E.C.S KG Primary School Grade 1 Math's 3 Quarter Not
E.C.S KG Primary School Grade 1 Math's 3 Quarter Not
E.C.S KG Primary School Grade 1 Math's 3 Quarter Not
S KG Primary School
Grade 1 Math’s 3rd quarter not
There are seven /7/ days in one week.
There are thirty /30/ days in one moth.
There are four/4/weeks in one month.
There are 52/fifty two/ weeks in one year.
There are 365 /three hundred sixty five/ days in one year.
There are 12/ twelve/ months in one years.
-30m’past 3 or
- half past 3 3:30
-15m’ to 4 3: 45
Quarter to 4 or
45m’past 3
ማ ር
1. ስስ
2. ማር
3. ስማ
4. ስር
1. ___________
ሳ ራ 2. ___________
3. ___________
ፋ ስ
4. ___________
ታ ክ
ለ. ሲ
1. ___________
2. ___________
ኮ ዳ 3. ____________
4. ___________________
ን ብ
ሐ. 1. _______________
ለ ገ
2. ________________
ስ ፋ
3. _________________
4. _________________
መ. 1. __________________
ድ መ ት
ስ ጣ ራ 2. __________________
ት ስ 3. ___________________
4. ___________________
ጥምር ቃላት
- ጥምር ቃል የምንለው ሁለት የተለያዩ ቃላትን በጋራ በማድረግ ወይም በማጣመር የሚፈጠር የተለየ ቃል ነው፡፡
ነገር ግን ሁሉንም ቃላት በማጣመር ጥምር ቃላትን መመስረት አይቻልም ከተወሰኑ ቃላት ውጪ፡፡
ምሳሌ - የእንጀራ እናት - ጉድጓድ ቆፋሪ
- ገዳም ሰፈር - ግብ አግቢ
- አየር መንገድ - እንጀራ ጋጋሪ
- ጤና ጣቢያ - ዜና አንባቢ
- አውራ ዶሮ - ደንብ አስከባሪ
- ጎጆ ቤት - ስርዓት አክባሪ
- ሻይ ቤት - ዶሮ አርቢ
በምሳሌው መሰረት በ “ሀ” ስር ያሉትን ከ” ለ” ስር ካሉት ጋር በማዛመድ ጥምር ቃላትን መስርቱ፡፡
“ሀ” “ለ”
_______1. ቆዳ ሀ. አጥፊ
_______2. ልጅ ለ. አስላፊ
_______3. ጥፋት ሐ. አሳዳጊ
_______4. ጥሩንባ መ. ገፈፋ
_______5. ሰልፍ ሠ. ነፋ
1. List 3 fruits . 1 _________ 2 _________ 3 _________
2. List 2 vegetable . 1 ________ 2 ____________
3. List 3 drinks 1 _________ 2__________ 3__________
4. When you eat your breakfast? __________________
5. When you eat your launch? _______________________
6. When you eat your dinner? _______________________
Choose the correct answer
7. Which one of the following is different from the other.
A. Tomato B. potato C. carrot D. Apple
8. Which one is not fruit
A. Mango B. egg C. potato D. none
9. Which one is fruit
A. Mango B. egg C. potato D. none
10. We use _______ for things that we love it or want
A. Dislike B. do not like C. like D. All