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Eons 03 - OLD, Races - Night Elves

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the face of treachery

the moonlight. Their eyes are full of
cruelty and deceit. They stalk the night,
at one with the darkness - assassins,
necromancers and foul priests. The night
elves are rightly feared in all civilized lands,
and their spired citadels given wide berth.
Night elves are steeped in treachery; lies
and deception are, to them, as natural as
breathing. Life itself has little value, and the
lives of inferior races have none.
Night elves, like their grand elf cousins,
were once no different to the sylvan elves of
the woods and forests. When the sorcery and
gunpowder cities of the grand elves arose,
the night elves were but a prominent house.
Politics, divisions, and rivalries took their
course, and night elves today live apart from
their cousins, feared and hated.
Lovers of darkness, worshipers of the
moon, night elves are tall, thin, and have
pale, white skin the color of milk. Their eyes
are coal-black, and their hair - when not
decorated or dyed - is the purest white.
Stealth, treachery, betrayal, and deception
are the night elves' way of life. A night elf
would stab a parent or sibling in the back for
the slightest gain.
Evil has a face, and it is the night elf.

writing Russ Morrissey

color art Savage Mojo
layout Eric Life-Putnam

The Face of Treachery: Night Elves
Night Elves As Player
Night elf characters have the following racial
The well-known cliche of the exile from an evil
race adventuring on the side of good is not the
only way a night elf might fit into a campaign as
Size: Medium
a player character. Here are a few other options.
Attributes: AGI +1, INT +1, CHA +1, MAG +1
Evil PCs. An option best left to experienced
Skill choices: stealth, alchemy, thievery, bluffing,
GMs, an evil-themed campaign can be fun. If all
insight, swords, creation
of the PCs are night elves (or some other mix of
evil races), a rewarding adventure can be had. The
Exploits difficulty with these campaigns is party cohesion
Fey. Elves of all types are considered fey. as players backstab each other; it is a good idea to
Darksight. Night elves have superior find some reason why that should not happen.
darksight, able to see in darkness as though it Ex-evil PC. Perhaps the night elf was, indeed,
were daylight. once a cold-hearted killer, but something
Night affinity. All night elves know the secret happened. Maybe a serious injury caused
of shadow. amnesia, or a powerful enchantment
Deceitful. When night elves make CHA fundamentally altered his personality.
checks to deceive, the dice pool is considered They're not so bad. While the default night elf
an exploding dice pool. is pure evil, the GM is, of course, in charge of her
Poisoners. Accustomed to handling poison, own setting. Perhaps in your world night elves
night elves have a natural SOAK 10 (poison) aren't evil?
Brought up by good guys. An abandoned night
elf child brought up by kindly smallfolk might
Names grow up to be a good soul, unaware of the
Night elves typically have single syllable names reputation of his biological kin.
such as Ssoth, Karth, Vish, or Krin. They have no
other names, and every night elf has a unique Night Elves As Villains
name - no name is ever repeated.
Night elves make excellent villains and foes.
Usually encountered alone, or in small bands of
2-4 members led by a magister, night elves are
Night elves do not live as long as their sylvan and
expert ambushers and assassins. They are rarely
grand kin. A night elf reaches adulthood at the
seen in the open, at least during daylight hours,
age of 30, and becomes old at the age of 100.
for they are reviled and feared.
Most night elves are armed with high quality
New Trait rapiers and leather armor covered in looser fitting
Added to the list of traits derived from high or robes or loose tunics. Their dress sense tends to
low attributes is the following trait, available to the flamboyant, with blacks, reds, and greens
characters as a high REP trait. being common color choices.
Cruel. You are unusually sadistic. You gain The next page contains a pair of useful stat
+1d6 to any interrogation attempts, even if you blocks. The first is for the rank-and-file night
do not carry out your sinister threats. elves; the second is for the more powerful night
elf magisters.

The Face of Treachery: Night Elves || EEONS MAGAZINE

Medium sentient evil fey humanoid Medium sentient evil fey humanoid
[shadow] (7d6) [shadow] (8d6)

Pale, wicked elves steeped in treachery. Cruel night elf commanders.

STR 4 (2d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 6 (3d6) STR 6 (3d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 10 (4d6)
INT 10 (4d6) LOG 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6) CHA 10 INT 10 (4d6) LOG 10 (4d6) WIL 6 (3d6) CHA 12
(4d6) LUC 3 (2d6) REP 0 (0d6) (4d6) LUC 3 (2d6) REP 6 (3d6) MAG 10 (4d6)

SOAK 6 (high quality leather), 10 (poison); SOAK 12 (mithril shirt), 10 (poison);


PERCEPTION 7d6; superior darksight PERCEPTION 7d6; superior darksight
SPEED 9; CLIMB 5; JUMP 20'/4' SPEED 10; CLIMB 5; JUMP 20'/6'
CARRY 100lb (max lift 200lb) CARRY 160lb (max lift 300lb)

High quality rapier 7d6 (2d6+3 piercing damage; High quality rapier 7d6 (2d6+3 piercing damage;
blinding poison) blinding poison)

Skills stealth 10 (4d6), bluffing 6 (3d6), perception 6 Skills stealth 10 (4d6), bluffing 6 (3d6), perception 6
(3d6), running 6 (3d6), climbing 6 (3d6), reactions 6 (3d6), running 6 (3d6), tactics 10 (4d6), swords 6
(3d6), dodging 6 (3d6), swords 6 (3d6) (3d6), compulsion 6 (3d6), creation 6 (3d6)
Gear high quality rapier, high quality leather
armor Gear high quality rapier, mithril shirt

Poison. Night elves poison their rapiers with a Poison. Night elves poison their rapiers with a
blinding poison. Any target hit by the rapier is blinding poison. Any target hit by the rapier is
pushed one stage down the Blindness status track. pushed one stage down the Blindness status track.
Night elves are immune to this poison. Night elves are immune to this poison.

Command (1). Once per turn as a single action, a

Magister Magic magister can issue a one-word command to a
Night elf magisters are known for their powerful creature who can hear and understand him. This
compulsion magic. Not only do they have the requires a mental attack, and if successful the target
innate power to command other beings, they are obeys the command to the best of its ability.
also able to use magic in the more traditional way.
A night elf magister has a MAG attribute of 10 Invisibility (1). As a free action a magister can
(4d6), 30 MP, and compulsion and creation skills of 6 become invisible until the start of its next turn. If it
(3d6). The magister knows the secrets of shadow and spends its first action next turn maintaining the
humanoids, granting a range of spells to use on effect, it can remain invisible. The magister cannot
targets, focusing on compel person and create shadow spend more than one hour per day invisible, and
effects. cannot remain invisible if at half HEALTH or less.

EONS MAGAZINE | The Face of Treachery: Night Elves

Blinding Poison (1,000gc) Despite their cruelty, magisters are extremely
charismatic. A magister's mere presence can cow a
Night elves are known for their blinding
crowd, and where their charisma fails, their
poison. A secret alchemical substance, its
reputation more than makes up for it.
method of creation is known to but a few; it is
A magister is always referred to as such - Magister
known to scholars, however, that a gorgon's
Vrin, Magister Ssoth, and so on.
blood is part of the recipe.
Night elf blinding poison is applied to an
edged weapon. It takes one minute to apply Night Elf Citadels
the poison thoroughly, and it lasts for one The citadels of the night elves are tall, spired
hour before needing reapplication. Most settlements, usually found in remote, cold regions,
night elf assassins carry up to three doses of and often containing hundreds or thousands of night
the poison on their person. elves. Usually ruled by a religious figure, night elf
When an edged weapon with the poison society is a theocracy. Night elf citadels are
applied successfully cuts a foe (does 1 or independent, and answer to nobody.
more damage, after SOAK), the target is Citadels vary in size. Most are made of a pale white
pushed one stage down the Sight/Blindness stone known as moonstone, which is highly resistant
status track. The first strike makes the target's to magic. In the moonlight, this stone takes on an
sight fuzzy, with subsequent strikes pushing almost ethereal appearance.
it through bleary, half-blind, and blind. The It is very rare that a somebody other than a night
difficulty to shake off the effect is Difficult elf would ever be permitted entry into a citadel,
[16]. except as a slave. Even emissaries and diplomats
The blinding poison does not affect night (and there are very few of those) treat outside the
elves. walls of a night elf citadel, and the interior of such a
Night elf blinding poison costs 1,000gc per place is the stuff of mystery and rumor.

Night Elf Magisters

Night elf magisters are higher ranking
members of night elf society. Within their
citadels, magisters occupy the roles of priests,
police and dispensers of justice - this justice
takes place on-the-spot, and is solely down to
the discretion of the magister in question, who
is judge, jury and - likely - executioner.
Outside the night elf citadels, magisters lead
small groups of night elves. While the race is
prone to the chaos of barbaric raids or
banditry, groups are sometimes sent out with
specific missions of assassination or some
other political goal. In some cases, squads
venture forth in pursuit of an escaped slave or

The Face of Treachery: Night Elves || EEONS MAGAZINE

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