arms become magical longswords.
Frost Shock: Touch attack deals 1d6 cold damage/level (max Conjure Mana Jade: Gem stores a spell of up to 2nd level.
15d6) and chills. Death Coil: Deals 2d8 damage, +1/level (max +10) to living
creatures; heals undead.
5TH-LEVEL SHAMAN SPELLS Demon Skin: The caster creates a layer of dense scales that
Earth Strike: Deals 1d4 damage per level (max 10d4) and protects her from harm; +3 natural armor and 18 temporary hit
makes spellcasting more difficult. points.
Healing Wave: Heals the target for 10d8 hit points, plus 5d8 Frost Nova: Deals 1d6 damage per level, 10-ft. radius; chills
to one more target/2 levels. damaged creatures.
Lightning Strike: Deals 1d8 electricity damage/level (max Frostbolt: Ranged touch attack deals 5d6 damage and chills
15d8). target.
Rejuvenation: Subject regains 2d8 hit points per round for Mana Flare: When creatures within 30 ft. cast a spell, they
spell's duration. take 1d6 damage/spell level.
Tremor Totem: Totem protects nearby allies from fear, sleep, Searing Pain: Deals 5d8 damage +1/level (max +15); target
and compulsions. takes -2 on attacks, save, and skill checks.
Shadow Bolt: Deals 1d8 fel damage/level (max 10d8).
6TH-LEVEL SHAMAN SPELLS Shockwave: A powerful wave of force shakes the ground;
Strength of Earth Totem: Nearby allies gain +6 Str. 1d6/level damage.
Troll Flesh, Mass: As troll flesh, but affects multiple targets.
7TH-LEVEL SHAMAN SPELLS Amplify Magic: Increases the effect of damaging and healing

spells on the subject by +1 point/level (max +15). Demon Skin: The caster creates a layer of dense scales that
Blazing Column: Deals 1d6 damage/level for 3 rounds; 1d6 protects her from harm; +3 natural armor and 18 temporary hit
damage for another 3 rounds. points.
Circle of Knives, Greater: As circle of knives, but 20-ft. Hooks of Binding: Immobilizes a demon or undead creature.
radius and max 15d4 damage.
Death Coil, Greater: Deals 3d8 damage, +1/level (max +15) 5TH-LEVEL SUMMONER SPELLS
to living creatures; heals undead. Hooks of Binding, Greater: Immobilizes a powerful demon
Dimension Blink: Short-range teleport, swift action. or undead creature.
Firebolt: Deals 1d6 fire damage/level (max 15d6), plus 1d4
damage each round for 4 rounds. 6TH-LEVEL SUMMONER SPELLS
Immolate: Deals 7d6 fire damamge, plus 3d6 damage/round. Call Infernal: Call an infernal to serve you.
Lightning Shield: Electricity covers the subject, damaging Demon Skin, Greater: As demon skin, except +6 natural
nearby creatures. armor and 32 temporary hit points.
Rain of Fire: 3d6 bludgeoning and 2d6 fire damage, 20-ft.
radius, no save.


Witch Spells
Arcane Explosion: Deals 1d6+1 force damage/level (max 0-LEVEL WITCH SPELLS
15d6+15) to creatures within 20 ft. Sense Demon: Detects demons within 60 ft.
Curse of the Elements: Subject takes double damage from
cold, electricity, and fire. 1ST-LEVEL WITCH SPELLS
Death Pact: Sacrifice an undead minion to regain hit points. Corruption: Deals 1d4 fel damage per round for 5 rounds;
Shadow Bolt, Greater: Deals 1d8+1 fel damage/level (max target takes -1 penalty on saves.
15d8+15). Demon Skin, Lesser: As demon skin, except +1 natural armor
and 6 temporary hit points.
6TH-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS Mana ShieldM: You may choose to lose spell slots instead of
Call Infernal: Call an infernal to serve you. hit points.
Conjure Mana Citrine: Gem stores a spell of up to 5th level.
Demon Skin, Greater: As demon skin, except +6 natural 2ND-LEVEL WITCH SPELLS
armor and 32 temporary hit points. Death Coil, Lesser: Deals 1d8 damage, +1/level (max +5) to
Firebolt, Greater: Deals 1d8 fire damage/level (max 20d8), living creatures; heals undead.
plus 1d8 damage for 4 rounds. Frost Armor: Subject gains +4 AC and attackers are slowed.
Orb of Annihilation: Touch attack deals 4d8 damage, plus
7TH-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS 1d8 damage to those nearby.
Brilliance Aura: You and nearby allies make Spellcraft Shadow Bolt, Lesser: Deals 1d4 fel damage/two levels (max
checks to cast spells for free. 5d4).
Troll Flesh: Grants or improves fast healing by 1.
Hellfire: Deals 10d6 fire damage/round to creatures within 30
ft. and 2d6 damage/round to you. Banshee's Curse: Target takes -20 penalty on attack rolls for
Pyroblast: Deals 17d8 fire damamge, +2/level for each round 1 round.
spent concentrating. Death Coil: Deals 2d8 damage, +1/level (max +10) to living
Shadowburn: Deals 10d8 fel damamge +1/level (max +20); creatures; heals undead.
immediate action. Demon Skin: The caster creates a layer of dense scales that
Vampiric Aura: You and your allies regain life when you protects her from harm; +3 natural armor and 18 temporary hit
deal damage. points.
Hooks of Binding: Immobilizes a demon or undead creature.
9TH-LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS Life Tap: Recall spell slots by sacrificing 8 hit points per
Conjure Mana Ruby: Gem stores a spell of up to 9th level. spell level.
Death and Decay: Deals 1d4 damage/level (maximum 25d4) Searing Pain: Deals 5d8 damage +1/level (max +15); target
per round, 30-ft. radius. takes -2 on attacks, save, and skill checks.
Starfall: You turn starlight into devastating missiles; 10d6 Shadow Bolt: Deals 1d8 fel damage/level (max 10d8).
damage to two targets/round.
Summon Doomguard: Summons a doomguard to fight for 4TH-LEVEL WITCH SPELLS
you. Death Coil, Greater: Deals 3d8 damage, +1/level (max +15)
to living creatures; heals undead.
Immolation: Flames cover you, damaging opponents and
protecting you from cold-based attacks.
Summoner Spells Rain of Fire: 3d6 bludgeoning and 2d6 fire damage, 20-ft.
1ST-LEVEL SUMMONER SPELLS radius, no save.
Sense Demon: Detects demons within 60 ft.
Demon Skin, Lesser: As demon skin, except +1 natural armor 5TH-LEVEL WITCH SPELLS
and 6 temporary hit points. Curse of the Elements: Subject takes double damage from
cold, electricity, and fire.
3RD-LEVEL SUMMONER SPELLS Curse of Shadow: Subject takes double damage from force,

fel, and evil spells. A humanoid creature whose size increases to Large
Drain Life: Target takes Constitution damage, you regain hit has a space of 10 feet and a natural reach of 10 feet.
Drain SoulX: You draw the vital energy out of your target.
This spell does not change your speed.
Hooks of Binding, Greater: Immobilizes a powerful demon If insufficient room is available for the growth, you
or undead creature. attain the maximum possible size and may make a
Shadow Bolt, Greater: Deals 1d8+1 fel damage/level (max Strength check (using your increased Strength) to burst
15d8+15). any enclosures in the process. If you fail, you are
constrained without harm by the materials enclosing
Demon Skin, Greater: As demon skin, except +6 natural you – the spell cannot crush you by increasing your
armor and 32 temporary hit points. size.
SoulstoneMX: A gem forged from dark magic restores you to All equipment you wear or carry is similarly
life. enlarged by the spell. Melee and projectile weapons
Troll Flesh, Mass: As troll flesh, but affects multiple targets.
affected by this spell deal more damage. Other magical
7TH-LEVEL WITCH SPELLS properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged
Dark Metamorphosis: Caster gains potent defenses and item that leaves the your possession (including a
attacks. projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its
normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal
their normal damage, and projectiles deal damage
Shadowburn: Deals 10d8 fel damamge +1/level (max +20);
immediate action. based on the size of the weapon that fired them.
Vampiric Aura: You and your allies regain life when you Magical properties of enlarged items are not increased
deal damage. by this spell.
Multiple magical effects that increase size do not
Death and Decay: 1d4 damage/level (maximum 25d4) per
round, 30-ft. Radius. Material Component: A chunk of adamantine worth
Vengeance: Summons an avatar of vengeance. at least 500 gp.


School abjuration; Level alchemist 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Components V, S
Avatar Casting Time 1 standard action
School transmutation; Level cleric 7 Range touch
Components V, S, M Target creature touched
Casting Time 1 standard action Duration 1 min./level (D)
Range personal Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes
Target you Amplify magic creates an aura around the subject that
Duration 1 round/level
enhances the effects of all healing and damaging
Upon casting this spell, you become a fighting avatar
spells. If a spell that cures or deals damage is cast on
of your ideals. Your skin, clothing and all your
the subject, the amount of damage it deals or cures
possessions become a dimly luminous silver-gray.
increases by +1 point per caster level (maximum 15
Your mindset changes so that you relish combat. You
points). For example, if a firebolt strikes Kathlia while
lose your spellcasting ability, including your ability to
she is under the effects of amplify magic from a 9th-
use spell activation or spell completion magic items,
level cast, the spell's damage increases by +9 points. If
just as if the spells were no longer on your class list.
Shadd casts cure light wounds on her, the spell
You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +6
likewise cures +9 additional hit points.
enhancement bonus to Constitution, and a +2
enhancement bonus to Dexterity. You gain a +8
enhancement bonus to natural armor and spell Arcane Explosion
School evocation [force]; Level magus 5,
resistance equal to 10 + your caster level. You are sorcerer/wizard 5
considered proficient with all simple and martial Components V, S
weapons. Casting Time 1 standard action
You double in height and increase in weight by a Range 20 ft.
factor of 10. This increase changes your size category Area all creatures within a 20-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration instantaneous
to the next larger one. You gain a +4 size bonus to
Saving Throw none; SR yes
Strength, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity (negating the This spell creates a tremendous burst of arcane energy
enhancement bonus noted above), and a -1 size penalty that explodes from you, dealing 1d6+1 points of force
on attack rolls and AC due to your increased size.

damage per level (maximum 15d6+15) to all creatures longsword has an enhancement bonus of +1 per three
and unattended objects in the area, except you. caster levels (maximum +5) on attack and damage
rolls. The caster gains the Whirlwind Attack feat. If the
Aspect of the Grove caster does not make a full attack each round, the
School transmutation; Level druid 7 effect ends. You do not suffer penalties for fighting
Components V, S, M with two weapons when using these transmuted
Casting Time 1 standard action longswords.
Range personal
Target you
The caster is considered proficient with the
Duration 1 round/level (D) longsword for the duration of the spell.
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes Material Components: Two unenchanted knives,
You call upon the spirit of Cenarius to grant you a one for each hand. They meld with the caster's arms
fraction of his power; you take the form of a keeper of and are lost when the spell ends.
the grove. You gain fast healing 3, DR 10/evil and
silver, a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Blazing Column
Constitution, and a +4 enhancement bonus to natural School evocation [fire]; Level bloodrager 4,
armor. In addition, you may cast moonfire each round sorcerer/wizard 4
as a standard action. Components V, S, M
Casting Time 1 standard action
Material Component: A vial of moonwell water Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)
blessed by a druid of at least 16th level, which you Area cylinder (20-ft. Radius, 60 ft. high)
drink while casting the spell. Duration 6 rounds
Saving Throw none; SR yes
Banshee's Curse You call down a column of roaring fire. The column
School necromancy; Level dark ranger 3, witch 3 deals 1d6 points of fire damage for every two caster
Components V, S levels (maximum 5d6) each round for the first 3
Casting Time 1 standard action rounds, and deals 1d6 points of fire damage each
Range Medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) round for the following 3 rounds. The column is
Target one creature
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes Material Component: A bit of brimstone and a drop
You curse the target with clumsiness and bad luck. of your blood (or whatever passes for blood).
When it makes its next attack, the attack roll, and all
attack rolls for 1 round, take a -20 penalty. Blessing of Kings
School transmutation [blessing]; Level paladin 4
Components V, S
Black Arrow Casting Time 1 move action
School transmutation [death, fel]; Level dark ranger 3 Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./level)
Components V, S Target one creature
Casting Time 1 standard action Duration 5 minutes
Range personal Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless)
Target you
Duration 1 round/level (D)
You imbue the subject with the power of the Light,
All missile weapons the caster looses (fire, throws, and granting her a sacred bonus to all ability scores equal
so forth) deal an additional +1d6 points of fel damage. to +1 per 4 caster levels (maximum +4). A brilliant
If such an attack reduces the target to fewer than 0 hit aura of silvery light surrounds the target. This aura
points, it must make a Fortitude save. If it fails, it dies provides illumination equivalent to a torch.
and rises as a skeletal creature under the caster's
control, as if he had cast summon undead on its corpse Blessing of Might
(which determines the skeleton's duration). School transmutation [blessing]; Level paladin 2
Components V, S
Casting Time 1 move action
Bladestorm Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./level)
School transmutation; Level bloodrager 3, magus 3, Target one creature
sorcerer/ wizard 3 Duration 5 minutes
Components V, S, M Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless)
Casting Time 1 standard action The subject gains a supernatural awareness of the
Range personal vulnerable points of her targets, granting a +3 insight
Target you
Duration 1 round/level (D)
bonus on weapon damage rolls. While under the
Your arms change into two longswords. Each effects of this spell, the target's pupils dilate, but they

do not become any more sensitive to light as a result. Components V, S
Casting Time 1 move action
Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./level)
Blessing of Protection Target one creature
School abjuration [blessing]; Level paladin 4 Duration 5 minutes
Components V, S Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless)
Casting Time 1 move action You imbue the subject with extraordinary resilience,
Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./level)
Target one creature temporarily decreasing the damage he takes from all
Duration 2 rounds attacks. The subject gains DR 1/–. This damage
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless) reduction increases by +1 per 3 caster levels
The subject's skin changes into a silvery metal, (maximum 5/–). While under the effects of this spell,
granting her potent protection. The subject is immune the subject's clothes and armor appear to meld into the
to all physical damage, but is unable to physically subject's skin and thicken.
attack. Physical damage includes all forms of slashing,
piercing, or bludgeoning damage, regardless of the Brilliance Aura
source. The target is able to cast spells normally, with School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 7
the exception of those that require physically striking Components V, S
or touching a target. Casting Time 1 standard action
Range personal
Area 20-ft.-radius emanation
Blessing of Sacrifice Duration 1 round/level (D)
School abjuration [blessing]; Level paladin 3 Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR no
Components V, S You surround yourself with a pulsing aura of cerulean
Casting Time 1 move action energy. This aura grants crystalline thought to all
Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./level)
Target one creature friendly spellcasters around you and empowers them
Duration 5 minutes to cast their spells without actually losing spell slots.
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless) Whenever an ally (including you) casts a spell
This potent blessing creates a spiritual connection while within the aura, she may make a Spellcraft
between you and the subject. Each time the subject check (DC 30 + twice the spell's level). If successful,
takes hit point damage, half of it is transferred to you. she casts the spell but the spell slot is not expended. A
If you and the subject move out of range of each other, natural roll of 5 or less on this check always fails.
the spell ends immediately.
Call Infernal
Blessing of Salvation School conjuration (calling); Level sorcerer/wizard 6,
School abjuration [blessing]; Level paladin 2 summoner 6
Components V, S Components V, S, M
Casting Time 1 move action Casting Time 1 round
Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./level) Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature Effect one infernal (see text)
Duration 5 minutes Duration see text
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless) Saving Throw none; SR no
This blessing makes the subject appear harmless and This spell calls a single infernal that uses its meteoric
unthreatening. Any opponent attempting to strike or impact ability, landing where you target the spell and
otherwise directly attack the subject, even with a 2d6 fel damage to those within 20 feet of where it was
targeted spell, must attempt a Will save. If the save summoned before it rises to attack your foes on the
succeeds, the opponent can attack normally and is following round.
unaffected by that casting of blessing of salvation. If The infernal is not summoned, it's called. It lasts 1
the save fails, the opponent can't follow through with round per level before the magic holding its chaotic
the attack and that part of its action is lost. Those not form together is no longer sufficient for the task. When
attempting to attack the subject remain unaffected. the infernal is slain or the duration expires, the infernal
This spell does not prevent the subject from being crumbles into a pile of useless rubble.
attacked or affected by area or effect spells. Any Material Components: Each casting of this spell
creature that the subject has damaged within 24 hours costs 1,000 XP and an amount of gold as determined
is unaffected by this spell. by your contract with the Tothrezim.

Blessing of Sanctuary Circle of Knives

School transmutation [blessing]; Level paladin 2 School conjuration (creation) [force]; Level bloodrager
2, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 2

Components V, S, M Conjure Mana Ruby
Casting Time 1 standard action School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 9
Range 10 ft.
Area 10-ft.-radius burst centered on you
This spell functions like conjure mana citrine,
Duration instantaneous except that the ruby stores a spell of 8th level or lower.
Saving Throw none; SR yes
Crossing your hands, you snatch daggers from either Corruption
hip then fling your arms wide while spinning in a School necromancy [evil, fel]; Level witch 1
circle. The daggers fly from your grasp, and knives of Components V, S
force spray from your outstretched hands. Make a Casting Time 1 standard action
Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)
normal ranged attack roll against every enemy within Target one creature
range. Apply any bonuses you have with daggers to Duration 5 rounds
this roll, and the daggers threaten a critical hit on a 19 Saving Throw Fort negates; SR yes
or 20. If you hit with a dagger, it deals 1d4 points of Shadows collect around the target, freezing it with the
piercing damage per level (maximum 5d4) plus your power of darkness, and sapping away the essence of its
Strength bonus and any other bonuses you have with life. The target takes 1d4 points of fel damage each
daggers. round, and as its essence is stripped away, it takes a -1
Material Components: Two normal daggers. penalty on saving throws.

Circle of Knives, Greater Crushing Wave

School conjuration (creation) [force]; Level bloodrager School evocation [water]; Level druid 4, shaman 4
4, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4 Components V, S, M
Range 20 ft. Casting Time 1 standard action
Area 20-ft.-radius burst centered on you Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
This spell functions like circle of knives, except as Area line to the maximum range
noted above and that each dagger deals 1d4 points of Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fort half; SR no
damage per level (maximum 15d4). You do not suffer
You summon a 10-foot high wave, which blasts
penalties for range.
forward at unstoppable speed. The wave travels along
the ground or a semi-solid surface (water, for
Conjure Mana Citrine example). Creatures within the wave's path take 1d8
School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 6
Components V, S points of bludgeoning damage per caster level
Casting Time 1 round (maximum 10d8), with a Fortitude save allowed for
Range 0 ft. half. Those who fail this save are also knocked prone.
Effect one gemstone Crushing wave cannot be cast into the air. This spell
Duration instantaneous (see below) can be cast normally underwater.
Saving Throw none; SR no
Material Component: A drop of ocean water.
This spell creates an enchanted citrine that is capable
of storing a single spell of up to 5th level. You may
store any spell you know of up to 5th level in the gem Curse of the Elements
School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5
by simply casting the spell while holding the gem. The Components V, S
enchanted stone lasts until the next time you fall Casting Time 1 standard action
asleep, or for 24 hours, whichever comes first. Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)
Breaking the stone, which can be done by squeezing it Target one creature
in the hand while muttering a single command word Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes
that you designate at the time you create the stone,
This spell curses the target with incredible
releases the spell. Only you can activate the stone to
vulnerability to cold, electricity and fire; the target
release the spell stored inside. The stored spell
gains vulnerability to each of those energy types,
functions exactly as if you had cast it normally, but
which means it takes double damage from cold,
breaking the stone is a move action, regardless of the
electricity and fire, even on a successful save. Dispel
casting time of the spell.
magic has no effect on this spell, but break
enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse and
Conjure Mana Jade wish can remove it.
School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 3
This spell functions like conjure mana citrine,
except that the jade stores a spell of 2nd level or lower. Curse of Shadow
School necromancy; Level witch 5

Components V, S Casting Time 1 standard action
Casting Time 1 standard action Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) Area 30-ft.-radius emanation
Target one creature Duration concentration, up to 1 round/level
Duration 1 round/level Saving Throw Fort half; SR yes
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes Negative energy infuses the area in visible puffs.
This spell curses the target with incredible Living creatures age rapidly, as skin sags and flesh
vulnerability to arcane and shadow magic. The subject sloughs off bones. Structures wither and collapse,
takes double damage from force damage, and from suffering the effects of decades within a few seconds.
spells with the fel or evil descriptor, even on a All living creatures and non-natural structures in the
successful save. Dispel magic has no effect on this area take 1d4 points of damage per caster level
spell, but break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, (maximum 25d4) per round from negative energy.
remove curse and wish can remove it. Creatures are allowed Fortitude saving throws to halve
the damage.
Dark Metamorphosis Since undead are powered by negative energy, this
School transmutation [fel]; Level witch 7 spell heals them a like amount of damage.
Components V, S, M Material Component: A dead rose.
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range personal
Area you Death Coil
Duration 1 round/level School necromancy; Level antipaladin 3, bloodrager 3,
The caster transforms into a fearsome, black, demon- inquisitor 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
like creature. Long horns sprout from her head and Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
wings grow from her back. The caster's skin and all Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
her belongings become void-black, and her only facial Target one creature
features are two glowing, slit-like red eyes. She gains Duration instantaneous
fast healing 3, damage reduction 10/good and silver, a Saving Throw Will half (see text); SR yes
+4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution, A coil of negative energy projects out from your
and a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor. In extended palm and unerringly strikes its target. The
addition, the caster may cast orb of annihilation each coil deals 2d8 points of negative energy damage +1
round as a spell-like ability. point per caster level (up to +10) to living creatures; a
Material Component: A vial of demon blood, which successful Will save halves the damage.
the caster drinks. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this
spell cures them of a like amount of damage, rather
Dampen Magic than harming them.
School abjuration; Level alchemist 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Components V, S Death Coil, Greater
Casting Time 1 standard action School necromancy; Level antipaladin 4, bloodrager 4,
Range touch cleric/oracle 4, inquisitor 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Target creature touched As death coil, except that it deals 3d8 points of
Duration 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes
negative energy damage +1 point per caster level (up
Dampen magic creates an aura around the subject that to +15).
absorbs part of the effects of all healing and damaging
spells. If a spell that cures or deals damage is cast on Death Coil, Lesser
the subject, the amount of damage it deals or cures School necromancy; Level antipaladin 2, bloodrager 2,
cleric/oracle 2, inquisitor 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
decreases by -1 point per caster level (maximum 15
As death coil, except that it deals 1d8 points of
points). For example, if a firebolt strikes Kathlia while
negative energy damage +1 point per caster level (up
she is under the effects of dampen magic from a 9th-
to +5).
level caster, the spell deals 9 fewer points of damage.
If Shadd casts cure moderate wounds while dampen
magic is in effect, his spell likewise cures 9 fewer hit Death Pact
School necromancy [evil]; Level sorcerer/wizard 3
points. Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Death and Decay Range touch
School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 9, witch 9 Target one undead creature under the caster's control
Components V, S, M Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates; SR no

The target undead, which must be under the caster's Casting Time 1 standard action
control, crumbles to dust. The caster regains 1 hit point Range personal
Target you
for each hit point the undead creature had remaining, Duration 1 round/level
up to his normal maximum. The caster loses control of You transform into a beautiful, angelic version of
the undead target if its Will save is successful. yourself. Your skin, hair and nails change into metal –
silver, bronze or gold (you choice). You gain fast
Demon Skin healing 3, DR 10/evil and silver, a +4 enhancement
School conjuration (creation) [fel]; Level alchemist 3, bonus to Strength and Constitution, and a +4
antipaladin 3, bloodrager 3, cleric/oracle 3, inquisitor 3,
magus 3, sorcerer/ wizard 3, summoner 3, witch 3 enhancement bonus to natural armor. In addition, you
Components V, S, M may cast lesser holy light each round.
Casting Time 1 standard action Material Component: A vial of holy water blessed
Range personal in Ironforge.
Target you
Duration 30 minutes
The caster of demon skin surrounds himself in a living Drain Life
School necromancy; Level witch 5
sheet of scales and leathery skin that protects him from Components V, S
harm. The demon skin itself melds with the caster's Casting Time 1 standard action
body, diverting damage and protecting the caster with Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
thick sheets of scales. Target one living creature
The caster of the spell gains a +3 enhancement Duration concentration, up to 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw none; SR yes
bonus to natural armor, and 18 temporary hit points.
Gouts of blood erupt from a victim's eyes, nose and
Material Component: A ground fel stalker tooth.
mouth. The streams spin and twist into a single, larger,
rope-like stream as they bridge the gap between the
Demon Skin, Greater caster and the target. The caster opens her mouth and
School conjuration (creation) [fel]; Level alchemist 6,
cleric/oracle 6, inquisitor 6, magus 6, sorcerer/wizard 6, draws in the stream, gaining vitality as the target
summoner 6, witch 6 weakens.
As demon skin, except that the caster gains a +6 The target takes 1 point of Constitution damage per
enhancement bonus to natural armor and 32 temporary round beginning on the round the spell is cast. The
hit points. caster regains 5 hit points per point of Constitution the
Material Component: A lock of hair from a spell drains from the target.
succubus. If you or the target moves out of range, the spell
ends. If an object at least 5 feet wide and 5 feet high
Demon Skin, Lesser blocks the line of sight, the spell ends. Creatures of
School conjuration (creation) [fel]; Level alchemist 1, Medium size or smaller do not block the stream, but
antipaladin 1, bloodrager 1, cleric/oracle 1, inquisitor 1, Large creatures generally do.
magus 1, sorcerer/ wizard 1, summoner 1, witch 1
As demon skin, except that the caster gains a +1 Drain Soul
enhancement bonus to natural armor and 6 temporary School conjuration (soul); Level witch 5
hit points. Components V, S, XP
Material Component: Ground imp horns. Casting Time 1 standard action
Range 90 feet
Target one living creature
Dimension Blink Duration special
School conjuration (teleportation); Level bloodrager 4, Saving Throw Fort half; SR yes
sorcerer/wizard 4 A cunning warlock can draw the very soul out of a
Components V, S
Casting Time 1 swift action creature using deadly magic. The life essence of
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) anyone slain by this spell coalesces into a soul shard, a
Target you precious, ruby-colored gem used in creating
Duration instantaneous soulstones. When cast upon a living target, drain soul
You teleport to any location within range that you can causes 1d10 points of damage per round for a number
see. of rounds equal to the caster's level. If the spell slays
the target, its vital essence begins to coalesce into a
Divine Ascension soulstone. The caster of the spell must then mold the
School transmutation [good]; Level cleric/oracle 7 essence into a soul shard before it flees for the
Components V, S, M afterlife, paying the experience cost for the spell only

if the target is slain; the caster is then rewarded with a Duration instantaneous
soul shard. Saving Throw Ref half; SR yes
Those slain by drain soul can still be returned to life You create a ball of molten flame in your hand and
by raise dead, resurrection or other means. This in no hurl it toward your target. The target takes 1d6 points
way affects the soul shard. of fire damage per level (maximum 15d6), plus an
XP Cost: 750 XP. additional +4 points of fire damage per round for the
next 4 rounds. If the target makes its Reflex save, it
takes half damage from the initial blast and does not
Earth Shock
School evocation [earth]; Level shaman 1 take the additional damage.
Components V, S
Casting Time 1 immediate action Firebolt, Greater
Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) School evocation [fire]; Level inquisitor 6, magus 6,
Target one creature sorcerer/wizard 6
Duration instantaneous This spell functions like firebolt, except that it deals
Saving Throw none; SR yes
1d8 points of initial fire damage per level (maximum
You call upon a spirit of earth to strike your enemy
20d8), 1d8 points of damage per round for the next 4
instantly, dealing 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage.
In addition, if the target is casting or concentrating on
a spell, the DC of the target's concentration check to
avoid losing the spell increases by +4 (in addition to Firebolt, Lesser
School evocation [fire]; Level bloodrager 2, inquisitor 2,
the damage dealt by the spell). magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
This spell functions like firebolt, except that it deals
Earth Strike 1d4 points of initial fire damage per level (maximum
School evocation [earth]; Level shaman 5 10d4), 1 point of damage per round for the next 4
Components V, S
Casting Time 1 immediate action
Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature Fire Nova Totem
Duration instantaneous School conjuration [fire, totem]; Level shaman 4
Saving Throw none; SR yes Components V, S
You call upon a spirit of earth to strike your enemy Casting Time 1 standard action
instantly, dealing 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage Range 0 ft.
per caster level (maximum 10d4). In addition, if the Area 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on the totem
Duration 1 round/level
target is casting or concentrating on a spell, the DC of Saving Throw Ref half; SR yes
the target's concentration check to avoid losing the The totem does nothing on the round you create it, but
spell increases by +4 (in addition to the damage dealt releases an intense wave of flame in all directions on
by the spell). the following round. This flame deals 1d8 points of
fire damage per caster level (maximum 15d8) to all
Earthbind Totem creatures in the area, including you.
School conjuration (healing) [totem]; Level shaman 3
Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action Flame Shock
Range 0 ft. School evocation [fire]; Level shaman 2
Area 30-ft.-radius emanation centered on the totem Components V, S
Duration 1 round/level Casting Time 1 standard action
Saving Throw Ref negates; SR no Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)
The totem creates vines and tendrils of stone that Target one creature
Duration instantaneous (see below)
assault nearby enemies. All enemies within 20 feet of Saving Throw Ref partial; SR yes
the totem must make Reflex saves each round or You create a floating sphere of fire and hurl it at the
become entangled by the stony roots for 1 round. target. The sphere deals 1d4 points of fire damage per
caster level (maximum 10d4). In addition, the target
Firebolt must make a Reflex save to avoid being set on fire.
School evocation [fire]; Level bloodrager 4, inquisitor 4,
magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Components V, S Flash of Light
Casting Time 1 standard action School conjuration (healing); Level cleric/oracle 1,
Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) paladin 1
Target one creature Components V, S

Casting Time 1 immediate action as longspears, do not endanger their users in this way.
Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels) Arcane Focus: A small piece of forged steel.
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Divine Focus: The shaman's totem.
Saving Throw Will half (harmless); see text; SR yes (harmless);
see text Frost Shock
You call upon the Light to immediately heal the School evocation [cold]; Level shaman 4
wounds of an ally, curing 1 point of damage per level Components V, S
(maximum 5). Casting Time 1 standard action
Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)
Since undead are powered by negative energy, this Target one creature
spell deals damage to them instead of curing their Duration instantaneous
wounds. An undead creature can apply spell resistance, Saving Throw Fort partial; SR yes
and can attempt a Will save to take half damage. You gather the moisture in the area into a ball, then
freeze it solid and launch it at a target. To hit the
Force of Nature target, you must make a ranged touch attack. If this
School transmutation; Level druid 6 attack succeeds, the target takes 1d6 points of cold
Components V, S damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) and is
Casting Time 1 round chilled for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save
Range touch
Target tree touched
negates the chill effect.
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw none; SR no Frost Nova
This spell turns the tree touched into a treant that will School evocation [cold]; Level bloodrager 3, magus 3,
fight on your behalf for a brief period of time. shaman 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Force of nature must be cast on a living, healthy Components V, S, M
Casting Time 1 standard action
tree. The tree becomes a treant and follows your Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
commands. If force of nature is dispelled, the tree Area 10-ft.-radius spread
takes root immediately. If you dismiss the spell, the Duration instantaneous
treant tries to return to its original location before Saving Throw see text; SR yes
taking root. A frost nova spell is a burst of ice and cold that
detonates with a high-pitched shriek. The spell deals
Force of Nature, Greater 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum
School transmutation; Level druid 8 10d6) to all creatures within the area of effect; a
As force of nature, but this spell can create successful Reflex save halves the damage. Unattended
1d4+1 individual treants. objects also take this damage. The explosion creates
almost no pressure. The caster points a finger and
Frost Armor determines the range (distance and height) at which
School abjuration [cold]; Level alchemist 2, magus 2, the frost nova is to burst. The nova is 10 feet wide but
shaman 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2 only 1 foot high; the caster can control its orientation.
Components V, S. F/DF Creatures that take damage from the frost nova
Casting Time 1 standard action must succeed at a Fortitude save or be chilled for 1d4
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 round/level (D) Material Component: A few drops of water and a
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes (see text) piece of glass, which must be shattered as the spell is
Frost armor provides a +4 armor bonus to AC (this cast.
bonus does not stack with any other armor bonuses).
Unlike mundane armor, frost armor entails no armor Frostbolt
check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed School evocation [cold]; Level bloodrager 3, magus 3,
reduction. Since frost armor is made of force, sorcerer/ wizard 3
incorporeal creatures cannot bypass it the way they do Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
normal armor. Range personal
Any creature striking the subject with its body or Area 20-ft.-radius emanation
with a melee weapon deals normal damage, but at the Duration 1 round/level (D)
same time the attacker becomes chilled for 1 round. If Saving Throw Will negates(harmless); SR no
a creature has spell resistance, it applies to the chilling You fling forth a blast of super-cold ice and dancing
effect. Note that weapons with exceptional reach, such blue energy. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack
to hit with the frostbolt. The bolt deals 1d6 points of

cold damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). the point of totem, curing 1 point of damage per round
Creatures taking damage from the frost bolt must to nearby living allies, up to a character's maximum hit
succeed a Fortitude save or be chilled for 1d4 rounds. points.
Like cure spells, healing ward damages undead in
Grounding Totem its area rather than curing them.
School conjuration [totem]; Level shaman 8
Components V, S Healing Wave
Casting Time 1 standard action School conjuration (healing); Level shaman 5
Range 0 ft. Components V, S
Area 30-ft.-radius burst centered on the totem Casting Time 1 standard action
Duration 1 round/level Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels); see text
Saving Throw Fort negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless) Target one creature +1/2 levels
The totem creates a protective aura around all allies in Duration instantaneous
the area of effect, granting them spell resistance equal Saving Throw Will half (harmless); see text; SR yes (harmless);
10 + caster level while they remain in the area. see text
You create a wave of Light energy that jumps from
Healing Rain creature to creature in a manner similar to chain
School conjuration (healing); Level cleric/oracle 5 lightning, but rather than burning the subjects, it closes
Components V, S their wounds and restores their vitality. The wave
Casting Time 1 standard action cures 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum
Range 20 ft. 10d8) to the primary target. After it strikes, the healing
Area all undead creatures and living allies within a 20-ft. radius
Duration concentration, up to 1 round/2 levels
wave can jump to a number of secondary targets equal
Saving Throw Fort half (harmless); SR yes (harmless) to your one per two caster levels (maximum 10). Each
Positive energy falls from the sky in the form of secondary wave strikes one target and cures half as
scintillating rain, curing 2d6 points of damage per much damage as the primary wave did (rounded
round to living allies. down).
Like cure spells, healing rain damages undead in its You choose secondary targets as you like, but they
area rather than healing them. must all be within 30 feet of the primary target, and no
target can be cured more than once. You can choose to
Healing Stream Totem affect fewer secondary targets than the maximum.
School conjuration (healing) [totem]; Level shaman 7 Like cure spells, healing wave damages undead
Components V, S rather than curing them. An undead creature can apply
Casting Time 1 standard action spell resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take
Range 0 ft. half damage.
Area 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on the totem
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will half (harmless); see text; SR yes (harmless); Hellfire
see text School evocation [fel, fire]; Level sorcerer/wizard 8
The totem emanates positive energy that spreads out in Components V, S
all directions, curing living allies of 2d6+5 points of Casting Time 1 round
Range 15 ft.
damage per round. Target all enemies within a 15-ft.-radius spread centered on you
Like cure spells, healing stream totem damages Duration concentration, up to 1 round/level
undead in its area rather than curing them. An undead Saving Throw Ref half; SR yes
creature can apply spell resistance, and can attempt a Waves of white-hot fire engulf the area surrounding
Will save to take half damage. you, horribly burning all creatures and unattended
objects. As you concentrate, the fires continue to burn
Healing Ward at the cost of your own life force. Each round, starting
School conjuration (healing) [totem]; Level shaman 3 on the round you cast the spell, the flames deal 10d6
Components V, S points of fire damage to all within the area, and you
Casting Time 1 standard action take 2d6 points of damage as well. Note that the
Range 0 ft.
Area all undead creatures and living allies within a 30-ft. radius
damage you take is not fire damage; energy resistance
Duration 1 round/level and damage reduction are ineffective against it. You
Saving Throw Fort half (harmless); SR yes (harmless) cannot move while concentrating to maintain this spell
You conjure a magical totem and plant it in the (not even a 5-foot step), though you can take other
ground. The totem immediately begins emanating move actions. If a force moves you involuntarily (if an
positive energy that spreads out in all directions from enemy bull rushes you, for example), the spell ends

immediately. Duration 10 rounds
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR no
The utterance of the holy word of shielding
Holy Fire
School evocation [good]; Level cleric/oracle 6, inquisitor immediately protects an ally from damage. The
6 magical shield absorbs up to a number of hit points
Components V, S worth of damage equal to 4 times the caster's level. All
Casting Time 1 standard action damage that the subject of the spell suffers while
Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) protected by holy word shield is deducted from the
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
shield first. If the shield is depleted to 0 hit points, then
Saving Throw Ref half (see below); SR yes the subject of the spell begins taking damage normally.
You call upon the Light to incinerate your target,
creating a bolt of divine energy in your hand and Hooks of Binding
hurling it at the target with unerring accuracy. The bolt School conjuration (creation) [force]; Level antipaladin
deals 1d6 points of damage per level (maximum 3, cleric/oracle 3, inquisitor 3, paladin 3, summoner 3,
witch 3
15d6), plus an additional 8 points of damage per round Components V, S, M/DF
for the next four rounds. Half the damage this spell Casting Time 1 standard action
deals is fire, the other half is holy. If the target Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
succeeds at its Reflex save, it takes half damage from Target one outsider or undead creature with up to 12 HD
the initial bolt and do not take the additional damage Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fort negates; SR yes
over time. Undead and demonic creatures take double
You summon hooked chains of burning red and yellow
damage from this spell.
force. The chains snake up from the target's feet and
entwine its legs and torso, holding it in place. The
Holy Sword target is captured by the chains and cannot move. The
School evocation [good]; Level paladin 4
Components V, S creature also suffers a -4 penalty to Dexterity and a -2
Casting Time 1 standard action penalty on attack rolls. To cast a spell, it must succeed
Range touch at a Concentration check (DC 15 + the level of the
Target melee weapon touched spell it is attempting to cast) or lose the spell slot. The
Duration 1 round/level chains hold the target in place, no matter if it was
Saving Throw none; SR no
standing, flying or swimming. Because the chains are
This spell allows you to channel holy power into your
composed of force, this spell can affect incorporeal
sword, or any other melee weapon you choose. The
creatures. This spell also disallows teleportation and
weapon acts as a +5 holy weapon (+5 enhancement
planar travel effects.
bonus on attack and damage rolls, +2d6 damage
Each round that the spell remains active, the target
against evil opponents). It also emits a magic circle
may attempt a Strength or Escape Artist check (DC the
against evil effect (as the spell). If the magic circle
spell's save DC) as a full-round action. If successful,
ends, the sword creates a new one on your turn as a
the creature bursts or slips the bonds and ends the
free action. The spell is automatically canceled 1
round after the weapon leaves your hand. You cannot
Arcane Material Component: A brass chain link.
have more than one holy sword at a time.
If this spell is cast on a magic weapon, the powers
of the spell supersede any that the weapon normally Hooks of Binding, Greater
School conjuration (creation) [force]; Level cleric/oracle
has, rendering the normal enhancement bonus and 5, inquisitor 5, summoner 5, witch 5
powers of the weapon inoperative for the duration of Target one outsider or undead creature
the spell. This spell is not cumulative with any other This spell functions like hooks of binding, except that
spell that might modify the weapon in any way. it can affect creatures with more than 12 HD.
This spell does not work on artifacts.
Note: A masterwork weapon's bonus to attack does Hurricane
not stack with an enhancement bonus to attack. School evocation [air]; Level druid 6
Components V, S
Holy Word Shield Casting Time 1 standard action
School abjuration; Level cleric/oracle 3 Range 30 ft.
Components V, S, DF Area all creatures within a 30-ft.-radius spread centered on you
Casting Time 1 standard action Duration 1 round/level
Range 40 feet Saving Throw Fort partial; SR yes
Target one living creature This spell creates a localized hurricane around you,

pummeling nearby creatures with fierce, electrically- fails this concentration check, the spell ends and she
charged winds. All creatures in the area take 2d6 gains spell slots according to the damage she has
points of bludgeoning damage, 2d6 points of already dealt.) Once she has drained all the blood she
electricity damage, and are chilled for 1 round. A wishes, completing the spell only takes a few moments
successful Fortitude save halves the damage and of incantations and the spell slots are restored.
negates the chilling effect. Creatures remaining in the Material Component: The warlock's blood.
area of effect must make saving throws each round to Focus: A ritual weapon.
avoid the spell's effects. The windstorm damages
unattended objects as well as creatures. Lightning Guardians
School conjuration (summoning); Level shaman 3
Immolation Components V, S, M
School evocation [fire]; Level bloodrager 4, inquisitor 4, Casting Time 1 standard action
sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4 Range personal
Components V, S, M Target you
Casting Time 1 standard action Duration 10 minutes
Range personal The spell surrounds you with three globes of lightning
Area you – storm spirits summoned from the Elemental Planes.
Duration 1 round/level (D) These spirits protect you from harm by striking out
Saving Throw none; SR yes against anyone foolish enough to attack a person so
Blue and green flames wreathe you, dealing 2d6 points protected.
of fire damage each round to all creatures within 5 Anyone attacking you must make a Reflex saving
feet. If a creature has spell resistance, it applies against throw or be struck by the spirits. Those failing their
this damage. The flames clearly illuminate a 30-foot saves suffer 2d4+2 points of electricity damage.
radius and provide shadowy illumination out to a 60- Material Component: A small sliver of iron
foot radius. wrapped in copper wire.
Material Component: A bit of phosphorus.
Lightning Shield
Inner Fire School evocation [electricity]; Level alchemist 4,
School transmutation; Level cleric/oracle 1, inquisitor 1, bloodrager 4, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
shaman 1 Components V, S, M
Components V, S Casting Time 1 standard action
Casting Time 1 standard action Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Range personal Target one creature
Target you Duration 1 round/level (D)
Duration 3 minutes Saving Throw none; SR yes (see text)
As inner fire, except that you gain a +1 divine bonus White-yellow electricity crackles across the subject,
on attack rolls and a +3 divine bonus to AC. dealing 1d6 points of electricity damage +1 per 5
caster levels (maximum +5) each round to all creatures
Life Tap within 5 feet. Spell resistance applies to this damage.
School necromancy; Level bloodrager 4, witch 4 The electricity does not damage the spell's subject. The
Components V, S, M, F electricity clearly illuminates a 20-foot radius and
Casting Time special (see text)
Range personal
provides shadowy illumination out to a 40-foot radius.
Target you Material Component: A copper rod.
Duration concentration
The most dedicated of practitioners of the dark arts are Lightning Strike
willing to sacrifice everything in their pursuit of School evocation [electricity]; Level shaman 5
greater power, and this spell is one example of how far Components V, S
some warlocks are willing to go. When casting this Casting Time 1 standard action
Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)
spell, the caster cuts a gash in her own body, using her Target one creature
blood as a reagent. She ritually regains 1 level of spell Duration instantaneous
slots for every 8 hit points she sacrifices in this Saving Throw Ref half; SR yes
manner. Each round, starting on the round she casts the A powerful stroke of electrical energy arcs from your
spell, she deals damage to herself equal to her caster hands, striking the target for 1d8 points of electricity
level or less. She must make a concentration check to damage per caster level (maximum 15d8). You can
continue casting the spell, as is normal when the also target a combustible material to set it aflame, or
spellcaster takes damage while casting. (If the caster use the bolt to melt a metal with a low melting point,

such as silver.
Mark of the Wild
Mana Burn School transmutation; Level druid 4, ranger 4
School transmutation; Level bloodrager 2, magus 2, Components V, S, M
sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S Range 30 feet
Casting Time 1 standard action Target one living creature
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Duration 1 min./level
Effect ray Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR no
Duration instantaneous By channeling the wild into a willing receptacle you
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes can fill an ally with the feral grace and swiftness of the
A ray of magical energy leaps toward the target, dire beasts of the Emerald Dream. The target of the
leeching from it the energy necessary to cast one or spell gains a +6 enhancement bonus to natural armor
more spells. You must make a ranged touch attack to for the duration of the spell. In addition, the subject of
hit with the ray. If the attack succeeds, the target loses the spell gains a +2 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and
spell slots totaling 1d4 spell levels, plus 1 spell level Constitution for the spell's duration.
per three caster levels (maximum +6). The target loses Material Component: One sprig of silverleaf.
the highest-level spell slots it has available first; two 0-
level spell slots count as a single 1st-level spell slot for Mark of the Wild, Greater
these purposes. The victim also takes 1d4 points of School transmutation; Level druid 7
damage per spell level of the lost spell slots. As mark of the wild, except that the target gains
a +10 enhancement bonus to natural armor, as well as
Mana Flare a +6 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.
School abjuration; Level bloodrager 3, magus 2,
sorcerer/wizard 3
Components V, S, M
Mark of the Wild, Lesser
Casting Time 1 standard action School transmutation; Level druid 1, ranger 1
Range 30 ft. As mark of the wild, except that the target gains
Effect all foes in a 30-ft.-radius burst centered on you a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor, and no
Duration 1 round/2 levels bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution..
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); SR yes
You channel negative magical energies that damage
Mind Vision
foes when they cast spells near you. Whenever an School divination; Level cleric/oracle 2
enemy within the area casts a spell, raw magical Components V, S
backlash deals 1d6 points of damage to him per level Casting Time 1 round
of the spell he cast. A Will save negates this damage, Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level
and spell resistance applies to it as well. Target one creature
Duration concentration, up to 1 min./level
Material Component: A faerie dragon fang. Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes
You enter the subject's mind, granting you a copy of
Mana Shield the subject's vision while you concentrate, for up to 1
School abjuration; Level bloodrager 1, magus 1, minute per level. While seeing through the subject's
sorcerer/ wizard 1, witch 1
Components V, S, M
eyes, you see exactly what it does, regardless of your
Casting Time 1 standard action own perceptual spells or abilities. For example, if you
Range personal have cast true seeing and use mind vision, you cannot
Target you see invisible creatures unless your subject has the
Duration 1 hour/level ability to detect invisible creatures as well. This spell
While mana shield is active, you can choose to avoid grants access only to the subject's sense of sight, no
damage by expending spell slots. Each spell slot other senses. The subject is able to see and function
negates a number points of damage per spell level normally while you share its sight. While under the
equal to your Intelligence modifier. Mana shield can effects of this spell, the subject feels a presence inside
avoid only hit point damage. You can choose to use its mind, which manifests as the feeling that it is being
mana shield to negate as much or as little damage from watched. Beyond that, the subject has no specific
an attack as you like. Once expended, the spell slots knowledge of how the spell is affecting it.
are unavailable, as though you had used them to cast While seeing through the subject's eyes, you cannot
spells. see through your own. You are blind to your
Material Component: A sapphire worth at least 10 surroundings.

the damage increases by +2 points per caster level. If
Moonfire you fail a concentration check to maintain
School evocation; Level druid 2 concentration on the spell (because you take damage,
Components V, S, M for instance, the spell releases in an uncontrollable
Casting Time 1 standard action blast, dealing 17d8 points of fire damage to you and
Range 90 feet
Target one creature
everything within 10 feet.
Duration special (see text) For example, if Arcaisme, a 19th-level mage,
Saving Throw Fort partial (see text); SR yes concentrated on casting pyroblast for 3 rounds before
Energy coalesces through the lens of your fury as you finally releasing it at the target, the spell would deal a
drop a burning mass of moonfire on an enemy. massive 17d8+114 points of fire damage (2 x 19 x 3 =
Moonfire deals 1d8 points of damage +1 point per 114).
caster level (maximum +10) to the target. If the target
of the spell fails his saving throw, he takes an Rain of Fire
additional 2 points of damage per round for a number School evocation [fire]; Level bloodrager 4,
of rounds equal to the caster's level (maximum 5 sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
rounds). Components V, S, M
Casting Time 1 standard action
Material Component: A drop of water from a Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
moonwell. Area cylinder (20-ft.-radius, 40 ft. high)
Duration instantaneous
Orb of Annihilation Saving Throw none; SR yes
School evocation [fel]; Level bloodrager Small meteorites rain from the sky, exploding on
sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2 impact and burning all in their wake. This spell deals
Components V, S 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6 points of
Casting Time 1 standard action fire damage. The rain sets fire to combustibles and
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature or intersection
damages objects in the area. It can melt metals with
Duration instantaneous low melting points, such as lead, gold, copper, silver
Saving Throw none (see text); SR yes or bronze.
The caster summons a crackling sphere of black and Material Components: A chunk of sulfur and a
purple energy and hurls it at his target. He must make chunk of iron.
a successful ranged touch attack to hit with the orb.
The orb deals 4d8 points of fel damage and explodes Renew
on impact. All creatures within 5 feet of the target take School conjuration (healing); Level cleric/oracle 3, druid
1d8 points of fel damage (half on a successful Refl ex 3
save). Alternately, the caster can throw the orb of Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
annihilation at an intersection of squares, just like any Range touch
other splash weapon. Also like other splash weapons, Target living creature touched
if he misses his target he must roll randomly to see Duration 1 round/level
where the orb lands. Saving Throw Fort negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless)
This spell creates numerous enchanted leaves, which
Pyroblast manifest and press against the subject's wounds,
School evocation [fire]; Level mage 8 stopping its bleeding and gradually regenerating its
Components V, S health. The subject regains 2d4+1 hit points per round.
Casting Time up to 1 round/level; see below This spell does not restore severed body parts or
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) ruined organs.
Target one creature
Duration see text
Saving Throw Ref half; SR yes Regenerate
While many mages are proficient at the creation of a School conjuration (healing); Level cleric/oracle 7
firebolt, few have mastered fire magic to the point Components V, S, DF
Casting Time 3 full rounds
where they can continue to charge energy into a spell. Range touch
As you cast pyroblast, you may concentrate for up to 1 Target living creature touched
round per caster level before choosing a target and Duration instantaneous
releasing the annihilating sphere of magma. Pyroblast Saving Throw Fort negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless)
deals 17d8 points of fire damage if released on the The subject's severed body members (fingers, toes,
round you cast it; but for each round you concentrate, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of multi-
headed creatures), broken bones and ruined organs

grow back. After the spell is cast, the physical Roar, Greater
regeneration is complete in 1 round if the severed School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];
members are present and touching the creature. It takes Level druid 3
2d10 rounds otherwise. This spell functions like roar, except that it provides a
Regenerate also cures 4d8 points of damage +1 +3 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls.
point per caster level (maximum +35), rids the subject
of exhaustion and fatigue, and eliminates all nonlethal Seal of Command
damage the subject has taken. It has no effect on School transmutation [seal]; Level inquisitor 4, paladin 4
nonliving creatures (including undead). Components V, S
Casting Time 1 move action
Range personal
Rejuvenation Area you
School conjuration (healing); Level alchemist 5, Duration 5 rounds (D)
cleric/oracle 5, druid 5, shaman 5 In a moment of desperation, you call upon the power
Components V, S of the Light to imbue your blade with devastating
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch power. Your eyes take on a silver glow, and your
Target living creature touched weapon is bathed by a similar aura of argent light. On
Duration instantaneous your next successful attack with the weapon, the holy
Saving Throw Fort negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless) aura enveloping it springs to life and blasts the target
The subject's wounds heal rapidly; cuts close up, with sacred power, dealing and additional +1d8 points
bruises fade and broken bones set themselves. This of holy damage per 2 caster levels (maximum 10d8).
spell, however, does not restore severed body parts or After one such hit, the spell ends.
ruined organs. The subject regains 2d8 hit points per
round; during this time he may act normally, engaging Seal of Fury
in combat or casting spells as he wishes. School transmutation [mind-affecting, seal]; Level
inquisitor 3, paladin 3
Resistance Totem Components V, S
School conjuration [totem]; Level shaman 7 Casting Time 1 move action
Components V, S Range personal
Casting Time 1 standard action Area you
Range 0 ft. Duration 5 rounds
Area 20-ft-radius emanation centered on the totem The seal of the crusader allows you to fight with
Duration 1 round/level incredible zeal, granting you one additional attack per
Saving Throw Fort negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless) round at your highest base attack bonus. As you focus
The totem creates a protective aura around all allies in on striking swiftly, your attacks lose some of their bite,
the area of effect, shielding these allies from a damage and you take a -2 penalty on damage rolls.
type of your choice. When you cast the spell, you
choose to make the totem protect you and your allies Seal of Justice
from acid, cold, electricity, fire force, or sonic damage. School transmutation [seal]; Level inquisitor 3, paladin 3
All allies within the area gain resistance 30 against the Components V, S
selected energy type. Casting Time 1 move action
Range personal
Area you
Roar Duration 5 rounds
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Saving Throw none; Fort negates (see text); SR yes (see text)
Level druid 1, shaman 1 Seal of justice allows you to strike your enemies with
Components V
Casting Time 1 standard action incredible force, dealing no additional damage, but
Range personal potentially stunning your targets. Each time you strike
Area all allies within a 50-ft.-radius burst a creature in melee, it must make a Fortitude save or
Duration 1 round/level be stunned for 1 round.
Saving Throw none; SR yes (harmless)
You open your mouth and give an echoing roar, filling
Seal of Light
your allies with courage and strength. Your allies gain School transmutation [seal]; Level inquisitor 2, paladin 2
a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls. Components V, S
Druids can cast this spell while in animal form; the Casting Time 1 move action
roar may be a different sound, depending on the Range personal
druid's specific form. Area you
Duration 5 rounds

While under the effects of this seal, the Holy Light depends on how long you study a particular area.
heals your wounds as you deal damage to your foes. 1st Round: Presence or absence of demon auras.
Each time you strike an opponent in melee, you regain 2nd Round: Number of demon auras in the area and
1d4+1 hit points. the strength of the strongest demon aura present. If
you are of good alignment, and the strongest demon
Seal of Righteousness aura's strength is overwhelming (see below), and the
School transmutation [mind-affecting, seal]; Level creature has Hit Dice of at least twice your character
inquisitor 1, paladin 1 level, you are stunned for 1 round and the spell ends.
Components V, S 3rd Round: The strength and location of each
Casting Time 1 move action
Range personal
demon aura. If an aura is outside your line of sight,
Area you then you discern its direction but not its exact location.
Duration 5 rounds Aura Strength: The strength of a demon aura is
You are imbued with the power of the Holy Light; any determined by the Hit Dice of the demon creature, as
weapon you wield deals an additional +1d4 points of given on the following table:
holy damage on your first attack with it each round.
HD Strength
Seal of the Crusader 1 or lower Faint
School transmutation [mind-affecting, seal]; Level
inquisitor 3, paladin 3 2-4 Moderate
Components V, S 5-10 Strong
Casting Time 1 move action
11 or higher Overwhelming
Range personal
Area you
Duration 5 rounds Lingering Aura: A demon aura lingers after its
Saving Throw none; Will negates (see text) original source is destroyed. If sense demon is cast and
Your attacks burn your enemies with painful bursts of directed at such a location, the spell indicates an aura
divine light, dealing only half their usual damage, but strength of dim (even weaker than a faint aura). How
attracting their attention. Each time you strike an long the aura lingers at this dim level depends on its
opponent in melee combat, it must make a Will save or original power:
lose the ability to attack anyone but you until the
beginning of your next turn. Original Strength Duration of Lingering Aura
Faint 1d6 rounds
Searing Pain
School evocation [fire]; Level sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3 Moderate 1d6 minutes
Components V, S Strong 1d6 x 10 minutes
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels) Overwhelming 1d6 days
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous Each round, you can turn to sense demons in a new
Saving Throw Ref half; SR yes
area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of
Searing pain ignites the target's blood, causing
stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead or
immense pain and dealing 7d8 points of fire damage
3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
+1 point per caster level (maximum +15). In addition,
if the target fails its Reflex save, it takes a -2 penalty
on attack rolls, saves and skill checks for 1d4 rounds Serpent Ward
School conjuration [fire, totem]; Level shaman 3
due to immense pain. Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Sense Demon Range 0 ft.
School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 0, summoner 1, Target one creature/round
witch 0 Duration 1 round/level
Components V, S Saving Throw none; SR yes
Casting Time 1 standard action You conjure a magical totem and plant it in the
Range 60 ft. ground. A ghostly, red snake head sprouts from the
Area cone-shaped emanation totem and spits fireballs at enemy creatures within 30
Duration concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw none; SR no
You can detect the aura that surrounds demonic It makes one ranged touch attack per round. You
creatures. The amount of information revealed designate the totem's target as a free action each round.

The totem has the Precise Shot feat, and its attack This spell envelopes a target briefly in a cloud of dark
bonus is equal to your base attack bonus + your energy conjured from the netherworld. The target is
Wisdeom modifier. Each fireball deals 1d6 points of blinded for the duration of the spell. In addition, the
fire damage per three caster levels (maximum 5d6). target of the spell suffers 1d4+1 points of damage each
round while affected by the spell.
Shadow Bolt Material Component: The wing of a duskbat, dried
School evocation [fel]; Level bloodrager 3, magus 3, and ground into a fine powder.
sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Shadow Word Pain, Greater
Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level) School evocation; Level cleric/oracle 6, inquisitor 6
Target one creature As shadow word pain, except that the target
Duration instantaneous takes 3d4+1 points of damage.
Saving Throw Ref half; SR yes
You conjure a ball of burning shadow in your hand and Shadow Word Pain, Lesser
hurl it toward your target. This bolt of darkness strikes School evocation; Level cleric/oracle 1, inquisitor 1
the target for 1d8 points of fel damage per caster level As shadow word pain, except that the target
(maximum 10d8). takes 1d4+1 points of damage.

Shadow Bolt, Greater Shadowburn

School evocation [fel]; Level bloodrager 4, magus 5, School evocation [fel]; Level sorcerer/wizard 8, witch 8
sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5 Components V, S
This spell functions like shadow bolt, except that it Casting Time 1 immediate action
deals 1d8+1 points of fel damage per caster level Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
(maximum 15d8+15). Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Ref half; SR yes
Shadow Bolt, Lesser In times of desperation, a powerful necromancer or
School evocation [fel]; Level bloodrager 1, magus 1,
warlock can call the forces of darkness to his aid,
sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
blasting a single target with lacerating bolts of shadow.
This spell functions like shadow bolt, except that it
This spell deals 10d8 points of fel damage, +1 per
deals 1d4 points of fel damage plus 2 per caster level
caster level (maximum +20).
(maximum +10).
Shadow Protection School evocation [force]; Level bloodrager 3, inquisitor
School abjuration ; Level cleric/oracle 3. inquisitor 3 3, magus 3, shaman 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Components V, S Components V, S, M
Casting Time 1 standard action Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature touched Area 10-ft.-wide line to maximum range
Duration 1 minute/level Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fort negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless) Saving Throw Ref negates; SR no
A protective skin of light envelops the subject, The caster stomps or slams a staff or other weapon
shielding it from dark magic. The subject gains spell onto the ground, releasing a powerful shockwave that
resistance equal to 10 + caster level against spells with deals 1d6 points of force damage per caster level
the evil and/or fel descriptors. Fel spells do not get (maximum 10d6) to each creature within its area. The
their usual +10 bonus to overcome this spell wave begins at the caster's feet and extends along the
resistance. Even if such a spell pierces this spell ground. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier
resistance, any damage it deals is reduced by 10 shatters or breaks through it, the wave continues
points. beyond the barrier if the spell's range permits;
otherwise, it stops at the barrier. If the ground ends (at
Shadow Word Pain the edge of a cliff, for instance), the wave stops at the
School evocation; Level cleric/oracle 3, inquisitor 3 edge. Shockwave does not damage creatures that are
Components V, M
Casting Time 1 standard action
not in contact with the ground.
Range 90 feet Material Component: A piece of a shattered rock.
Target one creature
Duration 3 rounds Smite
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes

School evocation [good]; Level cleric/oracle 1, inquisitor 1 Saving Throw Fort partial (see below); SR yes
Components V, S A burning pillar of energy descends from the heavens,
Casting Time 1 standard action striking your target and continuing to burn it with raw
Range medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)
Target one creature
eldritch power. Starfire deals 8d8 points of damage, +2
Duration instantaneous points per caster level (maximum +20). If the target
Saving Throw none; SR yes fails its saving throw, it takes an additional 8 points of
A searing burst of argent light streaks from your hand damage per round for 5 rounds. This damage is of no
toward the target, dealing 1d4 points of holy damage particular type.
per 2 caster levels (maximum 5d4). Against undead Material Component: A drop of water from a
and demonic creatures, this spell deals double damage. moonwell.

Soulstone Stasis Trap

School conjuration (healing); Level witch 6 School conjuration [sonic, totem]; Level shaman 1
Components V, S, M, XP Components V, S
Casting Time 10 minutes Casting Time 1 standard action
Range personal Range 0 ft.
Effect one soulstone Target all creatures within a 20-ft.-radius burst centered on the
Duration special (see text) totem
By concentrating on a precious gem and infusing it Duration 1d4 rounds + 1 round/level (see text)
with soul energy, you can return yourself to life after Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes
being defeated. If a person carrying a soulstone is The caster conjures a magical totem and plants it in the
reduced to dead or dying status, he may choose to use ground. The totem is visible for 1d4 rounds before it
the soulstone to automatically return him to life with becomes invisible. Once invisible, the totem is active.
5% of his hit point total. The soulstone lasts until it is If an enemy creature moves within 10 feet of the
used. active totem within 1 round per caster level, it
Material Component: A precious onyx gem worth explodes in a shower of sparks. All enemies caught in
10,000 gp and a soul shard. the area are dazed for 1d4 rounds. A dazed creature
XP Cost: 1,500 XP. can take no actions but it defends itself normally.

Starfall Storm Hammer

School evocation [force]; Level cleric/oracle 9, School conjuration (creation) [force]; Level antipaladin
sorcerer/wizard 9 2, bloodrager 2, magus 2, paladin 2
Components V, S Components V, S, M
Casting Time 1 standard action Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature/round Effect one force hammer
Duration concentration, up to 1 round/level Duration see text
Saving Throw Ref half; SR yes Saving Throw see text; SR yes
You call down starlight that solidifies into destructive You conjure a magical force hammer and fling it at the
missiles of matter and energy. The missiles appear as target. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack to hit
searing stars from the air above the targets, rocketing the target. The hammer deals 2d6 points of force
down into them with devastating explosive power. For damage, +2d6 points of force damage for every three
each round you concentrate, you target two creatures, caster levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of 8d6 at 10 th
structures or objects with one starlight missile each level); if the target takes damage from the attack it is
that deals 10d6 points of force damage; a Reflex save dazed for 1 round. A dazed creature can take no
halves the damage. You can target different creatures actions, but it defends itself normally. A successful
each round or the same creatures repeatedly. However, Fortitude saving throw negates the daze effect.
you cannot target the same creature with both missiles Material Component: A tiny metal hammer.
in the same round.
Strength of Earth Totem
School conjuration [totem]; Level shaman 6
Starfire Components V, S
School evocation; Level druid 6 Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M Range 0 ft.
Casting Time 1 standard action Area 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on the totem
Range 90 ft. Duration 1 round/level
Target one creature Saving Throw Fort half (harmless); SR yes (harmless)
Duration see below
The totem emanates positive energy that spreads out in

all directions. You and all allies within the area gain a
+4 enhancement bonus to Strength. Tremor Totem
School conjuration (healing) [totem]; Level shaman 5
Summon Doomguard Components V, S
School conjuration (summoning) [evil]; Level Casting Time 1 standard action
sorcerer/wizard 8 Range 0 ft.
Components V, S Area 20-ft.-radius spread centered on the totem
Casting Time 1 round Duration 1 round/level
Range close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels) Saving Throw Fort half (harmless); SR yes (harmless)
Effect one summoned doomguard The totem emanates positive energy that spreads out in
Duration 1 round/level all directions. Each round, the totem removes one
This spell summons a doomguard. It appears where charm or fear effect on each ally in the area. In
you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It addition, the totem wakes up sleeping (magically or
attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you otherwise) allies immediately. Finally, the totem
can communicate with the doomguard, you can direct allows all allies in the area to make two saving throws
it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to against mind-affecting effects and choose the better
perform other actions. result.
The doomguard cannot summon or otherwise conjure
another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or Troll Flesh
planar travel abilities. It cannot use spells or spell-like School transmutation; Level bloodrager 2, shaman 2,
abilities that duplicate spells with expensive material witch 2
components (such as wish). Components V, S, M
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch
Thorn Shield Target living creature touched
School transmutation; Level druid 3 Duration 2 round/level
Components V, S Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless)
Casting Time 1 standard action You grant the target a bit of troll essence, enough for
Range touch her to heal more rapidly. The subject gains fast healing
Target creature touched
Duration 1 round/level (D) 1. If the subject already possessed fast healing, her rate
Saving Throw none; SR yes (see text) of healing improves by +1.
Thorns grow out of the subject's skin, armor and Material Components: A bit of troll blood.
clothing. The thorns themselves are not dangerous, but
they indicate that anyone attacking the protected Troll Flesh, Mass
creature is subject to magic retribution. Any creature School transmutation; Level shaman 6, witch 6
striking the subject in melee deals normal damage, but Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30
at the same time the attacker takes 1d6 points of ft. apart
piercing damage +1 point per caster level. If a creature This spell functions as troll flesh, but it affects
has spell resistance, it applies to this damage. multiple subjects.

Thunderclap Trueshot Aura

School evocation [sonic]; Level bloodrager 2, magus 2, School transmutation; Level inquisitor 2, paladin 2,
sorcerer/ wizard 2 ranger 2
Components V, S, M Components V, S, DF
Casting Time 1 standard action Casting Time 1 standard action
Range personal Range personal
Area 20-ft.-radius burst Area 20-ft.-radius emanation
Duration 1 round (see text) Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Fort negates; SR yes Saving Throw none; SR yes (harmless)
You slam the ground, causing an enormous thunder- You are surrounded by a glowing, blue-white aura that
like clap that ruptures enemies' ear drums. All grants keen insight to archers, crossbow-wielders and
creatures within the area (except you) take 1d8 points similar fighters.
of sonic damage per three caster levels (maximum Allies within the radius, including you, gain a +1
5d8). Creatures who take damage from this effect are insight bonus on attack rolls and a +2 insight bonus on
also inundated with jittering sonic energy and are damage rolls with ranged weapons. These bonuses
dazed for 1 full round. only apply if the target of the attack is within 30 feet of
Material Component: A small silver hammer. the character.

An ally gains these benefits only when in the spell's radius. An ally within the radius when the spell is cast
radius. An ally within the radius when the spell is cast retains the benefits only while she remains within the
retains the benefits only while he remains within the spell's radius. An ally who enters the radius after the
spell's radius. An ally who enters the radius after the spell is cast gains the benefits for as long as she
spell is cast gains the benefits for as long as he remains remains within the radius.
within the radius. Material Component: Powdered dreadlord horn.

Windfury Weapon Vengeance

School transmutation; Level shaman 9 School conjuration (summoning); Level witch 9
Components V, S Components V, S, M
Casting Time 1 standard action Casting Time 1 round
Range touch Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area weapon touched Effect one summoned avatar of vengeance and up to 1d4 plus 1
Duration 1 round/level per 3 cater levels spirits of vengeance
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless, object); SR yes (harmless, Duration 1 round/3 levels (D)
object) Saving Throw none; SR no
Windfury weapon enchants your weapon with a You moan in anguish and hatred, slashing yourself
powerful spirit of air, granting you two additional with a barbed dagger. As your blood strikes the
attacks per round with this weapon at your highest ground, an avatar of vengeance rises from it, with
base attack bonus. Unfortunately, your accuracy spirits of vengeance arising from your fallen
suffers as you focus on speed, and you take a -4 comrades, moving to strike down your enemies.
circumstance penalty on all attack rolls with the You deal 1d4 points of damage to yourself when
weapon. you cast this spell. This spell summons an avatar of
vengeance. In addition, this spell summons a number
Vampiric Aura of spirits of vengeance from the corpses of your fallen
School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 8, witch 8 allies. For each such corpse within range, a spirit of
Components V, S, M vengeance appears in that location, up to 1d4, +1 for
Casting Time 1 standard action every 3 caster levels. All of these creatures function as
Range personal
Area 20-ft.-radius emanation
if summoned by a summon monster spell, so they obey
Duration 1 round/2 level your commands.
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes (harmless) Note that the avatar of vengeance summoned by
The caster and allies within the spell's radius can drain this spell can use its create spawn ability freely, but
life with successful melee attacks. For each point of any spawn it creates vanish when the spell's duration
damage such an ally deals to a living creature with a expires.
melee attack, she gains 1 temporary hit point. An Material Component: A jagged knife crafted of flint
affected ally cannot gain more hit points from a single and obsidian with a ruby worth at least 1,500 gp in the
creature than that creature has (i.e., his current hit pommel. You slash yourself with the knife while
points + 10). These temporary hit points disappear 1 casting the spell. A shadowy, indistinct copy of the
hour later. knife appears in the left hand of the avatar the spell
An ally gains these benefits only when in the spell's summons.

ACE personal weaponry) if he is in a moving vehicle.
Alignment: Any. At 5th level, the ace's bonus on Knowledge
Affiliation: Any. (engineering) checks increases to +4, and at 10th level
Hit Die: d8. to +6. The bonus on ranged attack rolls increases as
well, to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 10th level.
Aerial Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level, the ace can pull
himself out of danger with ease while flying. He gains
Skills: Spot 4 ranks, Knowledge (engineering) 8
evasion, but only while piloting a flying vehicle. If the
ace already has evasion, then he gains improved
Feats: Vehicle Proficiency (air).
evasion, so long as he pilots a vehicle. At 8th level, the
ace gains improved evasion when piloting a flying
Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special
Shot on the Wing (Ex): At 3rd level, the ace learns
1st +0 +0 +1 +0 Ace's touch, vehicular how to fire on the move while piloting a vehicle.
mastery +2
When attacking from a moving vehicle, the ace may
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Aerial evasion make an attack at any point of the vehicle's movement,
3rd +2 +1 +2 +1 Shot on the wing so long as he moves in a straight line and the total
4th +3 +1 +2 +1 Dogfighting +2 distance traveled does not exceed the vehicle's current
5th +3 +2 +3 +2 Vehicular mastery +4
Dogfighting (Ex): At 4th level, an ace has mastered
6th +4 +2 +3 +2 Bombs away, pound the techniques of aerial defensive fighting, also known
as dogfighting. The ace and his craft gain a +2 dodge
7th +5 +2 +4 +2 Improved maneuverability bonus to AC so long as he is airborne. This bonus
8th +6 +3 +4 +3 Improved aerial evasion, applies even if the ace is flying under his own power,
dogfighting +4 such as from a fly spell or a rocket pack or the like.
9th +6 +3 +5 +3 Maximum burn At 8th level, this bonus increases to +4.
10th +7 +3 +5 +3 Improved bombs away, Bombs Away (Ex): At 6th level, an ace learns how
improved pound weakness, to maximize the effects of vehicular combat. An ace
vehicular mastery +4 deals an extra +1d6 points of damage with integrated
vehicle weapons and with explosives dropped, thrown
Class Skills or fired from vehicles. At 10th level, he deals an extra
The ace's class skills (and the key ability for each) are +2d6 points of damage.
Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Disable Pound Weakness (Ex): At 6th level, an ace's
Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), knowledge of vehicles allows him to exploit the
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), weaknesses in their construction. When he attacks a
Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), and Sense Motive vehicle, he ignores up to 5 points of the vehicle's
(Wis). hardness. At 10th level, he ignores up to 10 points of
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. hardness.
Improved Maneuverability (Ex): At 7th level, the
Class Features ace increases the maneuverability of any vehicle he
pilots by one grade. For example, a vehicle with a
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Aces are
maneuverability of average has a maneuverability of
proficient with simple weapons and light armor.
good in the ace's hands.
Ace's Touch (Ex): An ace adds his class levels to
Maximum Burn (Ex): At 9th level, the ace learns
his tinker levels to determine his Technological Limit,
how to maximize his engine's output, gaining a short
so long as he is building, upgrading, or creating an
burst of speed when he truly needs it but damaging his
add-on for a vehicle.
engine in the process. When piloting a vehicle, the ace
Vehicular Mastery (Ex): An ace is a master at
may attempt this ability as a free action. He makes a
piloting any vehicle he gets his hands on. At 1st level,
Knowledge (engineering) check (the DC equals the
an ace gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (engineering)
DC to control the vehicle). Success increases the
checks to pilot a vehicle. He also gains a +1 bonus on
vehicle's speed by +20%. The ace may run on
ranged attack rolls (whether from integrated or

maximum burn for a number of rounds equal to his to the range increment of bows she uses for each level
Intellect bonus (minimum 1 round). Afterward, his she possesses in the dark ranger prestige class. Thus,
vehicle's speed drops by -20% for 1 hour. This speed an 8th-level dark ranger with a composite longbow
reduction cannot be repaired. and the Far Shot feat would have a range increment of
245 feet ([110 feet x 1.5] + [8 x 10 feet] = 165 feet +
DARK RANGER 80 feet).
Alignment: Any non-good. Ranged Backstab (Ex): At 1st level, a dark ranger
Affiliation: Horde. may perform a sneak attack with any ranged weapon..
Hit Die: d8. This ability is like the rogue's sneak attack ability, but
may only be used with ranged weapons up to 60 feet
away. As you cannot flank with ranged weapons, this
skill may only be used on opponents who are denied
Race: Forsaken.
their Dexterity bonus to AC.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
A dark ranger's ranged backstab stacks with another
Skills: Stealth 3 ranks, Survival 3 ranks.
class's sneak attack and similar abilities so long as the
Feats: Point Blank Shot.
attack meets all the requirements of those abilities (for
example, a rogue's sneak attack will stack as long as
Class Skills the attack is made within 30 feet).
The dark ranger's class skills (and the key ability At 3th level, and every odd-numbered level
for each) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), thereafter, the dark ranger's ranged backstab deals an
Heal (Wis), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge additional +1d6 damage, up to a maximum of +5d6 at
(nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), 9th level.
Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). Heightened Perception (Ex): At 2nd level, a dark
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. ranger's senses grow sharper. The dark ranger gains a
bonus equal to half her class level on Perception
Class Features checks.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dark rangers are Shadowmeld (Ex): At 2nd level, the dark ranger
proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and learns how to fade into dark conditions, wrapping
with light armor. They are also proficient in the use of herself with shadows. At night or in low-light
arrows as melee weapons, and do not suffer the environments, the dark ranger gains a +10
standard -4 penalty for using an arrow as a weapon in circumstance bonus on Stealth checks to hide while
melee combat. stationary.
Spells: A dark ranger gains the ability to cast a Keen Arrows (Ex): At 4th level, the dark ranger
small number of divine spells per day. To cast a spell, doubles the threat range of all arrows and bolts she
a dark ranger must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 fires. This feature does not stack with other threat
+ the spell's level. She may prepare and cast any spell range adjustments such as Improved Critical or the
from the dark ranger spell list, provided that she can keen weapon property.
cast spells of that level. In addition, she receives bonus Swift Tracker (Ex): A dark ranger of 5th level or
spells per day if she has a high Wisdom score. When a higher can move at her normal speed while following
dark ranger gets 0 spells of a given level, she gets only tracks without taking the standard -5 penalty. She takes
bonus spells available due to a high Wisdom. A dark only a -10 penalty (instead of the standard -20) when
ranger prepares and casts spells under the same moving at up to twice her normal speed while
guidelines as a cleric. tracking. If a dark ranger already possesses swift
Archery Combat Style (Ex): At 1st level, the dark tracker from another class, these penalties are adjusted
ranger receives Rapid Shot as a bonus feat. At 6th to -2 and -5, respectively.
level, she gains Manyshot. At 10th level, she receives Bow Strike (Ex): At 6th level, a dark ranger may
Improved Precise Shot. She can use these feats even if use her bow in melee combat without risk of damaging
she does not meet the prerequisites, but she cannot use the bow. A longbow functions as a quarterstaff, and a
these feats as prerequisites for other feats or abilities shortbow functions as a club. The bow's enhancement
unless she meets their prerequisites. bonuses and masterwork quality do not grant bonuses
The dark ranger may make use of feats gained via on melee attacks, nor do any special abilities from
the archery combat style only when wearing light or enchantments or the like.
no armor. Anticipation (Ex): At 8th level, the dark ranger can
Extended Range (Ex): Starting at 1st level, after notice the tiny movements of her enemies along with
all multipliers are applied, a dark ranger adds +10 feet

other visual and auditory cues that allow her to react The demon hunter's class skills (and the key ability for
more quickly in combat. She gains a +4 competence each) are Acrobatics (Dex), Craft (Int), Escape Artist
bonus on initiative checks. (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int),
In addition, the dark ranger may select on creature Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense
each round on her turn. For 1 round, that creature may Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Spellcraft (Int).
not make attacks of opportunity against her or count as Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
flanking her.
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): A dark ranger of 9th level Class Features
or greater can use the Stealth skill to hide even when Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Demon hunters
being observed. As long as she is within 10 feet of gain no proficiency in weapons or armor. In addition,
some sort of shadow, she can hide from view without wearing armor heavier than light impedes some demon
actually having anything to hide behind. She cannot, hunter special abilities, as described below. Demon
however, hide in her own shadow. hunters rely on speed and agility rather than layers of
Arrow Cleave (Ex): A bow in the hands of a 10th- steel plating.
level dark ranger becomes a weapon capable of shots Demonic Aura (Ex): The demon hunter registers as
with incredible power and precision. If the dark ranger a demon to characters using sense demons. They sense
deals enough damage with a fired arrow to make a her as a demon of Hit Dice equal to her demon hunter
creature drop (typically by dropping it below 0 hit level.
points or killing it), the arrow continues in a straight Enlightenment (Su): As part of the ceremony to
line and targets the next creature int its path if it is become a demon hunter, the initiate burns out her eyes
within the same increment as the original target. Make with a magic blade to entrap a demonic essence within
separate rolls to hit and damage the second target. The her body. Most demon hunters then bind their
dark ranger can use this ability once per round. mutilated eyes with strips of cloth.
In return for this sacrifice, the demon hunter gains
Dark Ranger Spell List the ability to see the world without vision — creatures
Dark rangers draw their spells from the forces of are visible as dimly glowing forms against a gray and
darkness and death. The dark ranger's spell list features murky background. Demonic energy blazes like
plenty of necromantic spells, as well as several curses burning pitch in the night; the demon hunter sees and
that wrack the bodies and enslave the minds of their recognizes it easily.
enemies. The enlightenment ability grants the demon hunter
1st – cause fear, charm person, cure light wounds, blindsight in a 30-foot radius, though she loses her
doom, inflict light wounds, lesser shadow word pain*, normal vision. Also, she senses demons within the
magic weapon, blendARG range of her blindsight as if she had the sense demon
2nd – black arrow*, cat's grace, cure moderate spell active. She gains information from this effect as
wounds, darkness, death knell, owl's wisdom, inflict if she had concentrated on it for 3 rounds (i.e., she
moderate wounds, silence senses the location and strength of each aura), even
3rd – banshee's curse*, contagion, cure serious though she doesn't have to concentrate on it at all. An
wounds, deeper darkness, inflict serious wounds, aura's power never stuns the demon hunter.
poison, shadow word pain*, suggestion The range of the demon hunter's enlightenment
4th – bestow curse, cure critical wounds, drain increases to 45 feet at 4th level and 60 feet at 8th level.
life*, dominate person, freedom of movement, inflict Note that, as this ability is supernatural, in an area
critical wounds of magic suppression (such as an anti-magic field), the
demon hunter is blind.
DEMON HUNTER Evasion (Ex): The demon hunter gains the evasion
Alignment: Any chaotic. special ability. If she already has evasion, she gains
Affiliation: Any. improved evasion instead.
Hit Die: d10. Warblade (Su): The demon hunter can channel the
chaos energy within her into a melee weapon to
increase its powers. Any melee weapon she wields is
considered magic and gains an additional +1
Base Attack Bonus: +3
enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. (This
Skills: Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4
ability cannot increase a magic weapon's enhancement
bonus beyond +5.)
Demon Bane (Su): At 2nd level, the demon hunter
Class Skills

controls her demonic energy to blast its own kind her demon hunter level, and the save DC for the orb of
when they leave themselves open to attack. If a demon annihilation splash damage is 10 + her demon hunter
is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC or if the demon level + her Charisma modifier.
hunter flanks it, she deals an extra +1d6 points of Demonic Ascendance (Ex): At 10th level, the
damage to it with melee attacks. (A demon is an demon hunter's gradual evolution achieves its pinnacle
outsider with the demon subtype.) This extra damage as she becomes a demonic entity. Her appearance has
increases by +1d6 at 4th level and every second level changed to something frightening: The exact changes
thereafter. vary, but can include glowing red eyes; horns; non-
Artful Dodge (Ex): Demon hunters hone their functioning wings; cloven hooves; a spiked tail; dark
speed and maneuverability to overcome their foes. At skin; a deep, rumbling voice; and similar cosmetic
2nd level, when the demon hunter is wearing light changes. The demon hunter becomes an outsider, and
armor or no armor, she gains a +1 dodge bonus to her gains the demon and native subtypes. Since she is no
Armor Class. She loses this bonus in any situation that longer a humanoid (or whatever she was before),
makes her lose her Dexterity bonus to AC. This bonus spells that specifically target humanoids (like hold
increases by +1 at 4th level and every second level person) no longer affect the demon hunter.
thereafter. Greater Warblade (Su): At 10th level, the demon
Mana Burn (Sp): At 2nd level, the demon hunter hunter is adept at channeling demonic energy into her
can use mana burn as a spell-like ability once per day. weapons. Any melee weapon she wields is considered
Her caster level is equal to her demon hunter level, and magic and gains an additional +3 enhancement bonus
the save DC is 10 + her demon hunter level + her on attack and damage rolls. (This ability cannot
Charisma modifier. The demon hunter can use this increase a magic weapon's enhancement bonus beyond
ability twice per day at 5th level and three times per +5.) In addition, the weapons' green-yellow flames
day at 8th level. deal fel damage instead of fire damage. This means
Demon Drain (Su): At 3rd level, the demon hunter that creatures with resistance or immunity to fire still
can drain a demon's energy to fuel her own powers. take damage from the flames.
Whenever she strikes a demon in melee combat and
deals at least 20 points of damage, she can use her FEL-SWORN
immolation or mana burn ability one additional time Alignment: Any non-good.
that day. If she deals 50 points of damage to a demon Affiliation: Any.
in a single melee attack, and she is at least a 7th-level Hit Die: d10.
demon hunter, she can use dark metamorphosis one
additional time that day.
Immolation (Sp): At 3rd level, the demon hunter
Special: Must have been exposed to fel poison,
can use immolation as a spell-like ability once per day.
demon blood, or spells using fel energies.
Her caster level is equal to her demon hunter level.
Base Attack Bonus: +3, or Spellcasting: Able to
The demon hunter can use this ability twice per day at
cast 2nd-level arcane spells.
6th level and three times per day at 9th level.
Improved Warblade (Su): At 5th level, the demon
hunter becomes more proficient in channeling Class Skills
demonic energy into her weapons. Any melee weapon The fel-sworn's class skills (and the key ability for
she wields is considered magic and gains an additional each) are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise
+2 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha),
(This ability cannot increase a magic weapon's Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense
enhancement bonus beyond +5.) In addition, on Motive (Wis), and Stealth (Dex).
command, any melee weapon she wields is sheathed in Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
green-yellow flames. These flames deal an additional
+1d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit. Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special
Improved Evasion (Ex): At 6th level, a demon
hunter gains the improved evasion special ability. If 1st +1 +0 +1 +0 Fel boon, sworn
she already has improved evasion, she gains no 2nd +2 +1 +1 +1 Fel boon
additional benefit. 3rd +3 +1 +2 +1 Fel boon
Dark Metamorphosis (Sp): At 7th level, the
4th +4 +1 +2 +1 Fel boon
demon hunter can use dark metamorphosis as a spell-
like ability once per day. Her caster level is equal to 5th +5 +2 +3 +2 Fel boon

bludgeoning damage.
Class Features Scabrous Hide (Ex): The fel-sworn's hide grows
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Fel-sworn do scaly and thick. He gains a +3 enhancement bonus to
not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies. natural armor. He also suffers a -3 penalty on
Fel Boon: At each level, a fel-sworn gains the Charisma-based skill checks, except for Intimidate.
opportunity to select a special trait from among those Spiny Tail (Ex): The spiny tail of the fel-sworn aids
described below. Treat fel natural weapons as magical in balance and grants him a +2 bonus on Balance
weapons for the purposes of striking creatures with checks. The tail also sports sharp spines. This natural
damage resistance. weapon deals 1d6 points of piercing damage.
Fel Breath (Ex): The fel-sworn can actually breathe Darkvision (Ex): The fel-sworn gains darkvision
a burst of fel fire from his lungs. This cone-shaped out to 60 feet.
burst of green flame deals 1d4 points of fel fire Sworn (Su): Fel-sworn are treated as evil outsiders
damage per level of Fel-Sworn. A successful Reflex who are native to the Twisting Nether in addition to
saving throw (DC 10 + the fel-sworn's level + the fel- their actual creature type and alignment for the
sworn's Charisma modifier) results in half damage. purposes of spells and abilities that affect evil
Fel Fangs (Ex): The fel-sworn grows a pair of outsiders. This includes spells like planar binding and
fangs. These natural weapons inflict 1d4 + Strength banishment.
modifier points of fel piercing damage.
Fel Talons (Ex): The fel-sworn grows a pair of long SHADOW HUNTER
black talons. These natural weapons inflict 1d6 + Alignment: Any neutral.
Strength modifier points of fel slashing damage. Affiliation: Horde.
Fel Wings (Ex): Wings sprout from the back of the Hit Die: d8.
felsworn. While at first these wings are relatively
useless, for every level that the fel-sworn chooses to Requirements
take this power, the wings grow in effectiveness. The Race: Troll.
wings begin with a maneuverability of clumsy and a Base Attack Bonus: +4.
flight speed of 20 feet (4 squares). Each time the fel- Skills: Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks, Survival 2
sworn takes fel wings, he may increase either the ranks.
maneuverability by one class (for instance from Spells: Ability to cast 1st-level divine spells.
clumsy to poor) or the speed by +10 feet.
Hellish Growth (Ex): The fel-sworn grows in size to
Class Skills
the next size category. The fel-sworn's space and reach
The shadow hunter's class skills (and the key ability
change as appropriate for his new size category. In
for each) are Climb (Str), Heal (Wis), Intimidate
addition to the standard changes for size, the fel-sworn
(Cha), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion)
gains +4 Strength, +2 Constitution and -2 Wisdom.
(Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis),
Horns (Ex): Twisted horns grow from the fel-
and Swim (Str).
sworn's brow. These horns are natural weapons that
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
inflict 1d6 + Strength modifier points of fel
Spells per Day
Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st +0 +1 +1 +0 Archery combat style, extended range, ranged backstab +1d6 0 – – –
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Heightened perception, shadowmeld 1 – – –
3rd +2 +2 +2 +1 Ranged backstab +2d6 1 0 – –
4th +3 +2 +2 +1 Keen arrows 1 1 – –
5th +3 +3 +3 +2 Swift tracker, ranged backstab +3d6 1 1 0 –
6th +4 +3 +3 +2 Bow strike 1 1 1 –
7th +5 +4 +4 +2 Ranged backstab +4d6 2 1 1 0
8th +6 +4 +4 +3 Anticipation 2 1 1 1
9th +6 +5 +5 +3 Hide in plain sight, ranged backstab +5d6 2 2 1 1
10th +7 +5 +5 +3 Arrow cleave, archery combat style 2 2 2 1

Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +0 +1 +1 Demonic aura, enlightenment, evasion, warblade
2nd +2 +1 +1 +1 Demon bane (+1d6), artful dodge +1, mana burn 1/day
3rd +3 +1 +2 +2 Demon drain, immolation 1/day
4th +4 +1 +2 +2 Demon bane (+2d6), dodge +2, enlightenment (45 ft.)
5th +5 +2 +3 +3 Improved warblade, mana burn 2/day
6th +6 +2 +3 +3 Demon bane (+3d6), dodge +3, immolation 2/day, improved
7th +7 +2 +4 +4 Dark metamorphosis 1/day
8th +8 +3 +4 +4 Demon bane (+4d6), dodge +4, enlightenment (60 ft.),
mana burn 3/day
9th +9 +3 +5 +5 Immolation 3/day
10th +10 +3 +5 +5 Demon bane (+5d6), demonic ascendance, dodge +5,
greater warblade

Class Features number of rounds equal to his shadow hunter level.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Shadow hunters Healing Wave (Su): Lukou is the loa of helaing and
are proficient with all simple weapons as well as with respite, and she grants the ability to heal allies. With a
light armor. word, the shadow hunter invokes healing with a wave
Spells: When a new shadow hunter level is gained, of soothing light.
the character gains new spells per day as if he had also The shadow hunter can target any ally within 30
gained a level in a divine spellcasting class he feet with the healing wave. It heals the target and then
belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does bounces to the next ally within 10 feet. The wave
not, however, gain other benefits a character of that travels from ally to ally (on a path designated by the
class would have gained, except for additional spells shadow hunter) as long as each one is within 10 feet of
per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous one other. If the healing wave is unable to reach other
spellcaster), and an increased effective level of allies, it travels back to heal the previous target,
spellcasting. If a character had more than one following its path back to the shadow hunter. The
spellcasting class before becoming a shadow hunter, wave's healing effects are instantaneous.
he must decide to which class he adds the new level The ability initially cures 1d8 points of damage + 1
for purposes of determining spells per day. point per shadow hunter level; the die type diminishes
Spirit of the Loa: The voodoo faith of the shadow as the wave travels between allies – 1d8, then 1d6,
hunter deals with communing with beings called loa. then 1d4, then stopping at 1 point +1 point per shadow
These spirits are mightier than elementals, but not hunter level. The die type increases to 1d10 when the
quite as powerful as gods. The shadow hunter uses the shadow hunter reaches 5th level, and 1d12 at 10th
loa's granted abilities to combat darkness or heal those level.
in need. Unless otherwise specified all loa abilities are This ability does not heal by channeling positive
standard actions. energy as most healing abilities do, and so can be used
These abilities may be used a combined total to heal undead, but not harm them.
number of times per day equal to 3 + his Wisdom Hex (Su): Ogoun, the loa of war, teaches the
modifier (minimum 1). shadow hunter to place dire curses upon his enemies.
The shadow hunter can choose to learn one of the This loa ability requires 5th level to learn.
following abilities at every odd-numbered level, and The shadow hunter may change a single targeted
10th level: individual into a frog. This ability functions exactly
Battle Stride (Su): The loa Legba is a master of like the spell baleful polymorph except as noted here.
swift motion. Through him, the shadow hunter learns A Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + the shadow
to move with great speed. He can imbue a number of hunter's level + the shadow hunter's Wisdom bonus)
allies equal to his shadow hunter level with a +4 bonus negates the hex. The effect lasts for 1 round for every
on initiative checks and an additional 10 feet to their two shadow hunter levels. The affected target takes on
speed. These allies must be within 30 feet of him when the form of a frog, but retains its hit points, Hit Dice,
he uses this ability. The effects of this ability last for a and saving throws. When changed to or from the frog

shape, the target does not provoke an attack of
opportunity. Summoned creatures are immune to this Class Base Fort Ref Will
ability. Level Attack Save Save Save Special
Serpentine Form (Su): The loa of serpents and 1st +0 +1 +0 +0 Tinker's touch
treachery, Dambala teaches the shadow hunter to move 2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Armor bond +1
swiftly and quietly by changing his shape into a
3rd +2 +2 +1 +1 Improve armor
serpent or snake. This ability functions like the
polymorph spell, except as noted here. The effect lasts 4th +3 +2 +1 +1 Armor bond +2
for 1 hour for every shadow hunter level, or until the 5th +3 +3 +2 +2 Bonus feat
shadow hunter chooses to change back. Changing 6th +4 +3 +2 +2 Armor bond +3
form (to serpent or back) is a standard action and does
7th +5 +4 +2 +2 Combat feat
not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Smite Undead (Su): Samedi is the loa of cemeteries 8th +6 +4 +3 +3 Armor bond +4
and the restful sleep of the dead. The undead are an 9th +6 +5 +3 +3 Advance armor
abomination in his eyes. Using this ability allows the 10th +7 +5 +3 +3 Armor bond +5, bonus feat
shadow hunter to add his class level to a single attack
and damage roll against an undead creature.
Stormspear (Su): The realm of storms is controlled Requirements
by Shango, and he guards the secrets of lightning and Skills: Craft (mechanical) 5 ranks, Knowledge
mayhem. By channeling the loa's fury, the shadow (engineering) 5 ranks.
hunter throws a lightning bolt that does 1d4 electricity Feats: Vehicle Proficiency (steam armor).
damage +1 point of damage per shadow hunter level. Special: A character must have a suit of steam
This attack requires a range touch attack; there is no armor upon gaining his first level as a steam warrior.
saving throw.
Class Skills
SHADOW HUNTER SPELL LIST The steam warrior's class skills (and the key ability for
Shadow hunters learn magic that hinders enemies each) are Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Knowledge
and aids allies, gaining a mix of spells that delve into (engineering) (Int), and Perception (Wis).
the more occult aspects of the loa. Add the following Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
spells to the class spell list of any divine spellcasting
class the shadow hunter had before taking levels in this Class Features
prestige class: Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Steam warriors
1st – detect undead, roar*, sentry ward*, blendARG, gain proficiency with simple weapons and light armor.
sleep, stasis trap* Tinker's Touch (Ex): The hero's steam warrior
2nd – call of the spirits*, cause fear, command, levels count as engineer levels when calculating the
cripple, remove fear maximum Technological Limit of any technological
3rd – clairaudience/clairvoyance, deep slumber, device he builds.
healing ward*, speak with dead, stitch*, voodoo Armor Bond (Ex): At 2nd level, a steam warrior
spirits* gains a competence bonus on Knowledge
4th – arcane eye, confusion, crushing despair, (engineering) checks when applied to a suit of steam
detect scrying, scrying armor to which he has bonded. He gains the same
5th – disrupting weapon, mark of justice*, symbol bonus on attack rolls with the steam armor's melee and
of pain, symbol of sleep ranged weapons. This bonus is equal to half his steam
6th – lightning monsoon*, mass cripple*, symbol of warrior level.
fear, undeath to death To bond with a suit of steam armor, the steam
7th – control weather, greater scrying, insanity, warrior must have operated it for at least one month.
symbol of stunning Minor changes and upgrades to the steam armor don't
8th – symbol of death, symbol of insanity affect the bond, but if the steam warrior switches to
9th – big bad voodoo*, storm of vengeance steam armor with a different configuration, he must
operate it for at least one month before he can bond
STEAM WARRIOR with it. A steam warrior can bond with only one steam
Alignment: Any. armor suit at a time.
Affiliation: Any. Improve Armor (Ex): At 3rd level, a steam warrior
Hit Die: d8. can upgrade the steam armor to which he is bonded,

adding weapons, shields, or systems. A steam warrior 9th +9 +3 +5 +3 Improve spell-like ability
can add equipment that raises the overall Technology 10th +10 +3 +5 +3 Quicken spell-like ability,
Score of his steam armor by up to +3. vengeance
The steam warrior does not have to make Craft
checks, nor does he have to spend money to add this
Class Skills
equipment. He is assumed to have been tinkering
The warden's class skills (and the key ability for each)
diligently with spare parts over the past several levels,
are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft
and this feature represents his efforts coming to
(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Perception
(Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival
Bonus Feat: A steam warrior gains a bonus feat at
(Wis), and Swim (Str).
5th level and 10th level. This feat must be a
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
technology feat or an Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat
that allows him to wield a technological weapon. A
steam warrior must meet all prerequisites for his bonus Class Features
feat. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Wardens are
Combat Feat: The steam warrior gains a bonus proficient with all simple weapons and with the
combat feat at 7th level. A steam warrior must meet all moonglaive, umbra crescent, and warglaive. They gain
prerequisites for a bonus feat. no proficiency with armor.
Advance Armor (Ex): At 9th level, a steam warrior Bonus Feats: At 1st and 8th level, the warden gains
can upgrade a steam armor to which he is bonded, a bonus feat chosen from the following list. The
adding weapons, shields, or systems. A steam warrior warden must meet all prerequisites of the feat she
can add equipment that raises the overall Technology chooses, as normal. Careful Strike, Combat Reflexes,
Score of his steam armor by up to +6. Counterattack, Dodge, Improved Critical, Improved
The steam warrior does not have to make Craft Feint, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Punishing Blow,
checks, nor does he have to spend money to add this Spring Attack.
equipment. He is assumed to have been tinkering Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Many of the warden's
diligently with spare parts over the past several levels, powers focus on her numerous spell-like abilities.
and this feature represents his efforts coming to Each time the warden gains a level in warden, she
fruition. chooses a spell-like ability from the list below. She can
use these spell-like abilities a number of times per day
equal to her warden level, and can mix them in any
WARDEN way she likes. You may find it helpful to imagine that
Alignment: Any. the warden possesses “warden points” (or spell points
Affiliation: Alliance. or mana or something). Each day, she has a number of
Hit Die: d10. points equal to her warden level. She can spend a point
to use any of the spell-like abilities she knows.
Requirements Her caster level with these abilities equals her
Race: Night elf. warden level + her night elf racial levels. Save DCs,
Base Attack Bonus: +4 where appropriate, are (10 + her warden level + her
Skills: Stealth 8 ranks, Survival 4 ranks. night elf racial levels + her Charisma modifier).
Feats: Track, Weapon Finesse. Some spell-like abilities have a level requirement
that the warden must meet before she can take them.
Class Base Fort Ref Will These are listed below. For example, to take the
Level Attack Save Save Save Special shadow strike spell-like ability, the warden must be at
1st +1 +0 +1 +0 Bonus feat, spell-like least 6th level.
abilities The warden can choose from the following spell-
2nd +2 +1 +1 +1 Improved weapon finesse like abilities: circle of knives* (2nd), dimension blink*
3rd +3 +1 +2 +1 Improve spell-like ability (6th), disguise self, doom, lesser faerie fire*, lesser
inner fire*, mind vision* (2nd), mirror image (2nd),
4th +4 +1 +2 +1 Extend spell-like ability
pass without trace, see invisibility (2nd), blendARG,
5th +5 +2 +3 +2 Greater weapon finesse silence (2nd), silent image, and stasis trap.
6th +6 +2 +3 +2 Improve spell-like ability Improved Weapon Finesse (Ex): At 2nd level, the
7th +7 +2 +4 +2 Empower spell-like ability warden is adept at wielding even large weapons with
speed and accuracy. She chooses a single type of one-
8th +8 +3 +4 +3 Bonus feat
handed weapon with which she is proficient, such as

moon sword. She can use her Weapon Finesse feat bonus feat.
with that weapon. Vengeance (Sp): At 10th level, the warden can use
Improve Spell-Like Ability (Ex): At 3rd, 6th, and vengeance as a spell-like ability. Doing so uses eight
9th level, the warden improves one of her spell-like uses of her other spell-like abilities (8 warden points).
abilities, increasing its power. She selects one spell- Her caster level equals her warden level + her night elf
like ability from the following list, which she racial levels.
possesses. That spell-like ability becomes a different,
more powerful spell-like ability, as shown below. WITCH DOCTOR
Some spell-like abilities can be improved several Alignment: Any non-good.
times. In addition, you can select lesser shadow strike Affiliation: Horde.
or shadow strike and allow the spell-like ability to Hit Die: d6.
function for thrown piercing or slashing weapons as
well as slashing melee weapons. If you do so, the spell
does not otherwise improve. (That is, if you select
Race: Troll.
lesser shadow strike, you can choose to turn it into
Skills: Craft (alchemy) 4 ranks.
shadow strike or allow it to function with thrown
Feats: Brew Potion.
weapons, not both).
Spells: Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells.
Circle of knives: greater circle of knives*.
Disguise self: alter self.
Lesser faerie fire: faerie fire, greater faerie fire*. Class Skills
Lesser inner fire*: inner fire*, greater inner fire*. The witch doctor's class skills (and the key ability for
BlendARG: invisibility, greater invisibility. each) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis),
Silent image: minor image, major image. Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcane) (Int),
Extend Spell-Like Ability (Ex): At 4th level, the Knowledge (nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft
warden gains Extend Spell-Like Ability as a bonus (Int).
feat. Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Greater Weapon Finesse (Ex): At 5th level, the
warden's strikes rely on precision and speed for power, Class Features
rather than raw strength. With any weapon with which Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Witch doctors
she can use Weapon Finesse, she can add her Dexterity do not gain any additional weapon or armor
bonus, rather than her Strength bonus, on damage proficiencies.
rolls. She also adds her Dexterity bonus on damage Spells: Every even-numbered level the witch doctor
rolls with one-handed ranged weapons, such as thrown gains, the character gains new spells per day as if he
weapons. had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class
Empower Spell-Like Ability (Ex): At 7th level, he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He
the warden gains Empower Spell-Like Ability as a does not, however, gain other benefits a character of
bonus feat. that class would have gained, except for additional
Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Ex): At 10th level, spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous
the warden gains Quicken Spell-Like Ability as a spellcaster), and an increased effective level of
Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spells per Day
1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Spirit of the loa +1 level of divine spellcasting class
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 – +1 level of divine spellcasting class
3rd +2 +1 +1 +2 Spirit of the loa +1 level of divine spellcasting class
4th +3 +1 +1 +2 – +1 level of divine spellcasting class
5th +3 +2 +2 +3 Spirit of the loa +1 level of divine spellcasting class
6th +4 +2 +2 +3 – +1 level of divine spellcasting class
7th +5 +2 +2 +4 Spirit of the loa +1 level of divine spellcasting class
8th +6 +3 +3 +4 – +1 level of divine spellcasting class
9th +6 +3 +3 +5 Spirit of the loa +1 level of divine spellcasting class
10th +7 +3 +3 +5 Spirit of the loa +1 level of divine spellcasting class

spellcasting. If a character had more than one the witch doctor's level + the witch doctor's Int
spellcasting class before becoming a witch doctor, he modifier) or become shaken. Using this ability is a
must decide to which class he adds the new level for full-round action, requires concentration, and provokes
purposes of determining spells per day. attacks of opportunity. It lasts for as long as the witch
Ward Craft (Ex): At 1st level, totem spells cast by doctor can concentrate. Creatures who are deaf are
the witch doctor gain a bonus to AC, hardness, and hit immune to this ability. It is a mind-affecting effect.
points equal to his Int modifier. Bambe Brew (Ex): The bambe brew is a secret
Shaka Brew (Ex): The witch doctor's seething recipe that extends the effectiveness of magical
cauldron contains a hallucinogenic mixture of herbs, potions. Upon attaining 6th level, whenever the witch
poisons, crushed insects, and other noxious materials. doctor brews a potion, he can pay an additional 50%
At 2nd level, he may add drops of this shaka brew to the normal XP cost to make two potions instead of
improve the efficiency of any potion or alchemical one. Making a potion with both shaka and bambe brew
item he creates. The shaka brew maximizes all is possible. Apply the XP cost of the shaka brew
variable, numeric effects of the witch doctor's potions before calculating the cost of using the bambe brew.
or alchemical items. Saving throws and opposed rolls Drinking bambe brew potions leaves the imbiber
are not affected, nor are potions without random with a faint crawling sensation over her skin.
variables. Drinking a potion treated with the shaka Heap Bad Juju (Su): At 7th level, the witch doctor
brew leaves the imbiber with a euphoric buzz. leanrs to heap bad juju upon his foes. This ability
Using the shaka brew as an additive increases the functions exactly like the bad juju ability, but harmful
cost of brewing the potion by 5 XP per spell level. touch or enchantment (compulsion) spells of any level
Creating an alchemical item invigorated by shaka brew can affect the doll. The proper components are still
increases the DC of creation by +5. required to make the doll.
Bad Juju (Su): Creating curses is a specialty of the Zuvembi Brew (Ex): At 9th level, the witch doctor
witch doctor. At 3rd level, the witch doctor can make a can add drops of this brew to any potion. The brew
deadly doll of wax or tallow containing a specific creates a powerful suggestive state in the imbiber that
person's hair, skin, or blood (1 hit point worth). He can he can trigger and control.
affect the target with a harmful touch attack spell or For 1d4 days after drinking a zuvembi brew potion,
any single enchantment (compulsion) spell of up to the imbiber can be dominated by the witch doctor as if
3rd level as long as the person is on the same plane. under the effects of the dominate monster spell, with
The doll disintigrates after a touch attack or once the the following differences. The witch doctor may
duration of the enchantment spell has passed. trigger this domination as a free action as long as he is
The target may make any allowable saving throws within line of sight of the target. If successful, the
with a penalty equal to the witch doctor's level. The domination lasts a number of days equal to the witch
target is considered flat-footed for the purposes of any doctor's level. The witch doctor can dominate a
spells. The witch doctor can have a maximum number maximum number of beings equal to his Int modifier
of dolls equal to his Int modifier at any one time. at one time.
Voodoo Weapon (Ex): At 4th level, the witch A potion treated with the zuvembi brew costs 100
doctor chooses a simple wooden weapon (e.g., staff, times its normal cost in ingredients (XP costs are
club, spear, or javelin) that he prefers. He can infuse normal). Drinking a zuvembi brew potion leaves the
the weapon with alchemical reagents and various imbiber feeling as if she were walking about in a
toxins and clays. Once per day, as a full-round action, dream.
he may imbue the weapon with the frost, flaming, or Death Rattle (Sp): At 10th level, the juju of the
thundering special weapon properties. This ability lasts witch doctor becomes potent enough to kill.
for a number of rounds equal to his class level. Anyone The arcane focus required to use this ability is a
other than the witch doctor who attempts to use the death gourd, which must be cured and carved by the
weapon while it is active suffers the ill effects of the witch doctor himself using bizarre and disgusting
weapon's special properties. components worth 2,500 gp (the focus is not
Preparing a new voodoo weapon takes 1 month and consumed when this aiblity is used, but the gourd is
1,000 gp worth of alchemical reagents. fragile and merits special care).
Doom Rattle (Sp): Upon reaching 5th level, the Once per day, the witch doctor can rattle his death
witch doctor can shake and rattle the gourds and gourd, targeting a number of living creatures equal to 1
necklaces that he carries to create a frightening + his Int modifier in a 20-foot radius. The closest
rhythmic effect. Any foe within a 60-foot-radius who creatures are affected first. Each listener must make a
hears the doom rattle must make a Will save (DC 10 + Fortitude save (DC 10 + the witch doctor's level + his

Int modifier). Creatures with fewer than 3 Hit Dice die arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before adding
immediately on a failed save; success means they the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other
suffer 6d10 points of damage. Creatures with 3-9 HD benefits a character of that class would have gained,
take 6d10 points of damage on a failed save, and half except for additional spells per day, spells known (if
damage if successful. Creatures with 10 HD or more he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased
suffer 6d10 damage on a failed save, and no damage if effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more
successful. Creatures who are deaf are immune to this than one spellcasting class before becoming a warlock,
effect, however the damage is not sonic. This ability is he must decide to which class he adds the new level
a mind-affecting effect. for purposes of determining spells per day.
Demonic Companion: A warlock binds a demon
WITCH DOCTOR SPELL LIST into his service, similar to a druid's bond with an
Much like a wizard, the witch doctor relies on his animal companion. The demon acts as loyal to the
ability to bend nature to his will. Juju secrets can only warlock (though, ultimately, is loyal only to the
go so far, though. Add the following spells to the class Burning Legion). The demonic companion's abilities,
spell list of any arcane spellcasting class the witch feats, Hit Dice, and skills advance as the warlock
doctor had before taking levels in this prestige class: advances in level. If the demon is slain while bound to
1st – cure light wounds, inflict light wounds, lesser the warlock, it returns to the Twisting Nether in an
confusion, roar*, sentry ward*, stasis trap*, lesser incorporeal form where it must remain for 24 hours.
trueshot aura*, war drums* The warlock may perform a 1-hour ritual to conjure
2nd – cure moderate wounds, heroism, inflict his companion from any place or plane.
moderate wounds, troll flesh* At 1st level, the warlock may only choose an imp
3rd – confusion, cure serious wounds, delay poison, for his demonic companion. At 2nd level, and each
healing ward*, inflict serious wounds, serpent ward*, level thereafter, the warlock gains an additional choice
trueshot aura* for demonic companion. He may only have one
4th – cure critical wounds, inflict critical wounds, demonic companion bound to him at any one time.
modify memory, neutralize poison, poison Changing demonic companions requires a 24-hour
5th – greater heroism, greater trueshot aura*, heal, ritual and material components equal to 100 gp per
mass troll flesh* warlock level at which the demon becomes available
as an optional companion. The options for demonic
WARLOCK companion (and the minimum warlock level required
Alignment: Any non-good. to bind one) are imp (1st), fel imp (2nd), voidwalker
Affiliation: Any. (3rd), voidlord (4th), succubus (5th), shivarra (6th), fel
Hit Die: d6. hunter (7th), observer (8th), felguard (9th), and
wrathguard (10th).
Requirements Fel Connection: The warlock's reliance on fel
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Knowledge magic is very similar to certain other classes'
(planes) 4 ranks. connections with demons. A warlock may count half
Feats: Fel Spell. his levels as sorcerer levels for the purposes of
Languages: Demonic. determining arcana and powers from the abyssal, fel*,
Spells: Ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells, or infernal bloodlines.
including at least one conjuration (summoning) spell. Sense Demon (Sp): Warlocks' connection with
demons allow them to sense their presence. A warlock
may use sense demon* as a spell-like ability at will.
Class Skills
However, a warlock is also detected by sense demon as
The warlock's class skills (and the key ability for each)
a demon with HD equal to his warlock class levels.
are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Fel Infusion (Su): At 2nd level, a warlock learns
Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana)
the intricacies of how to draw upon the fel energy of
(Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).
the Twisting Nether. While casting a spell, he may take
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
damage in order to apply any number of metamagic
feats he has to the spell without increasing its casting
Class Features time or spell slot level. One of these feats must always
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Warlocks do not be Fel Spell.
gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies. The amount of damage the warlock takes when
Spells: At the indicated levels, a warlock gains new using this ability is equal to the slot level that the spell
spells per day as if he had also gained a level in an

would normally take after all metamagic feats have Class Level: This is the warlock's class level plus
been applied. The warlock may not apply metamagic his highest arcane caster level. This does not stack
feats that would cause the spell to use a slot higher with class levels that grant an animal companion.
than the highest level of spell he can cast. Additionally, HD: A demonic companion has 10-sided (d10) Hit
damage does not force the warlock to make a Dice.
concentration check while using this ability to cast a BAB: This is the companion's base attack bonus.
spell unless using this ability would lower his hit Demonic companions do not gain additional attacks
points to below 0. This concentration check is using natural weapons for a high base attack bonus.
determined normally, however if the warlock fails this Saving Throws: A demonic companion has good
check, he only takes half damage from this ability Reflex and Will saves.
(rounded up), but still suffers all the other usual effects Skills: Multiply the listed value by 3 to determine
of a failed concentration check. the companion's skill ranks. If the companion
Even spellcasters who prepare spells each day (like increases its Intelligence to 14 or higher, it gains bonus
a wizard) may use this ability to spontaneously apply skill ranks as normal. Demonic companions can have
metamagic feats to his spells, however it only applies ranks in any skill; its class skills are Acrobatics, Bluff,
to feats added spontaneously, and not any feats that Craft, Fly, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (planes),
may have been applied while the spellcaster was Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Stealth. A
preparing their spells that day. demonic companion cannot have more ranks in a skill
Summon Demon (Sp): At 3rd-level, the warlock than it has Hit Dice.
gains the ability to summon a demon from the Feats: A demonic companion may select any feat
Twisting Nether once per day. This ability functions as for which it qualifies.
summon monster I with the following changes. The Bonus Tricks: This indicates when a demonic
duration is determined by the warlock's highest arcane companion gains its choice of another one of its
spell-casting class plus his warlock levels that increase special abilities.
his spells per day (ex. Klaud is a 7th-level Alternate Form: An imp with this ability may
sorcerer/3rd-level warlock so he may summon a choose one additional Tiny, Small, or Medium animal
demon for 9 rounds). The warlock may choose any form as if using beast shape II. Each time the imp
demon with a CR equal to his warlock class levels. At selects this ability, it gains a new alternate form.
6th level, and again at 9th, the warlock gains an Spell-Like Ability: An imp companion might choose
additional use of this ability per day. any one of the following spells to add to its list of at-
Demonic Metamorphosis (Su): At 10th level, a will spell-like abilities: bleed, deathwatch, detect evil,
warlock's being so wholly infused with fel power. detect law, doom, ghost sound, mage hand, message,
Once per day, he may transform into a fearsome, open/close, or prestidigitation. Alternatively, it may
demonic entity. For a number of rounds per day equal choose to add any one of the following spells to its list
to the ability modifier of his highest-level spellcasting of 1/day spell-like abilities: curse water, floating disk,
class, he gains fast healing 3, DR 10/good and silver, a grease, hold portal, identify, silent image, unseen
+4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution, servant, or ventriloquism.
and a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor. Telepathy: An imp gains telepathy with a range of
Additionally, he gains the benefits of the glideAPG spell, 50 feet, allowing it to communicate with any
and gains a claw attack that deals 1d6 damage and is intelligent creature.
treated as magic and evil for the purposes of Link: This is identical to a wizard's empathic link
overcoming damage reduction. Finally, he may cast with his familiar.
shadow bolt each round as a spell-like ability. Share Spells: This works like the wizard's familiar
ability rather than the druid animal companion ability.
A warlock's demonic companion increases in power WARLOCK SPELL LIST
as the warlock gains levels according to Table 3–8: The warlock draws power from fel, demonic
Animal Companion Base Statistics in the Pathfinder powers. Add the following spells to the class spell list
RPG Core Rulebook, with the following changes. of any arcane spellcasting class the warlock had before
Additionally, the warlock only counts the class levels taking levels in this prestige class, and may prepare
at which the demon is an option when calculating its and cast them normally even if the spell is from a
demonic companion abilities and bonuses. For forbidden school. Arcane spell-casting classes that
example, a 5th-level warlock with a voidwalker cannot cast 0-level spells may prepare the following 0-
demonic companion is treated as a 3rd-level warlock level spells as 1st-level spells. Classes that cannot cast
when determining the bonuses gained from Table 3–8. spells higher than 4th-level may select one spell of

Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +1 +0 +1 Ward craft –
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Shaka brew +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
3rd +1 +2 +1 +2 Bad juju –
4th +2 +2 +1 +2 Voodoo weapon +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
5th +2 +3 +2 +3 Doom rattle –
6th +3 +3 +2 +3 Bambe brew +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
7th +3 +4 +2 +4 Heap bad juju –
8th +4 +4 +3 +4 – +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
9th +4 +5 +3 +5 Zuvembi brew –
10th +5 +5 +3 +5 Death rattle +1 level of arcane spellcasting class

6th-level or lower each time they gain a level that immolation*, magic circle against
grants them additional 4th-level spells per day, and add chaos/evil/good/law, phantom steed (steed also has the
that spell to their spell list as a 4th-level spell, however fiendish simple template), searing pain*, shadow bolt
he may only prepare or cast one of these spells per 4th – arcane eye, bestow curse, death coil
day. Classes that cannot cast spells higher than 6th- (greater)*, dimension door, dimensional anchor,
level may select one spell of up to 9th-level each time dismissal, drain life*, drain soul*, fear, life tap*,
they gain a level that grants them additional 6th-level planar binding (lesser) (as an evil spell only), rain of
spells per day, and add that spell to their spell list as a fire*
6th-level spell, however he may only prepare or cast 5th – contact other plane, curse of shadow*, curse
one of these spells per day. of the elements*, demon skin (greater)*, shadow bolt
0 – acid splash (greater)*
1st – cause fear, corruption*, demon skin (lesser)*, 6th – banishment, planar binding (as an evil spell
mount (summons a fiendish warhorse), shadow bolt only), plane shift, soulstone*
(lesser)* 7th – call infernal*, dark metamorphosis*
2nd – darkness, death coil (lesser)*, demon skin*, 8th – destruction, hellfire*, planar binding
orb of annihilation* (greater) (as an evil spell only), shadowburn*
3rd – death coil*, death pact*, deeper darkness, 9th – astral projection, death and decay*, soul bind

SPECIFIC MAGIC WEAPONS check. Success allows him to continue seeing the
wearer of embrace of the twisting nether, thereby
ending its etherealness.
Embrace of the Twisting Nether CONSTRUCTION
Aura Strong transmutation; CL 18th Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ethereal
Slot armor; Price 111,150 gp; Weight 40 jaunt, invisibility; Cost 55,725 gp
This +2 shadow chainmail is made of a strange, dark SPECIFIC MAGIC WEAPONS
metal. Sometimes, when viewed out of the corner of
one's eye, the links of this armor seem to flicker with Annihilator
softly glowing tendrils of green smoke. It functions as Aura strong evocation; CL 15th
chainmail, except that it has a spell failure chance of Slot none; Price 310 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
20%, its maximum Dexterity bonus is +4, and its DESCRIPTION
armor check penalty is -2. This wicked-looking, dark purple +2 battleaxe
When the wearer of embrace of the twisting nether becomes stronger when wielded against heavily
cannot be seen (either through being invisible, behind armored foes. Against enemies wearing medium
cover, or with a successful Stealth check against all armor, its enhancement bonus increases to +3, and
others who could see him, including allies), he against enemies wearing heavy armor, its enhancement
becomes ethereal (as the ethereal jaunt spell), and bonus increases to +4. On a successful critical hit
does not suffer the armor's speed penalty. As long as against a foe wearing armor, that foe loses its armor
the wearer is ethereal, he must continue to make bonus to AC for one round. The target must be
Stealth checks against all potential observers as if he benefiting from their armor's bonus in order for this
were not invisible, but can hide in plain sight (as the effect to occur, so if an annihilator scores a critical hit
ranger class feature). He gains a +5 circumstance against a foe wearing armor, but already suffering
bonus on Stealth checks while ethereal, but if he fails a from the axe's effect, the ability is not triggered.
Stealth check, the ethereal effect immediately ends, CONSTRUCTION
and he cannot become ethereal again until he is no Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ; Cost
longer being observed. 310 gp
Other ethereal creatures that see the wearer do not
end the ethereal effect, however the wearer cannot Arcanite Reaper
hide in plain sight from them, unless he has the ability Aura no aura (nonmagical); CL –
from another source that does apply. If an ethereal Slot none; Price 320 gp; Weight 12 lbs.
creature can see the wearer, and ends its ethereal DESCRIPTION
effect, he may immediately make a DC 20 Perception This nonmagical greataxe is made out of arcanite. As a
masterwork weapon, it has a +1 enhancement bonus
Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Save Save Save Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Demonic companion, fel connection, –
sense demon
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Fel infusion +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +2 Summon demon 1/day +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
4th +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
5th +2 +2 +2 +3 +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
6th +3 +2 +2 +3 Summon demon 2/day +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
7th +3 +2 +2 +4 +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
8th +4 +3 +3 +4 +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
9th +4 +3 +3 +5 Summon demon 3/day +1 level of arcane spellcasting class
10th +5 +3 +3 +5 Demonic metamorphosis +1 level of arcane spellcasting class

on attack rolls. Slot none; Price 47,560 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
Black Grasp of the Destroyer This +1 holy battleaxe is inlaid with golden lines
Aura strong abjuration; CL 18th stretching from the haft to the blade, reminiscent of a
Slot hands; Price 63,302 gp; Weight 1 lb. sunburst. In the hands of a good-aligned divine
DESCRIPTION spellcaster, it glows with a warm light (as a torch)
This heavy steel gauntlet has runes carved into the when undead are within 60 ft. Additionally, it bypasses
knuckles and on the back of the hand. This +1 up to 5 points of any undead's damage reduction, and
gauntlet allows the wearer to dispel magic with a on a successful critical hit against an undead creature,
touch. Only the targeted version of dispel magic is emits a brilliant light (as the daylight spell), dazing all
possible. undead within 15 feet, and dealing an extra 1d6 points
CONSTRUCTION of damage to the undead struck.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dispel CONSTRUCTION
magic; Cost 31,302 gp Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, daylight,
detect undead, disrupt undead, holy smite; Cost
Blight 23,935 gp
Aura strong necromancy [evil]; CL 12th
Slot none; Price 48,310 gp; Weight 12 lbs. Hammer of the Titans
DESCRIPTION Aura strong evocation; CL 15th
On a successful hit, this +1 ranseur can infect its Slot none; Price 20,340 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
target with a random disease, as if the target were DESCRIPTION
Once per day, this heavy +1 thundering greathammer
subject to a contagion spell with a save DC equal to 14
plus the weapon damage dealt. may be swung hard at the ground. The wielder rolls for
CONSTRUCTION damage and stuns all opponents within 10 feet who fail
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, a Fortitude save (DC equal 10 + the damage rolled) for
contagion; Cost 24,310 gp one round.
Brainsplinter Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Aura overwhelming abjuration; CL 22nd thunderclap; Cost 10,340 gp
Slot none; Price 150,302 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This long, vicious +3 dagger forces spellcasters struck Aura moderate conjuration; CL 11th
by it to roll concentration checks every time they Slot none; Price 24,815 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
attempt to cast a spell for 1d6 rounds, as if they were DESCRIPTION
damaged while casting. The check DC is calculated as This +1 ghost touch longsword has an elegant, but
it would be from the damage brainsplinter dealt to strangely transparent blade. A creature struck by the
trigger this effect. phantom blade may not turn invisible or go ethereal
If the spellcaster is struck again by brainsplinter for 1 round. Creatures that are already invisible or
while under this effect, the effect “resets” for another ethereal may remain so, but if they cease being so,
1d6 rounds, using the new damage even if it is lower. they may not return until the effect is over.
For example, Saslen strikes a wizard, dealing 5 CONSTRUCTION
damage, and rolling a 4 for the effect's duration. The Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, plane
wizard must now make a concentration check with a shift, true seeing; Cost 12,565 gp
DC equal to 15 + the spell level for four rounds. On
the following round, Saslen strikes the wizard again, The Planar Edge
dealing 3 damage and rolling a 2 for the effect's Aura strong conjuration; CL 18th
duration. The wizard now only needs to make a DC Slot none; Price 310 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
equal to 13 + the spell level, and the effect has been DESCRIPTION
shortened to two rounds. Once per day, the wielder of this +2 battleaxe may use
CONSTRUCTION it to carve open a hole in reality, creating a portal to
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dispel another plane. This functions as the planar travel part
magic; Cost 75,302 gp of the gate spell (creatures may not be called), except
that the portal lasts for 1d8 rounds, and does not
Dawn's Edge require concentration to remain open.
Aura strong evocation [good]; CL 13th

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, gate; handle is mottled to suggest clouds and rain.
Cost 310 gp The stormhammer is a +1 shock dwarven battle
hammer. The wielder can swing the hammer can cause
Sageblade a copy of the weapon to appear and fly toward the
Aura strong evocation (plus aura of stored target, allowing him to use it as a ranged weapon as
spell); CL 15th well. When used in this way, the battle hammer has a
Slot none; Price 18,310 gp; Weight 2 lbs. range increment of 30 feet and a maximum range of 10
DESCRIPTION range increments (300 feet). The wielder is proficient
This +1 spell storing short sword grants its wielder a in this use of the weapon if he is proficient with the
+2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome a battle hammer as a one-handed melee weapon. The
creature's spell resistance. Additionally, if the wielder ranged copies function just like the hammer, and the
is an arcane spellcaster, she may use her Intelligence wielder adds her Strength bonus on damage rolls with
or Charisma modifier instead of Strength on her attack them. Since she does not have to draw ammunition,
and damage rolls with a sageblade. she can make more than one ranged attack with the
CONSTRUCTION hammer in a round, even if she does not have the
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Spell Quick Draw feat.
Penetration, magic weapon, creator must be an arcane CONSTRUCTION
caster of at least 15th level; Cost 9,310 gp Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
lightning bolt; Cost 14,220 gp
Saronite Mindcrusher
Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th SULFURON HAMMER
Slot none; Price 312 gp; Weight 8 lbs. Aura strong evocation; CL 15th
DESCRIPTION Slot none; Price gp; Weight lbs.
This ominous, black +2 vicious saronite* heavy mace DESCRIPTION
seems to emit a faint whispering to anyone who This heavy steel gauntlet has runes carved into the
possesses it for too long. On a successful critical hit, knuckles and on the back of the hand. This +1
the target takes 1 point of Intelligence and Charisma gauntlet allows the wearer to dispel magic with a
damage. The wielder receives a +4 bonus on rolls to touch. Only the targeted version of dispel magic is
confirm a critical hit against arcane spellcasters. possible.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dispel
feeblemind; Cost 312 gp magic; Cost 31,302 gp


Aura overwhelming evocation; CL 22nd Aura strong abjuration; CL 12th
Slot none; Price gp; Weight 4 lbs. Slot none; Price gp; Weight lbs.
This heavy steel gauntlet has runes carved This heavy steel gauntlet has runes carved
into the knuckles and on the back of the hand. This +1 into the knuckles and on the back of the hand. This +1
gauntlet allows the wearer to dispel magic with a gauntlet allows the wearer to dispel magic with a
touch. Only the targeted version of dispel magic is touch. Only the targeted version of dispel magic is
possible. possible.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, sirocco; Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dispel
Cost 31,302 gp magic; Cost 31,302 gp

Stormhammer STAVES
Aura moderate evocation; CL 11th
Slot none; Price 28,110 gp; Weight 9 lbs. KEY TO THE PLANES
Aura strong conjuration; CL 18th
The Wildhammer dwarves' signature weapon, this
Slot none; Price gp; Weight lbs.
dwarven battle hammer is beautifully crafted, with a DESCRIPTION
lightning bolt pattern carved into the polished wooden This heavy steel gauntlet has runes carved into the
haft and clouds and lightning etched into the faceted knuckles and on the back of the hand. This +1
metal head. Even the leather wrapped around the gauntlet allows the wearer to dispel magic with a

touch. Only the targeted version of dispel magic is Powers: Anathema and Benediction each have
possible. different abilities from each other. Anathema is a +3
CONSTRUCTION unholy quarterstaff while Benediction is a +3 holy
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dispel quarterstaff. Additionally, a good-aligned creature
magic; Cost 31,302 gp wielding Anathema takes 2d4 points of Wisdom
damage as long as the staff remains in his possession
WONDROUS ITEMS as Anathema, while evil-aligned creatures are similarly
affected by Benediction. This ability damage heals
QUILEN STATUETTE naturally if the staff is removed from the creature's
Aura overwhelming conjuration; CL 22nd possession, but is healed instantly if the staff is
Slot none; Price gp; Weight lbs. transformed into the appropriate one for that creature's
DESCRIPTION alignment (e.g. an evil-aligned creature turning
This heavy steel gauntlet has runes carved into the Benediction into Anathema). A neutral creature gains
knuckles and on the back of the hand. This +1 1d3 negative levels as long as either staff remains in
gauntlet allows the wearer to dispel magic with a his possession.
touch. Only the targeted version of dispel magic is An appropriately aligned cleric (evil for Anathema,
possible. and good for Benediction) who wields this staff may
CONSTRUCTION channel energy as a cleric one level higher.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, dispel magic; Additionally, the staff may be used to cast certain
Cost 31,302 gp spells as other magical staves do.
Anathema allows the use of the following spells:
UMBRELLA OF CHI-JI • death knell (1 charge)
Aura overwhelming transmutation; CL • deeper darkness (1 charge)
22nd • desecrate (1 charge)
Slot none; Price gp; Weight lbs. • inflict moderate wounds (1 charge)
• harm (2 charges)
This heavy steel gauntlet has runes carved into the
• inflict moderate wounds, mass (2 charges)
knuckles and on the back of the hand. This +1
• unhallow (2 charges)
gauntlet allows the wearer to dispel magic with a
touch. Only the targeted version of dispel magic is • blasphemy (3 charges)
possible. • unholy aura (3 charges)
CONSTRUCTION Benediction allows the use of the following spells:
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, dispel magic; • consecrate (1 charge)
Cost 31,302 gp • cure moderate wounds (1 charge)
• daylight (1 charge)
Wisp Amulet • restoration (1 charge)
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th • cure moderate wounds, mass (2 charges)
Slot neck; Price gp; Weight 1 lbs. • hallow (2 charges)
• heal (2 charges)
Once per day, the wearer of this amulet may transform
• holy aura (3 charges)
into a wisp for up to 1 minute. This is a polymorph
effect. • holy word (3 charges)
CONSTRUCTION Finally, an appropriately aligned cleric may
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, polymorph; consume all remaining charges in the staff to release
Cost 31,302 gp an overwhelming burst of holy or unholy energy. This
functions as channeling energy as a cleric three levels
higher than the wielder, but with affecting all creatures
ARTIFACTS within 100 feet of the wielder, and damage and healing
are maximized. Anathema damages all living creatures
Anathema & Benediction and outsiders with the good subtype, and heals all
Description: Anathema and Benediction undead and outsiders with the evil subtype, while
are actually a single staff. Wielded by many Benediction heals all living creatures and outsiders
powerful priests throughout the ages, with the good subtype, and damages all undead and
Anathema and Benediction have absorbed a bit of outsiders with the evil subtype. The wielder may
every one of their wielders. choose whether or not he is affected by this ability.

After using this ability, the staff does not regain any of Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in one's
its charges for one week, and is treated as a +1 possession grants a +2 alchemical bonus to one ability
quarterstaff during this time. score (chosen upon creation of the stone), and a +5
To transform the staff from one of its aspects into alchemical bonus to Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per
the other, a cleric of the appropriate alignment (e.g. week, it may be used to transmute up to one pound of
good-aligned in order to transform it from Anathema any metal into one pound of gold.
into Benediction) must perform a ritual that takes 24
hours and requires sacred incenses and oils costing PUZZLE BOX OF YOGG-SARON
50,000 gp. At the end of the ritual, the staff transforms Description: This impossibly round stone
into the appropriate aspect with all its charges and is a bit smaller than a fist, and has a certain
abilities. opalescent quality. It seems to glow very
faintly with a pale, inner light.
ATIESH, GREATSTAFF OF THE Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in one's
GUARDIAN possession grants a +2 alchemical bonus to one ability
Description: This impossibly round stone score (chosen upon creation of the stone), and a +5
is a bit smaller than a fist, and has a certain alchemical bonus to Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per
opalescent quality. It seems to glow very faintly with a week, it may be used to transmute up to one pound of
pale, inner light. any metal into one pound of gold.
Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in one's
possession grants a +2 alchemical bonus to one ability SHADOWMOURNE
score (chosen upon creation of the stone), and a +5 Description: This impossibly round stone
alchemical bonus to Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per is a bit smaller than a fist, and has a certain
week, it may be used to transmute up to one pound of opalescent quality. It seems to glow very
any metal into one pound of gold. faintly with a pale, inner light.
Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in one's
DRAGONWRATH, possession grants a +2 alchemical bonus to one ability
TARECGOSA'S REST score (chosen upon creation of the stone), and a +5
Description: This impossibly round stone alchemical bonus to Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per
is a bit smaller than a fist, and has a certain week, it may be used to transmute up to one pound of
opalescent quality. It seems to glow very faintly with a any metal into one pound of gold.
pale, inner light.
Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in one's STAFF OF SORCERER-THANE
possession grants a +2 alchemical bonus to one ability THAURISSAN
score (chosen upon creation of the stone), and a +5 Description:
alchemical bonus to Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in
week, it may be used to transmute up to one pound of one's possession grants a +2 alchemical
any metal into one pound of gold. bonus to one ability score (chosen upon
creation of the stone), and a +5 alchemical bonus to
GOLAD, TWILIGHT OF ASPECTS Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per week, it may be
Description: used to transmute up to one pound of any metal into
Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in one pound of gold.
one's possession grants a +2 alchemical
bonus to one ability score (chosen upon SULFURAS, HAND OF RAGNAROS
creation of the stone), and a +5 alchemical bonus to Description:
Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per week, it may be Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in
used to transmute up to one pound of any metal into one's possession grants a +2 alchemical
one pound of gold. bonus to one ability score (chosen upon
creation of the stone), and a +5 alchemical bonus to
HEADDRESS OF THE FIRST SHAMAN Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per week, it may be
Description: This impossibly round stone used to transmute up to one pound of any metal into
is a bit smaller than a fist, and has a certain one pound of gold.
opalescent quality. It seems to glow very
faintly with a pale, inner light. THORIDAL, THE STARS' FURY

Description: This impossibly round stone is a bit KINGS
smaller than a fist, and has a certain opalescent quality.
Description: This impossibly round stone
It seems to glow very faintly with a pale, inner light.
is a bit smaller than a fist, and has a certain
Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in one's
opalescent quality. It seems to glow very
possession grants a +2 alchemical bonus to one ability
faintly with a pale, inner light.
score (chosen upon creation of the stone), and a +5
Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in one's
alchemical bonus to Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per
possession grants a +2 alchemical bonus to one ability
week, it may be used to transmute up to one pound of
score (chosen upon creation of the stone), and a +5
any metal into one pound of gold.
alchemical bonus to Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per
week, it may be used to transmute up to one pound of
THUNDERFURY, BLESSED BLADE OF any metal into one pound of gold.
Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in Description: This impossibly round stone
one's possession grants a +2 alchemical is a bit smaller than a fist, and has a certain
bonus to one ability score (chosen upon opalescent quality. It seems to glow very
creation of the stone), and a +5 alchemical bonus to faintly with a pale, inner light.
Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per week, it may be Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in one's
used to transmute up to one pound of any metal into possession grants a +2 alchemical bonus to one ability
one pound of gold. score (chosen upon creation of the stone), and a +5
alchemical bonus to Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per
TIRIOSH, NIGHTMARE OF AGES week, it may be used to transmute up to one pound of
Description: any metal into one pound of gold.
Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in
one's possession grants a +2 alchemical ZIN'ROKH, DESTROYER OF WORLDS
bonus to one ability score (chosen upon Description:
creation of the stone), and a +5 alchemical bonus to Powers: Having a philosopher's stone in
Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per week, it may be one's possession grants a +2 alchemical
used to transmute up to one pound of any metal intobonus to one ability score (chosen upon
one pound of gold. creation of the stone), and a +5 alchemical bonus to
Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per week, it may be
VAL'ANYR, HAMMER OF ANCIENT used to transmute up to one pound of any metal into
one pound of gold.



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